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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Since nobody here mention the latest "development" in IG world, let me do the dirty work. I will rant so I apologize in advance. Two reasons why I decide to trash things out here. First, a simple personal reason, I don't have an IG account. All the information I got is easily accessible from any search engine result. 2nd, the first result that comes up when you search for JoonU is this very thread. So this thread is supposed to be the main go to for anything related to JoonU.
Apparently nothing can stop you @andreasia1 (a.k.a @Hablandodekdramas on IG), a loose cannon from going ballistic, can't it?
My post on June 20th was actually me reaching out to you in the nicest way I could possibly put into words. I believe others too have unsuccessfully tried to talk it out with you. You repeatedly and continuously provokes LJG's fans and harass Seo Ye Ji in many of your IG posts, and being such a coward as you are, you put them under "just for fun". You just shrug things off with saying those who got angry have no sense of humor. Okay... That's a normal behavior, for an elementary schooler! Who still has a lot to learn about self responsibility.
And don't you even try to claim that you never say anything bad about Seo Ye Ji. 
"That girl! To be silly does not look good."
Does it ring a bell in your brain, Andrea Fernandez? Don't bother to go back to that post of yours to delete it, I've done you a favor screencapturing it. I can post it here anytime I want.
You ridiculously and proudly claim yourself as an independent JoonU shipper, when the real fact is the shippers group has kicked you out of their circle because they too felt uneasy seeing your provocative posts. You claim that you've been a Hajunse long before you're a JoonU shipper. Do you think this post of yours reflects a true Hajunse spirit?
You are very self centered and narrow minded. Yes, the BongHa shippers are ecstatic to get their hands on the BTS of LL. But they are just a small group of people compared to the true LJG's fans who really want to get the Blu-ray edition to show their sincere support to LJG's work. You're totally ignorant that it took a lot of hard work and negotiation just to make the Blu-ray available for pre order. That post of yours really deserves a big high 5 on your face.
You're also waging an open war with a LJG fan that didn't even mention anything about you. Was your guilty conscience telling you that it was you that the fan complained about? I've read what (s)he wrote, whatever (s)he complained in his/her post is basically the same concern that I had (read my post on June 20th). 


So to my horror, I saw this edit came out and some big name JoonU shippers reposted it as well, and it happened while LL still aired.
This post triggered angers not only among the newly emerged BongHa shippers, but also the usually neutral LJG's fans. One fan even made an edit post of JoonU's precious moments on SAF 2016 night to send her message across. Her main point was that you shouldn't do whatever you don't want others do to you. However, JoonU shippers took a defensive mode saying the edit was made in the name of art, and that the BongHas were overreacting and they wouldn't be that angry should the BongHas make similar edits on JoonU posts. Then the BongHas said they will not stoop that low and that they will not disrespect SYJ by pasting her face on someone else's body. Whatever that implies...



I don't know which came out first, my post or the one that complained on his/her IG post, but simply said, you and JoonU shippers in general, you've been warned. Alas... It really happens. 

