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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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22 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

@samtrocino JG used to post some pics with his previous female costars including JHB but the fans' reactions were harsh. So far I've seen that most of his fans - except some on weibo- did not react as harshly towards JE, maybe that's why he's a bit braver to post and share his closeness with her. I can also tell that he's been excited with MLSHR *and recently with Milla and RE*, that's why he has posted quite frequently. I don't know what suspicion you have towards JG but you can have my words that he's not using JE for his own popularity's sake at all. He's not that kind of person. He might have not been a familiar name for younger K-Pop/ K-Drama fans because of the projects he has chosen so far *read: the non-romcom type* but he's surely been a name on his own in the K-entertainment since 2005 :).

Thanks for the clarifications. Can you also tell me why the fans reacted harshly on his previous female co-stars including JHB? Is it ok? Just curious. Thanks again.

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@samtrocinotypical fangirls' reaction, that was :wacko:. Lee Yubi, his co-star from SWWTN, had to shut her IG account down, though the reason was just because of general 'haters' but I heard that it could also be related to some JG-related comments. JHB also set her IG into a private account for some time after the dating rumour with JG.

I read once that JE hasn't got the same 'cold' treatment from fellow JG fans because she's in a relationship lol *how ironic is that actually for us?*. I'm not saying that JG fans are that possessive or delusional, it's just like any other fans, there are a few who are unwelcoming to female co-stars, female friends and the idea of him having a relationship at all. 

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16 hours ago, innrukia said:

. Anneyong to all new stargazers. Been busy with RL. Anyhow can't wait for JG HK fm... I'm sure he will give us cookies:lol:

I don't expect cake because IU won't be there:ph34r:

im not sure 100% but i do think he will post again the fm reaction of for you performance. keke

16 hours ago, chi13lou said:

What if she shows up there? floating crazy rabbitfloating crazy rabbitfloating crazy rabbit

i cannot~~ ahahahhahaahhahahaa.. if she did shows up, that is the biggest crumbs cake ever!

16 hours ago, kriswu said:

This is definitely not the first time. He always wears one. He loves accessories especially those from Chrome Hearts. which I'm sorry to disappoint you and uri FBI team hehe but the jewelry shop Jieunie visited is Addi Jewelry. And Joongi's bracelet is from Chrome Hearts^_^:( Although I would like to think they have exchanged gifts already... we know they're both generous people. :wub:

But prepare your hearts yeorobun. It's end game if Jieun wears CH bling blings. Hahaha.

if JE did wear CH jewelry.. its a game over for sure!!

15 hours ago, NoonaE said:

@chi13lou from what I've followed all throughout last year, his 2016 was kinda full of MLSHR and a little bit of 'Resident Evil' and 'Never Said Goodbye' along with the magazine photoshoots and FMs in between. I have to be honest that all throughout my 4 years+ of following JG, I've never cared too much for his personal relationships, maybe @JGiGrande can fill in that part better. I only watched his works and interviews to get to know his personalities better but I haven't really spent time discussing his gossips and scandals with other fans- being a shipper like this is really the first time for me lol. I only know the 'love scandals' whenever they got into the news already, including the one with JHB. JG that I understand, regardless his being super friendly and lively, is unlike JE who has a couple of really close friends in real life. JG is closer to his family and staff than fellow celebrities, it seems to me. My knowledge on this might be limited, though, as I have been observing only from his SNS posts. The one celebrity that I can think of for JG, whom he met quite casually during last year and also earlier this year, will be Robert Holley. The others that he seemed to be frequently meeting in 2016 would be fellow MLSHR cast. I sincerely wish that the MLSHR cast close relationship with JG will continue... especially now that we're hoping that JoonU ship will sail further and further to the desirable direction ^_^:wub:

he looks very very happy with MLSHR's cast and that such a pleasant thing to all of us.. not that he is not happy before with the other casts., it just .. he surely having a different type of happy mood when he's with the MLSHR's cast or can i say when he was with JE ? kekekekeke 

15 hours ago, NoonaE said:

@kriswu this was actually what broke JG fans' hearts previously when JHB was spotted wearing the same CH necklace... though afterwards Namoo Actors clarified that it wasn't a couple thingy lol...

