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Sorry to burst your illusion of peace by turning on a new page. But sweeping the dirt under a rug doesn't make the dirt disappears. Hurtful words have been made, people's feeling have been hurt. Bad blood has started to form between LJG's fandom & JoonU shippers.


 @Lisbethj has mentioned in previous page that many of LJG's once neutral fans are beginning to have aversion to the idea of LJG&JE being together. Are you going to continue to turn a blind eye? 


Don't you all remember LJG's fans reaction when the news of him dating his ex was revealed? It's a known fact that LJG's ex didn't have the best reputation in his fandom. More fans were turning a blind eye as their reaction to the dating news, and pretended that his ex existed in a different universe. More fans were cheering their break up news than offering words of comfort. I can't even imagine how hurtful his ex's pride was. (Not that I'm defending her now, I am just speaking from a perspective of a woman)


And now you shippers are setting up that very same path for JE. Will you not be hurt for JE if she were treated that way? If you really do care for JE, you will do your utmost to keep her safe and help to deflect any harm that may be aimed to her, the exact opposite of what these irresponsible shippers have been doing.


I am sorry but I have to be a bad person in this thread. I will not stop until @akinahana89 or seniors of this thread come here and set things in order.


Just when I thought people are starting to put a careful thought before publishing their shipping posts online. These are out now:


read the caption and tell me if it's not some form of provocations.

To Joonu_so_perfect, I don't know if english is your major obsticle to understand how bad the situation is now. Your edit might not create serious problems if you post them like 6 months or a year from now when the LL's hype has gone down & LJG's fans anger have simmered down. But now, your timing is again very very INAPPROPRIATE.

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On 7/28/2018 at 12:02 AM, Lisbethj said:



I'm a Joongi fan and I can say that many of Joongi's neutral fans are beginning to have an aversion to the idea of JG-IU together, all because of you and some other joonu shippers.

Ok I'll talk about what you said and that is underlined with yellow since @soereey talked about the rest.


1. About the first underlined paragraph, apparently you have selective memory because you forgot those posts where you made fun of SYJ. These are some  examples of those posts.


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2. About the second underlined sentence, you say you never spoke with contempt of SYJ but nevertheless you show contempt towards her as an actress with these posts.

In the first post you make fun of her implying that she's a secondary actress and the second post you even want the death of her character in LL.


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3. About the underlined third part, you lie since those people you are talking about are not Bongha shippers, they are neutral Joongi fans that are known by the majority of Joongi fans.

I know very well who are you talking about because in one of your posts you talked about the post where this fan said she wanted to kill the shippers, she didn't even say joonu shippers, of course she was joking and in another comment said she was sorry and clarified that it was a joke.

And the fan who told Joongi in his post he was drunk and to who you claimed for saying that, she's not Bonga's shipper either, she's a neutral Joongi fan.

And about those fans who drew it and according to you they mocked him saying he's a tablet, none of those people is Bonga shippers.


4. About the 4 sentence underlined I guess you mean your posts where you make fun of JG chemistry with SYJ, as for example these posts.


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5. And finally, about the 5 underlined sentence.

I guess you mean this post: https://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=16100899&memberNo=1609562


I really don't know what to think about your reasoning ability, seriously you think that namoo would do something as stupid and ridiculous as that, also because they would have to clarify that SYJ isn't his destiny, were there rumors of them? Or do you think they did it for the Bongha's shippers ? They are just a few international fans who do not know hangul and also if that had been the intention of namoo they would not have put that sentence on top of a pic where Joongi is smiling at SYJ.


I will explain what Joongi's normal fans (Korean and international fans who know hangul) thought about why nammo put #notyou on top of that pic.


This is what Namo put on top of the pic.

주짓수 매니아는 봐주지 않긔!
정성스러운 기술 걸기, 한 폭의 그림 같지요~
#심쿵 #심장아 #너아니야


The translation is this.

