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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@postnihilism Bravo chinggu, bravo! *applaus*   I couldn't have said it better.

@summer2017  We're delusional and they're in denial.  Perfect combination right? :glasses:

i have always been a believer (and a poor practitioner but I'm trying) of the saying "Choose your battles well."  Just as much as we cannot impose our will on them....I just wish they'd stop imposing theirs on us.

If they wanna think and believe we're all delusional, so be it.  If they wanna think and believe we're pests and weirdos, so be it. It takes one to know one! :lol:

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31 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

@postnihilism Bravo chinggu, bravo! *applaus*   I couldn't have said it better.

@summer2017  We're delusional and they're in denial.  Perfect combination right? :glasses:

i have always been a believer (and a poor practitioner but I'm trying) of the saying "Choose your battles well."  Just as much as we cannot impose our will on them....I just wish they'd stop imposing theirs on us.

If they wanna think and believe we're all delusional, so be it.  If they wanna think and believe we're pests and weirdos, so be it. It takes one to know one! :lol:

well said chingu..... if something it was not fishy there.... why did she unfollow JG.... why she did not start to follow IU months ago and just now, but now she expressed herself as big fan, because she knows well her way... we are free to do whatever, but sometime we need to do things properly mostly the k-celebrities or k actors there is an expression in Spanish el inferno esta lleno de buenas intenciones (the hell is full of good intentions), and her good intentions are full of sulphur


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1 hour ago, latinsecret1 said:

well said chingu..... if something it was not fishy there.... why did she unfollow JG.... why she did not start to follow IU months ago and just now, but now she expressed herself as big fan, because she knows well her way... we are free to do whatever, but sometime we need to do things properly mostly the k-celebrities or k actors there is an expression in Spanish el inferno esta lleno de buenas intenciones (the hell is full of good intentions), and her good intentions are full of sulphur



That highlighted part cracked me up so bad! Sulphur indeed.

I never thought that we'd really have a makjang drama before us....we asked for MLSHR Season 2 and we got RL one instead. The YHs of this world are truly amazing.  I'm sure we all have a YH in our lives one way or another right? :lol:  I guess we should be thankful there are no Wook-ies in the latest drama... :rolleyes:

There....we're talking about MLSHR now.....for all the uptight and righteous lurkers *waves* satisfaction.

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Just a nostalgic FMV of JoonU...Yess! We'll love Lee Joon Gi & Lee Ji Eun for a thousand years & more! Our love transcends time & space!! If they are falling in love with someone else, well, it's fine. But at least, they must had this kind of fond, affectionate, and smiley expression toward each other. They looked so proud toward each other & brave in front of the fans & medias. That's a happiness is...


Just quote the lyrics of the song:

"How can I love when I'm afraid to fall"


If JG really love his current GF, do not afraid to fall, and just go with it. Let the public knows how precious she is for you. Not like this, keep in silence when his fans angry at her. Only one side who massively promoted the relationship across her variety shows, meanwhile the other one rejected to talk about her.


Edited by caramelovers75
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I think the fact that JG seems unaffected by the last brouhaha about the follow unfollow thing on IG is also quite telling of how he sees his relationship with his ofc media gf.

edited: wanted to quote @caramelovers75 but cant remove the youtube link. so I unquoted alltogether.

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This FMV really bring tears to my eyes. Those were the days when this was a safe haven for us shippers to share our common interest towards our OTP. But on recent event it makes me sad and mad because we have to thread carefully in our own territory. I understand the need to be careful and watchful for the sake of our beloved otp but still I'm not satisfied..... 

Anyway there are a few things that lighten the gloomy thought. First the many post in this forum. It's been a while since the pages flew with shared thoughts and comments. some silent members had surfaced and not to mention the comeback of our once active forumers. It seems a lot have been said and I enjoyed what had been discussed.  Second it seemed to me that JG and JE keep on giving crumbs to us despite the current situation. I told myself not to indulge into the crumbs but I can't. They are to obvious( to me ). Please help me to restrain myself from delusion,at least for the moment.:(:(. Third I saw the increased in the number of followers of the forum. I hope it is a positive sign.