I've said it before, shippers in general don't have the best reputation. While other JoonU shippers tone down their activities and completely avoid bumping into shippers from different fandoms, you @andreasia1 just go ahead with your loose fingers and provoke people left and right. A loose cannon shipper like you really trashes the whole shipping fandom. Even neutral fans of LJG can turn into antis because of you. They now resort to post many pictures of LJG and his past co-stars and purposefully left JE out. All thanks to you!
What exactly are you trying to achieve with your provoking other shipping fandom? You try so hard to prove that LJG's best chemistry is only with JE. Doesn't it also mean you belittling LJG's acting craft? He is an actor and he is paid to deliver a character in the most believable way. If he's not able to convey the emotion of a man in love in LL, doesn't it mean he's not a good actor? Please stop your double standard because you didn't flare up at all when people applauded JE's off chart chemistry with Lee SeonGyun nim in MA. Just because JE had almost zero skinship in the drama and the fact that LSGnim is already married, so you felt your ship is safe? 
And stop insinuating that SYJ was the one who always came up to LJG. They were both paid to play characters in love with each other. SYJ is a good actress and she is known to be one of those method actresses, which means she will keep herself in character, be it on or off camera.
Whatever happen on screen and BTS are not the best indication of what actually transpires in celebrities' personal lives.
And why do you keep pestering JG-JE to out their relationship in public (IF they are really in one)? This question is also applicable to @Pilar MisNovelicas. Are you truly happy for LJG-JE if they are in a relationship, OR you only want to feed your own ego by gloating over other shippers' sunken ship? 
What good is it if they prematurely declare their relationship only to break up later on?  LJG & JE are high profile celebrities with massive fanbases. A single irresponsible media twist can easily trigger a massive fan war. This kind of fan war would make last year's war on LJG's and his ex's IGs a child's play. That's why I'd rather they go underground and only go public when they're rock solid in their relationship. Building a healthy relationship is a hard work, even for regular peeps like us. All the more for celebrities with all those scrutinizing eyes constantly on them. 
I am now assuming the underground chat for this ship has gone comatose, because nobody seems to have enough concern to seriously rebuke @andreasia1. May I also know where is thread starter @akinahana89? Wasn't she the one that assumed the captain position of this ship? She doesn't even care that this ship's reputation has been reduced to this sorry state?
I apologize if I sound extremely harsh, but I really want this kind of irresponsible shipping behavior to stop. It doesn't do anything good for everyone. Why do you want to spread negativity that will eventually bring nothing but hates towards the people you (claim to) care about, i.e LJG-JE. 
@andreasia1, you usually have tons of words to refute other people's claim about you. Why don't you come here and give proper explanation of your motives or reasons you're doing the things you do in your IG.
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23 hours ago, soereey said:
Since nobody here mention the latest "development" in IG world, let me do the dirty work. I will rant so I apologize in advance. Two reasons why I decide to trash things out here. First, a simple personal reason, I don't have an IG account. All the information I got is easily accessible from any search engine result. 2nd, the first result that comes up when you search for JoonU is this very thread. So this thread is supposed to be the main go to for anything related to JoonU.
Apparently nothing can stop you @andreasia1 (a.k.a @Hablandodekdramas on IG), a loose cannon from going ballistic, can't it?
My post on June 20th was actually me reaching out to you in the nicest way I could possibly put into words. I believe others too have unsuccessfully tried to talk it out with you. You repeatedly and continuously provokes LJG's fans and harass Seo Ye Ji in many of your IG posts, and being such a coward as you are, you put them under "just for fun". You just shrug things off with saying those who got angry have no sense of humor. Okay... That's a normal behavior, for an elementary schooler! Who still has a lot to learn about self responsibility.
And don't you even try to claim that you never say anything bad about Seo Ye Ji. 
"That girl! To be silly does not look good."
Does it ring a bell in your brain, Andrea Fernandez? Don't bother to go back to that post of yours to delete it, I've done you a favor screencapturing it. I can post it here anytime I want.
You ridiculously and proudly claim yourself as an independent JoonU shipper, when the real fact is the shippers group has kicked you out of their circle because they too felt uneasy seeing your provocative posts. You claim that you've been a Hajunse long before you're a JoonU shipper. Do you think this post of yours reflects a true Hajunse spirit?
You are very self centered and narrow minded. Yes, the BongHa shippers are ecstatic to get their hands on the BTS of LL. But they are just a small group of people compared to the true LJG's fans who really want to get the Blu-ray edition to show their sincere support to LJG's work. You're totally ignorant that it took a lot of hard work and negotiation just to make the Blu-ray available for pre order. That post of yours really deserves a big high 5 on your face.
You're also waging an open war with a LJG fan that didn't even mention anything about you. Was your guilty conscience telling you that it was you that the fan complained about? I've read what (s)he wrote, whatever (s)he complained in his/her post is basically the same concern that I had (read my post on June 20th). 
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So to my horror, I saw this edit came out and some big name JoonU shippers reposted it as well, and it happened while LL still aired.
This post triggered angers not only among the newly emerged BongHa shippers, but also the usually neutral LJG's fans. One fan even made an edit post of JoonU's precious moments on SAF 2016 night to send her message across. Her main point was that you shouldn't do whatever you don't want others do to you. However, JoonU shippers took a defensive mode saying the edit was made in the name of art, and that the BongHas were overreacting and they wouldn't be that angry should the BongHas make similar edits on JoonU posts. Then the BongHas said they will not stoop that low and that they will not disrespect SYJ by pasting her face on someone else's body. Whatever that implies...



