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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 hour ago, NerinaC said:

So I have an update for my fanfict just to fill the quiet weekend, will put it here since the one on asianfanfic still on part 9

Part 1-10

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Part 11

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~Intermediate Future~

No actual words were exchanged between them. No promises had been made yet. But the smiles, the dreamy eyes and the longing gazes they shared were quite enough for the moment. The two of them believed everything would move in its own time and pace. For now they just enjoyed how natural it was to be in each other’s company.


Being awed by Joon Gi oppa's cooking skills,  Ji Eun watched him working in the kitchen. It was her first time at his apartment; she found it simple, modern and comfortable. It was different from what she had imagined but she liked it.

 Due to her upcoming “1234” concert and his “Thank You Fan Meeting” they would become even busier with practices and preparations. So when he had called and invited her over for dinner, she quickly agreed.

 ~2 hours ago at a dancing studio~

 ‘What time do you finish the rehearsal? *wink wink*’  Joon Gi oppa's message came during her break.

 ‘Maybe in an hour, why are you asking oppa?’  

  Right after the message had been sent, her phone rang. It was Joon Gi oppa. 

 “Hello, what’s wrong oppa?”

“Oh, nothing … are you busy?”, he sounded somehow nervous even though it wasn’t their first phone call.


 “I am on a break. It’s okay oppa. I am free right now,” Ji Eun held in a giggle, she felt all giddy just by listening to his voice.

 “I was just thinking…. If you would like… we could have some dinner after your rehearsal?” He carefully asked. Ji Eun was amused by his invitation. They had drinking session before, but dinner? This was a first time.

“Uhm sure oppa, where should we meet?”

 “Ah… actually… I was thinking to cook for you at my place.” Nervousness returned to his voice. He sounded worried at the same time. When Joon Gi invited her to his place for dinner, Ji Eun was opening a water bottle. The cap went flying around and hit one of her dancers.  She couldn’t really remember how it happened.

 “At your place oppa?” She couldn’t conceal her feelings. It was nervousness, yet also astonishment the invitation caused. But at the same time the thought of visiting his place for the first time made her feel excited and giddy.

 “Ah yeah, you should bring Park Jung Hyun shi too, I will cook for you both.”


 “You are with him, right? He will drive you back after the rehearsal as usual. I was thinking about why don’t you guys stop by and have dinner with me”

 ‘... Why ?’  Ji Eun unconsciously pouted at the thought the invitation wasn’t exclusively for her.

 “Ji Eun ah?” 

 “Ahh…yes oppa, I will see you later then…”

  “Okay, see you later Ji Eun ah…”

Stuffing the phone back into her bag, Ji Eun felt annoyed with herself for being disappointed that it wasn’t the dinner date she had expected.


It was a fascinating experience to watch him cook. The way he moved around, working with his knife and cooking utensils fascinated Ji Eun. She was awed by his every move; He looked like he was dancing. She had tried to offer help earlier, but when he saw her handling the knife clumsily he panicked. So Ji Eun ended up sitting on the kitchen chair, watching him doing his work. Jung Hyun shi was more helpful, so it wasn’t really a waste to take him with her.

 “I hope you are okay with pasta for dinner“, Joon Gi set the finished dish in front of her and put 2 more plates on the other sides of the table.

 “Don’t worry about the calories. I especially paid attention to it because of your upcoming concert.”

“Thank you, oppa. It smells good.”

  “Yeah, Joon Gi shi surely can cook. It was amazing to watch him work”, Jung Hyun took the first bite of his pasta and his face brightened.

 “Oh, this is so... good!”, he exclaimed.

 “Thank you, glad you like it. And you can just call me “hyung"”, Joon Gi tapped Jung Hyun’s back with a friendly smile plastered on his face.

 It never failed to amaze her how quickly people warmed up to Joon Gi oppa. Wherever he went, he made new friends easily. Jung Hyun’s cheerful laugh filled the room and was joined by his. Both of them were joking and chatting happily.

He sat in front of her, followed by Jung Hyun shi sitting next to him. Ji Eun glanced over at Jung Hyun shi's seat, thinking about how she wished to sat there instead of him.