JiuJitsu mania isn't easy on him/her!
Apply sincere technique, it looks like such a beautiful photo~
#heart attack #my heart #notyou


Namoo said that to himself, heart attack, my heart, not you.


Namoo always does the same thing in the post they shares in Naver, sometimes talks to himself, so don't say nonsense and ridiculous things.


You and other shippers (only a few people) are the worst thing that could happen to Joongi's fandom, Joongi's fans had to apologize to SYJ's fans because of your bad attitude, her fans were very upset and they stopped going to Instagram because of you and other shippers who made fun of SYJ, some of them complained through Twitter and Joongi's fans apologized, but that does not matter to you, you even had the shamelessness to tell a fan of IU that claimed you that JG liked your mocking posts.


You and Pilar created false accounts and went to the accounts of Joongi's fans to disturb them and you don't deny that we are sure that it's so, we know very well their writing style, way of speaking and the words you two usually use.

Another shipper who comments here and is a friend of those two created an account with ID Sharon (you know who you are) and also did the same.


And now probably you start harassing SYJ as you did with JHB, to Joongi's ex until recently you attacked her in almost every post she posted, first you did with your hablandodekdramas account but then as a fan of IU told you that don't do it, you started using the @thefirstvillain account to continue attacking her and as some people realized you and thefirstvillain account were the same person and they claimed you, then you stopped attacking her and recently I don't know with what purpose you changed the ID 'thefirstvillain' and you put @seo.yea.ji. I understand you hate JHB because in your perverse mind she was an obstacle for your ship, but why do you hate SYJ?

And don't say you dont hate her, SYJ posted a video where she wears rabbit ears and you after that posted a pic of a snake with rabbit ears and the only tag that you put was lawlesslawyer.


And it's clear that in your caption you are referring to JHB when you say that those attitudes you saw in another side and in another person, because that pic of the snake with rabbit ears was used before to bash her.
But because maliciously you imply that SYJ does the same thing that according to you, used to do JHB? Is't because she posted a video of when she was still shooting LL? That would be too absurd but knowing your disturbed mind you will most likely think that.

With the absurd hatred you feel towards SYJ, the only thing you give to understand others is she also seems an obstacle to your ship.

I do not know what a neutral fan makes in this forum!

1- I was gentle, I never say of this actress the half of the things that other people said about IU ... do you want me to remind you of everything they say about IU ?. You must give thanks that I said that she was cute but that she is not the queen. In those post I do not see how I offended the actress. I made a comparison in response to the bonghas (who in comments) made comparisons mistreating IU.

2- It is normal that in second or third seasons of the TV series (in all countries) the characters die, I liked LL and if there is a second season I prefer that the protagonist is with JHWon. Anyway, my post says "the couple separates or a character dies". The director did not talk about the actress, "it's not my fault", she was not a secondary character and it seems that she was not the main actress either, nobody talked about her after the drama ended. Blame me for that!

3- my jokes are bad but to say that she wants to kill the joonu is a wonderful joke are you kidding? You have the stone face to say that. I do not know what you call a neutral fan, your concept is very different from mine because the people I referred to have a full profile of the couple and there are comments from them where they ship bongha (that's not neutrality, check the meaning in the dictionary) the person who said that JG is a tablet and made fun of him now is bongha, she actually says that she is bongha and draws the couple, but for her interior she is not, she just shows her contempt for IU (which is who represents the real danger, IU is the only one that can steal the love of his oppa. LOL)

4- I did not see the chemistry between JG and the actress, I liked the chemistry with Choi Min So (I think JG also liked the actor more and this is something that everyone saw) ¿what is sin?

5- yes, they added 5 photos a few hours after publishing the original post, but clarifying "jiujitsu is my destiny #notyou"

also if we apply your theory, my opinions and my post, can they affect the LL rating or affect the career of her? I'm just an international fan.