I don't know which came out first, my post or the one that complained on his/her IG post, but simply said, you and JoonU shippers in general, you've been warned. Alas... It really happens. 

I've said it before, shippers in general don't have the best reputation. While other JoonU shippers tone down their activities and completely avoid bumping into shippers from different fandoms, you @andreasia1 just go ahead with your loose fingers and provoke people left and right. A loose cannon shipper like you really trashes the whole shipping fandom. Even neutral fans of LJG can turn into antis because of you. They now resort to post many pictures of LJG and his past co-stars and purposefully left JE out. All thanks to you!
What exactly are you trying to achieve with your provoking other shipping fandom? You try so hard to prove that LJG's best chemistry is only with JE. Doesn't it also mean you belittling LJG's acting craft? He is an actor and he is paid to deliver a character in the most believable way. If he's not able to convey the emotion of a man in love in LL, doesn't it mean he's not a good actor? Please stop your double standard because you didn't flare up at all when people applauded JE's off chart chemistry with Lee SeonGyun nim in MA. Just because JE had almost zero skinship in the drama and the fact that LSGnim is already married, so you felt your ship is safe? 
And stop insinuating that SYJ was the one who always came up to LJG. They were both paid to play characters in love with each other. SYJ is a good actress and she is known to be one of those method actresses, which means she will keep herself in character, be it on or off camera.
Whatever happen on screen and BTS are not the best indication of what actually transpires in celebrities' personal lives.
And why do you keep pestering JG-JE to out their relationship in public (IF they are really in one)? This question is also applicable to @Pilar MisNovelicas. Are you truly happy for LJG-JE if they are in a relationship, OR you only want to feed your own ego by gloating over other shippers' sunken ship? 
What good is it if they prematurely declare their relationship only to break up later on?  LJG & JE are high profile celebrities with massive fanbases. A single irresponsible media twist can easily trigger a massive fan war. This kind of fan war would make last year's war on LJG's and his ex's IGs a child's play. That's why I'd rather they go underground and only go public when they're rock solid in their relationship. Building a healthy relationship is a hard work, even for regular peeps like us. All the more for celebrities with all those scrutinizing eyes constantly on them. 
I am now assuming the underground chat for this ship has gone comatose, because nobody seems to have enough concern to seriously rebuke @andreasia1. May I also know where is thread starter @akinahana89? Wasn't she the one that assumed the captain position of this ship? She doesn't even care that this ship's reputation has been reduced to this sorry state?
I apologize if I sound extremely harsh, but I really want this kind of irresponsible shipping behavior to stop. It doesn't do anything good for everyone. Why do you want to spread negativity that will eventually bring nothing but hates towards the people you (claim to) care about, i.e LJG-JE. 
@andreasia1, you usually have tons of words to refute other people's claim about you. Why don't you come here and give proper explanation of your motives or reasons you're doing the things you do in your IG.