 ‘Yeah, my manager is smitten by oppa. I wonder why he invited me over… Was he just trying to approach my manager?’ Ji Eun was annoyed again.  It was silly to feel jealous of her manager oppa, but she did anyway. Quietly she continued to eat her pasta.

“Are you okay, Ji Eun ah? Was there something wrong with the food?” Joon Gi gave her a concerned look.

‘Finally, he noticed me... humph’

“I am okay, oppa. The food is delicious, you are amazing!” She practically shoved the food into her mouth. It was really delicious but she had lost her appetite because of her silly jealousy.

Park Jung Hyun noticed her sour face, chuckling as he knew what was going on in her head. So, he decided to go out to buy something after they finished their dinner, leaving Ji Eun and Joon Gi alone to do the dishes.

‘Well, at least I am good at cleaning...’ Ji Eun smiled proudly at her work.

She had asked Joon Gi oppa to sit down, while she was washing the dirty dishes. He was still on his seat watching her, smiling and gazing at her lovingly when she dried her hands. The way Joon Gi watched her made Ji Eun blush. Suddenly he got up and walked over to her.


 “Thank you Ji Eun ah,” he said softly. Butterflies started to gather in her stomach and Ji Eun felt nervous about their closeness.


 “No, I should be the one to thank you for the dinner, oppa. It tasted really good “


“Really?” Joon Gi closed the distance between them.  His face was so close now, she could see  his beautiful skin. His eyes met hers.


 “Yeah... really.” Her heart went into a frenzy. Ji Eun had a difficult time to stay focused on his face. In the end she was staring nervously at her hands, trying to prevent her heart from exploding


 “Glad you like it”, Joon Gi smiled and pulled back. Ji Eun exhaled. She had been unconsciously holding her breath.


 ‘... what was I expecting? A kiss?? Seriously Ji Eun...’  She scolded herself.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Hyun Jung had returned and it was time to go home. Her manager told her he would wait outside, after he had thanked Joon Gi oppa.


“Ah... well thank you again oppa. Good night”, standing in front of the door, Ji Eun bowed.


 “You’re welcome, Ji Eun-ah… Thank you for coming”, Joon Gi oppa returned the bow. Before she could open the apartment’s front door, he had caught her hand and carefully intertwined it with his. She turned to face him; surprised.  


 “Next time… it’s just us,” he whispered softly, with an adorable look on his face.

Thanks for your ff update, never fail to make me smile can't wait for your next chapter hwaiting!!!  :heart:

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10 hours ago, Lampel said:

JG and JE cannot hide the love they feel inside:heart:



The love is definitely there. The way they look at each other is love and i just love the love in their eyes. I watched that IG video countless times. The A1 song became very famous when i was just a sophomore in college pursuing my degree. Hearing it brings back lots of feelings especially because it was mixed with a video of JG and IU.:blush:


credit to ma._estella for always making wonderful JoonU vids.


I don't know if you have an account here, i just hope you'll read this. The scenes and the song are perfect. That IG video is heaven.:smile:




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since we are continnuasly talking about coincidences, i would like to take a moment to say how i appreciate Jimong, love that character, he teached us the meaning of it, without him we can't conclude our theories and analysis about our beloved JoonU. saranghae Jimong ya...kkkk :D

back to JoonU this is just my random thought, i feel this silent and MIA period of them are something planned , like @violet90 said. i have the feeling they try to coincidentally match their schedule (like they did with fm&concert) and they will emerge to the public with their new projects at (almost) the same time. Being busy at the same time so that they can take a break together to have time for each other because they want to make "it" work, and they (and we ) know they can make it :wub: 

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2 hours ago, violet90 said:


keep calm and belive in JoonU

High five Chinggu :wink:Keep calm and believe in JoonU. No need to rush things let's just wait patiently until the right time to come for uri BBJX curse to come true :wink: 

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2 hours ago, NerinaC said:

So I have an update for my fanfict just to fill the quiet weekend, will put it here since the one on asianfanfic still on part 9

Part 1-10

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Part 11

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~Intermediate Future~

No actual words were exchanged between them. No promises had been made yet. But the smiles, the dreamy eyes and the longing gazes they shared were quite enough for the moment. The two of them believed everything would move in its own time and pace. For now they just enjoyed how natural it was to be in each other’s company.


