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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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@iamgreatgal, @stroppyse, thank you so much for the recaps. So happy that GO is safe and has a puppy! How sweet of him to call the puppy `strong strong'. This just shows how attached he is to HJ. Finally JW has woken up from MH's spells! He knows full well now or at least now he is prepared to accept the sad fact (which he was in denial) that MH is only using HR and is not fit to be her mother! 

HJ introducing herself to GO as his mum on TV. Yay! Can't wait for when they really meet and she can tell him, `I am your mum and I am so sorry for being unable to protect you all these years!'

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6 hours ago, seoyounglby said:

I agree with you on points 1 &3, but not 2 and 4.. I don't think he had assault anyone so far with the episodes. He had chased after HJ but she got away. So far he had not ill-treated GO too.

As for forging documents, he was not the one who put GO up for adoption. It was MH who did that in only of the earlier episode. He had legally adopted GO from his adoptive parents.

In fact, he had to prove that it was MH who paid him to kidnap HJ's baby, which he needs proof to maybe reduce his sentence. However, he too, should be punished just as severely because he intentionally did harm for the sake of money. So hopefully the fact that she put GO up for adoption, those papers would make her a partner in the kidnapped. But since it is from her parents' foundation, she could easily destroyed the papers.

However, I am wondering since it was MH who did the adoption and handing of the baby, how on earth could Jang knows where to find the boy in the States. Too far-fetched but afterall, it's k-dramas so guess anything nonsensical can happen.

hj but did not succeed

Good Day To All

@seoyounglby  Hi , Jang has and assault charge on him when push HJ down to snatch young GO thats consoder assault even if he ment to cause her no harm but it's and assault charge what makes it aggrevated is because he planned to kidnap the child.. He had to get the baby one way or another by any means so yes in the states it woyld be consider aggrevated and premeditated..

Jang may have legally adopted GO but from the beginning it was kidnapping in the first nothing he can do will get him out of his charges.. What makes his crime far more worst the a pediphille is that he did it for money to support his family while conflitcing harn to another family.. I think he and MH both should have the book thrown at them..

Regardless if MH destroyed all the paper work there is some kind of paper trail that leads back to her and thats the first family that adopted GO they would know about the foundation handling GO adoption..

5 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

Jang is supposed to be well known at finding people, remember that DY had at one time used his services to find HJ. So finding GO wouldn't have been a problem for him. 

@imgreatgal Jang is the type of person that would see what MH is up to in case if he needed to have one up on MH.. In this case him and MH are in bed together but he knows MH can get into fat more trouble then him especially if he's caught with GO with him.. He knows GO is his ticket to survival.. He knows that he won't be looking at life in prison like MH would..

2 hours ago, maribella said:

Let us hope JW stops changing sides now that he is willing to take MH to court over HR. I am getting tired of guessing what he is going to do

@maribella This was a nicely played move on Jw part now MH has to appease Jw to keep him from filling for custodial rights.. Mh coulds be in a lot of trouble for not contacting the father to inform him of his child so when it comes to Jw custody claim she don;t stand a chance.. Each time she's back into a wall she runs to prison mom for advice which is a nad move because prison mom moves can be calculated to only put her and MH into deeper waters.. I guess Mdm Kim told her to get her hands on GO and use him as leverage.. It seems that Jang wife knows all about whats going in with GO.. I guess she may have told Jang to take him back and he wouldn't do it..   

2 hours ago, seoyounglby said:

Agree. But finding HJ is different in that it is in Korea, and also he could track her identity. However, unless he had access to the adoption papers, otherwise, how could he possibly find GO, since he was a nameless boy given up for adoption and unless he knows when GO was officially adopted. Otherwise, he would have to go through a tedious tasks of checking it with the relevant authorities, But from the time HJ was found til the time he went off to US to look for the boy, it was a relative short period, so I wonder how could that be done. Furthermore, if he checked with the relevant authorities, he probably won't be able to get the information of the adoptive parents since it should be confidential. hahahaha..... I still have my doubts 

@seoyounglby  Jang and MH connected GO with the first adopted family.. I think MH told these peiple that the foundation would help support GO if they would leave the country and paid for all the expenses for them to leave but once they left she stop all contact with the adopted family which is why Go was abused..

Thanks @stroppyse & @imgreatgal for your contribution today


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12 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

HJ also starts to win over DY's father by saying that she can get rid of the new CEO since she's noticed some irregularities with his work, so that DY's father could put one of his own people as the CEO.  