I do not have false accounts, for this reason it is that everything I want to say I say with my only account and that is what you are claiming me, if I had false accounts my post that bothers you so much, I would do with those accounts that you say!! Because I do not have any problem in saying my opinions, I say what I think and who does not like that I do not read me. HB does not interest me in the slightest. Who remembers HB? ... How nice was this photo hahaha ... yes, she has the same behavior as JG's ex-girlfriend, but JG's ex-girlfriend had Right to be desperate trying to get attention, it was her boyfriend !!

I answered all your questions, now I will tell you something myself.

You came here to bother, as you always do, as you came on May 16 to clarify that JG did not publish for the IU´s birthday  ... dear! (He published an image of the TV of his house with the IU´s face ) JG published for her, for IU, and you came here to annoy. Just like you came to nag on April 13 to make your clarifications about JG's FM. Leave jealousy aside that JG is not for you. And I tell you the same thing that I told the other jealous encarnates , I will not answer more of your stupidities. Stay here talking alone and chewing your anger. (There is a LL forum where you can feel more comfortable than here, the same thing I say to the other person who makes me claims, here nobody attacks IU, here she do not have to defend IU, she have to defend IU in the forum LL). Bye.

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On 7/28/2018 at 5:47 PM, soereey said:

Sorry to burst your illusion of peace by turning on a new page. But sweeping the dirt under a rug doesn't make the dirt disappears. Hurtful words have been made, people's feeling have been hurt. Bad blood has started to form between LJG's fandom & JoonU shippers.


 @Lisbethj has mentioned in previous page that many of LJG's once neutral fans are beginning to have aversion to the idea of LJG&JE being together. Are you going to continue to turn a blind eye? 


Don't you all remember LJG's fans reaction when the news of him dating his ex was revealed? It's a known fact that LJG's ex didn't have the best reputation in his fandom. More fans were turning a blind eye as their reaction to the dating news, and pretended that his ex existed in a different universe. More fans were cheering their break up news than offering words of comfort. I can't even imagine how hurtful his ex's pride was. (Not that I'm defending her now, I am just speaking from a perspective of a woman)


And now you shippers are setting up that very same path for JE. Will you not be hurt for JE if she were treated that way? If you really do care for JE, you will do your utmost to keep her safe and help to deflect any harm that may be aimed to her, the exact opposite of what these irresponsible shippers have been doing.


I am sorry but I have to be a bad person in this thread. I will not stop until @akinahana89 or seniors of this thread come here and set things in order.


Just when I thought people are starting to put a careful thought before publishing their shipping posts online. These are out now:


read the caption and tell me if it's not some form of provocations.

To Joonu_so_perfect, I don't know if english is your major obsticle to understand how bad the situation is now. Your edit might not create serious problems if you post them like 6 months or a year from now when the LL's hype has gone down & LJG's fans anger have simmered down. But now, your timing is again very very INAPPROPRIATE.

This is what you had to do! you come to criticize a post from @ ma._estella and to annoy @joonu_so_perfect. I already told you on instagram, the fanart is not a crime and they are in all their right to edit the images as they want. Because annoying and demanding people like you is that many people now do not want to hear about UI because you are all day bothering and saying what we should or should not do. Take care of your business and stop getting into what others do, you're in the wrong place, go to the LL forum and defend IU from all the attacks that you make on the instagram that you spy. The creator of the forum does not have to come to fulfill your requirements. Who do you think you are? you must go complain to the people who ship to IU with jungkook, do not they bother you? these editions where they erase the face of JG and edit putting this boy !! the joonu do not feel offended, it's nice! LOL . the joonu respect the ships that are respectful !!