Being awed by Joon Gi oppa's cooking skills,  Ji Eun watched him working in the kitchen. It was her first time at his apartment; she found it simple, modern and comfortable. It was different from what she had imagined but she liked it.

 Due to her upcoming “1234” concert and his “Thank You Fan Meeting” they would become even busier with practices and preparations. So when he had called and invited her over for dinner, she quickly agreed.

 ~2 hours ago at a dancing studio~

 ‘What time do you finish the rehearsal? *wink wink*’  Joon Gi oppa's message came during her break.

 ‘Maybe in an hour, why are you asking oppa?’  

  Right after the message had been sent, her phone rang. It was Joon Gi oppa. 

 “Hello, what’s wrong oppa?”

“Oh, nothing … are you busy?”, he sounded somehow nervous even though it wasn’t their first phone call.


 “I am on a break. It’s okay oppa. I am free right now,” Ji Eun held in a giggle, she felt all giddy just by listening to his voice.

 “I was just thinking…. If you would like… we could have some dinner after your rehearsal?” He carefully asked. Ji Eun was amused by his invitation. They had drinking session before, but dinner? This was a first time.

“Uhm sure oppa, where should we meet?”

 “Ah… actually… I was thinking to cook for you at my place.” Nervousness returned to his voice. He sounded worried at the same time. When Joon Gi invited her to his place for dinner, Ji Eun was opening a water bottle. The cap went flying around and hit one of her dancers.  She couldn’t really remember how it happened.

 “At your place oppa?” She couldn’t conceal her feelings. It was nervousness, yet also astonishment the invitation caused. But at the same time the thought of visiting his place for the first time made her feel excited and giddy.

 “Ah yeah, you should bring Park Jung Hyun shi too, I will cook for you both.”


 “You are with him, right? He will drive you back after the rehearsal as usual. I was thinking about why don’t you guys stop by and have dinner with me”

 ‘... Why ?’  Ji Eun unconsciously pouted at the thought the invitation wasn’t exclusively for her.

 “Ji Eun ah?” 

 “Ahh…yes oppa, I will see you later then…”

  “Okay, see you later Ji Eun ah…”

Stuffing the phone back into her bag, Ji Eun felt annoyed with herself for being disappointed that it wasn’t the dinner date she had expected.


It was a fascinating experience to watch him cook. The way he moved around, working with his knife and cooking utensils fascinated Ji Eun. She was awed by his every move; He looked like he was dancing. She had tried to offer help earlier, but when he saw her handling the knife clumsily he panicked. So Ji Eun ended up sitting on the kitchen chair, watching him doing his work. Jung Hyun shi was more helpful, so it wasn’t really a waste to take him with her.

 “I hope you are okay with pasta for dinner“, Joon Gi set the finished dish in front of her and put 2 more plates on the other sides of the table.

 “Don’t worry about the calories. I especially paid attention to it because of your upcoming concert.”

“Thank you, oppa. It smells good.”

  “Yeah, Joon Gi shi surely can cook. It was amazing to watch him work”, Jung Hyun took the first bite of his pasta and his face brightened.

 “Oh, this is so... good!”, he exclaimed.

 “Thank you, glad you like it. And you can just call me “hyung"”, Joon Gi tapped Jung Hyun’s back with a friendly smile plastered on his face.

 It never failed to amaze her how quickly people warmed up to Joon Gi oppa. Wherever he went, he made new friends easily. Jung Hyun’s cheerful laugh filled the room and was joined by his. Both of them were joking and chatting happily.

He sat in front of her, followed by Jung Hyun shi sitting next to him. Ji Eun glanced over at Jung Hyun shi's seat, thinking about how she wished to sat there instead of him.