First you, yes, you have an Instagram account Second, you write here not because you found it in the search engine, you have already written here several times. (I just saw your posts) I have not seen your publication on June 20 because I do not usually go in here and I'm not interested. I have never bothered that LL actress, you say it for my videos where Dong Hoon and Ji An are on the train and Bong Sang Pil and the lawyer are on the tracks (in the tunnel), or on the video where Ji An broken BSP's car and he throws the keys to the lawyer and says he's going to have dinner with his girl. I do not see what the attack to the actress is here, it bothers you that I have combined both dramas and make humor with this. JG also did it clearly, he combined both dramas and made humor with that at the moment he sent the food truck. I never and insulted that girl. I have never spoken to her with contempt about her, every weekend I have shared about LL (even more than JG himself who sometimes seemed to forget that he had to do it, he promoted the world cup and did not promote the drama) It is not my habit to erase anything, shared what you want, I also have captures of Bongha´s shippers wishing people death, saying that JG is a drunkard, to people who draw JG by mocking his thinness by saying that he is a tablet. They insulting IU in the worst way. I do not care about the black, red, green list, I'm independent because I pay my internet and I do not need anyone's permission to publish what I like. I also do not need friends in social networks (I have friends in real life) If you misunderstand my post is a problem of yours, I was eager to see the BTS and it was for that reason that this post has the angry bear, because they did not buy it enough to go on sale. And I do not care that the Bongha get angry because Joonu-is-soperfect makes editions of bong sang pil with IU, they are very nice editions, and I made a post coming out in defense of her because she is in all her right to create and post . If someone bothers, they not to look. Many times they remove the face of Joon Gi and put the face of Jung Kook in there, the joonu do not get offended, nor do they feel that JG is offended by that edition. I do not see what is the problem with people posting videos of JG with co-stars of other dramas, it is JG's artistic career, you will want to forget it, I will not forget. What's more, I have posted the chemistry he had with each of his coworkers. I also made several post requesting that they appreciate the acting work of JG that makes a lot of effort to deliver the best in the dramatic scenes and action scenes, and I did it because both soompi and tvN only gave value to the romantic scenes. Joon Gi and "namoo actors" had to promote that because the channel did not do it !! In fact JG shared a lot of action and little romance, even "namoo actors" had to clarify that jiujitsu was the fate of JG and saying "#notyou" (in allusion to the actress). If you really are Uaena, go and claim the bonghas for the mistreatment they give to IU, because I am Hajunse (for the same reason I am joonu, because I realized how JG feels with IU) because I realized JG's feelings towards IU is that I always go out in the defense of IU, because these ladies are always insulting her, so if you are uaena, do not come here to complain about me, go to where the bonghas are and defend her! Do not let them insult her, because if you do not defend her I will believe that you are not uaena, I will believe that you are bongha. I only met a uaena like you, and I blocked her for meddling, because she always sent me intimidating messages, I think I imagine who you are because that uaena was always involved in the entanglements of Hye Bin. Yo do not bother me saying that I demand JG to announce his relationship with IU, the anti have always argued that JG is afraid of the Joonu and that's why he shares about her. The anti must assume that JG sings an IU song on his FM because he wants to do it, he looks at IU with love because he wants to do it, he tells us that he sees the IU drama because he wants to do it, he shows happiness when IU shows him affection because he wants to do it, everything JG does is not because I ask him, JG has personality, JG is not anyone's puppet. Do not bother me more with your questions, goodbye.

...Oh, I forgot, I leave this here so you can see that I'm not wrong, JG said in his last interview, Choi Min Soo told JG the same thing I said, "do what you want to do, do what makes him happy "


Edited by stroppyse
Mod edit: Please do not quote images/videos. Thanks.
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Thank you for coming back so early in the morning to edit your post, because this was my original reply to you before I gave up the first time I tried to compose this message.


First things first. OMG. Did you purposefully type your entire post in blue background? Because honestly, it is NOT easy to the eyes. If you want to make an unpleasant post, you can at least do the readers here a favor, type it in a nice format, if you have any specific points to emphasize, you can always put them in bold or in different font colors. You do know that it's not just me that will read your post, so don't do things that will make others uncomfortable as well if your goal is to spite me.
Second, you can send your messages across more clearly if you put them in separate paragraphs depending on the topics you want to talk about. It's already difficult to focus on your post because of the blue background and I had to read and reread it couple of times to understand that you already moved from one topic to another. I will not comment on your English as my English is not perfect either



Don't worry. I'll come back later to properly reply your post. 

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1 hour ago, soereey said:
Thank you for coming back so early in the morning to edit your post, because this was my original reply to you before I gave up the first time I tried to compose this message.
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First things first. OMG. Did you purposefully type your entire post in blue background? Because honestly, it is NOT easy to the eyes. If you want to make an unpleasant post, you can at least do the readers here a favor, type it in a nice format, if you have any specific points to emphasize, you can always put them in bold or in different font colors. You do know that it's not just me that will read your post, so don't do things that will make others uncomfortable as well if your goal is to spite me.
Second, you can send your messages across more clearly if you put them in separate paragraphs depending on the topics you want to talk about. It's already difficult to focus on your post because of the blue background and I had to read and reread it couple of times to understand that you already moved from one topic to another. I will not comment on your English as my English is not perfect either



Don't worry. I'll come back later to properly reply your post. 

just because my English is not perfect is that I use the translator, and when copying and pasting, it stuck blue. And stay talking to yourself and do not tag me because I already answered all your questions and I will not answer more to anything. I'm not interested in your writing classes, nor in your councils. I will not read you...Bye.

