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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Well, well... I've learned a lot of new informations today. LOL  So, to those who shared the info, thank you! 

14 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

For the time being I'm happy enough that the girl I like for him is single and freeeee... so he'll have another chance! :wub:

 Sorry to cut your post, NoonaE.. I just wanna say, I agree with you! ^_^

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32 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

@Park Chon @aimwanie lol I guess I might have been one of the minority at that time because I wasn't mad at him at all during those JHB rumour days. I kinda thought JG and JHB might have seen each to some extent, but it's probably not enough for him to confirm as a serious 'date' yet. Any confirmation will not stop the questions... there would be even more questions and then if you decide to part ways, it can be huge again. It's so tiring, to be honest, just look at what happened with JE- Voldy and him nowadays. I don't know, maybe it's just me, I would be more upset if he did something like gambling or using drugs than hiding his love story and 'denying' a date lol :ph34r:

Anyway, let the by-gones be the by-gones. I assume JG has learned his lessons enough and he knows it better now :tongue:. For the time being I'm happy enough that the girl I like for him is single and freeeee... so he'll have another chance! :wub:

hahahahaha.. agree with the highlight words. i dont know what im gonna do if he did that.. he is indeeed a single maaaannnn~~~ thats enough~~

lets just hope JHB is indeed in some kind of relationship with PHS.. keke 

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2 hours ago, aimwanie said:

eh.. JHB rumors with park hyo shin? if its true, then LJG will be the match maker. hahahahaha. he is quite close with PHS and he is also close with JHB. nah.. a way to get away from the endless rumors. 

i was kind of mad at him at first but nah.. he did said he wont admit to his own relationship, so there is no use to force him,. but what makes his fan mad was when he was in a rumor with the same person for 3 times. his MIA for a month was enough to convey how sad he is.. but thats all in the past btw.. i agree with u that we cant read what he's thinking for now since his relationship with IU is soooo suspicious.. i wont use strange . hahahahahahaha

anyway, where did u get that rumors about JHB with PHS? 

Me and my friend saw some comments in JHB's IG posts saying that she and PHS look good together/get along well with each other. I don't know if they are some random shippers or what. But because JHB and PHS have no interaction/links together, so I found it's kind of weird and hope they are in a relationship for real B)

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1 hour ago, freckledcontessa said:


It's been a while and I don't recognise most of you here but I'm happy our 'family' is growing. 

Keep the faith. Always. :wink:


ETA: I tried to like all the posts where i was mentioned but for some reason i can't find them. But i really appreciate the thought. Thank you! :)

Welcome back! Most of it I would assume was when @Siracusa and I tagged you for whenever something big happens.

Please visit more often! Miss you!

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For fellow ueanas here, sorry for bringing this up. I just watched the weekly idol guesting of IU. In the rewriting profile segment, they talked about her 2 kinds of laughter, a sincere one wherein she just maintains a happy expression because she always guest on variety shows. The other one would be her ajumma laugh where she just laughs out loud like there's no tomorrow. I brought this up because I was bothered about her expressions on SAF. Why do I feel like her laugh was the laugh she shows when she guested on varity shows? Because if that was it, I will be sad that :unsure:Can any long time ueana clarify this for me?

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