 ‘Yeah, my manager is smitten by oppa. I wonder why he invited me over… Was he just trying to approach my manager?’ Ji Eun was annoyed again.  It was silly to feel jealous of her manager oppa, but she did anyway. Quietly she continued to eat her pasta.

“Are you okay, Ji Eun ah? Was there something wrong with the food?” Joon Gi gave her a concerned look.

‘Finally, he noticed me... humph’

“I am okay, oppa. The food is delicious, you are amazing!” She practically shoved the food into her mouth. It was really delicious but she had lost her appetite because of her silly jealousy.

Park Jung Hyun noticed her sour face, chuckling as he knew what was going on in her head. So, he decided to go out to buy something after they finished their dinner, leaving Ji Eun and Joon Gi alone to do the dishes.

‘Well, at least I am good at cleaning...’ Ji Eun smiled proudly at her work.

She had asked Joon Gi oppa to sit down, while she was washing the dirty dishes. He was still on his seat watching her, smiling and gazing at her lovingly when she dried her hands. The way Joon Gi watched her made Ji Eun blush. Suddenly he got up and walked over to her.


 “Thank you Ji Eun ah,” he said softly. Butterflies started to gather in her stomach and Ji Eun felt nervous about their closeness.


 “No, I should be the one to thank you for the dinner, oppa. It tasted really good “


“Really?” Joon Gi closed the distance between them.  His face was so close now, she could see  his beautiful skin. His eyes met hers.


 “Yeah... really.” Her heart went into a frenzy. Ji Eun had a difficult time to stay focused on his face. In the end she was staring nervously at her hands, trying to prevent her heart from exploding


 “Glad you like it”, Joon Gi smiled and pulled back. Ji Eun exhaled. She had been unconsciously holding her breath.


 ‘... what was I expecting? A kiss?? Seriously Ji Eun...’  She scolded herself.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Hyun Jung had returned and it was time to go home. Her manager told her he would wait outside, after he had thanked Joon Gi oppa.


“Ah... well thank you again oppa. Good night”, standing in front of the door, Ji Eun bowed.


 “You’re welcome, Ji Eun-ah… Thank you for coming”, Joon Gi oppa returned the bow. Before she could open the apartment’s front door, he had caught her hand and carefully intertwined it with his. She turned to face him; surprised.  


 “Next time… it’s just us,” he whispered softly, with an adorable look on his face.


Love it love it love it @NerinaC keep it coming chingu!

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3 hours ago, violet90 said:

its been a while but from what i see everything that happen recently don't have any effect on both of them.. also the MIA from public and social media for me is really the planned one because now both of them have no new project and can just lay low and make a comeback from their respective field eg acting and singing..

also seriously both of them really not the subtle couple at all.. the ig post that exactly the same just a day apart just make me really smilling because its seem JG can't just keep in down at all.. the first one promoting and second is personal.. if its just a coincidence than they really have a scary fate between them.. too much coincidence happen since they knew each other... 

i don't think anything change from last we saw them and who knew maybe they meet each other or keeping in touch cause just look at how far they come from the BTS to SAF night and Taiwan night... nobody knew what going on except them but the way they look at each other really make me stay in this ship even more... there just something different in a way they look at each other now than before..

and what i know for sure its that its more than just a co worker or close colleagues... 

keep calm and belive in JoonU


My six sense strongly suggest they're already in a relationship.  Provocative caption from LJG 'We Can Make It'...Red code love lyric...Yup! they're in love :heart:...or/and based on latest LJE appearance in Hanna's IG...should i say...Love Is In The Air???..:heart::heart:... *speculation infection at your own risk* :D


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1 hour ago, meahri_1 said:

the things he said; the things she said

Yes! Isn't it way so much beyond a mere 'coincidence' that even the gist of their respective guest talks during their Taiwan events sound rather synchronous? when they talk about being jealous of each others' fans' love, when they praised each other... either they planned the talks together or if they didn't, they're just so much in sync with each other, in a very smart way, that they seem to think alike and talk alike *and act alike... remember the mirroring of their gestures? :wub:*. Whether they actually realise it or not... to me, they're already such destined soulmates lol... :heart:

and @NerinaC thanks for the ff update! lol-ing at JE's manager being another third wheel lol but it's so cute... can't wait for the update!



