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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

MH to herself: How far is she going to try to trouble me? How long is she going to bother me? 

wahaahaha i love watching MH getting all panicky and hysterical she shakes her face and body like someone in a trance.

5 hours ago, rikimaiu said:

He should be worrying how to get HR out from this toxic family. I thought he was a reformed man not letting MH to use HR to manipulate him but in front of Mdm. Kim he couldn't say a word in regards to HR ?

Getting HR out from that family is what's really on JW's mind. After watching him in yesterday's episode i can fully understand now what he was trying to do when he made that deal with Mdm Kim. He is willing to forego his revenge against Mdm Kim so that GO can be returned to HJ. I think it was more then him feeling guilty about his knowledge of GO earlier.  JW likes HJ but he thought that HJ's heart was with DY but now he was aware that DY is in a coma with zero probability of recovering, so i think he was thinking of going back to the time before MH brought up the issue of HR and he and HJ broke-up. JW may also be thinking far ahead where he, HJ, GO and HR can live together happily. In yesterday's episode i thought he look really happy to be going out to meet HJ, and he was telling Ms Seo how nice it will be if he and HJ will be having dinner that HJ's mom prepared and Ms Seo was mocking him. But that meeting was not meant to be, HJ went to find DY instead.

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14 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

wahaahaha i love watching MH getting all panicky and hysterical she shakes her face and body like someone in a trance.

Chingu @imgreatgal... I to was historical when I saw how scare she was to see HJ in her "HER HOUSE " Lol lol  hell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gifhell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif


16 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

JW may also be thinking far ahead where he, HJ, GO and HR can live together happily. In yesterday's episode i thought he look really happy to be going out to meet HJ, and he was telling Ms Seo how nice it will be if he and HJ will be having dinner that HJ's mom prepared and Ms Seo was mocking him. But that meeting was not meant to be, HJ went to find DY instead.

@imgreatgal... JW lost his chance the moment he betrayed her. The turning point for him where HJ would have been his if he wasn't involved and he was the one helping her find her son.  Th first he knew HJ's child was still alive and he kept it a secret,2 He stopped looking for her son, 3 he abandoned her when she needed him most. I knew he couldn't be trusted because for some reason, JW pities MH because of their past and knew How MH's mother raised her so coldly. 


Chingu's, One thing I find really creepy is that MH's mom IS SOOOOOO VERY PROUD OF THE DAUGHTER SHE RAISED. MH became a mini of her from the looks to personality. 

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2 hours ago, ross27 said:

, how did DY become so much thinner? It is a realistic portrayal of someone who has been in a coma, I guess, but for the actor how did he manage to slim down so much? Did he go on a crash diet?

I think he has always been on the thin side. When shown in a vest, he looked thin. The new hairstyle also slims down his face. 

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Unfortunately, the Stupid Secrets Saga enters yet another phase. Having been tipped off by Mme Seo about Little Nam, HJ corners Big Nam and forces him to produce the recording from his late brother's cellphone in which MJ orders him to stop at nothing to make sure DY and GO don't meet. But then HJ orders Nam not to tell DY about it.  As on earlier occasions, she's afraid that if he knew of MJ's direct responsibility, he would throw caution to the winds and blow his cover. Instead, HJ is going to handle this all by herself while keeping DY in the dark. That should be good for a another bunch of plot-stretching diversions and mishaps...

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Since i can't make out the dialogues in most of the earlier scenes in today's episode i'll just go to the juicy parts.

  • Jang is with GO at a restaurant, the lady in the restaurant recognize GO from the photo in HJ's interview. Jang became nervous and got up to leave, he calsl GO by his name and the lady instantly remembers the name.
  • MH was at a luncheon with a group of women, she was surprised when HJ entered later. Can't be sure of the dialogue here, but HJ was interviewing MH, she sets a recorder on the table. Much later at home she was listening to the recording (that was the scene in the teaser)
  • Ms Seo was with HJ, she tells him that the man whoe died in the accident was Big Nam's brother.
  • HJ then with Big Nam, she was asking him about his brother. He later handed her the recording from Namkiyun's phone
  • There is a scene of MH meeting Mdm Kim, it looks serious
  • HJ's listens to the recording, she later went to see DY
  • At the mansion, MH receives an audio recording of her instruction to Namkiyun - That was the cliffhanger
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In the preview, HJ asked (rather yelled at) Big Nam how could you betray DY?.  She got a recording of MH giving instructions to Little Nam. Then it is stupid secrets all over again. Thanks @baduy for the warning. Those 'don't tell' bits should be finished by now but Saint HJ, always thinking of others, underestimating their strength and intelligence, is at it again.


