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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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48 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Can you help me out, chingu? I'm not good at spotting Easter Eggs. Can you circle where you see JE? Last time for the JE eye edit I saw two cats, Sadako, an alien, and male genitalia.

:joy::joy: im laughing out loud in the middle of my work reading ur comments chingu, im glad that no one notice me..kkk

me too..can u point it out chingu since im looking at so many documents everything else is blur to me :D @JGEn 

yay..for another update of fanfics @NerinaC thank u and anyone else who will have upcoming fanfics I'm waiting :) 

im glad everything mostly has cool down, thats wht stargazers are for when someone has doubts or concerns everyone else remind,lift and cheer them up, because we r family :heart:

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17 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

Yah chinggu I agree with everything you've seen except the male genitalia part. I think seeing Sadako and the alien scared me off to continue trying. Good thing I stopped before I spotted what you saw  :blush::bawling:

Last time I asked Captain @akinahana89 if I could post a picture with the genitalia outlined and she said she'd ban me if I did it. Hahaha :joy: But it's definitely there. Or maybe it's Freudian wishful thinking....

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So happy that everything is good now!!  :) JoonU for the win:wub:

Can anyone please let me know where I can read @Silvermaine FF please let me know.

I've read @NerinaC FF it was so good, please keep on writing:D.

And if anyone can see the JE in JG's ring please highlight it too I'm also not good on finding things:(

Lastly I want to thank uri captain @akinahana89for keeping this ship afloat:heart:

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1 hour ago, Siracusa said:

Last time I asked Captain @akinahana89 if I could post a picture with the genitalia outlined and she said she'd ban me if I did it. Hahaha :joy: But it's definitely there. Or maybe it's Freudian wishful thinking....

It's wishful thinking that you'd want to see male genitalia in Joongi's eyes rather than Jieun's initials? LOL

Should I just make you walk the plank now? :joy:

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2 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Last time I asked Captain @akinahana89 if I could post a picture with the genitalia outlined and she said she'd ban me if I did it. Hahaha :joy: But it's definitely there. Or maybe it's Freudian wishful thinking....


:blink: lol

where is the JE initial? i cant see

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@JGEn yeah that ring , ive noticed that he usually wear his ring between his three fingers ,but now , he wears it in his pinky finger so,etimes its on the right and sometimes on the left .....or im just a stalker hehhehehe,, well i just remembered the scene in MLshr, where wang so and hae soo made a pinky promise on their last date... Well it might b connected  to that, or im just thinking that secretly they have really something going on well if that is the case all of us will be happy .... 

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6 hours ago, krysyuy said:

The mood has been a bit strange here, so I thought I'd do a Throwback Tuesday!! (I think it's usually Throwback Thursday... or Flashback Friday... haha) Anyways, something fun to look back on:

I love this video so much, lol. :heart: Hope it made some of you smile. :) 


@krysyuy I really love this video so much, it's not only made me smile, but also laugh kkekeke ^^

Thank you all stargazers for inform me how to stream and download IU song from melon, cause its my first time using melon, I'm happy could participated in support IU comeback ^^

I also have seen MEC engsub, overall I really enjoyed the show, how Joon Gi laugh and and do funny things, He really charming in that show, hhi

About embarrasing comments in Joon Gi IG that some people commented inappropriate related sexual thing, I'm annoyed too then tried to report the comments I found, how come people would carelessly said that, hope Joon Gi too busy with his activities so He won't notice any silly comment. 

@NerinaC hai, I have read ur update fanfic, gomawo, can't wait for the next update chingu ^^

Thank you capt @akinahana89 for recalling our precious moments about JoonU, @starcandy0516 too. And all of stargazer, I love you, you all have made me thinking that I'm not the only one who ship JoonU, I found the best place that is warm and never bored to visit this forum ^^

Then, I can't wait to see IU next track with Oh Hyuk and her full album and off course Joon Gi encore FM, his birthday, Ji Eun birthday, Joon Gi next drama. 

