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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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That JG comment is just wonderfully playful. It can only stem from comfortable familiarity. Don't think I'll ask someone what's wrong with them in random passing if I had not been in frequent contact with them. Oh the crumbs these two give! 

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4 hours ago, summer2017 said:

I'm dancing tonight! Whilst I was bathing King crept up and liked and commented her IG! And it was past 12 midnight KST. What is he doing... He likes her posts always faster than me lol. I asked my guy friend what does this imply, my guy friend said of course the guy is interested in the girl right if not why bother to like the post?

OMG our crumbs are back again! I always knew queen is strong! And For You somemore! When ML filming has ended almost one year ago? 

In the midnight, He liked & commented Queen post so fast, seems he turn on notification for his Queen IG's update :lol:

Objective perspective. U ask a guy, then he gives the mixsense answer. No wonder, only a man in love will do that thing. If he isn't interested enough with her, he won't do that, right :lol:

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2 hours ago, marimari00 said:

Is it just too much of a coincidence that JE posts something SoSoo related right after being followed by you-who-can't-be-named? And that JG comment is just wonderfully playful. It can only stem from comfortable familiarity. Don't think I'll ask someone what's wrong with them in random passing if I had not been in frequent contact with them. Oh the crumbs these two give! 

Indeed, I totally agree with u. JG comment is playful, he must be close enough with them ^^

I also curious for the choosen song, for what occasion? I mean, they can sing JE songs right? Why did they choose the song? :rolleyes:

Seems the song is special for them, right? What a lovable song :wub:

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Stargazers, group hug wherever you are :D so happy for last night and i felt lil'bit crazy hahaa... First when i open first post of Jieun, i was thought her post chamisul glass connected to Joon Gi post with Jieun chamisul poster. Then baaang...Lol Jieun posted again with For You song oh geez, my heart suddenly is beating so fast :wub: then JG like and comment we're all dying!! I feel happy about this but anxious too...i hope it's just new beginning. BBJX miracles please come true!! 

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Group hug I totally couldn't control myself and I had a great sleep last night! Totally refreshed now. I thought it was just so amazing JE posted For You right after the nameless person followed her. Next most amazing is JG! He made such a comment when he knew everyone in public could see it! Both of them fought back against the nameless person unitedly!

i always knew queen is brave and King was inspired by Queen. Thank u queen for never abandoning our king. Thank u king for opening up once again. 

Bbjx miracle come true! :wub:

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36 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:

Stargazers, group hug wherever you are :D so happy for last night and i felt lil'bit crazy hahaa... First when i open first post of Jieun, i was thought her post chamisul glass connected to Joon Gi post with Jieun chamisul poster. Then baaang...Lol Jieun posted again with For You song oh geez, my heart suddenly is beating so fast :wub: then JG like and comment we're all dying!! I feel happy about this but anxious too...i hope it's just new beginning. BBJX miracles please come true!! 

Group hug, stargazers :heart:

I'm so happy seeing long time members and new members. Stargazers become larger & solid. Let's pray for BBJX miracle come true :heart:

30 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

Group hug I totally couldn't control myself and I had a great sleep last night! Totally refreshed now. I thought it was just so amazing JE posted For You right after the nameless person followed her. Next most amazing is JG! He made such a comment when he knew everyone in public could see it! Both of them fought back against the nameless person unitedly!

i always knew queen is brave and King was inspired by Queen. Thank u queen for never abandoning our king. Thank u king for opening up once again. 

Bbjx miracle come true! :wub:

Group hug stargazers :heart:

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On 7/28/2017 at 6:11 PM, deori said:

Indeed, I totally agree with u. JG comment is playful, he must be close enough with them ^^

I also curious for the choosen song, for what occasion? I mean, they can sing JE songs right? Why did they choose the song? :rolleyes:

Seems the song is special for them, right? What a lovable song :wub:

I'm listening to For You and Can you hear my heart again after a long time. I couldn't listen to both songs since the April but now I'm rewatching JoonU videos and listening to our OTPs song^^

 Hoping and praying for the BBJX spell to weave itself ^^

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delulu me is watching JE's FM again when JG appear as guest. Honestly I was touched when JG appeared and JE said she invited him only a few hours ago (which is not true *winks*). JG is really very good to JE, he is a mega star but he makes effort to support her. That is what I like about him. And I loved it when JE couldn't stop giggling, her heart was fluttering I bet. 

I like the way the otp progress. Initially I saw JG was the one that took most initiative and then JE followed. But after the incident, I saw JE step up and she was important in helping to rebuild JG's confidence again. I feel that she never abandoned him and that's what makes me believe in them.

8 hours ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the ship! Glad to know you finally boarded. As I always remind everyone, don't forget to wear your life vest and hold on tight because the crew is beefing up for its maiden voyage. Strong waves and bombs may come our way but we will remain strong!!!





Hoho Chingu our ship sails like magic!

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WOW it's getting more and more interesting recently))) @kilovekyo Me too noticed that the soju poster is exactly the same as in JG post, it can't be coincidence really! :D I wonder why they sang For you.. but it's obvious that JE is still remembering MLSHR because she commented Soo-ya.. This drama is magic indeed, if even Ji Eun can't get over it no wonder I still miss SoSoo so much~~

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35 minutes ago, naun81 said:

WOW it's getting more and more interesting recently))) @kilovekyo Me too noticed that the soju poster is exactly the same as in JG post, it can't be coincidence really! :D I wonder why they sang For you.. but it's obvious that JE is still remembering MLSHR because she commented Soo-ya.. This drama is magic indeed, if even Ji Eun can't get over it no wonder I still miss SoSoo so much~~


Yes it's the exact soju poster. I'm sure JE must have noticed JG post.

