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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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9 hours ago, freckledcontessa said:


That is why i can't draw a conclusion because there's no official announcement from JG yet. This controversy deserves a statement and i hope one of these days we'll hear one from him.

Regarding their closeness, a connection of that degree is not nothing. No matter how small or what. Both of them crossed the boundaries, the bts vids are proof to that. Granted that both or one was faking it, still, the probability that something was there is definitely not zero. Call me stubborn but i am just human, like them, whatever that means.:grin:

I so agree with you @freckledcontessa some things can't be faked even if you are the greatest actor.  


7 hours ago, postnihilism said:


In other news... not gonna lie, the IU/Kim Soohyun MV news kind of stings, since that's something we were wanting to see for her and LJG. I don't know if the MV will be a romantic storyline, but chemistry-wise IU/KSH can't beat IU/LJG. So yeah, I'll probably be watching that MV grumpily imagining LJG instead. :lol: In any case, I'm pretty confident that this collab is happening to further bury IU/LJG gossip. 

Sorry to cut your post chingu but yeah IU/KSH chemistry is just average maybe because they are truly just good friends unlike IU/LJG which is mind blowing.  

On another note my friend was asking me which I think is better for JG to be labelled as a gf stealer (if he and JE are an item) or a liar (like his situation now, I'm at loss as to what to answer her cause if she and JE are to be together I don't want any label of cheating / stealing.

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5 hours ago, postnihilism said:

Saddened to witness this exodus.mp3. Could we do a roll call for us folks who are still here for JoonU and don't totally hate LJG's guts?? Off the top of my head there's

- myself

- @krysyuy

- @sublimelyheureuse

- @Siracusa

- @akinahana89

... Anyone else want to be part of this club? By all means speak up if I've missed you. (Also, I'm wondering if anyone wants to move over to a private chatroom maybe?? I know antis are lurking here and it's creeping me out tbh, even as someone on the low end of deluluness.)


4 hours ago, meeibe16 said:

I'll join u chingu.. let's make that thread being on fire again.. :))

OMG, somehow this event remind me of the past!! Is it a dejavu? LOL! I do remember when there's a slightly clash in our thread between JG & JE's fans. And it turn out, I said I couldn't choose one of them. It just like I have to choose between my parents or choose between two of my favourite lipsticks. LOL! Although I'm more into JE's fans when it came to individual work, it's hard to forget JG & JE's blazing chemistry. The moment that I love the most is when they're together, not individual. I love their moments so much, their gazing, their laughter, their teasing. I never fall this deeply into a shipper hole. Never, except JoonU. So, although, yes, I feel dissapointed with JG. Their chemistry's existence couldn't be rid of easily from my mind. I still hope they could be together and growing together, either as a better entertainer, or as a better human being.

I said before that I won't ever give up on this ship, except one of them married. But it turn out with this kind of situation that actually contradicts my life value as a human being. I can't tolerate a lie & fakenes. You don't need to be a single to gather a lot of fans (I know male celeb will have a higher value if he is a single), but we are not that stupid & ridiculous fangirls that need your "bachelor" status or "Belong to fans" stamp on your forehead. We are mature & sincere enough to see your true happy face.


I think our chingu here did a good job to differentiate between "pretending" and "have a private life". Like I said before, if you wanna have a private life, you don't need to tell us you're single or join a dating reality show that indicate you're a single man. That's really a bad moves you got there, mister...

But I guess, I will give him last chance to gain my trust again over him. He deserves another chance right? Even Jesus gave Judas a chance, He already know that Judas will betrayed him, but He still choose him right? LOL, and there's another slim chance that there's "something" that we don't know (I hope I was wrong to lecture JG about not being fake. LOL!)

I'll wait for that confirmation. But If all that is being said true and no personal confirmation from JG himself, well I dunno if I could hold on and keep believe in him anymore. I'm too afraid, my heart is not ready with a suddenly married news. LOL! For now, I'll keep monitoring him, what would you gonna do, JG ssi? I'll leave the rest to your actions next. Please don't dissapoint & crush my heart any further. I really want to believe in you. I don't care if you are still on "close colleague" relationship with JE. But please do not make me believe that "pretending" is true, that all of your attention to JE also just a "pretending".


So yeah, I still dunno where I'll go, it's up to JG's next choice of act. While monitoring him, I'll keep in this ship, waiting patiently. And I'm gonna visit JE's thread too! I'm a fans of her work too after all!