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6 hours ago, WH said:

**Both got star sickness after their big break, went into depression and got over it.

 Is a really good list but I am not sure about this statement. What do you mean by star sickness in IU's case? :)  My english is not that good and probably it has other meanings. I think star sickness is when someone (because of fame) begins to think of himself as superior or overly special. Like "fame gone to the head"? I think IU has always being humble about herself. I think she got into depression because she thought she destroyed her career in a second (being herself the only at guilt) when she uploaded in 2012 the photo with the super junior guy ("dating scandal") gaining lots of haters in the process. And yes, probably feeling guilty for the guy also. Time proved that she never lost the fame. Before scandals she topped charts, after scandals she also topped charts. Still had the public recognition. Probably people were more crazy about her during the Good Day times, but I think that is pretty normal, it was something new and for many she had a completely angelic aura (not black and white, only white). For me the only thing that changed is that she got more or a lot of (immature) haters. Fame is still there. Don't know if she will still be topping the charts with next album, but for sure she will give good music. I trust her talent. 

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6 hours ago, NerinaC said:

Part 1-10

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Part 11

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~Intermediate Future~

No actual words were exchanged between them. No promises had been made yet. But the smiles, the dreamy eyes and the longing gazes they shared were quite enough for the moment. The two of them believed everything would move in its own time and pace. For now they just enjoyed how natural it was to be in each other’s company.


Being awed by Joon Gi oppa's cooking skills,  Ji Eun watched him working in the kitchen. It was her first time at his apartment; she found it simple, modern and comfortable. It was different from what she had imagined but she liked it.

 Due to her upcoming “1234” concert and his “Thank You Fan Meeting” they would become even busier with practices and preparations. So when he had called and invited her over for dinner, she quickly agreed.

 ~2 hours ago at a dancing studio~

 ‘What time do you finish the rehearsal? *wink wink*’  Joon Gi oppa's message came during her break.

 ‘Maybe in an hour, why are you asking oppa?’  

  Right after the message had been sent, her phone rang. It was Joon Gi oppa. 

 “Hello, what’s wrong oppa?”

“Oh, nothing … are you busy?”, he sounded somehow nervous even though it wasn’t their first phone call.


 “I am on a break. It’s okay oppa. I am free right now,” Ji Eun held in a giggle, she felt all giddy just by listening to his voice.

 “I was just thinking…. If you would like… we could have some dinner after your rehearsal?” He carefully asked. Ji Eun was amused by his invitation. They had drinking session before, but dinner? This was a first time.

“Uhm sure oppa, where should we meet?”

 “Ah… actually… I was thinking to cook for you at my place.” Nervousness returned to his voice. He sounded worried at the same time. When Joon Gi invited her to his place for dinner, Ji Eun was opening a water bottle. The cap went flying around and hit one of her dancers.  She couldn’t really remember how it happened.

 “At your place oppa?” She couldn’t conceal her feelings. It was nervousness, yet also astonishment the invitation caused. But at the same time the thought of visiting his place for the first time made her feel excited and giddy.

 “Ah yeah, you should bring Park Jung Hyun shi too, I will cook for you both.”


 “You are with him, right? He will drive you back after the rehearsal as usual. I was thinking about why don’t you guys stop by and have dinner with me”

 ‘... Why ?’  Ji Eun unconsciously pouted at the thought the invitation wasn’t exclusively for her.

 “Ji Eun ah?” 

 “Ahh…yes oppa, I will see you later then…”

  “Okay, see you later Ji Eun ah…”

Stuffing the phone back into her bag, Ji Eun felt annoyed with herself for being disappointed that it wasn’t the dinner date she had expected.


It was a fascinating experience to watch him cook. The way he moved around, working with his knife and cooking utensils fascinated Ji Eun. She was awed by his every move; He looked like he was dancing. She had tried to offer help earlier, but when he saw her handling the knife clumsily he panicked. So Ji Eun ended up sitting on the kitchen chair, watching him doing his work. Jung Hyun shi was more helpful, so it wasn’t really a waste to take him with her.