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12 minutes ago, postnihilism said:

In this new episode, LJE posts promoting "For You" (JG's fave!), with a caption quoting LJG's previous character.


Chingu, I translated the caption and it reads Soo ya. Do u mean quoting LJE's previous character? 수 is su 


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HELLO!!!!!  It's Saturday so I finally have some free time.... and what a day! 

LOL!  I seriously wanted to quote all of your posts but the mods may not like it at all!  Yah! You guys are THE BEST!  YOU ALL MAKE ME LAUGH SO HARD!

MLSHR will always always be the best!  For me and for so many people I am guessing.....  friendships (lifetime friendships I hope)  were formed, I love how the whole cast got close and still are close.  It's sad that they can't be like ordinary people like us that can show off that friendship but it's there all the same, and it's enough.

I like how our OTP is interacting again....as if nothing happened in between the "storm" and now..... as if nothing at all. I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT!




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26 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


Chingu, I translated the caption and it reads Soo ya. Do u mean quoting LJE's previous character? 수 is su 



No no, I mean IU is literally quoting Wang So's "Soo-ya" line :wink: At least, that's my interpretation B)

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Hi everybody! The last time I (thought) I posted was only back in April after the 'real life drama' but it already felt like a thousand life times lol... I also thought I would never visit this thread -lest writing a comment- after the incident. But hey, here I am! thanks @chi13lou and @meahri_1 for tagging me to vote for MLSHR, I just saw the tags because today was the first time I logged in to my soompi account after three months lol... Alright... I'll have to say bye again because life has been making it so difficult for me to go online even to support JG's latest drama intensively the way I used to do it for MLSHR *sigh*. I wish everybody a good weekend. Stay happy, healthy and blessed! I'll low-key chant the BBJX miracle with you guys even when it seems like I'm nowhere to be seen here. Annyeong ^_^




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edited for the Stargazers' world safety! I bet you've all read the original content so please enjoy the cute gifs instead!
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@NoonaE   chinggu-yah!!!!  We miss you!!!  I miss you!  I hope all is well with you!

I feel for you chinggu!  I really do. 

As a LJE's fan....I too somehow just kept quiet and low the past few months after the "storm" hit our ship, and got busy with work and family. I simply do not want her to be dragged into this scandal as a third wheel and be seen as a villain...she's a girl after all....and I truly sincerely tried to empathize with JHB as well, as a woman myself.  As a general rule, I try not to say anything at all if I have no good words for anyone.

But, as a fan of LJE, I am thankful in a way in the subtle way LJG protected my queen....by staying quiet and just focused on work.  Even at the height of her promotions for her album, we did not see them interacting....but in my heart I have always believed that they still kept in touch.

And then..... BAM!  They started interacting in IG again.  Like nothing happened.  And I loved it!  It's so like.... IN YOUR FACE!

There are fans of LJE that just don't like shipping her with our king....simply bcoz they don't want her to be dragged into this so called relationship and be seen in a bad light, which is understandable. And you chinggu, @NoonaE as well as my byeontae squad, I know how you may be hurting for LJG.  But.... cheer up!  Love is a mystery.... who knows how everything will turn out?  Let's just all continue to hope and pray for them.... celebrate what we need to celebrate and be strong for everyone. 

This is our safe haven.... may it continue to be one for a long long time.


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2 hours ago, postnihilism said:


No no, I mean IU is literally quoting Wang So's "Soo-ya" line :wink: At least, that's my interpretation B)


Thanks Chingu I understand now :heart: it was a post that both of them understood. I like it that JE just posted something care freely on her IG like that, and I like it that JG was tickled enough to comment. 


To @NoonaE I totally understand what's going on now. Though I didn't have good impression of hb, I once thought that if JG was happy with her I'll accept his fate ultimately. But after reading from various sources that she tried various ways to plot etc, I'm truly aghast. I am aghast that she went on Happy Together and talked a whole lot of crap, I am aghast she used JG for her popularity, I am aghast that she tried to turn JG fans into antis. Just too many thoughts on this. It feels like she conspired against JG. 

@simplyme_crazyme I like JE, not as a ueana but as a little sister. I admire her talent and perseverance. When the scandal happened, I was not a JoonU shipper yet but I did think best not to drag her into this. I was angry at JG too, for flirting with her, but after I saw more and more interactions I can see that his affection for her is real. He did not fake it. And he is considerate to shoulder all these himself and not disrupt JE's album release. It is his protection of JE and his consideration towards her that make me like this man so much now. And of course JE has been brave and given him lots of courage. That is why I love JoonU. 

Pray hard that love will find its way eventually and two people in love will end up tog.

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I'm about to cry when i read this part @NoonaE


I am still hoping that JG will be blessed enough to end up with a better one. The one who really really understands his situation and knows how to support him in a more positive way! the one who knows how to handle his many loyal fans and is careful enough not to hurt JG, herself, their loved ones and (their) fans. I have someone in mind, and I know you all here know who. So please... pray with me, stargazers. It's going to be a long, winding road especially knowing JHB (and her minions). But if our prayers are not heard now, probably that's the cross JG has to carry in his life. I pity him, honestly but what can I do, I ain't no God. As a fan, I can only support his work the best I can.


I can relate your feeling, we're all Stargazers has same destination, even some leave the ship but maybe in their deep heart inside still has Stargazer's spirit :) and dreams...

I'm so happy many Stargazers came back here ~♡ love all your courage words Stargazers.

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