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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Wow. Now I know how Troy felt in that episode of Community.


But a halfhearted congrats to Oppa and JHB. I'm happy if Oppa is happy but I'm still a little crushed. But I'm not jumping this ship. JoonU or Broke!

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 

Come on, Stargazers! Even Star Wars fans had to wait sixteen years for new movies and even then they had to sit through three jjamppong prequels before waiting another ten years before getting Episode 7 and Rogue One.

We can do this!

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LOL. Found this song that really match for JG's fans or if you're not agree, at least for us shipper. LOL! The lyrics so dumb hit the point!!



At first, I tried to understand his situation. But nah, maybe I'm too smart (LOL! Sorry, just ignore it) or my investigating instinct/skill really make me think about it again and again. In my opinion, if he announced his dating news after ML and before MEC, it would not make us (fans) pissed off till this far. It would just broke JoonU's shipper heart, and he could easily that it just co-worker's attention, sunbae's attention and blah blah blah. And his long fans would be still loyal to him and just us, shipper who would leave him. But it was AFTER MEC, after his interview & his concert that STATED (Take it on the note) he himself on his FM's video said that he was single and lonely, like his interview for MEC. Yeah I know, MEC was a part of his work, but it was supposedly a REALITY show right? R E A L I T Y. I mean, at least your intention to join the show must REAL. So sorry, I must say, this fact itself, conclude to a statement that he is a fake... Sorry, I don't want to say this actually. I know his friend said he is real. But I, myself, so dissapointed and surprised with these news. I respect him for his job and professionalism as an actor, but sorry, to be honest i'm dissapointed with his way handled and balancing his private life & work life. I mean, if you didn't want to told the fans about your private life, just keep it by yourself and no need to say false statement. I think he must explained something about this, even just a lil', maybe (just maybe) some of his dissapointed fans (old & new fans) could understand him and trust him again.

Like this song, JG's fan (all, include we, shipper). Can't believe that we are the fool again. (Remember? One of us had told us a story that JG in the past time had a fight with his own fans about JHB too? That he didn't honest with us, fans? Well, it happened again...). Yes, we are a fool and you'vr succeed to fool us again. Congratsss, JG ssi! For your dating news btw!

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3 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Wow. Now I know how Troy felt in that episode of Community.


But a halfhearted congrats to Oppa and JHB. I'm happy if Oppa is happy but I'm still a little crushed. But I'm not jumping this ship. JoonU or Broke!

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 

Come on, Stargazers! Even Star Wars fans had wait sixteen years for new movies and even then they had to sit through three jjamppong prequels before waiting another ten years before getting Episode 7 and Rogue One.

We can do this!



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11 minutes ago, Siracusa said:


Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 



 Lol..i am laughing so hard after reading this :D

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I don't know..For now n this moment I still here..To read all your thoughts here..N maybe in the future or few days after this day..this ship.. our lovely ship will become abandon ship..Huhu..This thought made me feel so sad..I'll miss you all here..n already miss all of you here..TQ Captain for created this ship..So that we can share our delulu thought..I  will come here from time to time..Or maybe till One of them married..Or i don't know till when...heheh..Tq cingu ya..For keep posting here..See ya:heart:

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54 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Wow. Now I know how Troy felt in that episode of Community.


But a halfhearted congrats to Oppa and JHB. I'm happy if Oppa is happy but I'm still a little crushed. But I'm not jumping this ship. JoonU or Broke!

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 

Come on, Stargazers! Even Star Wars fans had wait sixteen years for new movies and even then they had to sit through three jjamppong prequels before waiting another ten years before getting Episode 7 and Rogue One.

We can do this!

Hahaha lol on child custody and divorce..future tense...

So I'll be here with my popcorn.. April's gonna be a wild ride... Maybe all of 2017. Hahaha

Edited by angelangie
Mod Edit: Do not quote images
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8 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

But a halfhearted congrats to Oppa and JHB. I'm happy if Oppa is happy but I'm still a little crushed. But I'm not jumping this ship. JoonU or Broke!

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 

Come on, Stargazers! Even Star Wars fans had wait sixteen years for new movies and even then they had to sit through three jjamppong prequels before waiting another ten years before getting Episode 7 and Rogue One.

We can do this!

burst into hhhhhh 

bitter happy to read ur post, im collecting a bit myself n dealing with RL right now, thx :)

if so, like u said, we'll be forever global community, strongest i'd ever met

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13 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 

WAHAHA! You're the real deal JooonJi shipper chinggu but seriously though, I wouldn't want a baby daddy dealing with custody battles for my precious JE. Custody fights over pets maybe I will consider :tongue:

So...Will we get a MLSHR reunion on JG's fanmeet..if that is ever going to even happen? Maybe this time it will be an oppa-dongsaeng interaction now. You better behave JG or else..  

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53 minutes ago, caramelovers75 said:

LOL. Found this song that really match for JG's fans or if you're not agree, at least for us shipper. LOL! The lyrics so dumb hit the point!!



