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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@postnihilism I share your sentiments! What's so scandalous about shipping JoonU anyway? what's so bad about Ji Eun possibly writing about a drama which was memorable to her? and more importantly what's so wrong about possibly having a feeling towards your 'best' co-star? I just can't comprehend the 'twitter drama' you just mentioned.

Anyway, one possible explanation on why the 'denials' and defensive posts feel more and more intense from the non-shippers will be because they also have their own 'confirmation bias', which is the tendency to embrace information that supports their beliefs and reject information that contradicts them. Lately when there was this information about the MV from the so-called MV Director stating that he/ she didn't even watch the drama and bla bla bla... so there might not be any connection bla bla bla... there it is! they got their "weapons" to scold those who think there is an MLSHR vibe and even more specifically JG connection to the song lol. Meanwhile I was trying to read so much into Ji Eun's own words but found nothing much but the technical stuffs like the verse system. Sorry Ji Eun-ah, I need more background information like your previous songs (the one for Sulli, for your grandma, after your mother bought new glasses etc) but worry not, I like you, still! It's totally understandable to write such a 'neutral' message hehe... :lol:

Oh, for those interested in something a bit 'heavy' and out of shipping topic yet still relevant to the current 'MV theme brouhaha', there's an interesting article about why facts simply don't change people's mind, here I put under the spoiler. And yes, all non-shipping lurkers to this thread who would like to find some information about the shippers' minds can also read lol... this thread might be a 'coven' and we might be witches, but we're not simply delusional alright :rolleyes::ph34r:


Lastly, next week episode of MEC might be Joon Gi's last episode. I know that some of you are still not welcoming the idea of the show, so you might want to skip the IG post I attach below. It seems like it's going to be a kind of 'bittersweet' goodbye for Mr. Red Ginseng and Bunny Bunny... she was in tears during the supposed-to-be last phone call. Joon Gi seems to have passed his 'romance' training successfully lol! Ain't that a good thing... hehe. Hopefully we'll hear about his next project soon after his Encore FM next month.

And here's a bonus: Joon Gi's cuteness when he got 'caught' hahaha... Joon Gi-ya, learn to be a better ninja next time! you can ask for advice from your close colleague while practicing the 'phone romance' lol... :ph34r::wub:


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18 hours ago, enigmaticangel said:

@caramelovers75 Aww..you described it so beautifully,  JE and JG has been deeply affected by SHR, it is evident in their recent activities and song..like JG said his famous WS line and JE with her lyrics..

I want to add one more interesting thing about her lyrics..

If u look at Hae Soo's letter scene before her death..she used 그리워 (I yearn for you so much) line, similarly IU  has used "Geuriwo" instead of "Bogoshippossoyo"..because "Bogoshippo= I miss you" is normally used nowadays but "Geuriwo" is more like "yearning for him" ,its more deep and intense..

So she carefully chose her words to let us(Or him?) Know Her true emotions..:heart:

And i was laughing when i read about the Director's mention about the hairpin..means we are not the only delulu people right? Lol

"I don't care if it is a coincidence or was done on purpose,the truth is that the universe is trying to bring them closer by all means.."



LOL, my thoughts exactly :D:D:D (the one i put in bold). And I'm also curious who Director-nim was pertaining to when he said he got a lot of questions about the hairpin. As far as i know, there's no news or buzz about that, merely speculations and buzz among the fans xD. And if he really did receive such questions, I'm sure it has to be from Koreans right??? Wow, glad to know SoHae couple's popularity isn't only among us international fans, it really is no joke then.

But to be honest, I find director-nim too defensive. It's like, he's already trying to put out the fire when there's not even smoke xD

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It's been awhile and now Im here again. What is this about the rift between shippers and non-shippers? Does it have anything to do with how shipping them over her new song would put our OTP in precarious position?

And PMY crying in the end of MEC? I couldnt't take it seriously bcs you know, this is a reality show, scripted and all...