PS: this place has been filled with trolls, false accounts and spies

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Thanks @glamlove123 how nice our king is.... I wonder... What loving memory he refers to

And still our queen captain back to her world,  busy creating new song perhaps? 

But thanks GOD,  jjung manager nim fills the emptiness... Thanks a lot jjung manager nim.... Stay by our queen and protect her properly kkkk so many handsome namja want to colab with queen

And so happy to see her sing joonu signature song

And thanks to @glamlove123 for reminding us about the station master!!  Delulu to the max.... Kkkk....  Someone is waiting for you..... 

Spread love not hate

I miss you king and Queen!! 

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@Hablando de Kdramas Oh I believe you will read my post, in fact I even believe you've been waiting for it. You're forever welcomed to reply though.
I mentioned it in one of my last year's posts that I didn't have an IG account. And I still don't. If you insist that I do, why don't you ask that IG account if (s)he is Soereey from soompi forum. You set your IG open for public to view, everybody without an IG account can see your post from any search engines. Just because you do one thing, you should not assume everybody else does the same thing as you do.
I have been posting messages in soompi forum for few years now. This thread is always the first result on any search engines when you search for JoonU. And for that very reason I purposefully posted my previous messages here. Even regular fans of LJG & JE, antis, haters, shippers from other fandoms love to drop by this thread. And this time I actually want them to read our conversation.
Your worst attitude is: 
You do anything as you like with total disregard of other people's feeling, and when people make complaints to you, you put the blame on them that they don't have a sense of humor, and that is their own problem, not yours.
You see... If it's only me who find your action is disturbing, then the problem is on me, that I have to agree with. But when a large group of people (me included) unanimously feel uncomfortable with your action, the problem is not on us, it is on you. Please give it a serious thought, it might eventually help you in real life.
It's not my problem that you don't see the need to make friends in social medias. But surely you don't need to make enemies and make innocent people share your enemies' wrath with you. Don't you realize that the entire JoonU fandom is seen negatively, and largely it's because of your provoking posts?
You claim that you are a Hajunse and you posted that angry bear video to show people that you were upset because not enough people pre-ordered the Blu-ray so it had to be cancelled? Then how can you explain this?
What do you mean by LJG combined both dramas when he sent the foodtruck? Because all I can see was LJG sent the foodtruck to support JE, and he cheekily used the moment to promote his character in his upcoming drama. How can you see it as LJG giving you the permission to make edits of both dramas and make fun of the characters?
You can make funny posts but you should never ever make fun of people, because that is already considered as bullying. You see it as a humor, but others see it as disrespectful act.
And how can you deny this:
Your comment as Andrea Fernandez is clearly bashing SYJ.
I only recall there are some video edits comparing the interaction of LJG-JE with LJG and his past co-stars. I don't recall seeing edited pictures of LJG's kissing scenes with his previous co-stars other than the recent one with SYJ. If there is any, then I can only reason the anger is mostly because of the inappropriate timing of  joonu_so_perfect's edited picture. It was released while LL still aired and people were still on high with LJG-SYJ's on screen chemistry. JoonU is so used to have LJG-JE's pictures edited by JE's other shipping fandoms. But it doesn't mean LJG's fans will tolerate the same thing. Clearly they didn't like it, shouldn't we respect their stance on this? And I personally don't think JoonU shippers need to "steal" and desperately make edits on other couple's romantic scenes. There are more than enough of LJG-JE's sweet moments that you can edit to your likings. 
It's very understandable that TvN & Viki (owner of soompi) heavily promoted the romantic side of LL. After all the majority of drama viewers are women. How can you sell LJG-CMS's off chart bromance to a group of women? Will the viewers be enticed seeing both of them hugging? Even LJG himself promoted the romance side story of the drama when LL was entering its final 4 episodes. It's crystal clear that LJG too was trying to pull in as many viewers as possible. It's all a marketing strategy. And TvN still promote LL after it finished its airing in South Korea because they're trying to sell the drama to more countries. They are trying to milk the drama for all it's worth. Why did you even bother to take this issue personally? 
It's an undeniable fact that this ship exists because shippers here can see that LJG & JE share a special bond. And this ship can last until now because LJG & JE continue to affectionately show support to each other. Some people will not like it so they made snide remarks here and there. Why can't you just ignore those irritating comments rather than waging useless comments/posts war? Those negative comments are meaningless when LJG himself consistently shows his intention to stay as a "close colleague" with JE. As you said yourself, LJG is an adult and he does whatever he wants to do. So why do you even need to worry and throw hissy fits when LJG doesn't even pay attention to those nuisance. Please just do your shipping thing without provoking others, the whole fandom will instantly be peaceful.
Anyway, you should also stop your lame accusation that anyone who has different opinion with you must be a BongHa shipper. You can read all my post here on soompi, and show me if I have ever hinted that I am a BongHa. 
You want me to prove myself a Uaena and defend JE? FINE! I'll do it here because I don't have any IG account. WATCH ME!
I don't think I need to describe how awesome Lee Ji Eun's musical achievement is. Anyone who dares to question her musicality must have been living under a rock.
To LJG's fans and JE's fans that turn into antis because of certain shippers' misdemeanor:
I can't speak much because I myself is a half shipper. But I can guarantee you, not all shippers are bad, only a few of them are. Most of them are really peace loving. Please don't judge them by the misdeeds done by a few irresponsible accounts. 
To haters who despise JE's acting on dramas:
아무것도 아니야 It's not a big deal.
It's nothing when the great PD of Kdramaland Kim Won Seok has given his verdict:
To other haters who hates JE just because...
아무것도 아니야 It's not a big deal.
It's nothing when the reality in Korean Entertainment Industry is this:
Say hello to someone at 1.13 mark.
사랑해 지은아!
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This day is CM anniversary right? 

