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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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2 hours ago, emerald_2 said:


Actually I am curious, if in the past, if JG actually put the media on check before ? and frankly refute any love-line insinuations that they make? or he just kept quiet just like this too ?

The fact that MLSHR has long been aired, I was expecting him to say something like : please do not misunderstand, JE is just like a little sister to me, or a "hoobae" that I care for because she is a great artist and friend....something like that.  
Just to make things clear to the media, where they exactly stand. That could have been his most "diplomatic" reply.


Hmm I remember him immediately refuting the issue with BoA and then also saying him and JHB aren't dating. Apart from that, there are only really baseless rumors of his dating life, just like any other Korean celebrity. But mostly, he really avoids spilling anything personal and we barely know anything about his life apart from the basics. 

That's why this so-called "fanservice" is weird (and exciting) for both JG and IU fans. :D

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@ucieh@Silvermainei'm really sorry that i haven't been updated on the latest situation of the 'weibo fan war' since i am not on weibo myself. i don't like the atmosphere there because it's too 'noisy' and somehow full of 'fan drama'. back then when the 'war' started, i read from a fellow JG fan that it's due to the low rating in korea and fans from both sides argued while dissing the other star. i guess some chinese (and chinese speaking) fans of JG are still bitter about JE and her fans after that 'incident'. i happened to read a comment of a supposedly Chinese-weibo fan on JG's IG *since he has updated his IG more frequently than his weibo lately* that 'nagged' him not to post anything related to JE because according to her, there has been a lot of hate and insults towards JG from JE's fans in weibo. It seems to me the Taiwanese fans and most fans who attended the Taiwan FM aren't the ones involved in the 'weibo chaos'. So far I have read and seen quite 'okay' responses about JE's presence in the FM though they're not necessarily shipping her with him now.


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@ucieh sure I'll share any JoonU crumbs that I can find later :rolleyes:

By the way, I don't know if this has been shared here, but lately I've been reading the AU Fanfic of SoSoo with a 'from-friends-to-lovers' theme  in addition to reading our chingu @Silvermaine 's works. I'm loving it! really can picture JoonU like this... being friends first and then lovers hehehe... *warning: a bit Rated M* *cough* :wub:



Good night, Stargazers! :wink:

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Just wanna drop by share this mv, I pretty much still alive, or trying to be, out of town during weekend, and back to my sick bed today, well, why cold nowadays are so difficult to recover

This is the mv for three inch heaven for Jieun concert and the youtuber edit it well, and inputted So word at the end of it, especially the one he say, he will never let her go, enjoy stargazers, I miss you all by the way, I will be back tomorrow I hope


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always love the long time uena @starcandy0516's explanations on why this couple deserved to be shipped. as a long time uena.. only then u know the changes.. and thanks to all the long time uena her especially @starcandy0516 for the well written on it. 

we all witnessed how happy they are with each other and nothing can stop us from praying together for them to end up together.

4 hours ago, NoonaE said:

@ucieh@Silvermainei'm really sorry that i haven't been updated on the latest situation of the 'weibo fan war' since i am not on weibo myself. i don't like the atmosphere there because it's too 'noisy' and somehow full of 'fan drama'. back then when the 'war' started, i read from a fellow JG fan that it's due to the low rating in korea and fans from both sides argued while dissing the other star. i guess some chinese (and chinese speaking) fans of JG are still bitter about JE and her fans after that 'incident'. i happened to read a comment of a supposedly Chinese-weibo fan on JG's IG *since he has updated his IG more frequently than his weibo lately* that 'nagged' him not to post anything related to JE because according to her, there has been a lot of hate and insults towards JG from JE's fans in weibo. It seems to me the Taiwanese fans and most fans who attended the Taiwan FM aren't the ones involved in the 'weibo chaos'. So far I have read and seen quite 'okay' responses about JE's presence in the FM though they're not necessarily shipping her with him now.


that fan war happened at the very end of the drama right if im not mistaken. im soo glad to see the warm welcome by the taiwanese fans. i just dont get them.. seriously.. what with the fan war to start with.. isk isk isk

1 hour ago, Diana Blanche said:

Hi Stargazers!

Reading your comments I remembered two aspects that caught my attention during the interview when they won Best Couple Award. I have to say that is only my interpretation and it's very possible I'm wrong. There are two aspects:

1) So, when MC (the girl, I'm sorry I forgot her name) asked JG if he knew that he would win the prize for Best Couple, he didn't answer. He said “We want to received this award” Why didn't he answer yes or no? Because he knew that would be lying? Somehow I'm sure he knew they would win that's why he avoided to respond to MC question.

2) When the MC said that they are suspicious insinuating that there is something between them JE seemed surprised, she said “Eh?” or something like that but again, JG did not answer. Maybe because he knew he would lie? After that they both laughed but the MC ask them “You aren't... Are you?” At that moment JG looks to me like he wanted to snap him with the prize in his hand.

I'm going to post here the video but the translation is not very good. I have not found a better translation because I wanted to post just this moment not the whole ceremony

kekekeke.. but why does it seems to me.. he kind of like wanna answer it but then laugh when minah stop the suspicion. im all with LHJ.. these two are SERIOUSLY suspicious!

54 minutes ago, riuenu said:

Anyway talking about SAF here, my line chingu just shared this moment taken by fan, the moment she saw him when she get out of the car

Kyaaaaaa, night stargazers, hope to see ya tml

that moment~~~ her eyesssss... full of loves!!! can @starcandy0516 explain to us where else did she "gave" this kind of eyes to~~~

anyway.. gws byeontae leader @riuenu.the founder @simplyme_crazyme and me will be waiting for you.

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Just want to ask..anybody found clearer video for iu in JG fm? So we really not gonna get the close up of their face is it?i've become greedy that even with the conversation of them being translated..i still want to see their expression.I'm not sure which video,but at the moment jieun rised at the top stage,she gives a little wave..i wonder that little wave are directed to the audiences or towards JG..:blush:

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

I have done the subbing for IU's appearance at JG's Taiwan FM.

The video is not great but filming was really restricted during the FM, so this was the more complete version taken by a fan. It wasnt easy to hear the conversation and translation amidst the constant screaming but you get the flow of the event. Enjoy.


Thank you for the translation. It gave me a better image and understanding of the event. I loved the response of his fans. I liked the way he praised her and I love how she forgot to stop talking to allow the translator to translate what she said. I think that JE was very excited and happy that JG fans welcome her so warm.

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