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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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Everyone is sooo informative and open minded, love reading all the inputs. Thanks!! :)

I haven't watch last night's ep, im gonna wait until Friday to digest both eps in one goooo hihihi

But so far, as mentioned, "Ruler is brutal" - yes, i do agree. It was previously mentioned by the director during the press con that he was trying to get inspiration from Game of Thrones, refer to this article,


As GE's father beheaded, i can really connect it to Ned Stark's end as well. For GOT fans here, i really catalog the series as "brutal" bec of all the violent happenings there, leads being killed unexpectedly (in my part) and so on..

But in fairness, the director as well mentioned about the take on romance in similar with TMETS, i believe its a win-win for everyone. We get to have a right dose of everything (hopefully) :)

Ruler, fighting~!

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Yes, it's finally night time and I can talk with all of you. 

This episode, CP's tears really hit me. I even found myself tearing up with him, thinking how unfair everything really is for him. 

It was the King’s fault in the first place. If he hadn’t seek out the help of Pyungsoo group and join forces just so he could be king, perhaps the CP’s fate would have been different. The King must pay for his actions, his decisions, and the mistake he made when he was not King yet-so sad that it is the child who must pay for the mistakes of a parent. We already easily see how much influence this group has on the kingdom, even the King dared not go against it. I wept with CP, for his fate is so cruel and unfair.

I wondered to myself why is it that the King go along with all the evil deeds instead of ordering them all to be killed. He is a King. He has that power. Then I realized, more than half the kingdom are traitors, waiting to attack and go against the King at any given time. A King is not truly a King if his administrators consist of traitors and spies. I can see why the King puts all his hope into the CP’s future predictions, and his words of blaming the CP is to build some strength into his son’s mind and heart. Living under the life of a sheltered identity, the CP’s sense of justice and protection is sincere and honest. But he has yet to understand the cruel reality of how far people (in this case, DM and his group) would go in order to make sure the kingdom remains manipulated.

Master Woo Bin mentioned to commoner LS that the King cannot do anything about the water supply, let alone the Pyungsoo group because “he does not own Joseon.” Now, if we really listen to those words, and look beyond those meaning, it is clear that Master WB is stating in order for a King to be able to do something about the flaws and evil deeds, he must be able to control the whereabouts of his country of which he is meant to serve. I don’t think he is referring to ‘own’ as possession, but as a sense of control and assertiveness to want to do something about it (the problems). As long as the King remains out of control, then nothing can really be done.

In regards to GE’s father choosing justice over life, I have calmed down and understood his intention. At first, I would have loved for him to flee so he could help the CP together. However, he wouldn’t have wanted to live a life of being a runaway criminal. And, as he mentioned, his death and actions will be the stepping stone of the CP’s way to becoming a great King. He reminded the CP that such action like his death should not be the reason for the CP to stop what he is doing (which is to protect his subjects). Of course, I would have preferred he escape and flee somewhere safe (but nowhere is really safe when DM is out there).  GE’s father is a man of honor, and he would rather die with honor, then run away to live a life of hiding. It’s a really sad truth, actually. I wept during CP and GE’s father scene too. I can already see where this heading.

As of now, I am not a fan of HG. However, at least her pleas to be Crown Princess seem sincere enough to want to help CP. Her idea of having Gon as her bodyguard, and how she used herself against him, was a smart tactic but surely it will backfire soon enough.  Gon is DM’s most skilled assassin who follows and reports to him. I don’t know if Gon will be able to betray DM just because HG asked him to.

Now, onto my OTP. Omo. Their small interactions were still so sweet. I fluttered at their scenes. These two have great chemistry even for the shortest moments. However, during the execution scene, both GE and CP are there. Hence, she is going to believe it is the CP as the murderer, and will not suspect CP until his identity is revealed. This is the perfect chance for the romance to pick up. And I see in the preview, we will be having an OTP moment too.

I watched on YT about an article that mentioned there won’t be any romantic scenes or intimacy..YET. Haha, so I am hopeful for romantic and intimate scenes in the future episodes. YET is the key word. For me, any moment with them two alone is already romantic and intimate :wub:

My sister say she is going to wait on watching this drama. She wants to avoid having to wait every Weds and Thurs. I told her she better prepare herself because this drama’s tactic in killing people is POISON. Talking about that, I wept when the eunuch died too. Such a short sad scene. But I like the bromance of Chung Woo and CP. CW cares about CP like a brother. And it’s touching to see that, since I realized there seems to be no other children but the Prince. No mention of princesses.

