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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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On 7/30/2017 at 10:43 AM, summer2017 said:

I love it when Jg is so considerate of JE and when Je is so supportive of him, even after ml ended.

Me, too! that's why I love the two of them. Back then JG quietly liked JE's posts about her new single and album and JE returned the favour lately by liking his work-related posts as well. I know some previous JoonU shippers - mainly JE's fans- were really upset about JG and they do not wish to support him (and any possible relationship between him and JE) after the breaking news but looking at how JE and her staff are still 'okay' with being friends with JG (and his manager), I think I won't worry anymore about the quality of their friendships. They respect each other and care about each other as not to harm and hurt each other- that is very adorable!

I just hope that kind (and kindred) souls like them will find their ways to happiness in the end.


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edited for the Stargazers' world safety! I bet you've all read the original content so please enjoy the cute gifs instead!
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4 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

There are actually a lot of fellow fans I know personally who have been trying to accept her already but get disappointed when her actions are not in line with her public statements. It's not that we're jealous that she's the ofc girlfriend. Fans just care about JG's well-being and career because those are the things important for him. If fans could care this much for him, we expect the ofc gf to be even more caring and considerate, too. It's not too much to ask, is it?


I totally agree with u on this point. U said what I wanted to say. It was just so inconsiderate of her to do that. Because when she said they didn't want to go public, she went ahead to talk about it on variety show. Without considering jg's feelings. As a supportive "gf" she should know how much backlash and hurt her "BF" is feeling. How pained he is. But no she is inconsistent I agree. She only focused on her own depression. What about Jg? Wasn't he depressed? When I saw him cry in his Seoul FM I was so pained. This guy doesn't deserve so much backlash but he took it all on himself. 

Now I start to see some ray of Hope in his life, but I hope she won't spoil it. Pls. 

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1 hour ago, summer2017 said:

I only shipped JoonU after the incident happened so based on what I see now I still feel the attraction was real. And I'm glad both of them are still friends. I have slowly learnt to understood Jg and wish him all the best.


1 hour ago, NoonaE said:

Me, too! that's why I love the two of them. Back then JG quietly liked JE's posts about her new single and album and JE returned the favour lately by liking his work-related posts as well. I know some previous JoonU shippers - mainly JE's fans- were really upset about JG and they do not wish to support him (and any possible relationship between him and JE) after the breaking news but looking at how JE and her staff are still 'okay' with being friends with JG (and his manager), I think I won't worry anymore about the quality of their friendships. They respect each other and care about each other as not to harm and hurt each other- that is very adorable!

I just hope that kind (and kindred) souls like them will find their ways to happiness in the end.



I remember I was slightly upset as to how fast the LJG's agency denied about JE & JG dating and how SLOW they were to respond to his dating with HER...more so when he came up with his own admission much LATER....

BUT.... it was soon replaced with an understanding.... at least I came to my OWN CONCLUSION.  My initial reaction was replaced with admiration as to how fast LJG acted to protect JE as her breakup with JKH just came out and he knew how it would affect her AGAIN for we all know how crazy knetz just LOVE bashing her.

And then when he was quite late in his own admission about him and the other one.... I later realized.... that's not the LJG we somehow know..... no matter how precious his career is for him... I really believe that when it comes to his PRECIOUS ONE, he would give his all.... so his late admission for me IS A REFLECTION of his true INNER TURMOIL/CONFLICT.  The timing of the scandal itself was quite suspicious. 



Even the tiny detail of the news...like how THEY WERE SUPPOSEDLY TOGETHER NEW YEAR'S EVE. 

I was like..... WHAT?  NEW YEAR'S EVE??? WASN'T HE WITH JE & THE CAST in the drama awards night????

I mean.... seriously?  Is that how a man supposedly in love with this girl (pursuing her and stalking her IG accdg to her at least) act around with another girl?  Being so touchy and loving and caring with all eyes on them????



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8 hours ago, NoonaE said:

this is also to address @marimari00: NO.