Have a good day, stargazers ^^

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: Please don't quote videos~
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8 hours ago, marimari00 said:

   Guys we are all here to support each other. When one of us express doubts about our OTP, we encourage and we remain optimistic. These concerns may feel valid for someone and it's ok to feel uncertain every now and then. We also need a space to voice these fears without judgement and it does help open up an interesting discussion on here. Above else, we need to be kind and cheer each other up. We already know how volatile our ship can be and we don't leave anyone behind. I know I had to go on self therapy once in awhile since joining this ship. Shipping is indeed hard and one can get emotionally invested without realizing it. but at the end of the day, we are all still here and that's because our love for JoonJi is still keeping us here and that says a lot considering all the drama that's been happening outside our thread. Thank you @akinahana89 for keeping up the faith like a true captain!

   I understood your sentiment chinggu...him-nae 힘내! I've been listening to JE's new song nonstop and her voice has a calming, other people call it healing nature to it. To come up with song lyrics in a way she does must come from a deep, profound place and I too feel strongly for her. To think of all the struggles she's experienced, how she overcame them and kept it all in, I too don't want to see her get hurt and this doesn't point out to JG specifically but it can come from antis, the K-industry, some overbearing fans or just people close to her in general. I have no doubt she will overcome and trust she has ample amount of support to buoy her up through the bad days.

 I was a JG fan first and have followed him before I knew JE existed and so I will always have a soft spot for this choding guy. After watching parts of MEC, i believe him when he said he was seriously lacking in the romance department. His reaction when he misunderstood PMY saying, "they have shared body heat before" was PRICELESS. I almost had water shooting out of my nose. That's when I realized that this guy has been alone for too long. I've also read some of his fan comments on IG  and there's a few on there that sounds like what an obsessive stalker would write to someone. It was disturbing and I was afraid. It's probably the same fans who wants oppa to be forever alone and I can't help but feel for him. At this point I am seriously hoping he already found someone he can be a choding with (gosh, those cooking skills must have been honed from years of bachelorhood) and I could only think of someone who takes his unique personality in stride :wink: but if the BBJX magic doesn't work out, I am still rooting for these two to find happiness. Nevertheless, we are all here because their chemistry and pairing has weaved some crazy juju magic on us.

   In the next coming months, we'll have so much to look forward to - JE's second pre-release, JG's fan-meeting and birthday, JE's full come back, JG's new project? Whose getting excited? I am! Let's keep sailing chinggus. @NoonaE Goodluck on your training. Hwaiting! @NerinaC thanks for the new addition. Can't wait to read it!!!


I love you chingu ya...  We're in sync! You've voiced out for me..  Big hug :bawling::heart:

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12 hours ago, JGEn said:

just check his ring on his little finger...zoom it then u will see the letter JE... he edited his ring..it's very clear 

wow you are amazing!!! Never ever get any ideas to find Je in this pic:wub: seems my delulu skills improved too. I didn't even need to turn my neck 90 degrees to spot what you pionted out kkk

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18 hours ago, enigmaticangel said:

Stargazers I am really sorry if i have hurted anyone..that was not my intention.:bawling:.Yes,i got hurt when JG did that,but later understood that he is an actor and we cannot "control their lives" . I just needed time to understand..maybe i was too possessive about JoonU..

But i promise,i haven't written anything abusive on JG/JE insta regarding this..i will never do such thing..

@akinahana89 captain,thank you so much for the nostalgic tour..my trust on them has never ended..

@NoonaE i am really sorry if i have hurted you, please don't leave for this issue..i will forever respect them no matter what. Being a mature shipper like others here, i will never do anything to hurt JE/JG..

I just needed some time to collect my thoughts and analyse everything..

@starcandy0516 thank u so much for ur valuable inputs..

Though i was a little heartbroken,but i came out of it..i 

Think i should get used to it as they will work with other costars in future ,but my trust on JoonU will never end..

Hello there @enigmaticangel! It's okay! At least you shared your point of view. For me, I do not see any reason why I should waive my belief on these two. :wink:

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52 minutes ago, rachm2014 said:

wow you are amazing!!! Never ever get any ideas to find Je in this pic:wub: seems my delulu skills improved too. I didn't even need to turn my neck 90 degrees to spot what you pionted out kkk


i still cant see TT


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Oppa..thank you for making my day again with your speed quiz..hehe.. of coz without thinking the person you would choose is her right? Its okay no need explanation..:tongue:sorry baekhyun,your hyungnim habit is that he can only focus at one thing/person at a time,and of coz that person will always be IU..:D

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