Thank you again @imgreatgal.

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1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:

Since i can't make out the dialogues in most of the earlier scenes in today's episode i'll just go to the juicy parts.


While HJ is with DY, JW has been trying in vain to phone her. Mme Seo says it's clear she stood him up, so he'd better get over it. But he says he needs to go over the to HJ's house to find out what's going on. He arrives at a very late hour, but HJ's mom welcomes him all the same.

SY, who was apparently about to turn in, comes back to the living room and embarrases JW by remarking that he  was supposed to have been going out with HJ that evening, so she obviously stood him up since she isn't home yet (she uses a different, equally colloquial, expression from Mme Seo in the previous scene: Korean has rather a lot of ways to express this apparently common occurrence)  Mom says that HJ messes HJ around like that because he's far too nice to her. Would JW like her to give her a scolding? JW half-jokes that that would be a good idea. And that's it for that scene.

So did JW just go away again? After a diversion via DY and MJ's house, where MJ is learning to her disquiet that her father-in-;law is intending to move back in there, we cut back to HJ now lying in her bed at home and giving DY a late-night phone call.  Could it be that DY's "He Walks The Night" costume and his dramatic weight loss indicate that he's spent the last few days digging a pair of tunnels to their rendevous spot, one from his rural retreat, the other from HJ's bedroom?   That would explain how HJ got home without bumping into JW, let alone being observed by the people who are supposedly watching her every move.

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2 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

The lady in the restaurant recognize GO from the photo in HJ's interview


Touchingly, she asks GO rather reproachfully whether he isn't aware that his Mommy is desperately looing for him, and GO replies ruefully that he doesn't have a Mommy.

Then we see MH asking her father whether his minions still haven't tracked Det Jang down yet. He replies that they've drawn a blank, apart from being sure that he's still in Korea somewhere. That means, MH surmises, that he's probably seen HJ's TV appearance by now, so how will he react to it?

Her father's professorial brain, despite assistance from the Siri-like device concealed in his bow ties, can't cope with that question, so he asks her a question in return: has HJ done anything else significant since her TV appearance? MJ assures him that she hasn't, thus proving that the tunnel system did its job.

But then she reflects that her father-in-law's decision to move  back in may indicate that he's up to something and that HJ may be behind whatever it is, as part of her threat to leave MH with no home, no possessions, and no-one in the world to turn to.

Her father then wants to know has MH discovered JW's plans yet. MH is puzzled by the query until her father reminds her of the extraordinary offer JW made to her mother and the potential weakness it reveal if it's really the case that JW was ready to abandon his revenge to gain HJ's favor.

That gives MH pause for thought, while, over at LJ HQ, JW is bringing a couple of coffees-to-go to HJ's office and attempting a spot of non-literal digging on his own behalf, but HJ is giving nothing away.  She seems to be very pleased about something, he says, though she doesn't actually look particularly pleased, [not surprising, seeing how her dresser has sprung another ghastly trick on her.  Paisley patterns might be OK on professorial bowties, but not across the entire  bodice of a dress, with yellow stripes on the sleeves to ensure maximum visual distress]. Since HJ goesn't rise to the bait, JW ventures that her better mood may have something to do with news of GO. She parries that by asking whether SY has been blabbing again, then switches the topic by asking isn't JW worried about HR's situation and future. That catches him off-balance, and now it's his turn to block and flannel.


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31 minutes ago, baduy said:

his rural retreat, the other from HJ's bedroom?   That would explain how HJ got home without bumping into JW, let alone being observed by the people who are supposedly watching her every move.

Does MH know where DY is? The maid is also at the retreat. Sitting upright and making phone calls would really blow his cover. HJ is keeping Little Nam's recording a secret but there she goes calling him and meeting him- again. Tsk tsk, the pony tail and awful power clothes are losing effect :lol:

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20 minutes ago, maribella said:

Does MH know where DY is? The maid is also at the retreat. Sitting upright and making phone calls would really blow his cover.