But while i surf insta posts of joongi i have found this... 

He is so funny,  and based on psychological study,  smart person usually has high sense of humor


Cr to yunlee3

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@melsmd01 Ah... yes... I agree. LJG is a very inteligent & funny guy. He's such a cute dork, isn't he?

And see what I found this afternoon. Our pretty & cute JE was so hillarious in this video, don't you all agree?
Isn't it heartwarming to see the cute side of LJG & JE? They can be so cute & funny without making fun of people. 


In psychology we use the term “positive humour style” to refer to people who use humour to enhance relationships and reduce conflict. This type of humour is associated with relationship satisfaction, extroversion and high self-esteem Having a humorous outlook on life is also a good coping strategy. It helps people better manage stress and adversity.


More negative humour styles, such as sarcasm, ridicule and self-defeating humour, do not offer the same benefits. Instead, they tend to alienate people and are more often associated with depressed mood and aggression.



And I am now presenting my version of the funniest ahjusshi in Kdramaland... (drumroll...)
It's uri LJG's dearest sunbaenim Choi Min Soo. 
That is folks, the ultimate example of being funny. And again, to be funny he doesn't need to resort to make fun of other people either.
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8 hours ago, melsmd01 said:

Hello chinggu,

this premier attendance is not coincidence or fate. Kang Haneul played the poet in the movie and this is when ML started filming so the cast came out to support him and has continued to support each other ever since. Such a tight knit group they are! 


My humble two cents:

its unfair to blame the entire ship for what others perceive to be offensive action by one person. This thread has had nothing but support for both of JE and JG’s professional endeavours and I trust we will all continue to do so in the future. 

It’s disheartening to see how JoonU shippers have become a scapegoat for every mess that goes on in social media hence,  I agree that the best option (at least for me) is to lay low and be less vocal about my opinions related to JoonU for the time being.  This thread too unfortunately is no longer safe. Too many times it has been the target of many inquisitive eyes, even taking what is discussed here to serve their own intent of tarnishing the ship’s reputation.

For now, it is submarine mode. :ph34r: Keep sailing Stargazers, spread love and peace only!


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By the way... 

Newer version of close colleague 

Wow 3 years dating without anybody knowing!?  Daebaaaak.... 


Leelee couple,  keep the spirit of LOVE!! 



I really wish this thread back to the love thread...

Group hugs guys!! 

