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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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1 hour ago, maribella said:

Thank you @imgreatgal  and @baduy.

I Ditto This.  Hello All,

1 hour ago, maribella said:

For those who don't understand Korean I would advise not to watch it raw. HJ's clothes or costumes ranged from red faux leather to god-knows what coloured chequered coat - salmon lace were all very distracting. It was hard trying to catch familiar words while trying to avert my eyes. 

@maribella  Thanks for the  WARNING LMAO.. Yes her stylisy should have chosen a different profession..

48 minutes ago, baduy said:

As for that chequered coat... In a scene that was missing from the final cut, HJ, in something of a hurry, grabbed her Mom's dish towel and threw it round her shoulders. She reckoned that people would just think it was another bizarre top.

:joy: @baduy Hello You and @maribella Isn't going to let up off HJ fashion attire.. I guess you guy's will have to send the fashion police soon..:crazy:

After reading @baduy translation BTW thanks. I guess Jang must be attempting to give GO back to HJ.. Since she has put his picture out there it's hard to leave him any where since he's been reported as a kidnap child..


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9 minutes ago, maribella said:

@sava2sava @baduy   Thanks a bundle for the GO translation. I heard HJ's name a few times and thought that he was going to her.

The part where DY's mum said that she did not want to worry MH was actually paraphrasing MH who said the same when hiding the fact that DY was conscious. Sweet revenge.

@maribella I more inclined to believe Jang will try to pass GO off to DY at the house.. I hope he makes it in the door that way MH won't be able to touch him but it would sure be nice for her to view DY mother pampering GO.. Just his being there is a big enough threat to her thinking HR will inherit LK whith DY back in the house and faking like he has lost his marbels.. It would be really interesting to watch her try and gert that child out of the house and away from his family.. Especially trying to keep HJ from finding out GO is in they home with his father..  

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In his jail visit Prof Bowtie reported to his wife that he had put loyal spies close to HJ and DY's father, but on his wife's instructions hadn't informed MH of this.(I think in the last episode, the scene of his previous prison visit was cut off just after Mme Kim said she would now tell him what he had to do, but on no account was MH (or any viewers not prepared to wait till after the weekend) to know about it. I doubt if any viewers died of suspense in the meantime, but now we know what the great secret is. Presumably this means that Mme Kim has lost her trust in MH ability to handle the situation. Anyway, Mme Kim says menacingly that from now on HJ won't be able to thwart her plans any more. That reminds hubby to tell her that her application for that non-existent but dramatically convenient  "sick bail" has been granted and she'll be out of there in no time.

At the end of the teaser, we can't be sure that MH still doesn't know where GO is. Mme Seo has found out (as she's hastily telling JW) that  he's somewhere on the south coast of Korea (literally at the South Sea) and apparently more or less at the same time, DY is being told the same thing. But MH is trying to strike a deal with HJ. If she hands over the recording ot MH's instructions to Little Nam (which DY apparently still hasn't heard or been told about) she'll reveal where GO is. "Hand it over!!" -- "Tell me!" their standoff runs, but of course you can never be sure that these teaser snippets are in the right sequence.





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I am going to stop guessing how GO is coming back. HJ is bargaining with MH, actually trusting the snake to do any bargaining. DY had already told her that he was looking for GO, get some brains and a take a few minutes to call him. The 20 odd episodes left, of course. 

I think the CEO or ex now is the one kim has picked.

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8 hours ago, maribella said:

I am going to stop guessing how GO is coming back. HJ is bargaining with MH, actually trusting the snake to do any bargaining. DY had already told her that he was looking for GO, get some brains and a take a few minutes to call him. The 20 odd episodes left, of course. 

@maribella  HJ basically told MH that she has that recording, And she's stupid enough to fall for it.. It seems that ponytail she's been spoting around has completely stop her brain fron functioning.. Also Madam Kim getting released on sick leave SMH these writers are just as insane as the people in the dramas but I guess this could be the pandora's box we've all been paitently waiting for.. 

