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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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19 minutes ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

she steal a glance to check whether he also enjoy this as much as her before finding out that he take this gimmick WAY too seriously LOL thats why she struggles to get into the char as well


hahahaha... the very moment she 'realised' the different level of an actor he is... interestingly he was aware enough of her bright smile even though he seemed to be too seriously immersed in his 're-enactment', hence his equally bright smile meeting hers seconds afterwards. Argh, this twooooo!!! stop playing with my poor heart already! lol

Anyway, there used to be this 'desperation' among me and some of my Hajunse fellows concerning JG's passiveness when it comes to love pursuit and our (overrated) worries about some aggressive women taking the advantage out of his situation out there... such typical, unnecessary mother hen fangirls' worries hahaha... so, Lee Ji Eun, you should know what to do with this oppa, right? Make that benevolent smile yours forever! ^_^:tongue:

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1 hour ago, NoonaE said:

I just found this other part of JG's interview with WOWOW (the previous one posted here he talked about Ji Eun), you all might want to read this too. The 1st question about drinking together with the other cast is quite surprising... maybe that's why he could bond well with Ji Eun haha... she was always present, right? :D


Thanks for sharing, i read it hahaa...as far as we knew from HJH and SAF awards they like to drink together, i think for this interview he keep her name LoL and last translation he said he want to drink gathering every day. So we still suspicious for these two.

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1 hour ago, NoonaE said:

Oh, anybody noticed that inside joke with her manager oppa related to JG/ Wang So: the one who had to go back to Goryeo and got stranded? I could very well imagine the friendly atmosphere their two teams had when together. Really wish they can work together again in the future though the chance is slim... but who knows? I'll always be expecting crumbs and cakes coming our way...

Have a good Sunday, fellow Stargazers.

May our BBJX miracle come true in the end! :wub:


Yeah, i noticed it too. A meaningful inside joke, maybe? 

#He got strayed into jieun's heart, stranded there (not forcefully but self-voluntarily instead hehe), and decided to stay there for good; while embracing her with his love and affection for the rest of his life :wub::wub:# wedding bells, where are you?*wink*

BBJX miracle palli palli come true!!

:ph34r::ph34r::wub:   *ninjas in love*

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Hope everyone has a great week!

:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


So while patiently waiting,

speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. News related to JoonGi's IG post with the Universal Family to be released.reading-newspaper.gif

2. JoonGi to resume posting emoticon-filled and/or cryptic messages in his Instagram logo. *** 

(Our FBI investigators really enjoy solving jigsaw-puzzle-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png.)   

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

3. Jieun to continue appearing in public with her good friends. happy-friends-smiley-emoticon.gif

4. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and be online more often. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle

5. People who love to hate to live in an island with no Internet or wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces) 

6. JoonGi and Jieun to continue proving to us that love is stronger than hate and more powerful than public opinion. Love Heart Hand animated emoticon

7. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to staunchly support each other's talents and projects, as good colleagues.  Heart playing guitar animated emoticon**

 emoji8. NO LOVE LINE or KISS SCENES for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, should he accept the role.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

  9. JoonGi to organize an SHR cast get-together since they are good friends, so he could talk to Jieun and see her become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

10. Jieun and JoonGi to do a duet and collaborate on a MV. partying-smiley-emoticon-1.gif

 11. JoonGi and Jieun to be featured in magazines toilet-reading.gif and CFs tv-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png together.