Thanks again. So the guy whom i thought was MH's pet director was actually the CEO. I love how HJ works her way with the mistress and CDB and i enjoy seeing MH being slowly suffocated lol

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5 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

Jang is supposed to be well known at finding people, remember that DY had at one time used his services to find HJ. So finding GO wouldn't have been a problem for him. 

I don't think DY used Jang's services before (that's what I initially thought) - when he was trying to look for HJ, he was led to Jang and found out what kind of a man he is - that he is a low-life but someone who cannot commit the crimes without anybody telling him to.  That's when DY thought it could be MH telling him what to do about their son.

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DY is actually talking as if he never had brain surgery. :lol:

I don't think it will be long for the mistress or Chairman Cha to put two and two together about GO. I am sure she will start worrying about her son's situation and probably flip to MH's side.

MH is wearing really nice clothes and shoes, and is the dropped handbag a Hermes too? I can't say HJ's clothes are very attractive. In the preview, she is wearing a top with a huge, just huge bow sitting on her shoulder!! In the earlier episodes, she wore a black Sgt. Pepper sort of tunic. I really don't like that. Some boutique must be supplying her clothes, hope they will dress her better in future.

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Hopefully HJ's words to Jang gets through to his conscience and he does bring GO back to HJ. From the preview it looks like MS will be taking DY from the hospital.  It will surly unnerve MH that she's losing the control she thought she had over everyone. MH's world is crumbling bit by bit and there's nothing she nor her mother can do about it. 


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I think that HJ could meet soon with GO, but she would keep her son hidden, until she can completely overthrow MH, as HJ told JW. The fact that GO reunites with his mother will definitely make many followers of this drama happy. They are only my thoughts, because I do not know what path the writer will follow since there are still +25 episodes left.

I have a question, did JW's father commit suicide? Because I'm thinking MH's mother, I could have killed him, and this would be one of the many crimes committed by her and she does not want JW to discover, so she calmly accepted to go to jail and return the pieces of art and so she would avoid JW Keep investigating.

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29 minutes ago, Morelia said:

I have a question, did JW's father commit suicide? Because I'm thinking MH's mother, I could have killed him,


No, he had a fatal heart attack under the stress of the scandal provoked by the crooked dealings that MH's mother had embroiled him in. But as she explained to MH, when MH was panicking over the thought that her responsibility for DY's accident would be undeniable, that was as much a stroke of good luck for her back then as the death of her faithful minion is for MH now, because it means she can shift all the blame on to the dead man,  just as her mother shifted all the blame on to JW's father who couldn't defend himself.

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I would be very surprised if GO is returned in the next episode. The writer or director is going to milk the 'missing child but is well treated' theme till the very end. I doubt if HJ the KD daily heroine will be portrayed as a vengeful character once her son is returned to her, safely. Look at the 'corporate raider', even HJ's mother is tougher than him. So if HJ gets her kid in ep. 77, MHs denials fill another 3 and DY is able to walk then, there will be at least 20 more. So no vengeful heros, what else could the writer and director latch on?

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8 hours ago, viyra said:

I don't think DY used Jang's services before (that's what I initially thought) - when he was trying to look for HJ, he was led to Jang and found out what kind of a man he is - that he is a low-life but someone who cannot commit the crimes without anybody telling him to.  That's when DY thought it could be MH telling him what to do about their son.

No he did use Jang to look for HJ. He didn;t had bad impression of Jang prior to finding out that GO is his son. After Jang found HJ, he realised she was the one MH told him to go after 8 years ago. That's why he approached MH again regarding HJ. I am sure MH threatened to put him in jail and told him to lie to DY that he couldn't find HJ. That's why he lied to DY. To safeguard himself frommMH's threat, he decided to look for GO in the States and to use him as his bargaining chip with MH.

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9 hours ago, viyra said:

I don't think DY used Jang's services before (that's what I initially thought) - when he was trying to look for HJ, he was led to Jang and found out what kind of a man he is

Jang was recommended by Nam to DY they met briefly at DY's office and he agreed to look for HJ but he backed out later because he was working for MH. 