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Horrible thought.... Does MH indeed know where GO is by the end of tomorrow's ep, because he told her so when he called, thinking he would speak to HJ, but instead ended speaking to a "great friend" of hers who happened to pick up her phone but who will of course promise to pass on the message?


13 minutes ago, maribella said:

I think the CEO or ex now is the one kim has picked.


Sounds all too likely. Especially since Mme Kim talked of planting people close to HJ AND the (ex) Chairman, so having that guy as her stooge would be two birds with one stone. Especially since today DH's father was all for giving him the immediate boot, but HJ seemed to be inclined to give him another chance...


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@baduy you think GO spoke to MH? MH actually has access to HJ's phone!!

  @sava2sava  It must be those strange costumes that play tricks on HJ's brain, shrink and expand at will.

The writer is really intent on milking the lost son saga, I have said that before. It is not enough that he is kidnapped twice on MH's instructions, she looks like winning a third time. It is sort of sick. Ok really sick.

Someone said MH was not capable of murder. No? Try listening to Little Nam's tape, when you say to your underling stop someone at all costs and no money was involved, if DY had died she would have been guilty of killing him, just as she is guilty of kidnapping GO by paying someone to do it.

let us hope Jang redeems himself by calling HJ again and Big Nam has made copies of the tapes.

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I feel so  tired just reading everyone's insights, recaps, etc.  I feel like I am right where the scenes are - peeking on HJ and MH making a deal, running around to the other location where DY is talking to someone, and then to GO calling on to someone.  Waahhh!!! save me!!!!  I am getting insane!!!  Just drop a big hollow block on MH head, block Mdm. Kim from going home, find out where the other stooges are to complete the 3 stooges with bowtie dad!!

Okay - I've wasted some of my brain there by ranting for nothing.  Lunch time!!!  Will watch subbed episode later and give my thoughts.

Thanks  everyone for sharing anything and everything about this drama!!

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@sava2sava I also believe that Jang will try to return GO to DY. He looked happy and relieved when he heard DY had awaken. He also mentioned that it would take a few days for him to make preparations to return GO to his parents. With GO watching HJ's interview and hearing her message to him, he must know now that HJ's his bio mother, RIGHT?

JW still persistent in trying to win HJ's affection. Doesn't he realize he can never, ABSOLUTELY, never replace DY. Doesn't he remember how HJ cancelled their dinner date, because she thought there was no hope in DY recovering?? Waiting for tomorrow's episode for her answer since it was not revealed today. 

Like, some of you have mentioned, I hope the writers don't use GO in another kidnapped scenario. He looks so happy now. Why traumatized him again. PLEASE LET HIM BE, and return him safely to DY and HJ!

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I would like to be wrong, but after watching the episode today I had a bad feeling, I think another round of victories for the villains comes and so maybe the drama will extend some more episodes so that the final round is our OTP. I need medicine to ward off these dark thoughts:dissapointed: :anguished: :bawling:

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This episode continues to show that MH has still got a few evil plans in that sick head of hers. I think after seeing the preview she is less concerned about GO and maybe more concerned about hushing HJ up and keeping her away from DY.  Now that she wonders if DY has lost some of his memory.  I think a trap is in order and pretending to know where GO is may be all the bait she needs to grab HJ's heartstrings and to grab her.  Mind you this is just my guess...  

I think DY continues to use his brain in playing this game with MH and keeping on the down and low although she has ears everywhere and it will be hard on him.  Not to mention who would want to be around her knowing what she has done to him and his life not to mention GO...  I do however love his new more relaxed look and even his face seems to be more at ease even if he is facing so much right now...

I did feel sorry for HR seeing her concern and knowing what adults do to kids and how cruel even a parent can be...  Yet, on the other side of that coin is GO and his sweet little self always kind and loving even with all the hardships in his past so much like his Mother in every way...  More concerned about others like his words to Detective Jang which  just hearing him was like listening to HJ...

Big Nam won't let HJ down I believe he will protect DY and to be honest at this point I think he would give his own life to do so.  For some reason I am still a little concerned about JW in now after spending so much time with HJ and although he told her to use him.  I think he enjoyed it much more than even he realizes and it won't be easy no matter how many times he has been told even by her to let go. Still some things are easier said than done...