JG will be angry about this !!! LOL, you are so hilarious

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Okay!I was just observing these whole time. I've been a JoonU for quite sometime and this is the Largest and the longest shipping fandom I know at least in my own knowledge, it saddens me to see this kind of scenario, sorry to say this but @habladoskdrama CMIIW for your name I've been noticing you provoking fans specially new fans that are new to LJG-LJE fandom to be angry to whom JG was link with or co-stared with, and it's not healthy. I once fought for JoonUs whom were being attacked and blamed for the bullying of JHB which wasn't true at all yah we were devastated because our ship almost sunk but most of us here congratulate JoonGi and the rest that happened only those long time JoonU shippers know, I admit I hated JHB once but never did I went to her IG account or never did any of the circle in this group had provoke other fans at least that's what I know because I remember when the time of the attacks to the supposed "EX" of JG we condemned those persons and even reported some but to our dismay we were attacked by some Twitter influencer that we are the once who were doing it which later on subsided. But you @habladokdrama your out of control, you even made JoonU look like desperate to some neutral fans not even a JoonU account but just simple fan that was just expressing her greatfulness to JoonU you further explained everything to her like most of the people hate IU so much that every single move of JG is related to Ji Eun.. Even on YouTube you were to eager to push everyone to this ship even though they just admire the couple. This affects JG's fans that they don't want JE to be associated with JG in any way, attacking a person like SYJ is insane, I don't want to mention any names that isn't related to JoonU but since so many issue arises and this fandom is being bombarded again with bad reputation I feel the need to mention names. We don't need to prove to them that their ship is not real, we don't need to say to those "SYJ-LJG to be real couple" fans that their hallucinating and JG is madly in love with JE. Real talk we are doing the same we are just assuming based in all we are observing. This place was full of happy thoughts when shippers were responsible although I know they are, up to now that's why I still visit from time to time if I am not busy with my work and read about what this fandom wants. JG loves you, us all including you @habladoskdrama but he also loves his fans outside this fandom, so we must be responsible in handling things specially we are generalized. The worst thing you did @habladoskdrama is you compared SYJ to a snake literally, everyone knows what you meant by that post. To SYJ supporters we sincerely apologize to what she had done but I just want to clear that we had nothing to do with her act so please don't be displeased with all JoonU shippers because they are not irresponsible like @habladokdrama is. @soereey thank you for bravely putting that out, but with fairness to @pilar_misnovelas she just enjoyed posting but not to the extent that she was bullying someone at least in my own observation. Lastly, if JG and JE are in a relationship which we can't deny because they are still close to each other what ever that relationship is it is healthy to both of them and we fans must be happy we don't need to push to hard we all know what we see that's why some the shippers here like are just silently watching, as for their work we must support them as reality really sucks we don't know what they are going through at their work, so we have no rights to bully any of them because we don't know, You don't know @habladoskdrama what do they need to give up just to be where they are today, so just spread love.. ha! It's just sadden me that way back then when ever I come to this thread it seems like my problem lightens, it makes everything simple to me when the truth is my life is full of pressure and expectations this thread makes my mind create ideas for my work but now it's seems that I have to stop reading I will still support you guys, I just realized that loving means leaving for the sweet memories to be treasured. I will always love this thread, I will always love you guys. Please continue supporting JE and JG in their careers, I will be supporting them in a secret way. 

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I read that his Scholar's partner suffered  also because of  some unpleasant comments because of rumors that they were together not only jhb. It seems that any girlfriend he would have, some fans will not accept her for different reasons. And IU suffered because of some negative comments when media revealed she dating with Kiha.

I think is a general problem, many k celebrities  have secret loves to not lose some fans because they want their idol to be single or for other reasons.

But I think a true fan wants for his idol  to be happy, to be loved, to have a family, children,  not to be alone when youth passes. I read earlier in the past that LJG had told  his fans ,,do not want me to die alone, right?” (something like that, if I remember right) . Now LJG is no longer a boy, is a mature man, many of his age are married and have children.

Everyone is different and has different opinions, I liked here because each has his decent opinion and  was intercepted civilized by others members, there were no quarrels between members, what we share is that we wish all the best for IU and LJG.

At one point I saw that they were happy together and that's why I came here but if they will be happy separately will not be a problem for me, it is important for them to be happy and fulfilled, its their life.