No matter what happen in the future of our OTP I wish we could all stay on this ship until it reaches its destiny.  Even if it sink to the bottom of the ocean at least we have the memories of eventful voyage. This is the place with no discrimination of who you are or how crazy your ideas are. We come from different part of the world , different cultures and believes but we are united because of love. 




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I am not jumping ship anytime soon!

I would have back off if JG loves "her"

I would have back off if "she" cares about JG

I would have back off if I hadn't seen the skinship of JoonU

So now just celebrate our MLSHR Anniversary with happiness! :blush::blush: 

Stay strong everyone! :heart:

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33 minutes ago, caramelovers75 said:

Just a nostalgic FMV of JoonU...Yess! We'll love Lee Joon Gi & Lee Ji Eun for a thousand years & more! Our love transcends time & space!! If they are falling in love with someone else, well, it's fine. But at least, they must had this kind of fond, affectionate, and smiley expression toward each other. They looked so proud toward each other & brave in front of the fans & medias. That's a happiness is...


Just quote the lyrics of the song:

"How can I love when I'm afraid to fall"

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If JG really love his current GF, do not afraid to fall, and just go with it. Let the public knows how precious she is for you. Not like this, keep in silence when his fans angry at her. Only one side who massively promoted the relationship across her variety shows, meanwhile the other one rejected to talk about her.



@caramelovers75 thank you for posting that FMV again..


I've watched JoonU's BTS and SAF many times but still the feeling is the same..It's not because of the ill fated love they have on MLSHR but in reality you can differentiate the scripted and the real one..LOVE was really there waiting to be avowed...But when April storm came was a shocked to me all I ever wanted was to hear JG to admit about the GF thing...News said they were dating but here in Phils dating is a stage where two people getting to know each other but its different in Kr dating were already in a relationship... During JG's concert tour in SG (correct me if I'm wrong sorry) I have known that he's crying??? and say sorry to his fans but as I've said I want to hear or even read a news from him abt the dating issues and confirmed even just a simple phrase to subside the fire. Maybe these issues will put to a dot and for us fans to move on to our delulu stage..I'm not blaming JG here but what I want to emphasize is how JG being mum after all this time...I may not know JG personally but watching those videos I can sensed that he has a good heart, very sweet and top of it he is a very gentleman.. Because of those personalities, I think JG has a great respect especially to women that he cannot broadcast thru media of what he truly feels inside. A rare indeed. Only JG knows the real story behind of these issues..Why I am writing these?? Because I love JE this much that at this moment I'm preparing for my pain for JoonU couple for real..Yet whatever future will lead this ship, I'm still here to support and respect JoonU couple for as long as they are not tied.. "There will be no concrete home unless we embrace the storm that may pass our way. Together hand in hand to be as one".. fighting!


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My sentiments: Let me borrow some of Hae Soo's lines.

If I had not watched the drama, I wouldn't know them.

If I haven't know them, I will not love them so much.

If I had not loved them, I wouldn't yearn for them.

If I had not seen the BTS, SAF, Taiwan FM & Concert, all their skinships, JG's eyes looking at JE as if she is his universe, if I haven't seen them happy together, I wouldn't ship them so hard.

If I haven't crave for season 2, I would have not followed them in Instagram.

If I haven't follow them in their Instagrams, I wouldn't see their interactions like no one will question their real status.

If I haven't found this wonderful forum, I wouldn't have the courage to WAIT.

If only JG had included the word Love in his words and actions, I would have abondoned this ship last April.

If I can't even see a small hint that somethings there that wasn't there before in their hearts, these IFS will not be in my post.

August 29, 2017 is our day! so spread the love chingus. I love U all! We Can Make it!


