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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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*waves hand* Hi @postnihilism, its been a while since I've last posted but I'd like to join the list of ppl still supportive of LJG & LJE. However, with this news, I think it's healthier for me to support them individually first. I'll be honest, I'm sad/ disappointed like some of the other shippers on the thread. I rarely ship people and this is the first big news that we've seen so far. However, I really appreciate how we've been so supportive of each other and open to hearing each other's thoughts. I hope that despite this disappointment we still stick together for the community we've made together, and initiated by our wonderful captain @akinahana89.

I'm still cautiously optimistic, as I feel there is something "odd" about the way the dating news was confirmed and explained. Like @postnihilism has said, even with this news, we need to consider what we've observed so far: that LJG has been more doing more than the usual professional/ friendly actions w/ LJE.... I guess it could be his flirty personality but even then it just feels very "off" to me.

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10 hours ago, paldia said:

True! In most of the bad comments I've read  people are not against their relationship, but they are angry at him because they feel played (he has been going on for years about how miserably single, lonely he is). So at least their relationship is not under attack (as far as I know)!

---deleting it and posting it as separate comment since it was misunderstood--

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29 minutes ago, hyehoon said:


People need to stop and making assumption by saying that some fans are mad of LJG is because he and IU didnt happen in real life, we do get it, we are not so obsessed over it, we know that they have separate lives and can decide on their own we just wish for them to happen in real life, which it didnt, it hurt but its okey we are not gonna die over it, what pissing us off was he lied, lead and fool some fans, fine he needs to hide his relationship to protect it and its his private life we get it still he could have act a normal "pretending" single guy and not flirt and broadcast he is single, lonely and need love. everyone is hiding the fact that they are not single he is not the only still they didnt act like what he is doing and most recently in candy tv show, why do you think the TVN didnt air the last few episodes? because LJG is compromising himself in those episode maybe he said and do something that someone with a girlfriend should not be doing, come to think of it they have save him from being more criticized and TVN do not want to be accuse of being inconsiderate by airing his sweet moments with PMY, and STOP making excuse that show was all about being friendly and lending an ear just to talk its so obvious that its not the whole concept of the show, that is one part of the show and the other is making a couple with two people but in a subtle way.

STOP saying its reality show, HE IS ONLY ACTING, acting what character? its not a drama so where is the character he is acting?? so its not acting he is pretending since its himself and no character portraying so its not acting its pretending...i would believe its acting if he is acting a particular character but since he is not so...

STOP dragging that people are mad at him because the people we want for him did not end up with him its not all about that, the end and the major point is HE LIED.

I'm sorry but I didn't mean his non existant relationship with IU or PMY! I was talking about his real girlfriend! ( I said there are fortunately no malicious comments about his and JHB's relationship !) But to avoid future misunderstandings I will correct the mentioned entry. You are right by the way! He himself made this situation worse, there is no need to try to sugarcoat it (in all his interviews and tv appearences he made sure to say how lonely he is) And the problem with his MEC appearance is he wasn't playing a fictional character, like WS, he was playing himself, and that's why the exuse of "but he was just playing a character" does not apply here in my eyes!!

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People need to stop and making assumption by saying that some fans are mad of LJG is because he and IU didnt happen in real life, we do get it, we are not so obsessed over it, we know that they have separate lives and can decide on their own we just wish for them to happen in real life, which it didnt, it hurt but its okey we are not gonna die over it, what pissing us off was he lied, lead and fool some fans, fine he needs to hide his relationship to protect it and its his private life we get it still he could have act a normal "pretending" single guy and not flirt and broadcast he is single, lonely and need love. everyone is hiding the fact that they are not single he is not the only still they didnt act like what he is doing and most recently in candy tv show, why do you think the TVN didnt air the last few episodes? because LJG is compromising himself in those episode maybe he said and do something that someone with a girlfriend should not be doing, come to think of it they have save him from being more criticized and TVN do not want to be accuse of being inconsiderate by airing his sweet moments with PMY, and STOP making excuse that show was all about being friendly and lending an ear just to talk its so obvious that its not the whole concept of the show, that is one part of the show and the other is making a couple with two people but in a subtle way.