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On 7/28/2018 at 8:59 PM, loljk17 said:
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I read that his Scholar's partner suffered  also because of  some unpleasant comments because of rumors that they were together not only jhb. It seems that any girlfriend he would have, some fans will not accept her for different reasons. And IU suffered because of some negative comments when media revealed she dating with Kiha.

I think is a general problem, many k celebrities  have secret loves to not lose some fans because they want their idol to be single or for other reasons.

But I think a true fan wants for his idol  to be happy, to be loved, to have a family, children,  not to be alone when youth passes. I read earlier in the past that LJG had told  his fans ,,do not want me to die alone, right?” (something like that, if I remember right) . Now LJG is no longer a boy, is a mature man, many of his age are married and have children.

Everyone is different and has different opinions, I liked here because each has his decent opinion and  was intercepted civilized by others members, there were no quarrels between members, what we share is that we wish all the best for IU and LJG.

At one point I saw that they were happy together and that's why I came here but if they will be happy separately will not be a problem for me, it is important for them to be happy and fulfilled, its their life.


Agree with you @silentjoonu and of course with our king....

Take care of the typhoon... 

Let us stop this and please only mention JG and JE in this thread.  So many people have this thread. Not only me,  but some stargazers are still dropping by and share delulus together. If one of us feels not comfortable with other please DM her FIRST and finish it..... 

Gosh.... Typhoon of joonu thread.... Ok king,  we are okay.... Because this ship sails it self

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Blood moon last night.... The scarlet moon

Did you see that king and queen? 

Guys.... Remember about so many joonu mvs created since August 2016... Lovable memories. 


Happy to know joonu disease has spread till turkey

I find a lot of joonu shippers from there

If i can speak their language i think i will ask them to create joonu turkiye thread kkkk

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6 hours ago, Hablando de Kdramas said:

This is what you had to do! you come to criticize a post from @ ma._estella and to annoy @joonu_so_perfect. I already told you on instagram, the fanart is not a crime and they are in all their right to edit the images as they want. Because annoying and demanding people like you is that many people now do not want to hear about UI because you are all day bothering and saying what we should or should not do. Take care of your business and stop getting into what others do, you're in the wrong place, go to the LL forum and defend IU from all the attacks that you make on the instagram that you spy. The creator of the forum does not have to come to fulfill your requirements. Who do you think you are? you must go complain to the people who ship to IU with jungkook, do not they bother you? these editions where they erase the face of JG and edit putting this boy !! the joonu do not feel offended, it's nice! LOL . the joonu respect the ships that are respectful !!


JG will be angry about this !!! LOL, you are so hilarious


Oh, so you're back huh? Didn't even bother to address my previous reply, you just suddenly barbed to post that has ZERO mention about you. Solidarity much?
Do you have an English comprehension problem? Because it seems like that you don't understand the content of my post at all. Tsk...
Did I mention anything that editing pictures is a crime? Did I say anything that joonu_so_perfect should stop editing pictures? What I see as the problem are:
1. The caption that ma._estella put in her repost. Find anyone to tell me if that caption is not aimed to provoke the BongHas.
2. The timing that joonu_so_perfect chose to publish this edit.
Just because JoonU ship is so used to have LJG-JE pictures edited by JE's other shipping fandoms, you MUST NOT make assumptions that LJG's fans will tolerate it. If they don't like it, you should respect it. READ: LJG's fans not the BongHas.
And now are you trying to tell people here that JoonU ship is at the same level of that KookU? The reason JoonU shippers ignore the KookU is because JoonU shippers obviously can see that baby Kookie is a fanboy of his dearest SUNBAENIM JE. Nothing more nothing less. I don't want to invite other fandoms' wrath here, so I'll stop talking about KookU.
Don't talk nonsense that I should go to LL thread and defend JE there. Why don't you go there yourself & try to defend your case.
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Sorry to always burst your bubble of peace. But I think avoiding the problem is not going to work. I didn't talk to Andrea Fernandez in private because I know it's useless. The supposed leader of JoonU shippers in IG has talked to her in private, the reason she is now a free agent, a loose cannon by herself. 
Please try to understand my reasoning of doing things the hard way. I am doing this out of my utmost care to everyone onboard this ship. No one, and I stress it, NO ONE should be blamed for something (s)he doesn't do. You can obviously see that the whole JoonU ship is now seen as troublemakers, with fans of different fandoms already got offended. What I am doing right now is basically a PLEA to Akinahana to come out and take control of this now chaotic ship. I am now in the process of reaching out to other seniors of this thread as well.
Read carefully to what I wrote in my 2nd last post. Everything goes back to my loyalty to JE, I don't want her to be hurt. Much less by the fandom that claim to care about her. 
Here is an excerpt of a pm sent to me by a former regular of this thread. She is someone  whose posts you're always eagerly waiting for.