12. JoonGi and Jieun to be cast in a rom-com in 2017 or 2018. movie-director-smiley-emoticon.gif

alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

 13. SHR Season 2/spin-off/film in 2017. eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif

 14. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life. true-love-smiley-emoticon.gif

 15. Jieun to write a song for or inspired by JoonGi. love-song-smiley-emoticon.gif

dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

   BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 

Credits -

* @sublimelyheureuse and @marimari00

** @sublimelyheureuse

*** @meahri_1

Instagram for logo

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17 hours ago, NoonaE said:

Anyway, there used to be this 'desperation' among me and some of my Hajunse fellows concerning JG's passiveness when it comes to love pursuit and our (overrated) worries about some aggressive women taking the advantage out of his situation out there... such typical, unnecessary mother hen fangirls' worries hahaha... so, Lee Ji Eun, you should know what to do with this oppa, right? Make that benevolent smile yours forever! ^_^:tongue:

     So curious to know more about yours and other long time JG fans concerns about the JG passiveness you've mentioned. Mostly because I remember saying awhile back that for this ship to sail head on, I felt like JE has to make the bold first move for something to happen.(i think differently now considering everything that we've seen from JG). During the Arang filming, I had a nagging suspicion that JG had the hots for Shin Minah and either a.) got shot down or b.) didn't have the courage to confess. Based on his Healing Camp episode though, it seems to be leaning more towards the latter. Hence, my initial worry that the feelings may be mutual from both.but JG may not be keen to pursue it due to this passiveness that you've mentioned. Curious to say though that JG's behaviour towards JE has been anything but passive and the reason why my mind is at ease no matter how little the crumbs have been getting these days. 

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thank u capt.  @akinahana89 for the fanfic it helps on "the dry season" like this. :) 

talking about JG passiveness u guys mentioned @marimari00 @NoonaE did worry me a bit when I acknowledged it . even though i am a new fans i would like to give my pov regarding this.


the passiveness of him we saw on the day of mlshr photoshoot, cosmopolitan ft, all the way through the mlshr press conference even untill the gathering in oct. knowing that they were so close on filming process how come they were so awkward afterwards. 

my 2cents was i think JG actually acknowledged his feeling towards JE but then at that time she still had bf besides fanboy hanuel were always following JE everywhere lolz..

i think things changed in october (this was the time we predicted JE had broken up) started from mlshr final party they were sticked together like a glue all the way through the SAF (remember JE said JG persuaded her to walked together for the sake of fans) but my guess it was not only for fans but for JG himself he missed her and the rest just history. 

what made JG changed from passive to more actively persuade JE, in my opinion JG finally found someone worth fighting for, beside he could get validation from JE that she has same feeling with him and or maybe the "pressured" from fanboy like hanuel made him realized his feeling is strong and real, he is afraid to lose her. 

all this time all i see is the act of actively pursuing each other from both parties to shows how strong their feeling on one another, not only  from JE but also used to be passived JG.

Now i can put my mind at ease knowing that JG is a changed man now on love, he is braver and active and as for JE this girl is brave and she knows what she wants. when the feelings are mutual i don't think we have to worry one of them will stop trying *knockonwoods".

even though we can't see it hopefully they are still continuing persuade each other lovingly even in a low key way. 

as for SMA, based on the interview i had watched  regarding A&M i think what he had that time was admiration like fans towards his Idol maybe crush but not love, that was why he seemed nothing to lose. 

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@marimari00my thoughts are in the spoiler since it includes some other names hehe...


actually our 'worries' were related to his previous rumour. A number of fans (finally including me lol) used to have this suspicion that it was the lady who made her move first... and those days were the days when JG seemed to be the most vulnerable- hence, accepting the possible dating potential to shoo away the loneliness. But then again, this was our suspicion only, not necessarily true. However, since JG himself admitted that he isn't an aggressive one in the love pursuit, we just couldn't help but thinking that way about JHB back then.

To me personally, somehow I never see JG as a real flirtatious type though in the surface he seems to be very friendly, playful and teasing. I see him as very calculative and too cautious; which is good but can also be regrettable. I remember he said that he should've not called Lee Hyori 'noona' and approached her instead lol... she ended up really treating him as a dongsaeng and went as far as being a matchmaker for him and BoA while JG was possibly more interested in her than the latter hahaha. Poor JG. With SMA, even though she seems to be fond of him, JG might have thought that she wasn't interested romantically to him anyway. Their chemistry was good but I also think that there was no strong romantic spark or sexual tension just like what we could see happening between JoonU.