@maribella i'll make another prediction that HJ will find GO in this Friday's cliffhanger


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I second @imgreatgal prediction that GO will be returned soon and it probably will be Friday's cliffhanger.. They have already milked the story line enough. The ratings stated dropping when GO was taken the second time and DY was in the accident. The downfall of MH has brought the ratings back up. What MH did to HJ and DY is unforgivable and neither of them are going to let her get away with it. Also neither will Nam. MH has to be removed from the Chairman's position. Jang has to be caught and jailed. There's the bad blood between the two families to solve. SY and TY's relationship. DY's father and the mistress deserve some slap downs I think is coming. Then there's the budding awakening of MA and her attraction to Mr Park. DY still does not know that JW is HR's father so that has to be solved. 


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2 hours ago, awsparkle said:


I second @imgreatgal prediction that GO will be returned soon and it probably will be Friday's cliffhanger.. They have already milked the story line enough. The ratings stated dropping when GO was taken the second time and DY was in the accident. The downfall of MH has brought the ratings back up. What MH did to HJ and DY is unforgivable and neither of them are going to let her get away with it. Also neither will Nam. MH has to be removed from the Chairman's position. Jang has to be caught and jailed. There's the bad blood between the two families to solve. SY and TY's relationship. DY's father and the mistress deserve some slap downs I think is coming. Then there's the budding awakening of MA and her attraction to Mr Park. DY still does not know that JW is HR's father so that has to be solved. 


I do hope you are both correct. The show has been running on evil MH's doings. So once she starts losing, it becomes predictable.

anyway, i hope they are more creative this time over, no more accidents.

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@stroppyse, @awsparkle, @Morelia, @imgreatgal, I was so hopeful when I saw HJ's expression at the end of the preview. It looked like she could have seen GO! I am cautiously optimistic that @iamgreatgal's prediction will come true! An alternative could be that it might be Jang that she saw. I agree that there are sufficient matters to settle for the remaining episodes even if GO returns to HJ by this week. :)

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To avoid severe visual trauma while watching today's episode, you have two possibilities.

1) Watch the timer below the video, and when you get to around 10 minutes in,  CLOSE YOUR EYES and KEEP THEM SHUT until HJs conversation with Big Nam is over. (In fact, you might want to block your ears as well, since the dialogue in this scene is at a very high daftness level: basically Big Nam is scared of helping HJ out because his brother's misdeeds would come to light)

2) If you think your nerves are up to it, prepare yourself in advance to watch the actual scene in all its full horror  by un-spoilering the screenshots that follow and de-sensitizing yourself. Only when you can look at them for more than 10 seconds without (a) screaming with sheer horror or (b) suffering a disabling attack of hysterical laughter or (c) both things in succession should you risk actually viewing this scene.











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My live streaming was bad for the first 15 mins of the drama. 

  • I caught a bit of the opening scene. MH, CDB, the mistress, HJ and HR were having dinner. After the dinner there was a battle of the nerves between HJ and MH in her room.
  • MS moved DY to a villa somewhere, i can't be sure if MH knew about the move, because i couldn't catch the scene before this, it seems MH was talking to the caretaker about watching MS.
  • There is a scene of HJ talking to Big Nam
  • DY looks okay, he was in bed and talking to MS, he was asking her about GO
  • Jang was watching HJ's interview on his phone, he mentions something like 'HJ is the Chief Director' and then a call comes in from his wife. He was at the beach with GO
  • Ms Seo and JW convo. I can't be sure of it here, but Ms Seo doesn't look too happy.
  • JW visits Mdm Kim at the prison, i wouldn't call it a visit, I think JW wants to make some kind of deal with her regarding GO. I assume that he will dropped his suit against her if she get MH to return GO. But the evil is refusing it.  And i think that was the reason Ms seo was not particularly happy about.
  • Then MH goes to see Mdm Kim, Mdm Kim tells her of JW's visit. She tells MH to hurry up and find Jang.
  • There is a scene of Ms Seo talking to HJ, i think its about the 'deal' as well.
  • HJ was at MH's office, handed her something to sign. As she was leaving she overhears MH talking to the caretaker. At this point i think MH doesn't know that MS had moved DY from the hospital. HJ then calls TY, when they meet, i can't be sure of the dialogue i think he told her that MS had moved DY and that DY is awake.
  • DY is up from the bed, he looks normal and talking to MS
  • In the mean time JW was getting ready to meet HJ, he looks kind of happy like someone going on a date and there was a remark from Ms Seo. When he caught up with HJ she apologized and rushes off to see DY.
  • @ross27 its not GO that she meets but its DY. It looks like the place where they meet when they were dating. They hug.


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