That's why I wrote things under the spoiler and said to take it with a pinch of salt hehe... more explanation below. And oh, please do not quote this info outside this forum as I do not wish to create rumours especially when it concerns JG. It's an 'fyi' for all of us so that we shouldn't simply see things as 'black and white', there can be more contexts attached to it. Your consideration is much appreciated :)

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I didn't wish to create another rumour by sharing the small piece of that insider info. My point was just to show that on JG's side, things are not as 'simple' as it seems. Of course everybody will be curious but this person is related professionally only to JG, perhaps wanting to show his father that he's been seriously working in his life anyway. One thing that I have to highlight from one of JG's latest magazine interviews, he said that his family (I believe this is actually his father's) told him that he shouldn't make the public upset about him because being an actor is the main thing he can do. I don't think JG will make careless decisions concerning his image that will upset both his family and public. This includes his relationship. PS: another source told me that it was back in 2016 already but my insider source (Chinese- Korean fan) told me it's this year, so please again: taking this with a pinch of salt, it's an 'fyi' only and should not be quoted everywhere else outside this forum so that we won't harm anybody, especially JG and his close ones. Anyway, the point I'd like to highlight was: if the relationship which was supposed to be started in 2015 (the first rumour) or 2016 (ofc statement) did not get the woman to this stage yet, with all the chaos that came with the revelation, there's a ray of hope that JG might have considered what will become of them in the future.

Back then we chose to 'ignore' JHB's existence because JG seemed to be head-over-heels over JE. One thing we did not see coming was what JHB (and her friends) could actually do. She has been trying hard to 'polish' her too-sexy image by appearing in a lot of variety shows and gained sympathy from her latest successful drama (Another Ms Oh). When the news about the relationship appeared, some clueless drama fans rejoiced. Little did they know what happened inside JG's fandom- especially what JHB has been doing so far. If JG fans who dislike JHB- me included- have misunderstood her actions and behaviours, well that's good... anyway after all these years, she has never made any effort to clear the misunderstanding (if it is- just like what Namoo Actor Representative implied to JG fans who complained about her) in a good way with JG fans that felt offended and hurt by her doings.

Anyway... let's just keep praying for the best.


@simplyme_crazyme chingu! thanks for the warm 'welcome back'! I've missed those happy days of being delusional over JoonU as well. Starting April, everything has been soooo hard as a JG fan. The thing that 'healed' my 'wound' actually was when JE liked JG's posts recently lol... that just washed away all the bad thoughts and ensured that the two are still in a good relationship/ friendship and I could continue trusting JG and respecting him as a good person he is. By the way, Hanteoo and Sang Hyun seem to be still in a good (IG) relationship as well lol... Hanteoo liked Sang Hyun's post of JG fans' billboard support for CM lately, too. I couldn't be more grateful for the ML Squad 'family-like closeness'. It warms my heart because I just can't feel the same towards JHB's friends swarming around JG. I just can't feel the sincerity. Sigh.

I'll drop by whenever I can... nowadays I'll just come to vote for MLSHR... the least I can do for JoonU.

Have a good Sunday, everybody! and JG updated his IG today. I hope JE will post something cute, too... I like how she enjoys playing slime and doing covers again.


Hey guys. Just dropping in again to corroborate @NoonaE's info about the guest at LJG's father's party. Rest assured, said guest has never posed a threat, especially not currently. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to disclose any additional info.* But whether it was this year or last, the official media girlfriend wasn't invited in either case.  

I'm also seconding the point about the MLSHR squad. B) Not only are Santeo (lol) still chummy, but Sang Hyun compulsively likes 99% of JE's posts. LJG's makeup assistant Yejin is also part of the gang -- she's pretty friendly with Hanteo and commented on JE's "For You" post along with Sang Hyun.



I realise all my posts these days amount to vagueness and cackling-in-the-distance, lol. Sorry about it. But let it be known that everyone's suspicious thoughts about the scandal are very much valid (thanks to @NoonaE particularly for the in-depth background as a longtime LJG fan). Meanwhile, the lack of critical thinking from other corners is truly comedic -- I anticipate a lot of red faces in the near future. 