 “I hope you are okay with pasta for dinner“, Joon Gi set the finished dish in front of her and put 2 more plates on the other sides of the table.

He sat in front of her, followed by Jung Hyun shi sitting next to him. Ji Eun glanced over at Jung Hyun shi's seat, thinking about how she wished to sat there instead of him.

 “Don’t worry about the calories. I especially paid attention to it because of your upcoming concert.”

“Thank you, oppa. It smells good.”

  “Yeah, Joon Gi shi surely can cook. It was amazing to watch him work”, Jung Hyun took the first bite of his pasta and his face brightened.

 “Oh, this is so... good!”, he exclaimed.

 “Thank you, glad you like it. And you can just call me “hyung"”, Joon Gi tapped Jung Hyun’s back with a friendly smile plastered on his face.

 It never failed to amaze her how quickly people warmed up to Joon Gi oppa. Wherever he went, he made new friends easily. Jung Hyun’s cheerful laugh filled the room and was joined by his. Both of them were joking and chatting happily.

 ‘Yeah, my manager is smitten by oppa. I wonder why he invited me over… Was he just trying to approach my manager?’ Ji Eun was annoyed again.  It was silly to feel jealous of her manager oppa, but she did anyway. Quietly she continued to eat her pasta.

“Are you okay, Ji Eun ah? Was there something wrong with the food?” Joon Gi gave her a concerned look.

‘Finally, he noticed me... humph’

“I am okay, oppa. The food is delicious, you are amazing!” She practically shoved the food into her mouth. It was really delicious but she had lost her appetite because of her silly jealousy.

Park Jung Hyun noticed her sour face, chuckling as he knew what was going on in her head. So, he decided to go out to buy something after they finished their dinner, leaving Ji Eun and Joon Gi alone to do the dishes.

‘Well, at least I am good at cleaning...’ Ji Eun smiled proudly at her work.

She had asked Joon Gi oppa to sit down, while she was washing the dirty dishes. He was still on his seat watching her, smiling and gazing at her lovingly when she dried her hands. The way Joon Gi watched her made Ji Eun blush. Suddenly he got up and walked over to her.


 “Thank you Ji Eun ah,” he said softly. Butterflies started to gather in her stomach and Ji Eun felt nervous about their closeness.


 “No, I should be the one to thank you for the dinner, oppa. It tasted really good “


“Really?” Joon Gi closed the distance between them.  His face was so close now, she could see  his beautiful skin. His eyes met hers.


 “Yeah... really.” Her heart went into a frenzy. Ji Eun had a difficult time to stay focused on his face. In the end she was staring nervously at her hands, trying to prevent her heart from exploding


 “Glad you like it”, Joon Gi smiled and pulled back. Ji Eun exhaled. She had been unconsciously holding her breath.


 ‘... what was I expecting? A kiss?? Seriously Ji Eun...’  She scolded herself.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Hyun Jung had returned and it was time to go home. Her manager told her he would wait outside, after he had thanked Joon Gi oppa.


“Ah... well thank you again oppa. Good night”, standing in front of the door, Ji Eun bowed.


 “You’re welcome, Ji Eun-ah… Thank you for coming”, Joon Gi oppa returned the bow. Before she could open the apartment’s front door, he had caught her hand and carefully intertwined it with his. She turned to face him; surprised.  


 “Next time… it’s just us,” he whispered softly, with an adorable look on his face.



Hello... i am delurking just to say that your last chapter is very sweet that i am grinning like a pabo now. always waiting for your update.

since i am delurking, i might as well say hello to all of you here. to be honest, i am not a joonu shipper, i am just a plain fans of BBJX, and a onced devastated MLSHR viewer (the reason i am a sucker of all fanfics related to it). but i enjoy my lurking here from time to time. i am not fans of IU nor LJG either, but i find them to be really amazing individuals, thanks to all the info in this thread. while i am still (adamantly) not a shipper, i promise to come here and congratulate you all, should they really become a couple. if it happens, perhaps there is really a BBJX curse going around. LOL.

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