I know I shouldn't worry too much this time and start trusting JG and his heart lol... I just hope he'll be less cautious and let his heart direct him to the one that he really likes more than all other too logical decisions. I'm really curious whether this topic of relationship will be brought up (I am quite sure it will, somehow) during his 'Candy' conversations or not... from there then we can draw some more conclusions about him, whether he has a change of mind or not from his previous thoughts and actions towards love and relationships.

P.S. Capt @akinahana89 thanks for the fanfic! haha... the naughty me even imagined an M-rated for their Taiwan night(s) lol... :wub:

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I MISS YOU GUYS!!! :heart:

Finally back from a place full of ICE and the beautiful light..sorry for my absence...I have not abandon this ship!! and NEVER!!!

SO Byeontae SQUAD and FBI TEAM, any new members??? I only saw msg from @Siracusa chingu mentioning I need to add @ross2381 to Byeontae Squad, so @ross2381, do you willing to join us...as my squad member..tho I still doesnt know why am I still the head of the squad hahahahahahhahaha

SO I AM BACK!!! ARE YOU GUYS PREPARE FOR THE SPAM??? Some members especially newbies might hate me for that tho....

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5 hours ago, akinahana89 said:

Annyeong, annyeong! Hope my Stargazers are doing well with the lack of JoonU's Instaflirting recently.

In the meantime, have a fanfic! :wink:

[JoonU] She didn't miss the way his eyes flickered to her lips and stayed.


I just read it and i love your fanfic captain :wub: kkk...it makes me longing to see their kisses, and want to see them in drama again :D I think Joon Gi oppa will agree with this idea. 

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5 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Interesting observation:

IU, who typically likes being bare-handed, is now wearing two rings. The one on her index finger is the friendship ring with Yoo Inna. The one on her pinky is a mystery ring. According to an article I read about ring placements having very specific meanings in South Korea, the index finger is very appropriate for her friendship ring because it is supposed to symbolize friendship. (If a guy gives a girl a ring and she wears it on her index finger, it's a sign that he's been friend zoned.)

A ring on the pinky, however, has two different meanings depending on which hand it's on. On the left pinky, it symbolizes opportunity or change. On the right pinky, it represents achievement and fulfillment of your wishes and dreams. In general, it is also a reminder to be open to new beginnings and fresh opportunities.

IU's pinky ring is on her RIGHT hand, meaning she has achieved her wishes and dreams. What is her biggest dream and goal? To have her own happy family. The new beginnings and fresh opportunities would clearly be her freedom from K and her new relationship with Joon Gi.

Stargazers, did IU just accidentally give us crumbs?!


I am back....with this accidental crumbs..hahahahahahahahaha, happy family!! WEDDING BELL!!! NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH OPPA!!! :heart:

OMG!!! THIS SIMPLY MAKE MY MONDAY better!!! Thanks capt @akinahana89!!! You are the best capt in the world!!! LET ME KISS U MUACKZ!!!!

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18 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Interesting observation:

IU, who typically likes being bare-handed, is now wearing two rings. The one on her index finger is the friendship ring with Yoo Inna. The one on her pinky is a mystery ring. According to an article I read about ring placements having very specific meanings in South Korea, the index finger is very appropriate for her friendship ring because it is supposed to symbolize friendship. (If a guy gives a girl a ring and she wears it on her index finger, it's a sign that he's been friend zoned.)

A ring on the pinky, however, has two different meanings depending on which hand it's on. On the left pinky, it symbolizes opportunity or change. On the right pinky, it represents achievement and fulfillment of your wishes and dreams. In general, it is also a reminder to be open to new beginnings and fresh opportunities.