Let us see how tomorrow’s episode unfolds for us :D



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Sighs. My computer is lagging so much. I want to reply to what you guys have been talking about here.

There's been questions on why DM is so powerful when there is actually a King, who should be more powerful. We have to remember that this King did not inherit the throne rightfully. He had to kill and make a pact in order to become King. He gave his life (and his words) to DM in episode 1 to always be a part of the group hence becoming no more than a slave/puppet to DM. And, the power does not lie in DM truly but in those poison being made. It seems like DM"s specialty is poison. Take that away, and DM will gradually lose a part of his powers. DM has a lot of loyal followers and perhaps, none who will dare betray him. The King has no one to really trust except his wives, Commander and Chung Woo. DM can easily kill the King, but he prolongs this because he wants to continue being in 'power' by his tactics. 

What is the need for spies when he can just see the CPs face? Well, that would ruin the fun haha. Honestly, I think it is because he has so many people to order around that he doesn't do the work himself. As long as he has people who knows the CP, he feels no need to see the CP for himself. 

Some of us blame the King and are upset that he is blaming the CP for the death of GE's dad. I, too, was upset at how the King chose his words against the CP. It was more like a lecture in the use of wrong words. However, I think it was his way of toughening up his son. I think he knows that he himself won't last against DM , hence the hope lies in his son. Already, he can see how different CP is from him, and I think he wants to keep that part of him strong. DM is powerful. CP must become more powerful. The King must reap what he sowed. His mistakes are coming to bite him. 

Omg, my computer is so slow. It keeps loading. I will have to come from my phone. 


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Does anyone wonder why the Queen wants HG to be the crown princess when she knows her grandfather is DM? Does she not know he is the leader of the Pyungsoo Group?

She is feeding CP straight to the snake's mouth if she wanted HG to be the CP. 

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I am watching because of beautiful actors and I love costume drama (not sure how historic this one is), It has so many tropes it is almost like a satire saguek.  But it is done well. I am waiting for something new in the plot.  

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54 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Does anyone wonder why the Queen wants HG to be the crown princess when she knows her grandfather is DM? Does she not know he is the leader of the Pyungsoo Group?

She is feeding CP straight to the snake's mouth if she wanted HG to be the CP. 


Second this! I'm really curious about this too! 


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14 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Does anyone wonder why the Queen wants HG to be the crown princess when she knows her grandfather is DM? Does she not know he is the leader of the Pyungsoo Group?

She is feeding CP straight to the snake's mouth if she wanted HG to be the CP. 


eH - I thought she kind of reject HG in ep 5-6, 

I don't know why I start to develop this 'I-hate-the-sight-of-HG' syndrome ....  She didn't do anything wrong (YET) in fact she kinda save him and protect him and yet I have that syndrome (IHTSOH) ... 

When I see her riding the horse with him and get to backhug him - I get more stronger symptom ... my IHTSOH getting serious ..

Until now I keep getting that symptom .... :sigh: ...

Does she deserved to be hated? .. 


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3 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Does anyone wonder why the Queen wants HG to be the crown princess when she knows her grandfather is DM? Does she not know he is the leader of the Pyungsoo Group?

She is feeding CP straight to the snake's mouth if she wanted HG to be the CP. 


Smart observation! Now this is a possible plot hole that I can't fathom, unless all the nice gestures the Queen has spared for HG were purposed to appease DM and his family. Like, almost a tactic itself. Now that this is brought up, I remember seeing the Queen give a list of consort candidates to CP's birth mother and ask her to weigh in her opinions, which probably means she is not dead set on choosing HG herself? But I'll need to rewatch this when I've got time to be more certain.

@Bambiina No worries! I'm glad you enjoy our discussion. I must agree with you though, that watching the protagonist (our CP) when he's green and without much power or experience is exasperating. Same goes with watching a puppet king. But that's how there were so many rebels and revolutions in the past and even now: when the leaders fail to do their job, the people will stand up for themselves. I believe that our frustration now will be generously rewarded later on when the CP has matured and gathered enough power for himself, and according to the synopsis Ga Eun will become his right hand and help him gain trust and power.