Let say good thing or throw back loving memories like our king and queen do


Not hard, right???? 


We have experienced hate,  piracy and bad eyes dropped here. Actually i don't understand joonu haters mind set,  if they don't like our discussion here,  why they go here and make their heart full of angryness by reading our comments. Why don't they spice up their thread? 

Gosh..... People...... 

@marimari00 please come often..... I like reading yours

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On 7/24/2018 at 5:26 PM, Hablando de Kdramas said:

First you, yes, you have an Instagram account Second, you write here not because you found it in the search engine, you have already written here several times. (I just saw your posts) I have not seen your publication on June 20 because I do not usually go in here and I'm not interested. I have never bothered that LL actress, you say it for my videos where Dong Hoon and Ji An are on the train and Bong Sang Pil and the lawyer are on the tracks (in the tunnel), or on the video where Ji An broken BSP's car and he throws the keys to the lawyer and says he's going to have dinner with his girl. I do not see what the attack to the actress is here, it bothers you that I have combined both dramas and make humor with this. JG also did it clearly, he combined both dramas and made humor with that at the moment he sent the food truck. I never and insulted that girl. I have never spoken to her with contempt about her, every weekend I have shared about LL (even more than JG himself who sometimes seemed to forget that he had to do it, he promoted the world cup and did not promote the drama) It is not my habit to erase anything, shared what you want, I also have captures of Bongha´s shippers wishing people death, saying that JG is a drunkard, to people who draw JG by mocking his thinness by saying that he is a tablet. They insulting IU in the worst way. I do not care about the black, red, green list, I'm independent because I pay my internet and I do not need anyone's permission to publish what I like. I also do not need friends in social networks (I have friends in real life) If you misunderstand my post is a problem of yours, I was eager to see the BTS and it was for that reason that this post has the angry bear, because they did not buy it enough to go on sale. And I do not care that the Bongha get angry because Joonu-is-soperfect makes editions of bong sang pil with IU, they are very nice editions, and I made a post coming out in defense of her because she is in all her right to create and post . If someone bothers, they not to look. Many times they remove the face of Joon Gi and put the face of Jung Kook in there, the joonu do not get offended, nor do they feel that JG is offended by that edition. I do not see what is the problem with people posting videos of JG with co-stars of other dramas, it is JG's artistic career, you will want to forget it, I will not forget. What's more, I have posted the chemistry he had with each of his coworkers. I also made several post requesting that they appreciate the acting work of JG that makes a lot of effort to deliver the best in the dramatic scenes and action scenes, and I did it because both soompi and tvN only gave value to the romantic scenes. Joon Gi and "namoo actors" had to promote that because the channel did not do it !! In fact JG shared a lot of action and little romance, even "namoo actors" had to clarify that jiujitsu was the fate of JG and saying "#notyou" (in allusion to the actress). If you really are Uaena, go and claim the bonghas for the mistreatment they give to IU, because I am Hajunse (for the same reason I am joonu, because I realized how JG feels with IU) because I realized JG's feelings towards IU is that I always go out in the defense of IU, because these ladies are always insulting her, so if you are uaena, do not come here to complain about me, go to where the bonghas are and defend her! Do not let them insult her, because if you do not defend her I will believe that you are not uaena, I will believe that you are bongha. I only met a uaena like you, and I blocked her for meddling, because she always sent me intimidating messages, I think I imagine who you are because that uaena was always involved in the entanglements of Hye Bin. Yo do not bother me saying that I demand JG to announce his relationship with IU, the anti have always argued that JG is afraid of the Joonu and that's why he shares about her. The anti must assume that JG sings an IU song on his FM because he wants to do it, he looks at IU with love because he wants to do it, he tells us that he sees the IU drama because he wants to do it, he shows happiness when IU shows him affection because he wants to do it, everything JG does is not because I ask him, JG has personality, JG is not anyone's puppet. Do not bother me more with your questions, goodbye.

...Oh, I forgot, I leave this here so you can see that I'm not wrong, JG said in his last interview, Choi Min Soo told JG the same thing I said, "do what you want to do, do what makes him happy "




I'm a Joongi fan and I can say that many of Joongi's neutral fans are beginning to have an aversion to the idea of JG-IU together, all because of you and some other joonu shippers.