STOP saying its reality show, HE IS ONLY ACTING, acting what character? its not a drama so where is the character he is acting?? so its not acting he is pretending since its himself and no character portraying so its not acting its pretending...i would believe its acting if he is acting a particular character but since he is not so...

I do not think that MEC is totally from start to finish is scripted, its scripted yes, scripted in a sense that were given a situation and were put up in some particular scenes or themes but still the actor, decide how who will they react to what is given to them, in the end its up to them. the show is just helping them by giving them a situation its their reaction is half real there, half real because they would still hide something and not show all..

STOP dragging that people are mad at him because the people we want for him did not end up with him its not all about that, the end and the major point is HE LIED.

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9 minutes ago, hyehoon said:

People need to stop and making assumption by saying that some fans are mad of LJG is because he and IU didnt happen in real life, we do get it, we are not so obsessed over it, we know that they have separate lives and can decide on their own we just wish for them to happen in real life, which it didnt, it hurt but its okey we are not gonna die over it, what pissing us off was he lied, lead and fool some fans, fine he needs to hide his relationship to protect it and its his private life we get it still he could have act a normal "pretending" single guy and not flirt and broadcast he is single, lonely and need love. everyone is hiding the fact that they are not single he is not the only still they didnt act like what he is doing and most recently in candy tv show, why do you think the TVN didnt air the last few episodes? because LJG is compromising himself in those episode maybe he said and do something that someone with a girlfriend should not be doing, come to think of it they have save him from being more criticized and TVN do not want to be accuse of being inconsiderate by airing his sweet moments with PMY, and STOP making excuse that show was all about being friendly and lending an ear just to talk its so obvious that its not the whole concept of the show, that is one part of the show and the other is making a couple with two people but in a subtle way.

STOP saying its reality show, HE IS ONLY ACTING, acting what character? its not a drama so where is the character he is acting?? so its not acting he is pretending since its himself and no character portraying so its not acting its pretending...i would believe its acting if he is acting a particular character but since he is not so...

I do not think that MEC is totally from start to finish is scripted, its scripted yes, scripted in a sense that were given a situation and were put up in some particular scenes or themes but still the actor there  decide how who will they react to what is given to them, in the end its up to them. the show is just helping them by giving them a situation its their reaction is half real there, half real because they would still hide something and not show all..

STOP dragging that people are mad at him because the people we want for him did not end up with him its not all about that, the end and the major point is HE LIED.

Super agree with u! I will happy for him if the statement is "just dating recently" not "almost 2 years" 

If you want to protect your real GF, u should behave and not create something lovey dovey to other girl. I am not blind for that interactions, i also have a social life and know how people to behave in their social life. 

Sorry for JG fans, i know u all will hate me.. but i cannot accept some statement that tell us as a childish shipper. 

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1 hour ago, postnihilism said:

Saddened to witness this exodus.mp3. Could we do a roll call for us folks who are still here for JoonU and don't totally hate LJG's guts?? 

I was shocked when I first heard the news. I mean who can guess it will turn out like this? I think I will  be one of those who'll go AWOL and jump at any crumbs given at any moment (even tho the fact that I'm here just shows that I can never seem to go AWOL on this OTP :/) 

From IU Kiha and go eun-shin ha kyun. The pairing that went kaput along with heavy media exposure (if you know what I mean). The real test starts now for them I guess

Many underlined that JG once said he'll never expose his lovelife unless he's aim for marriage. But guys, this is the confirmation after Dispatch's undeniable proof, and this is after he denied it 3 times? More like forced if you ask me. Or after 3 denials, he finally feel sure? Dunno.

My first time joining a shipper forum. Witnessing a drowned ship for the first time. But future favors the brave. A drowned ship could be salvaged by this little thing called twist of fate. :D


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9 minutes ago, Joseph Lim said:

This will be my last post here as I can no longer support JoonU now :( I have nothing against JG personally as I do not know him and JE is friendly with him. However he need to learn a little from JE on being honest with himself and to his fans before I can ship him together with JE again.

Some wisdom from JE before I leave.

Here is something for new uaena.

I will on post in IU thread from now on. Thank you all for showing so much love to JE.