The retreat must have and underground bunker that the maid doesn't know about that is where DY is hole up and it leads to the tunnel that @baduy was talking about :lol:

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1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:

Since i can't make out the dialogues in most of the earlier scenes in today's episode i'll just go to the juicy parts.

  • Jang is with GO at a restaurant, the lady in the restaurant recognize GO from the photo in HJ's interview. Jang became nervous and got up to leave, he calsl GO by his name and the lady instantly remembers the name.
  • MH was at a luncheon with a group of women, she was surprised when HJ entered later. Can't be sure of the dialogue here, but HJ was interviewing MH, she sets a recorder on the table. Much later at home she was listening to the recording (that was the scene in the teaser)
  • Ms Seo was with HJ, she tells him that the man whoe died in the accident was Big Nam's brother.
  • HJ then with Big Nam, she was asking him about his brother. He later handed her the recording from Namkiyun's phone
  • There is a scene of MH meeting Mdm Kim, it looks serious
  • HJ's listens to the recording, she later went to see DY
  • At the mansion, MH receives an audio recording of her instruction to Namkiyun - That was the cliffhanger

@imgreatgal Thanks for todays summary.

Yes HJ is going to run MH batty with all those orders she bark at Lil Nam about things to do.. I hope she don't be dumb enough to get it snatch up from her.. I guess Big Nam is helping out because he feels guilty for not stopping his brother and his death.. We shall see if he's really about total revenge for the woman who order him to stop his boss from finding his son at all cost..

27 minutes ago, maribella said:

Does MH know where DY is? The maid is also at the retreat. Sitting upright and making phone calls would really blow his cover. HJ is keeping Little Nam's recording a secret but there she goes calling him and meeting him- again. Tsk tsk, the pony tail and awful power clothes are losing effect :lol:

@maribella  That belt HJ was sporting today. A fashion statement from the early 80's I Tell you I wonder did her wardrobe dept go to the thrift store for her.. That belt looks like asphalt for the indy 500..

I'm wondering do Jw really thinks that he HJ and the kids will become a family.. 

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The method seems to be that Big Nam calls MS at the retreat and says "Heads up! I'm on my way over." At that, MS says "Hey, Nursey! I hear there are some great one-day-only offers at a poultry market the other side of town on fresh-caught wild geese. How about we go chase some?"

Note the tell-tale signs of tunnel excavation from the front yard steps down to the sewer running along the highway...


Big Nam reports to DY that HJ has risen to the post of Chief Director with JW's support, and agrees that she must have put in a huge amount of effort to achieve that in such a short time. He goes on to tell DY about the TV news interview. He suggests that DY should take a look on the Internet. (Amazing that this so-called national sensation of an interview seems to have been overlooked by everyone with a massive stake in it). Then, after a little hesitation, Nam asks DY whether he trusts HJ. Her actions could be part of some devious plot. DY replies that she is an absolutely trustworthy person. "I see, sir" says Nam.

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46 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

@imgreatgal Thanks for todays summary.

Yes HJ is going to run MH batty with all those orders she bark at Lil Nam about things to do.. I hope she don't be dumb enough to get it snatch up from her.. I guess Big Nam is helping out because he feels guilty for not stopping his brother and his death.. We shall see if he's really about total revenge for the woman who order him to stop his boss from finding his son at all cost..

@maribella  That belt HJ was sporting today. A fashion statement from the early 80's I Tell you I wonder did her wardrobe dept go to the thrift store for her.. That belt looks like asphalt for the indy 500..

I'm wondering do Jw really thinks that he HJ and the kids will become a family.. 

A huge bow and now asphalt like belt. I think MH has something to do with it. Did you see  how well put MH's clothes are? She wears pant suits mostly, the colours are lovely and the fit is excellent. Of course she is supposed to have experience running a fashion house  not a food company, HJ is a high flyer in the food industry, so maybe she does not have time... lol, who am I kidding.

Big Nam helped MH with the recipe stealing that Lil Nam did. So now he cannot come clean about his brother without implicating himself. He is quite a disappointment so far.

37 minutes ago, baduy said:

Note the tell-tale signs of tunnel excavation from the front yard steps down to the sewer running along the highway...

Not very clear, but I am sure it is only partially done since DY has only moved a few days ago.