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Hi guys! :) Can I join you too? I'm a long time shipper, who followed them since SAF, and I guess like to all of you here, they became part of my life :) I never posted here before, because I'm not used to be on forums, but I think I know many of you from IG or another sites.. I see I'm not the only one who decided to join now, maybe on the worst time, but I guess, at the times like this we need to share feelings with someone who feels exactly the same.. I think it's good - because in the times like this it's very important that people don't abandone the ship, and our number even increases! :)  I think there's a reason why this tread is one of the biggest here, and I think it's a most special from the rest.. There's a reason why we take this ship so seriously and personal, I don't think so many people are just delulu, I really think there IS something real!  It begun just like something for fun for me, but before I realised, I started to care a lot about them, and I just can't leave it now, like if nothing happened!   I haven't felt this heavy even in April, when the news just came out, because inside of me I somehow never stopped believing in them, even if it seemed very doubtfull then.. But now, seeing how all world came against the shippers made me feel much worst! Because I know many shippers from ig, I've been following them for a long time, and I know, that they never posted something hatefull! I also observed some of haters accounts, and I know that 99% of them are not even shippers! We all know that all this was very well made plan of someone, and for now they succeded, witch makes me feel very sour inside.. Seeing like everybody now has really watch every word before posting something, makes my heart hurt - it feels like some kind of dictature, and it's wrong, because we  didn't do anything wrong! I myself wasn't posting so much, but even being almost passive, I felt part of the family, and I feel bad for fellow shippers who can't post now :( Also for myself, because their posts have made my day so many times!   But I still think, that not everything is lost.. I really believe that JG is a smart man, and has a reason for everything he's doing! And I he he'll find the right way, we need just to be patient - witch I know becomes harder and harder, but still... And I also just want to say, that now I believe in JoonU even more! Let's all pray, this storm will calm too, and the truth will be revealed! I don't know if I'll post here a lot, but at least I want to tell you guys, that I believe in Joonu, and support you from my whole heart! So I hope it's ok with you if I visit here from time to time :)  Maybe we can use support of each other, and it'll help us to confront these times :)  Sorry for some errors, I'm not always good with words.. :) 






Sorry about empty spoiler boxes, I did it accidentially ,and I don't know how to delete them !:D

Edited by scarletmoon5
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5 hours ago, silentjoonu said:

My sentiments: Let me borrow some of Hae Soo's lines.

If I had not watched the drama, I wouldn't know them.

If I haven't know them, I will not love them so much.

If I had not loved them, I wouldn't yearn for them.

If I had not seen the BTS, SAF, Taiwan FM & Concert, all their skinships, JG's eyes looking at JE as if she is his universe, if I haven't seen them happy together, I wouldn't ship them so hard.

If I haven't crave for season 2, I would have not followed them in Instagram.

If I haven't follow them in their Instagrams, I wouldn't see their interactions like no one will question their real status.

If I haven't found this wonderful forum, I wouldn't have the courage to WAIT.

If only JG had included the word Love in his words and actions, I would have abondoned this ship last April.

If I can't even see a small hint that somethings there that wasn't there before in their hearts, these IFS will not be in my post.

August 29, 2017 is our day! so spread the love chingus. I love U all! We Can Make it!



My sentimentals exactly, Chingu @silentjoonu. I blame Mr. PD for cutting the last and some scenes in SHR, but it's all thanks to him that we met these two wonderful people (for the new fans) and all of us gather here in this forum and I believe that there is a reason for it that only the Man above us know.

Let's just continue fighting and support them guys abd welcome to the forum @scarletmoon5...

Welcone to our ship and to the family :)

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7 hours ago, purexorange said:

LOL guys this is a bit off-topic but MLSHR related. The solar eclipse is (starting to) happening now over where I live and I'm totally getting MLSHR vibes (first and last ep) TEHEHEHEHE .:D:D ok bye~ 

I was thinking of my OTP too today. Other people were thinking of OTP too by the look of Instagram.

I'm hoping for a MLSHR/Groundhog Day sequel. Soo wakes up with all her memories but is back to Day One (splashing in the Princes' bathing area). She decides to speed up history so she goes to find So, gives him the BB cream, and tells him to how to destroy Evil Mom, Yo and YH. 

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Annyeong!!!  I feel like I've been away for a while. Was thinking of SHR and all of you today during the solar eclipse. By the way, gang, don't forget, SHR's one year anniversary is coming up. We'll definitely be commemorating the occasion. Stay tuned for more info coming. :blush: 

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13 minutes ago, purexorange said:

it feels good when they post on the same day, 10-20 minutes apart from each other :blush::glasses:

Right, they give us gift (photo/video update) at the same day :rolleyes:

Spread love, happiness and positive vibes :wub:

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