At first, I tried to understand his situation. But nah, maybe I'm too smart (LOL! Sorry, just ignore it) or my investigating instinct/skill really make me think about it again and again. In my opinion, if he announced his dating news after ML and before MEC, it would not make us (fans) pissed off till this far. It would just broke JoonU's shipper heart, and he could easily that it just co-worker's attention, sunbae's attention and blah blah blah. And his long fans would be still loyal to him and just us, shipper who would leave him. But it was AFTER MEC, after his interview & his concert that STATED (Take it on the note) he himself on his FM's video said that he was single and lonely, like his interview for MEC. Yeah I know, MEC was a part of his work, but it was supposedly a REALITY show right? R E A L I T Y. I mean, at least your intention to join the show must REAL. So sorry, I must say, this fact itself, conclude to a statement that he is a fake... Sorry, I don't want to say this actually. I know his friend said he is real. But I, myself, so dissapointed and surprised with these news. I respect him for his job and professionalism as an actor, but sorry, to be honest i'm dissapointed with his way handled and balancing his private life & work life. I mean, if you didn't want to told the fans about your private life, just keep it by yourself and no need to say false statement. I think he must explained something about this, even just a lil', maybe (just maybe) some of his dissapointed fans (old & new fans) could understand him and trust him again.

Like this song, JG's fan (all, include we, shipper). Can't believe that we are the fool again. (Remember? One of us had told us a story that JG in the past time had a fight with his own fans about JHB too? That he didn't honest with us, fans? Well, it happened again...). Yes, we are a fool and you'vr succeed to fool us again. Congratsss, JG ssi! For your dating news btw!

Even in we got married they ensure that everyone is single... Can't help but sigh.. So mec is a bad move after all..

I could just imagine his shock when dispatch released the news, like the one in mec where fans took photos of him and revealed as candy before the end of mec (like in this case before his encores stage.. Hehe)

Edited by angelangie
Mod Edit: Do not quote Vid
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1 hour ago, Killa92 said:

I am So happy if their story is like You're Beautiful Story.  I am still in shocked and blank mood. I didn't hate or blame Joongi oppa . But the Sudden News make me shocked , blank,sad and confused.


 I seriously think this is Tae kyung-Mi nam-UEE(forgot her onscreen name) where he protected her for safety...

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i really wish a bunch of happiness for JG *dont hate me

and for JE too :heart:

guys, chill! its just a dating news. if he decide to marry her then thats it.

JE will find a good man 1 fine day. no, a great man.

JG is really a fan service king *SAF especially.lol.i still cant brain why he touched JE many times.:dizzy:

4 minutes ago, freckledcontessa said:

I talked about the dating thingy to my husband nonstop. He didn't say anything but, "you can sue him for betrayal of public trust". I laughed so hard.


:lol::lol::lol: *hurt my stomach again

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25 minutes ago, caramelovers75 said:


LOL. Found this song that really match for JG's fans or if you're not agree, at least for us shipper. LOL! The lyrics so dumb hit the point!!


Wow so on point. I laugh while hearing &  read the lyrics.

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@freckledcontessa lol..i am laughing so hard reading all these replies.. Seriously i was so sad and angry from the morning..but these replies just change my mind a bit..

@meandheart lol..lets see what future holds..i still haven't made up mind on whether to ship them anymore..lol

And i am curious to know about what is happening in DC, K-shippers reaction?!


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:joy::joy: reading at all ur comments chingus..separation, divorce, child custody, even suing JG to broke public trust...

thats why i love this ship we always can make something bitter turns to be something sweet, I think i need strawberry jam now...and a bunch of chocolate 

@caramelovers75 ironically that song was made for KHN before, so basically the one who fooled wasn't him but us..


seeing this really made me upset all over again..JG behavior thou 


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39 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

But a halfhearted congrats to Oppa and JHB. I'm happy if Oppa is happy but I'm still a little crushed. But I'm not jumping this ship. JoonU or Broke!

Even if JHB is pregnant and they have a shotgun marriage, I will stay on this ship. I will wait for announcements for the marriage, the pregnancy, the separation, the acrimonious child custody fight, the divorce, everything! Anyone with me? 



I'm amused by those responding to this news with "finally the IU/LJG ship is sunk"! Listen, children. If the Kate and Leo ship is still going strong after 20 years and 3 spouses, then Lee flipping Joongi dating another girl for a little over a year is some small potatoes. 

I do understand that people are disappointed by Joongi's conduct. I'm not really deterred, though, because to me it's not really about right or wrong. IU also was already taken when this all began. And unlike LJG, she was self-professedly madly in love with Kiha and had been with him longer. Clearly that didn't stop JoonU from getting close! Now we've found out LJG too was attached while he was having all this offscreen chemistry with IU. What this really just proves is that the JoonU chemistry is SORDID YET UNSTOPPABLE. It's fine. I love a good forbidden attraction! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

... So yeah, I'm not going anywhere. :lol: Perversely looking forward to Joongi's fanmeet... Hope he's not suffering too much, the poor scoundrel... 

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