"I feel bad for IU - she doesn't deserve this whole unnecessary drama. Some of my fellow JG fans that I knew suddenly started to post excessively about BongHa just because they are "tired" with the idea of SoSoo/JoonU being posted all the time and just like you have mentioned earlier, they eventually pretend that IU never worked with JG - which is very much of a pity for somebody as as talented as IU. As a JG fan I cannot do anything either because these fans can also be harsh when they are annoyed... just look at what they did previously to JHB. I wasn't the one who supported JHB but I never bothered to hate her either. I really do hope that the situation will get better."


Out of respect to everyone else in this thread, I will restrain myself from posting, but I will still try to reach out to some old members and ask them to come back.
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Joonu disease attacks Japan :D:wub:

Cr to the owner

the new joonu shippers are coming more and more, they come from turkey and japan and perhaps the other side of the world also. maybe they do not know this thread yet or follow the senior shipper instagram account. but they still repost the love story of sooso.....


Anyone here is coming from japan or turkey? 

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2 hours ago, melsmd01 said:

Anyone here is coming from japan or turkey? 


Chingu, I am not but just sharing 2 tv channels that I saw run/will run our beloved drama MLSHR.


1. A Japan channel (kandorastart.com) 23 July. 4pm. I don’t know other details because I don’t read Japanese. 


2. Taiwan Fox channel (fng.tw)30 July, starting 2pm. Eps 9-12.   


Correct me if I am wrong with the details. 

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@soereey I know you wrote a lot. But may I just ask what is the main message you want to say taking into account this is a JoonU thread for JoonU shippers?


I know you are not happy with some shippers on IG, in that case please take it off Soompi and go to IG.


What will people think when they read this thread, and what is this in fighting all about? Fighting between our own fandom? Will we JoonUs be laughed at?


Just as you mentioned we should not be affected by others comments, don't be too affected by the edits that Joonu so perfect posted on IG. Just take it as a normal piece of fanart. 


And you don't need to feel bad or guilty about other fans reactions because there will always be reactions no matter what. Just enjoy the crumbs that come and good news if any. This is the most neutral piece of advice I can give.


I am not a senior of the thread like akinahana and I didn't start shipping JoonU since the start of ML, but I just like looking at fanart on IG and enjoy their interactions.

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Hello everyone, it's looooong time for me since my last visited. How are you? I heard our thread is so active in these days :D

Any ideas for SHR 2nd anniversary? I hope stargazers are well and stay fabulous as always. Love from me, Cassiopeia

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Hi everyone !! such a adventures journey huh... it’s not an easy ways to finally reach the destination. The ship must be solid! Yes I can see that uri JG as the captain and the crews what an amazing crews you all. What can I describe my self a shell that stick on the ship for almost 2 years. This thread, fanfics and IG my everyday routine. Joonu is my happy pill so I need ‘joonutamin everyday’. 


So I hope all of joonu shippers be strong people keep on talking and comments negatively when the main point is they hate them both to be together. I exactly know what’s going on on IG. 


So relax and enjoy the journey I will still stick on this beautiful ship. 

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