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@simplyme_crazyme to add to some of your points 


 I know some of JG's fans who would scoff at my thoughts and simply say that I could be provoked by the antis posts, but honestly speaking, I never bought the JHB antis' posts even the slightest. What I've been saying are based on my own observations (and profiling lol). Whether it's right or wrong, I cannot say yet.

Gee, I should stop talking about her lol...





@postnihilism thanks for filling in. I don't have the privilege of telling or elaborate more on that issue as well, but I think our points are the same.

Lol... I ended up being way too active on this thread today! A pleasant 'surprise' for me, too. I miss this place. Thank goodness it's a Sunday lol... I hope everybody here will continue supporting JG's Criminal Minds drama as well :wub:



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edited for the Stargazers' world safety! I bet you've all read the original content so please enjoy the cute gifs instead!
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1 hour ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

I remember I was slightly upset as to how fast the LJG's agency denied about JE & JG dating and how SLOW they were to respond to his dating with HER...more so when he came up with his own admission much LATER....


I second ur point about it. The admission of JG came a few days later almost a week later. 

@NoonaE I can't quote multiple posts on mobile but ur observation on the lunar new year is astute. East Asian ppl value LNY a lot but if it's a close family friend, they may be invited to gatherings too. A gathering can consist of many ppl, it doesn't need to be one on one. 


What me and my chingu discussed was why there's no more dating photos of Jg released after the scandal? And the released photos are not even hugging holding hands just 2 ppl walking talking which we can do with our normal friends. 


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2 hours ago, summer2017 said:


I second ur point about it. The admission of JG came a few days later almost a week later. 

@NoonaE I can't quote multiple posts on mobile but ur observation on the lunar new year is astute. East Asian ppl value LNY a lot but if it's a close family friend, they may be invited to gatherings too. A gathering can consist of many ppl, it doesn't need to be one on one. 

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What me and my chingu discussed was why there's no more dating photos of Jg released after the scandal? And the released photos are not even hugging holding hands just 2 ppl walking talking which we can do with our normal friends. 


I do not think it was appropriate to hold hands on the street, as a precaution in case they were seen by someone. I'm also surprised that leaving the restaurant he did not wear a mask but probably thought that the restaurant was not open yet and was night and wear cap, it  was sufcient not reveal his face. Dispatch also knew that he went to her home after leaving the restaurant and continued the party. How dispatch learned about it, chased them? Was informed? because dispatch  have not been made public photos in front of her house  after  they leaving the restaurant… but anyway it does not matter, they have reached their goal, JG admitted to being in a relationship, now matter what he will  do in the future.

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@loljk17 some stars who got caught by Dispatch looked way more affectionate, tbh, with hugging and kissing (!) even on the streets. But to each its own (style).

Dispatch also got info from an 'insider' (whoever the insider was).

Anyway, yeah, they have reached their goal. Fortunately for the gf because now she gets the media (and public) attention she needs but unfortunately for JG because it's still the source of arguments in his fandom. And he'll have to bear the consequences of it for we don't know how long. I hope it won't be for the rest of his life hehe. Or at least if the ofc gf improves herself into a more considerate person rather than a seemingly insecure stalker gf, things might look better in the future. Wishful thinking!

Oh... before I log out for today, somebody commented yadda yadda yadda about the relationship and 'warned' SoSoo/ JoonU shippers on JG's IG today lol... Maybe that person visited our 'awakened' thread today as well and after reading our rambling thoughts decided to create a new IG account with 0 post 0 follower 0 following just to cite that the RS is real, gf is ofc important because it's already written by wikipedia *errr* and innocent for any JG's flirtatious doing? hahaha... aigoo. Life's been sooo interesting since April alright.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Stargazers! I'm signing out with good thoughts. See you all again whenever I have the chance to stop by. May good things come our way in the end :wub:

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After Our King updated in the morning, now Our Queen updated her IG post too, with slime video ^^

What makes me laughed and smile when looking her slime video is because she made a shape of heart again, larger than before, with little fish toy and shell as ornaments. It seems our Queen love to make the heart shape in her slime video :lol::wub:

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@loljk17 sorry what I meant was that those pics dispatch released are really not good enough proof that they are in a romantic relationship. So I don't want to base on those pics (I tried searching for more but none) to assume that the RS is true. I tot dispatch would release more pics after they confirmed but not to my knowledge. 