10 hours ago, JaneyBae said:

I'm from the GongGo shippers thread but I wanted to come here to extend my condolences to you guys. Shipping is a hard business and we all see potential in a relationship, the chemistry, the spark, so it's hard when we're faced with an alternate reality. I'm sorry you guys are going through this, you guys don't deserve it, especially after being one of the nicest shippers out there. I personally really liked IU and LJK together so it's pretty sad on how things went down. I just wanna let you guys know that us on the GongGo shippers thread are here for you. Us shippers (no matter who we ship) have to stick together, not only through the good but also the bad :heart: I hope things work out soon and if not, that you guys will find peace in what has happened.

Don't feel discouraged. It's not any of your faults on what has gone down. It wasn't that you guys were reading the signals wrong, it's that unfortunately things were being manipulated in ways none of us ever thought imaginable. 

If you guys ever need someone to talk to, we're here for you ^_^

Thank you chingu ya!! Honestly, Goblin was the one and only drama that I could watch and make me moved on (to watch another drama) after Moon Lovers.


I tried to watch Hwarang, etc, but not even half of first episode I've already feel bored. In reverse, I couldn't stop watch Goblin after its first episode and crying all over the sad scenes on the beginning of episodes. And I'm a mild shipper of GongGo too. LOL! They're so cute together!!


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I am a stargazers to begin with, I love them both JE n JG equally, if not this ship idk where else i can go..besides i really love this ship n u guys..I am hoping JG will make a personal statement on his fm, say something, anything... yupz..count me in @postnihilism 

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37 minutes ago, caramelovers75 said:



OMG, somehow this event remind me of the past!! Is it a dejavu? LOL! I do remember when there's a slightly clash in our thread between JG & JE's fans. And it turn out, I said I couldn't choose one of them. It just like I have to choose between my parents or choose between two of my favourite lipsticks. LOL! Although I'm more into JE's fans when it came to individual work, it's hard to forget JG & JE's blazing chemistry. The moment that I love the most is when they're together, not individual. I love their moments so much, their gazing, their laughter, their teasing. I never fall this deeply into a shipper hole. Never, except JoonU. So, although, yes, I feel dissapointed with JG. Their chemistry's existence couldn't be rid of easily from my mind. I still hope they could be together and growing together, either as a better entertainer, or as a better human being.

I said before that I won't ever give up on this ship, except one of them married. But it turn out with this kind of situation that actually contradicts my life value as a human being. I can't tolerate a lie & fakenes. You don't need to be a single to gather a lot of fans (I know male celeb will have a higher value if he is a single), but we are not that stupid & ridiculous fangirls that need your "bachelor" status or "Belong to fans" stamp on your forehead. We are mature & sincere enough to see your true happy face.


I think our chingu here did a good job to differentiate between "pretending" and "have a private life". Like I said before, if you wanna have a private life, you don't need to tell us you're single or join a dating reality show that indicate you're a single man. That's really a bad moves you got there, mister...


But I guess, I will give him last chance to gain my trust again over him. He deserves another chance right? Even Jesus gave Judas a chance, He already know that Judas will betrayed him, but He still choose him right? LOL, and there's another slim chance that there's "something" that we don't know (I hope I was wrong to lecture JG about not being fake. LOL!)

I'll wait for that confirmation. But If all that is being said true and no personal confirmation from JG himself, well I dunno if I could hold on and keep believe in him anymore. I'm too afraid, my heart is not ready with a suddenly married news. LOL! For now, I'll keep monitoring him, what would you gonna do, JG ssi? I'll leave the rest to your actions next. Please don't dissapoint & crush my heart any further. I really want to believe in you. I don't care if you are still on "close colleague" relationship with JE. But please do not make me believe that "pretending" is true, that all of your attention to JE also just a "pretending".


So yeah, I still dunno where I'll go, it's up to JG's next choice of act. While monitoring him, I'll keep in this ship, waiting patiently. And I'm gonna visit JE's thread too! I'm a fans of her work too after all!



chingu :bawling:u said to my heart.... totally struggle between my sense n emotion! i'm not ready either...i lurk to JE thread, to whoever say count me in to  @postnihilism ...just cant deny the fact that i feel lost no matter in either side coz deep down i just want to stay here........TTTTTT

Hope everything turns out to be better!  *healing with songs of Sung Si Kyung ing*

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1 hour ago, rachm2014 said:

chingu :bawling:u said to my heart.... totally struggle between my sense n emotion! i'm not ready either...i lurk to JE thread, to whoever say count me in to  @postnihilism ...just cant deny the fact that i feel lost no matter in either side coz deep down i just want to stay here........TTTTTT

Hope everything turns out to be better!  *healing with songs of Sung Si Kyung ing*

 I'm torn too. Part of me can't ship them anymore but part of me wanted to believe in the goodness we all saw in JoonJi. I wished for their happiness whether it's with each other or not but completely got blindsided by how the recent events  went down. I'm just happy to see JE slowly going back to her previous cheerful self and for that I am grateful. Need to sort my feelings out in the mean time

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