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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Oh thank you captain.. in joonu name to donated hmm.. captain can i have another sugestion for the name I have this "李基恩 STARGAZERS" or maybe our chingu here can make it more less and in pronouce/nick name will became "LEGEND" the meaning is "Stargazers strenght foundation of kindness", with JE and JG name in it, we can spread our, JG and JE kindness to the world with that name and the nick name Legend as we know their story is legend that can make people change and do amazing thing and crazy thing.. I think the meaning is perfect for this project.. we can also make some logo with their chinese character,, I'm sorry captain it just that their name is so perfect to let it pass...omg what din JoonU do to me...

Note : I don't know why but how amazing JE and JG influence to us that can make us do something amazing, and make us meet each others from stranger to friend from JG fan and JE and of course new fans too, to become one alliance stargazers like this I think its so amazing because of them we can meet by destiny and now we will do amazing project once again in their name,, i think this project will dedicated to them from change us to be better person.. 

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

I know my post here may generate much debate and defense but I just feel I need to state my case. You can also disregard my post and enjoy the haven here.  I wont be around much because I feel the need to unplug from MLSHR asap to get my real life back on track.

Thanks for all the good time, I enjoyed the journey very much. The drama was really epic in many dimensions.

Sorry to see you go but come back anytime, @qwenli. Celebrity gossip, fandom, and shipping are a buffet so you're certainly welcome to pick and choose what suits you. We'll see you in another thread!

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42 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Having read through the past few pages, I have to come in and state a probably unpopular opinion.

As it is, from the vibes I get from Weibo and other places, the fight and hate between Joon gi and Iu fans are real. There are of course also a good number of shippers in the Chinese community and Internationally (us included). I was careful to avoid going in depth into the nonsensical hate, but for the fact that these floated out to me even when I was casually browsing Jooni and IU's individual stuff just shook me up very much. 

Although I am a fervent shipper myself but as it is, even if there is anything between JoonU, the relationship is still in its initial stage, and doesnt need more scrutiny or pressure. I am just afraid the creation of any additional support group with whatever good intentions will not help the growth of this relationship because it will just draw more attention to a situation that is fragile and unconfirmed.

I know my post here may generate much debate and defense but I just feel I need to state my case. You can also disregard my post and enjoy the haven here.  I wont be around much because I feel the need to unplug from MLSHR asap to get my real life back on track.

Thanks for all the good time, I enjoyed the journey very much. The drama was really epic in many dimensions.


What, where are you goin'?! I don't know how to respond your post, i'm not good in words... I don't understand about fight and haters outside, should we aware about this too?? Please take your time but keep still around here. You should join us if they do insta flirt again or any excited moments again from Joon Gi and Ji Eun... ^^ 

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46 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:

What, where are you goin'?! I don't know how to respond your post, i'm not good in words... I don't understand about fight and haters outside, should we aware about this too?? Please take your time but keep still around here. You should join us if they do insta flirt again or any excited moments again from Joon Gi and Ji Eun... ^^ 

I don't know the details but I think that not all Joongi and IU fans ship JoonU and are actually against the pairing. Which is fine, they're entitled to their opinions. Since we're a thread that supports the pairing and we promote good vibes to Joongi, IU (whether they end up together or not), to some extent Voldemort, I don't think we need to worry about outside fights. 

As I said earlier, celebrity gossip, fandom, and shipping are a buffet, you can pick and choose what suits you. We're in this thread because we support JoonU, whatever their status. 

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2 hours ago, enigmaticangel said:

But i seriously don't want them to announce their relationship status even if they start dating..seriously i have seen many actors/actress under so much soial pressure after announcing their relationship..some crazy fans become wild and post ugly comments about their on their IG profiles and paparazzi's sorrounding them during their dates..these all things ultimately leading to their breakup.. I don't want that to happen to our JoonU :tears:

I can live with hints ,let them announce their relationship when they decide to get married..

Even though i would LOVE to hear their news of dating but i also care for their personal lives..haha..

Same with me. I just want they to happily & freely dating without pressure. Just announce once you seriously getting married. Hee 

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Thank you for expressing your concern, @qwenli.

The fan support group itself isn't necessarily for JoonU, but for Joon Gi and IU as separate units. Frankly, if I could, I would create separate support groups for each of them, but that would be too much work and too much of a hassle when the purpose and intent is the same, so by joining it into one, it would really be the best of both worlds. Certainly, there may be events that would concentrate on one specific person instead of both, and I have some ideas for that as well, so I wouldn't advertise it as a JoonU support group, so much as a Joon Gi group and IU group with just one page to manage. Because it is them, in SHR, that motivated and inspired this, that brought so many people together.

If this doesn't turn out well because the fans clash, then fine. Oh well. So be it. At least I'll have tried it, but if I don't even attempt it, how will we know what could have been? The potentials it could have had, how much good we could have brought to the world, and how many lives we could have changed? 

As I mentioned in my initial post, I am someone who advocates for charity and donates as much as possible, but... I am just one person. With this group, I am just one person plus fifty. Or a hundred. Or even more than that. The possibilities become endless.

As far as I know, the initial clash between fans came about because IU got a lot of flack for her acting in the beginning and Joon Gi fans attributed her flaws and lack of experience to the low domestic ratings, which could have negatively impacted Joon Gi. In return, IU fans defended her and it went from there. I don't think the hatred stems from actually disliking the actor/actress themselves, but just the opinions received from the drama. But I don't know and I may never know. I don't venture to Weibo because it's difficult to access here and my Traditional Chinese isn't all that great, much less my Simplified Chinese. (Cons to being an ABC, I suppose.)