Ok I'll talk about what you said and that is underlined with yellow since @soereey talked about the rest.


1. About the first underlined paragraph, apparently you have selective memory because you forgot those posts where you made fun of SYJ. These are some  examples of those posts.






2. About the second underlined sentence, you say you never spoke with contempt of SYJ but nevertheless you show contempt towards her as an actress with these posts.

In the first post you make fun of her implying that she's a secondary actress and the second post you even want the death of her character in LL.






3. About the underlined third part, you lie since those people you are talking about are not Bongha shippers, they are neutral Joongi fans that are known by the majority of Joongi fans.

I know very well who are you talking about because in one of your posts you talked about the post where this fan said she wanted to kill the shippers, she didn't even say joonu shippers, of course she was joking and in another comment said she was sorry and clarified that it was a joke.

And the fan who told Joongi in his post he was drunk and to who you claimed for saying that, she's not Bonga's shipper either, she's a neutral Joongi fan.

And about those fans who drew it and according to you they mocked him saying he's a tablet, none of those people is Bonga shippers.


4. About the 4 sentence underlined I guess you mean your posts where you make fun of JG chemistry with SYJ, as for example these posts.





5. And finally, about the 5 underlined sentence.

I guess you mean this post: https://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=16100899&memberNo=1609562


I really don't know what to think about your reasoning ability, seriously you think that namoo would do something as stupid and ridiculous as that, also because they would have to clarify that SYJ isn't his destiny, were there rumors of them? Or do you think they did it for the Bongha's shippers ? They are just a few international fans who do not know hangul and also if that had been the intention of namoo they would not have put that sentence on top of a pic where Joongi is smiling at SYJ.


I will explain what Joongi's normal fans (Korean and international fans who know hangul) thought about why nammo put #notyou on top of that pic.


This is what Namo put on top of the pic.

주짓수 매니아는 봐주지 않긔!
정성스러운 기술 걸기, 한 폭의 그림 같지요~
#심쿵 #심장아 #너아니야


The translation is this.

JiuJitsu mania isn't easy on him/her!
Apply sincere technique, it looks like such a beautiful photo~
#heart attack #my heart #notyou


Namoo said that to himself, heart attack, my heart, not you.


Namoo always does the same thing in the post they shares in Naver, sometimes talks to himself, so don't say nonsense and ridiculous things.


You and other shippers (only a few people) are the worst thing that could happen to Joongi's fandom, Joongi's fans had to apologize to SYJ's fans because of your bad attitude, her fans were very upset and they stopped going to Instagram because of you and other shippers who made fun of SYJ, some of them complained through Twitter and Joongi's fans apologized, but that does not matter to you, you even had the shamelessness to tell a fan of IU that claimed you that JG liked your mocking posts.


You and Pilar created false accounts and went to the accounts of Joongi's fans to disturb them and you don't deny that we are sure that it's so, we know very well their writing style, way of speaking and the words you two usually use.

Another shipper who comments here and is a friend of those two created an account with ID Sharon (you know who you are) and also did the same.


And now probably you start harassing SYJ as you did with JHB, to Joongi's ex until recently you attacked her in almost every post she posted, first you did with your hablandodekdramas account but then as a fan of IU told you that don't do it, you started using the @thefirstvillain account to continue attacking her and as some people realized you and thefirstvillain account were the same person and they claimed you, then you stopped attacking her and recently I don't know with what purpose you changed the ID 'thefirstvillain' and you put @seo.yea.ji. I understand you hate JHB because in your perverse mind she was an obstacle for your ship, but why do you hate SYJ?

And don't say you dont hate her, SYJ posted a video where she wears rabbit ears and you after that posted a pic of a snake with rabbit ears and the only tag that you put was lawlesslawyer.



And it's clear that in your caption you are referring to JHB when you say that those attitudes you saw in another side and in another person, because that pic of the snake with rabbit ears was used before to bash her.
But because maliciously you imply that SYJ does the same thing that according to you, used to do JHB? Is't because she posted a video of when she was still shooting LL? That would be too absurd but knowing your disturbed mind you will most likely think that.

With the absurd hatred you feel towards SYJ, the only thing you give to understand others is she also seems an obstacle to your ship.

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