I'll join u chingu.. let's make that thread being on fire again.. :))

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I don't know if being a shipper could made my mood in a mess. At least, I cried a lot when my national sport team lost at final match.

I still remember, some of us stargazers told that even people who doesn't notice mlshr, when they saw their interactions, will say that their chemistry after the drama ended is undeniable. It help me to convince that i'm not delulu.

After all, I still hope Joon Gi will give the statement directly from him. Although dispatch has released those photos, and the agency has admitted. I still hope, He at least give a clear statement.

I hope this storm will be vanished. After the heavy rain and storm in our thread, I hope there will be a rainbow. 

Thank you capt @akinahana89 for strengthen us 

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3 hours ago, crazyshell said:

Hi everyone. I'm not as active as most of you but I surely enjoy all your posts and appreciate all your hardworking.

I know the chance of JoonU might work is slim. I can accept if either of them have found someone else. I just can't tolerate all the lies he's told. I actually thought he is honest, a real man in the show business.  He made me a fool. Yet he doesn't bother to make a statement to clear the air. 

Anyway, I'll be remain a silent lurker. 

Let's wait and see, usually with this kind of scandal you have to think twice before saying anything.. Sometimes it takes weeks and interview opportunity to clear what happened.

As someone said this is like a gun used by dispatch to trap him when he denied several times. We don't know what's the real story. But he did made some mistakes there so let's see what will happen next. 

Learned my lesson to ship lightly from now on. I'm happy for new MV of iu and cm of jg and mcw.. Just hope he will not ruined by this. This was bigtime scandal with his clean-almost image as he tried to avoid rumors the most in the past.

Sorry if I'm incoherent hahaha im typing in mobile 

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I'm currently re-watching JoonU fmvs,  the SAF, mlshr bts. Yeah i know, I'm such a masochist. As much you as you do,  i don't also believe it was purely fan service or a friendly gesture. Man, I also have male friends, and we don't do that (the close one) . Too much skinship, touching, complementing. As far as i know, guys only compliment girls that they like. JG can't blame us for getting disappointed because it was his fault. He showed actions, motives(?). Moves that often make a girl think that the guy likes her. That he has intentions. A sick technique used by players tbh. It's not a big deal who's dating who. They point is we got fooled. Poor us.  Gosh,  this is so frustrating. 

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57 minutes ago, jen459 said:

It's hard to stay away from this thread. Thank you @Bambiina and @hyehoon for stating how I felt. When my daughter went for a few weeks to experience what it was like in high school in an Asian country, she was told by the local girls to never allow the guys to put their arm or hand on her shoulder. This was harassment in their culture unless mutual consent. Now that we know his status, JG crossed the line of continuously touching her shoulder. Her bare shoulder. (Unless it was mutual).  I have never seen drama couple award winners behave like he did. And even if some of them were real, they behaved so that they would not be scrutinized or suspected. The BTS of him wiping her nose then using that same finger to his lips was just too much in my eyes. And even though we can speculate that he may have been on and off with JHB, most do not  behave this way. Thank you for this forum that allows us to voice our opinions. We all have our own opinions and we may differ, but I enjoy hearing both sides. It makes me think. And yes, I favor IU, but do not dislike JG either. He has his reasons for his actions that we will never know, but there's consequences to those actions. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Good bye Stargazers. 

You say what's in my mind Right Now cuz right now cant find enough to prove myself wrong (DO HOPE SOME CAN PROVE ME WRONG T.T)..but for me I do hold the slimest hope for jg own response, his own,not from namoo. So I'll wait till that time if possible. it takes time n hope it won't take too long.

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2 hours ago, postnihilism said:

Saddened to witness this exodus.mp3. Could we do a roll call for us folks who are still here for JoonU and don't totally hate LJG's guts?? Off the top of my head there's

- myself

- @krysyuy

- @sublimelyheureuse

- @Siracusa

- @akinahana89

... Anyone else want to be part of this club? By all means speak up if I've missed you. (Also, I'm wondering if anyone wants to move over to a private chatroom maybe?? I know antis are lurking here and it's creeping me out tbh, even as someone on the low end of deluluness.)

That'd be nice. :)

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