Just imagine if IU was JG's candy. No matter how scripted it is, there must tons of snippets on their wavelength scattering around... -_-

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Honestly, I'm really puzzled by the mini-drama on Twitter. The way some fans talk, you would think IU had nothing to do with MLSHR at all - which, to me, is actually kind of disrespectful towards her? She enjoyed filming the drama, made friends on set, was happy she and LJG won the Best Couple award, felt an emotional attachment to her character and the love story (as stated in other interviews/comments at her FMs and concerts), posted MLSHR-related content on her IG, and was grateful that fans enjoyed the drama as recently as, what, two weeks ago? I understand wanting to protect your bias from scandals, but the handwringing and admonishing other fans is a bit much. Also... are none of these people familiar with 8tracks? Lots of people make 8tracks playlists with songs that remind them of their favourite show or OTP. People saying Through the Night reminds them of MLSHR is the same thing.

About the hairpin - correct me if I'm wrong, but did the director actually say it wasn't the hairpin from MLSHR? The translation I read on Twitter said that he didn't watch the drama, and that the art team picked out the props - but nowhere does he actually say it isn't the same pin. The MV itself might not be connected to MLSHR, but that doesn't mean the hairpin isn't the same. 


On another note, I find it interesting that some of the people who are vehemently anti-JoonU and claim confidently that it could never, ever happen are the exact same people who were confident that IU and Voldy's relationship was totally fine and they wouldn't break up. And yeah - maybe JoonU will never get together. But no one knows that for sure but them - not shippers or non-shippers.

Anyway, I can't wait for IU's next pre-release and her full album, and I hope JG confirms Criminal Minds soon.


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20 hours ago, enigmaticangel said:

@caramelovers75 Aww..you described it so beautifully,  JE and JG has been deeply affected by SHR, it is evident in their recent activities and song..like JG said his famous WS line and JE with her lyrics..

I want to add one more interesting thing about her lyrics..

 If u look at Hae Soo's letter scene before her death..she used 그리워 (I yearn for you so much) line, similarly IU  has used "Geuriwo" instead of "Bogoshippossoyo"..because "Bogoshippo= I miss you" is normally used nowadays but "Geuriwo" is more like "yearning for him" ,its more deep and intense..

So she carefully chose her words to let us(Or him?) Know Her true emotions..:heart:

And i was laughing when i read about the Director's mention about the hairpin..means we are not the only delulu people right? Lol

I don't care if it is a coincidence or was done on purpose,the truth is that the universe is trying to bring them closer by all means..



My gosh. It has come in full circle. My previous post in SHR forum also quoted from here (different pages tho)

xxxHOLiC 207 Page 32

xxxHOLiC 207 Page 33

-- XxX Holic (Chapter 207) by CLAMP

But of course. 'yearning' is a stronger word than 'missing'. 'Yearning' is a lowkey 'obsessing'. WS yearning for HS's affection, and HS's yearn for her King to come back to her. 

which reminds me of that shitty ending again. SNIFF


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I think the reason that there are wars against shippers is that some shippers take it too far and some fans take it too far. Shippers take it too far when they go outside their shipping forum to comment on every work, song, article and post of that the celebrity that he or she should be with this person and he or she only did this because they are in love with this person.  Also when shippers @the person about everything the other person is doing to include color combination pictures from 5 years ago before they met and say they are cheating because the actor has a new project. This is compounded by the fact that some shipper start to ship the actor with the new partner in the new project. This is not all shippers just some.

Fans and non fans  go too far when they come to shipper sites, read what is said, then take it back to regular fan sites just to make everyone angry. Instead of minding their own business. This is not all and but some.

In reality no one knows what anyone is actually doing unless they tell you and that is the plain truth. Fans and shipper are not the people who know what their celebrity means or wants. I say make your assumptions in your chosen bubble and keep reality in your bubble at all times.

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5 hours ago, violet90 said:

so in the end fellow non shipper don't bash people that really can see how happy JoonU are with each other... its not wrong to wish people that we care have a happy life and for that i just truthfully can said i root for JoonU to be happy with each other but if its not i root for them to a soulmate cause i totally can see that happening... 

either way JoonU is just so amazing and beautiful at the same time cause both of them is a great people with a great talent...

JoonU 4 LIFE!!!

