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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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@sooyoungdaebak GIRRRL~ thank you for your time and efforts in making these gifs...:tounge_xd: I don't know how many time I inappropriately LOLed in public today because of you! 

To all of us currently residing in #mentalhospitalwithabigscreentvsowecanallwatchGYandGEbeingloveydovey today has been a pretty good day with GE singing clip! I am very happy she is enjoying her free time and not letting crazy keyboard &$@!@ to affect her. 

Our ship is strong and united! All these baseless rumours can go die expect about her ahembreakupahem #sorrynotsorry then maybe in a few months (i am in this for the long haul) there will be happy news for our ship~~ 

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34 minutes ago, ghosthunt said:

KES is like: Yeah, yeah I ate food made by him once, and it was YUMMY! Lucky gal!

and Wookie on the other hand: Gah!!! He is too perfect, I give up!

And YIN going, LDW sshi never cook for me! Huh, and he wants to date me? Hah!

Add: @nearsea I love it!!! 

@ribbonbii Kekekeke...you're hilarious!! I'm sure strangers around you must be jealous to see you so happy!! Power of GongEun couple!


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Sometimes I read postings from haters and overzealous fans alike and I just cringe. I'm sure that 95% of them posting stuff on the internet would not have the guts to say that to the face of the person that they are talking about. It's like they forget that they're talking about actual human beings, so they feel free to say whatever irrational bulls**t they want. Netizienbuzz only translates hateful comments so I usually read anything from them expecting it to be hateful. I do have to say though that some of the posts that were translated seem as though in a rush to be judgmental the posters forgot all common sense. 

[+86, -7] No one would really be stupid enough... trashy enough... to break up with someone and then put up a picture of their new lover like that so blatantly..

I'm not sure how that makes anyone stupid or trashy because just about everyone who's been a relationship and posted pics of the partner on their SNS don't hesitate to post pics of their new partner once their old relationship has ended. That poster probably has too. Also, all the people who were acting like the have some sort of ownership of GY need to have several seats. I would like to read the original blind item though, because that comment about it made it sound like either the best gossip or the best fanfiction ever written. 

KGE's singing voice is so sweet and soothing I'm just like 


@sooyoungdaebak your gifs are amazing. The words really match the images well. 

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9 hours ago, hinotori93 said:

You're not alone. All of us are going through withdrawal symptoms, some more than others. I get through mine by watching non-Kdramas (new Kdramas have failed to entice me so far). This was the same feeling I had with R1988 but with that Kdrama, I didn't feel the need to join the Soompi forums. Only Goblin and our OTP got me here.

We are fortunate to have this forum where we can collectively spazz and indulge our #delulu (and R18 thoughts for some hehe).



Similar with me. GongGo couple and the drama made me signed up for Soompi :D. Im sharing all the gifs here with my friends and when they dont care much about uri couple before, they are paying attention now :lol:

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8 minutes ago, madmonika said:

Presenting our brand new business line:lol:



(Mwahahaha, it's so tacky but I love these two so much!:D:D #goingbacktomentalhospital)


@madmonika , its waaaaaaaaaaay too precious and i dont have a heart to take it , what should i do with it if i get a jar of this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious honey ??? ..


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31 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:


Lol...things we say or tease our namchin just to hear what they are willing to do for us! Bahahaha....


**** Note: This gif is just for fun. Anyone takes it seriously can join us at mental hospital...:lol: *** 


Hahaha savage! @sooyoungdaebak :lol: two thumbs up for you nooo i think four thumbs up with toes! lol

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