 @NoonaE thanks for stopping by! Too bad I don't have much chance to interact with u in the past. Just saw that person on IG. I was annoyed when Wikipedia wrote that. Like I said before and still maintain my stance, their affection is real. No matter whether there's any official title or media recognized. Affection is in one's heart and eyes.
@deori yes queen loves to make heart shape slime. Hmm wonder what the fish signifies.

 Can't Remove this spoiler. Accidentally clicked on it.

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42 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

@loljk17 sorry what I meant was that those pics dispatch released are really not good enough proof that they are in a romantic relationship. So I don't want to base on those pics (I tried searching for more but none) to assume that the RS is true. I tot dispatch would release more pics after they confirmed but not to my knowledge. 

 @NoonaE thanks for stopping by! Too bad I don't have much chance to interact with u in the past. Just saw that person on IG. I was annoyed when Wikipedia wrote that. Like I said before and still maintain my stance, their affection is real. No matter whether there's any official title or media recognized. Affection is in one's heart and eyes.
@deori yes queen loves to make heart shape slime. Hmm wonder what the fish signifies.
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 Can't Remove this spoiler. Accidentally clicked on it.

Sorry for this  misunderstanding is because of my poor English, I  was  no need to use it for a long time and forgot many rules.

Yes, if he had not recognized,  that evidence provided by Distpah is not a strong evidence that they are in a relationship ... even talking with a friend, he could not recognize because those photos do not prove they are in a relationship…something made him recognize ...

There are many contradictions ... but I think if we put together our opinions we can understand more.

NoonaE, thank you.

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@NoonaE Thanks for those information /clarifications.Normally I don't write in this thread much about my thought in case pirates visits it and make a issue out of it like someone is doing at JG's thread lol


I have my own set of doubts and I like to believe that normally in 75% cases I don't judge people wrong :lol: as a psychology student I trust gesture eyes and body language more than words. Words can lie but these don't.. 

So I have many doubts about those photos based on the certain behaviour. You love someone still keep your hand in your pocket even when you are inside the 'Restaurant' the the one why it was like she always looks at the camera! those pics gave me one and only vibe friendship or personally known those didn't gave me lovers or dating vibe :huh:if all these are just a simple coincident than hats off to the photographer to take these shoots where it looks like someone is actually posing for them :lol: and last but not the least the timing the timing bothered me way too much for some reason.. Normally I talk about all these with @summer2017 or AL but after reading so much just thought to post.Sorry for the bad english thoug:mellow:


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2 hours ago, goldenmoon said:

@NoonaE Thanks for those information /clarifications.Normally I don't write in this thread much about my thought in case pirates visits it and make a issue out of it like someone is doing at JG's thread lol

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I have my own set of doubts and I like to believe that normally in 75% cases I don't judge people wrong :lol: as a psychology student I trust gesture eyes and body language more than words. Words can lie but these don't.. 

So I have many doubts about those photos based on the certain behaviour. You love someone still keep your hand in your pocket even when you are inside the 'Restaurant' the the one why it was like she always looks at the camera! those pics gave me one and only vibe friendship or personally known those didn't gave me lovers or dating vibe :huh:if all these are just a simple coincident than hats off to the photographer to take these shoots where it looks like someone is actually posing for them :lol: and last but not the least the timing the timing bothered me way too much for some reason.. Normally I talk about all these with @summer2017 or AL but after reading so much just thought to post.Sorry for the bad english thoug75:mellow:


Nah, I'm curious too, it would be interesting if someone could read the body language based on psychology. I even heard that psychologist who have experience in micro expression could interpreting people's expression precisely. Thank u for ur sharing @goldenmoon :) 

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4 hours ago, loljk17 said:

Sorry for this  misunderstanding is because of my poor English, I  was  no need to use it for a long time and forgot many rules.