Well said chinggu-yah. And the more I am reminded of the many reasons why we ship JoonU together, the more heart rending it is when I think of the possibility of them not ending up together but as shippers and as their individual fans, we could only support them and cheer them on the best way we can (already bought JEs single weee) and trust that whatever willl be will be and it will be for the best. Just wanted to say thanks for reminding me why I love these two together 

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6 hours ago, nurlayla said:

real life is hard.

shipping is hard.

but to love JoonU is not hard! :heart:

love ur simple words chingu..yupz to love JoonU is not hard because JoonU is :heart: 

unfortunately there will always objections from non shipper, possessive fans, or haters for whatever the reasons are. as long as there is no explicit statement from JoonU themselves, they will continue with their stubbornness and we shippers will continue with what we believe all along. 

untill that day comes whatever the outcome is, hopefully everyone will give full support and love for JoonU no matter what. 

meanwhile we will keep chanting and praying for bbjx miracle to come true :wub:


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@realmsoflove You literally took the words right from my head. I get people disapproving of real-person shipping (though obviously I disagree :D), but how has it become a problem to ship So and Soo??? (And people accuse us of conflating reality with fiction...)

Also, thanks for making that point about the hairpin. It hasn't been ruled out that it's the one from MLSHR. Nor has it been ruled out that IU was inspired lyrically from the drama. 


Performative morality in fandom is a pet peeve of mine and IU's breakup is a great example of it tbh. After Taiwan, we were all certain that KihaU were over based on the way IU acted around LJG. If I recall correctly, lurkers here then claimed this was delulu and insisted KihaU were still going strong, based on no evidence. Some even argued that the lack of public KihaU interaction proved they were a strong couple (a well-meaning but baseless argument). Literally A WEEK LATER, news of the breakup was released. :lol: That confirmed we were right -- IU's behaviour was NOT normal. (And to this day I've yet to find a compelling argument that explains why IU favours LJG over her other male leads, tbh.)

The thing is, people weren't getting defensive over KihaU because the evidence was in their favour, but because it was the more "ethical" side to be on (since rooting for a couple's breakup is, you know, not). That also seems to be what's fuelling anti-JoonU sentiment right now -- since a fair percentage of shippers have been revealed to be entitled nutjobs, being against the pairing altogether is the most ~morally pure~ position. Realistically, though, the actions of people in fandom are totally irrelevant -- IU/LJG is no less plausible than the dozens of other popular IU ships in fandom which are apparently okay to ship (in fact, it's MORE plausible), but it's the one bound to cause the most contention simply because it's garnered the most batshit shippers. :lol: (And also because the ship actually happening would reflect poorly on IU and LJG, but that's a topic for another time...)


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11 hours ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

And PMY crying in the end of MEC? I couldnt't take it seriously bcs you know, this is a reality show, scripted and all...

@Sharine Phinisia It is reality show and rather scripted, of course. I wouldn't want to imply that she's crying over having to say goodbye to Joon Gi either. It just goes to show that the conversations they had might be touching a bit of her heart and it's such a pity that it had to be over. Just like Ko Sung Hee and Jang Keun Suk in Season 1 after their both shared their past burden. I imply nothing about PMY and JG even though I have seen some of JG's fans started to ship him with PMY after two episodes of MEC hehe. They got along really well, though.

10 hours ago, lovesparklys said:

In reality no one knows what anyone is actually doing unless they tell you and that is the plain truth. Fans and shipper are not the people who know what their celebrity means or wants. I say make your assumptions in your chosen bubble and keep reality in your bubble at all times.

THIS. All we have were indeed assumptions. The thing is... I would go back to my previous post: sometimes there are facts already presented *like JE- Voldy's breakup* but then some people just choose to 'deny' and stick to their own 'alternative truths'. These people wouldn't hesitate to 'attack' other people's ideas. Unfortunately, this is what happens between JoonU Shippers vs Non-Shippers. In this case, the JoonU shippers are the scapegoat for any possible scandals about JoonU. Like... seriously.... how are we even able to do so?

And yeah, why have there been so many heated discussions over a simple MV? why did people even ask directly to the MV Director? Who are these people? Korean-speaking fans of Ji Eun? or of Joon Gi? or the journalists trying to dig some juicy gossips after stalking fans SNS and forums?


I'll just stay safely in this coven with my two cents and daily BBJX chants...


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