Hwa-Gun is actually a very interesting character with plenty of inner conflicts. I am having serious beef against this writer because so far the materials have been more promising for all leads except Ga Eun. I hope in later episodes she will have much more to work with than just being an elegant, kind-hearted and principled lady. So-Hee is more watchable during the scenes with Gon after they left the CP's chamber, but overall she tends to act with her face (and fortunately during that scene, her voice) than with her body, so we're often left with her standing stiff like a stick during most of the scenes whenever there is no indication that the script requires her to use her hand (e.g. to prick the CP with her tiny dagger). Even when she acts with her face, she doesn't have full control of it. Her expressions are often limited to scowling, dead-pan or gleeful. If she relaxes her body more, tries to explore more emotional range and lets the character take control, she'll do better in the role.


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The Price Of The Mask.... And the ruler that is used to measure a KING....

It would seem from the beginning to the very end of this episode our CP is learning very quickly the price of wearing his mask of being who he was born to be.  The brokenness he would feel and the despair he would have to endure no fault of his own, just in being born to a King...

Losing Chun Soo and watching him take off that mask after Chun Soo said if only he had known he would die like that he would have looked upon his face.  The CP doesn't hold back just takes it off and as tears are in both their eyes we are reminded of his last words.. " You are handsome indeed " .  This life meant nothing to the evil ones yet to the CP this life represented a friendship that meant the world to him. A loss greater than one could imagine. A lifetime of being next to someone who cared for him beyond the mask and could see what others couldn't who he really was...

For me the King is a Father first I realize how some feel about him here but I see him in a different light.  He not only hears his sons pain he knows it personally.  As he looks into those tearful eyes and tries to explain not how he wishes things were but in fact how things really are!   Reality, as a father he wants to protect his sons life as he has done since birth.  But Why?  Because when he looks at his son he sees the only HOPE there is for his country, for his people and the only way to stop those who are evil that he couldn't himself...  He isn't a bad man he was just a weak man and doesn't want his son to follow his broken path.  Instead be much stronger and smarter than those he must fight.  He must be the peoples sword and shield bringing back the voice of hope, justice and relief to their broken spirits and lives...

What may have seemed cruel on the outside was a Father making his son realize for everything you do or say there is a price that someone other than you will pay and it will hurt even more than if it was you, yourself.  His father is like any other. sometimes parents must speak loudly in order to relay how serious the meaning is and in this case he was speaking also as a King who knew the reality and cost of every action... Even his non-actions which must have hurt him even more...

Evil, Greed and those seeking power for their own sake's isn't just a part of history or just found in dramas it's alive and real, breathing within all our countries even now. 

It's people like GE's father that make the difference his very life is an example of that.  He was a very smart man knew when he left to go help LS's father the price he most likely would have to pay.  I remember watching him and thinking and wondering what was going through his mind?  Was he thinking about his life I doubt it, most likely thinking as a father who loves his daughter being left alone.  Yet he steps out on faith because he couldn't and wouldn't surrender to injustice the very fact that he understood the price speaks loudly about who he is...

For by turning his back on that young sons plea he would have lost something much greater than his life.  He would have lost his humanity the very essence of who he was..  Dying would be better than living without ones honor of being true to what  is right and just...

 My last thought... I loved his loving letter to his daughter...  " We cannot preserve both life and justice, so I will not live feebly...  Please understand that I wish to choose justice over life... I'm sorry... and I love YOU..." 

Just like in real life it isn't always easy doing the right thing standing up to protect the weak or stopping injustice but for those who are willing to risk everything and pay that price, their lives change our world!  Protecting the goodness of humanity and our HOPE...

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watching it with sub was so bad...u cry ur eyes out so much...every scene have more meaning. The CP must fight back. The burden of GE father knowing the CP himself should really be a stepping stone for him to be more mature. build a back bone, gather his ammunition to be the final winner...

I really hope the writer woudnt go the typical way n make the commoner LS become evil. I need to see the bromance

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Hi does anyone know the live streaming link for today's episodes? A chingu here kindly shared with me the link yesterday but I was an idiot and forgot to subscribe to that Youtuber's account. If anyone's got the live streaming link could you please share with me via PM? Thank you very much :D.

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Okay so Lee Sun (peasant) knows that it wasnt the real CP that kills Ga eun father. But unfortunately, GaEun didnt see the real CP (wearing white uniform not his robe) there crying to stop the killing. 

Why the hell is the 2nd lead following CP when he met Woobon! CP was saying about pyungsoo and she was there. CP asked her do she know who he is. Welll durhh of course. 


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