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HJ is closeted with DY''s father again. He looks a little downcast at first that she's not wearing a short skirt this time, but he soon cheers up when she hands him an overview of the findings JW made while he was auditing LK, remarking that there's a lot of dirt there on the puppet directors MH has recently appointed, and suggesting he should make whatever use of that material he thinks fit. "I'm getting to really like you lately," he comments with a bit of saeguk-style grumpy-but-basically-OK-elder type throat clearing, proving that the thigh-baring stunt wasn't really necessary to achieve her aims.

DY is ending his day watching the recording of HJ adressing GO.

Next day at LK HQ, stooge CEO is handing MH a report on HJ's connections with Dream Gold. He adds that there is talk of JW possibly getting engaged to HJ. "Rumors can always get inflated" she responds enigmatically.

No sooner has stooge CEO left than MH's secretary calls to remind her (or rather, to tell us, actually) that it will soon be time for her to attend a (regular) gathering of  prominent businesswomen. Maybe she was hoping to do a spot of rumor inflation there, because before leaving she calls JW and instructs him to come to her office. He refuses, so she barges over to his den instead and aks him how far he plans to go with HJ. Surely he's done more than enough for her already? If he does anything more for her, he'll get an even worse reputation than he labors under already. She knows that he's only helping HJ for his business purposes, but other people might easily get the idea he was personally involved with her. In that case, they'd be quite right, he replies calmly. He is indeed personally involved with her. "You surely aren't thinking of marrying her?" MH protests. "That's none of your business," he replies.

We go briefly to SillyLand to find Mr Park searching on his phone and confirming to his astonishment that Tae Yun really is Cha Deok Bae's son, then amusing himself by sweet-talking his unsuspecting would-be lady-love to give Tae Yun a call and encourage him to resume his relationship with SY, but then it's time for the Businesswomen's Gathering. MH makes her entrance and is treated with the deference she expects, but we see that HJ is at her vanity table in what is plainly meant to be a dazzling outfit (well, it's certainly noticeable...) obviously preparing to make an entrance herself.




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2 hours ago, baduy said:

But then she reflects that her father-in-law's decision to move  back in may indicate that he's up to something and that HJ may be behind whatever it is, as part of her threat to leave MH with no home, no possessions, and no-one in the world to turn to.

Doesn't MH know that CDB had sold his house to pay for funds that he had embezzled and moved in to MS's as indicated by the mistress in yesterday's episode?

It is also strange that MH left her dying husband solely in the hands of her mother in law without even a visit. Maybe in the next few episode will see her making a spot check on the retreat. 


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At the gathering, all these influential ladies have of course seen HJ's interview and have been so impressed that they've invited her to join their exclusive circle on account of her rapid rise to celebrity as well as to a high position with a major company, which has earned her the role of public relations ambassador campaining to end abductions and all similar crimes against children. HJ explains that she is keen to hear the views of this gathering of influential ladies on these matters, especially the opinions of MH, who is renowned, not only as a woman who has reached the pinnacle of social and busines standing, but is also a devoted wife and mother . In fact, she would like to record MH's thoughts on the evils of child abduction with a view to using them in her campaign for which she asks the Gathering's support. So she produces a voice recorder and invites MH to speak from her heart and say how she would feel if her child had been abducted, and how she would expect the perpetrator and instigator of such a crime to be punished. Thus she gathers the material which she replays to herself later in private, foretelling that she will force MH to pass judgement on herself and her crimes with her own lips.

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3 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

There is a scene of MH meeting Mdm Kim, it looks serious


MH reports that she thought for a moment she saw DY lurking outside the house (as indeed she did), but is convinced in retrospect she was just hallucinating under all the stress. Her mother doesn't dismiss that possiblity, but it's clear her suspicions are aroused. She tells MH that having the bent nurse under her thumb isn't enough, MH must move DY back into the house where she can keep him under total surveillance, and ensure that, conscious or not, he doesn't become the focus for a directors' rebellion against her. It will also allow her to build up the image of a devoted wife which she's been perilously neglecting lately.


I think everything else of importance in this episode has now been covered (though not in strict crhonological order).


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1 hour ago, baduy said:


HJ is closeted with DY''s father again. He looks a little downcast at first that she's not wearing a short skirt this time, but he soon cheers up when she hands h


Someone maybe you commented on the thigh baring skirt but strangely she was wearing a below the knee with the same top, a few moments after that.

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