Yes, if he had not recognized,  that evidence provided by Distpah is not a strong evidence that they are in a relationship ... even talking with a friend, he could not recognize because those photos do not prove they are in a relationship…something made him recognize ...

There are many contradictions ... but I think if we put together our opinions we can understand more.

NoonaE, thank you.


No worries Chingu! I understand what u mean and agree with u!

good news we are leading the poll for a very small margin so pls chingus if u haven't voted, go to K drama section and vote MLSHR!

how I wish the poll could just end now whilst we are leading. I'm very afraid honestly because our contenders are equally as good. 

So Chingus, pls lets do a last push for the last 2 days, let's unite and paste the poll link on our IG/Twitter account,  or when u are creating a post do hash tag and spread the love for ML and our beloved ML casts! 

Edited by summer2017
Added last 2 para
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Hi, everyone!

Although I have been watching/reading this thread for a veeery long time, I made an account only now, only to give a helping hand with the voting.

Until now I rather remained in the shadows also because of my age (mid-thirties), but it was a nice surprise to find out out I would not be the only user like that.

I've been a LJG fan for a long while now, and my favorite drama of his is Time between Dog and Wolf (he was brilliant there). I also absolutely love IU's voice and her approach to music, which is so different from many other k-pop stars. And those two look indeed like they are a match made in heaven. The last few months were so sad, but hopefully things will turn out for the better.

Nice to meet you all.


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Whether it be in the K-Drama poll or in real life,


:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant

1. News we have been waiting for to be released before we hit 1,000 pages! (JoonGi, I know that it's still 93 pages before we hit 999 pages but pls. save us from this rollercoaster ride!) not-available.gifhurry-up-smiley-emoticon.gif

2. The TRUTH to be finally revealed soon-with-rightwards-arrow-above.pngfingers-crossed-smiley-emoticon.gif

3. Guidance and enlightenment for JoonGi confused-face-smiley-emoticon.gifin making decisions bright-idea-smiley-emoticon.gif  and for him to be happy with the decision he makes good-job-smiley-emoticon.gif, as requested by @akinahana89.



4. JoonGi and Jieun to keep posting in their Instagram logo and continue liking each other's posts. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

5. Return of JoonGi's eye smiles. widely-grinning-smiley-emoticon.gif

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

6. Everyone who does not like JoonU and those with evil plans to live together in a snake- and shark-infested and deserted island without electricity and wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces)

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle


7. JoonGi and Jieun to prove that things are not always what they seem to be and TRUE LOVE conquers all! love-birds-smiley-emoticon.gif

8. JoonGi and Jieun to always support each other. love-birds.gif

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

 9. Success for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds. detective-smiley-emoticon.gif

10. Jieun to upgrade her housekeeping skills to prepare herself for domestic life. sweeping-smiley-emoticon.gif  housewife-cooking.gif     cleaning-windows-smiley-emoticon.gif

11. SHR 2 or spin-off to become a reality, as requested by @WH.

  alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

12. SHR cast to get together frequently so JoonGi can continue to see Jieun become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif 

13. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life.

 dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif


ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 


Hoping everyone (that includes you, JoonGi and Jieun) has a great week!

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Thanks for the welcome, @chi13lou. I'm happy I can finally say that your daily chant brought many times a smile on my face. It's so cute, and you guys are really inspiring with all your support (many times I was telling myself how nice it would be if the main characters of this ongoing story would actually read all that is written here and what would they think about all this). This whole story, with so many ups and downs and on the edge of heart attacks, already is consistent material for a novel (and I am kind of contemplating starting to write one).

Reading this thread, especially with all the recent unexpected rollercoaster, is my favorite break from work, hehe.

I have also started watching the subbed episodes of Hyori's Bed And Breakfast and I have to say I love the show. Jieun is so cute and natural, it's impossible not to love her to bits. And I also found myself wondering if LJG saw her in this show, although he is busy with filming and all that. (yes, a lot of questions and scenarios are going through my mind as well, I have to admit :D )

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