Looking forward to tomorrow and hoping Jang protects GO until he is returned to either DY OR HJ...



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The previews can be very misleading.  MH always plays on a persons weakness and finding GO is HJ's. I don't think MH has the slightest idea where GO is.She's not even sure if HJ has the recording is fishing using GO as bait. HJ knows MH can't be trusted and is  probably also baiting her to see if she actually knows where GO is. 

@sava2sava, @Mailelei

If Jang wanted to turn GO over to MH he would have done it by now. He's protecting GO because he realized just how dangerous MH is and that money wasn't worth a child's life. DY's accident wouldn't have happen if he wasn't trying to chase him down to get his son. Since GO has seen the video I think he's calling HJ. 

HJ just might have one up on MH this time if it turns out the deal MH is making is fake. MH has not accomplished anything towards that business since she becaome Chairman. She needs that deal to keep her seat. If HJ can prove it's a fake MH is dead in the water. Those greedy turn coat directors will turn on MH in an second. 

The one I don't trust is DB. He's shady underhanded and a sneak. The man plays both sides and has cut his own son's throat so he would do the same to HJ. I think HJ is playing him and his fall is coming and so is the mistress. 

I'm going to make another prediction that GO will be found and back with HJ by Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. The main focus will turn to the battle of who will lead LK. 


I think JW will be hurt and disappointed but will not turn on HJ. He will have to let go of having a personal relationship with HJ and accept the one they already have. 


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5 hours ago, baduy said:

Especially since today DH's father was all for giving him the immediate boot, but HJ seemed to be inclined to give him another chance...

I thought it was the other way around, it was HJ who thinks that the CEO should be fired but CDB insist that the RAT will be of use to them.

My thoughts on yesterday's episode

I think DY is not faking amnesia but he is playing a dumb game with MH.  DY told MH he was not sure if he has amnesia but he remembers signing the divorce papers but the reason was vague. lol i thought then how was it possible that MH had inherited her father's brain.

It seems HJ had Ms Seo introduced her to someone on wall street?  I wonder what's she's planning. In yesterday's episode HJ were given two warnings not to do 'something dangerous ' one by JW and the other by Nam. I feel a storm brewing here. 

Then MH is planning something with her father on the foreign franchise. She is looking to keep the chairman seat by claiming credit for the deal. She told the director to quickly get the contract through.  Looking forward to see her fall on her face at that.

I am as anxious as everyone here about GO. Was he on the phone with HJ or MH? but in the teaser Ms Seo was yelling to JW that they found GO.



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I solely blame Jang for GO predicament especially his seperation from HJ and DY. What are his plans ? Does he has any intention of giving GO back to HJ and DY or is he trying to find a good family to adopt GO ? I doubt he can get GO adopted to a family because GO has gained quite a publicity and he will definitely be recognized eventually. 

If he has the intention of giving back GO to HJ and DY, what is stopping him to do it ? Is he afraid MH will find him ? He has already succeeded in hiding himself and GO from MH for so long if that was his concern. So why couldn't he contact HJ and at least tell her GO is safe and make arrangement to meet to return GO to her ? Being a ex-detective and a private investigator, I am sure he will know ways to do it without MH knowing. If he does not want MH to get hold of GO, I don't understand why is he keeping GO with him for so long and is causing hell for HJ and DY. 


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Thank you @ross27 for bringing up to the 100th page.

13 minutes ago, rikimaiu said:

He has already succeeded in hiding himself and GO from MH for so long if that was his concern. So why couldn't he contact HJ and at least tell her GO is safe and make arrangement to meet to return GO to her ? Being a ex-detective and a private investigator, I am sure he will know ways to do it without MH knowing. If he does not want MH to get hold of GO, I don't understand why is he keeping GO with him for so long and is causing hell for HJ and DY. 

in yesterday's episode DY sought the service of a 'gangster' to find GO. Now a gangster finding an ex-detective? i can see potential danger there. This gangster will do whatever it takes to find GO and claim his pay. 

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