IU's pinky ring is on her RIGHT hand, meaning she has achieved her wishes and dreams. What is her biggest dream and goal? To have her own happy family. The new beginnings and fresh opportunities would clearly be her freedom from K and her new relationship with Joon Gi.

Stargazers, did IU just accidentally give us crumbs?!

WOAHHHH ... THANK YOU FOR THE CRUMBS!! Yeah .. IU rarely wear any accessories on her fingers! It's interesting that she wear 2 rings on her fingers right now :wub:

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7 hours ago, akinahana89 said:

Annyeong, annyeong! Hope my Stargazers are doing well with the lack of JoonU's Instaflirting recently.

In the meantime, have a fanfic! :wink:


[JoonU] She didn't miss the way his eyes flickered to her lips and stayed.




Waaahhh!! welcome back captain!! thanks for the wonderful fic!! My feels are all over the place again.. Keep ur fics coming, captain!! Don't hesitate! :wink: this is such a treasure amidst this crumb deprivation period we're currently in xD. Aigoo, it's because we were spoiled too much by uri OTP from all that cake!! I hope you update ur other fic "You Might Need Me", too!! :D

3 hours ago, farida1012 said:



@mod, pls let me keep the pic for reference :) 

why is no one talking about the what looks like 2 messenger notifs on JE's phone screen?? Wish I had ultrapowerful eyesight or zoom so I could read who messaged her.. (is it someone in Italy??) LOL. #delulumodeon

1 hour ago, akinahana89 said:

Interesting observation:

IU, who typically likes being bare-handed, is now wearing two rings. The one on her index finger is the friendship ring with Yoo Inna. The one on her pinky is a mystery ring. According to an article I read about ring placements having very specific meanings in South Korea, the index finger is very appropriate for her friendship ring because it is supposed to symbolize friendship. (If a guy gives a girl a ring and she wears it on her index finger, it's a sign that he's been friend zoned.)

A ring on the pinky, however, has two different meanings depending on which hand it's on. On the left pinky, it symbolizes opportunity or change. On the right pinky, it represents achievement and fulfillment of your wishes and dreams. In general, it is also a reminder to be open to new beginnings and fresh opportunities.

IU's pinky ring is on her RIGHT hand, meaning she has achieved her wishes and dreams. What is her biggest dream and goal? To have her own happy family. The new beginnings and fresh opportunities would clearly be her freedom from K and her new relationship with Joon Gi.

Stargazers, did IU just accidentally give us crumbs?!


as expected of our captain!! nothing escapes her eyes, even the most minimal of details. Aigoo, did IU just do that?? Is now ur turn to give us crumbs/ the most subtlest hints?? Don't worry, and keep it coming girl!! We're all prepared to beat FBI and figure it out all!! :D 

1 hour ago, riuenu said:


I MISS YOU GUYS!!! :heart:

Finally back from a place full of ICE and the beautiful light..sorry for my absence...I have not abandon this ship!! and NEVER!!!

SO Byeontae SQUAD and FBI TEAM, any new members??? I only saw msg from @Siracusa chingu mentioning I need to add @ross2381 to Byeontae Squad, so @ross2381, do you willing to join us...as my squad member..tho I still doesnt know why am I still the head of the squad hahahahahahhahaha

SO I AM BACK!!! ARE YOU GUYS PREPARE FOR THE SPAM??? Some members especially newbies might hate me for that tho....


Welcome back!!! Can't wait for ur spam!! This page has been moving too slow for how we're usually like, don't u think??? :) Especially with the recent release of IUTV in Taiwan!!

I wonder how JG reacted when he saw JE talking to his backstage pass like that?? He must have repeated his line again with his (always tender smile tip courtesy from IU herself) and voice: "Why is she so cute??"

Let's keep chanting/cursing/praying/chanting spells!!! BBJX CURSE PLS COME TRUE!! JoonU FTW!!! WE CAN MAKE IT!!! <3 

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: Please don't quote images~
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