But, in any case, I don't want to give up because some fans on Weibo or other places hate IU or Joon Gi or the other party's fans. They represent, to me, just a small portion of the population that I can reach. For the greater good, for building an even better, charitable reputation for their actor/actress, would they not be willing to put aside differences? I guess we'll find out.

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Something that I read today:

Interview of Lee Joon Gi in late 2013. 

SOURCE AND FULL INTERVIEW: https://daegorr.wordpress.com/2014/01/27/translation-lee-joon-gi-ep-j-2013-winter/#more-533


You have many older Japanese fans. Have you dated an older woman before? What do you think of dating an older woman?
Of course I have dated an older woman before. It’s good if the person has deep thoughts, consideration for others and can communicate well with me. Age is just a number to me. Love becomes unconditional when you fall for someone right? I also believe that the right person will appear one day so I have no intentions to deliberately choose someone who is older or younger than me.

What do you think of drama or movie sequels? If there are plans for a sequel to any of your previous works, is there a show or a role that you will want to do?
Up till now, I think all my works have been great so far, but I personally would like to reprise my role of Lee Soo Hyun in “Time Between Dog and Wolf” again. I have an attachment for that character, such that I sometimes think he is still living his life somewhere out there. Wouldn’t it be interesting to find out what happened to Lee Soo Hyun? It is also fun to imagine a sequel to “Iljimae”!


Maybe I was a detective in a past life. :blink: 


Anyways...that description totally fits IU.

Based on his opinion about sequels and level of attachement to his character, is possible to see Wang So again. I have mixed feelings because a part of me want to see that character again with a happier ending, but the other part of me don't want LJG, IU or any other member of the cast to work again with KKT PD. I still can't forgive KKT for giving the "OK" to that editing.  


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OMG really? Just that simple kiss they took 9 HOURS.. Aigoo no wonder whenever I see JE after they kiss her lips was SWOLLEN and this is the first time I see female lead lips swollen after they kiss, at first i think I'm only halucination now I'm sure its not...  JG what did you do... hahaha

And in FM he say he want MORE?? MORE?? Is this really coming from a man who say he's tired so much kissing scene in scholar?? I guess if it was JE the lead he would not mind... 

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11 hours ago, enigmaticangel said:

But i seriously don't want them to announce their relationship status even if they start dating..seriously i have seen many actors/actress under so much soial pressure after announcing their relationship..some crazy fans become wild and post ugly comments about their on their IG profiles and paparazzi's sorrounding them during their dates..these all things ultimately leading to their breakup.. I don't want that to happen to our JoonU :tears:

I can live with hints ,let them announce their relationship when they decide to get married..

Even though i would LOVE to hear their news of dating but i also care for their personal lives..haha..

So agree with you! I will be content with news about breakup with Voldy then hints about their relationship.

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I'd be happy if they just remain close like what they are now. Don't need to put a label 'we are going out' on their relationship because it's really only their own business. I believe they will go well. They are really fond of each other.

I hope 7/8 Jan in Taipei turns out well for both. You know, photo shoots then her concert and a night out as best mates. I hope JE doesn't go to JG's fan meet. The reason is obvious.

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i personally think that both JG and Jieun attracted to each other whether in physical or the charm that they both have BUT by saying that we all know that Jieun still dating that voldermort when they filming and her status is still unknown today so the possibility that JG approach her more than a friend is a little to zero but he sure smitten by her and can't stop from showing that in BTS and off screen.. JG will respect her life and relationship and i'm sure they will maintain their relationship as a close friend through out the years.. maybe one day they will cross path as a lover just look how Nicky and LSS get together after 2 years with a minimal interaction..

and i also want them to date (if they're dating in future) quietly and not in public eyes.. its a little too much too handle cause both of them have a large amount of fan and its truly under pressure.. i just so happy that this drama managed to make JG and Jieun work together and know each other... they both are precious people that deserve the best for each other...

whether they happy with each other or with other person at least like So and Su they know each other and care for each other........


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9 minutes ago, bitofmadness said:

It’s been two weeks…and I still can’t get over our OTP and their on-screen chemistry. So rare, so precious. crying2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928624

I’ve been watching You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin for the past few days to cure this withdrawal syndrome. I realise that IU is very good at creating chemistry with all her co-stars. 

How long did you last with YTBLSS? I made it two episodes before I quit because Jo Jung Suk's character was an sufferable jjamppong. No amount of IU could make up for his character. 

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Hiks.. why do I feel so blue reading all of ur post guys.. 

I understand that they both have their fans and other stuff to consider before deciding anything esp love.. they deserve to be happy and I hope they can find happiness.. although my delulu mind keep saying that only JG can make JE happy and only JE can make JG happy..

 I wanna post one of JE song that I love and hoping won't make me feel even bluer...  Well it's a sad song and I'm sure I'm gonna end up crying and imagining JE sing this song to JG..   I'm gonna need a hug.. better go find my husband then..




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20 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

How long did you last with YTBLSS? I made it two episodes before I quit because Jo Jung Suk's character was an sufferable jjamppong. No amount of IU could make up for his character. 

Currently I'm up to episode 26 although I fast-forwarded while watching LOL. His character gets less annoying and more development as the series progress (so far from what I've seen; I might be wrong in the next few episodes). Tbh, I'm more annoyed at the mums though. In one episode they are acting rationally, and then boom, irrationally in the next one. Soon Shin's situation reminds me of So. It's definitely a family drama..literally. 


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