if im not mistaken ( pardon for the poor memories i have) , namoo said JHB's CH was the one she bought and JG's CH was the one given by fans. hahahaha. i remember everyone was like wanting that "fan" to come out and clarify it. :D 

15 hours ago, NoonaE said:

@Diana BlancheI believe that those in JG threads might actually refer to JHB *again*. The discussion about JG's connection with her resurfaced again after JHB's friend IG post with JHB and JG's sister the last time, didn't it? Well, I personally think that JG might have gone out for some times with JHB- the rumour wouldn't appear without any base actually, some people might have really spotted them together somewhere as they were also said to visit the same gym and joined the same charity group- but whether it's a serious relationship or not, I'm not sure. JHB also mentioned in her interview that she doesn't want to have a public relationship, just like JG did. Anyway, my gut feeling told me they're not connected at the moment aside from being colleagues in the same agency. Regarding JG's sister and JHB, my guess will be they belong to the same circle of friends esp related to church. @JGiGrande previously mentioned the connection of each person in the disputed photo lol... and I found out *after a bit of stalking, yikes :ph34r:* that most of them are Catholics... so this might be the possible link, nothing more to worry about for the JoonU ship hehehe :tongue:

JHB is sure popular in LJG's thread. but i dont care about her. there is someone said his sister work with namoo.. if it is.. not a big problem then. 

14 hours ago, kriswu said:

Well... we can always use the excuse that Chrome Hearts is a popular brand and a lot of idols and actors use it so it doesn't necessarily mean they're dating. :lol:

And for those who are worried, I don't think he was in a relationship or had something with someone in 2016 because in his Arena Homme September 2016 interview, he said "I haven’t had much personal time for myself. I didn’t go on a vacation, I didn’t date, and there wasn’t much time to have fun with friends either. "

I believe him. Also, he hinted by saying something about wanting to get married early. Hehehe :wub:

"Turning 35 years old, I am now starting to have thoughts of managing a family. It’s not charming for a man to get married too old. I think I mustn’t be too late if I want to be a good influence on the family that will be together with me."

That's right, JG! Go get her and marry her. You're not getting any younger. :tongue:

interview source: https://daegorr.wordpress.com/2016/09/14/translation-lee-joon-gi-arena-homme-september-2016-interview/

hahahahaha.. long live JoonU!! 

58 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

@samtrocino JG used to post some pics with his previous female costars including JHB but the fans' reactions were harsh. So far I've seen that most of his fans - except some on weibo- did not react as harshly towards JE, maybe that's why he's a bit braver to post and share his closeness with her. I can also tell that he's been excited with MLSHR *and recently with Milla and RE*, that's why he has posted quite frequently. I don't know what suspicion you have towards JG but you can have my words that he's not using JE for his own popularity's sake at all. He's not that kind of person. He might have not been a familiar name for younger K-Pop/ K-Drama fans because of the projects he has chosen so far *read: the non-romcom type* but he's surely been a name on his own in the K-entertainment since 2005 :).

most worst situation was with LYB. pity her. she's cute and dont deserved that treatment tbh. unlike JE. everyone was like accepting it and even asking more for it! 

the highlight words.. IM TOTALLY AGREE! he's not that kind of person.. if only you have been looking on what he had gone through from then till now.... he is just not that kind of person. 

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12 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

if only you have been looking on what he had gone through from then till now.... he is just not that kind of person. 

yeap... I remembered watching his 'Healing Camp' episode and cried so much afterwards. JG tends to take the blame for himself first for anything unfortunate happening to him instead of simply pointing fingers at others who apparently did him wrong. Why did I decide to stay in this ship even though it's full of storms and pirates and sea monsters? because I've noticed the big respect and sincere gratitude JE has for JG... exactly the same amount of respect and gratitude that I've always had as his fan all these years. She can see the goodness beyond his pretty face, for sure. That is something he surely needs- she is the kind of someone he surely needs in addition to his family and fans :)

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2 hours ago, samtrocino said:

I can only speak for myself. About the girlfriend thing, I am also curious tbh. I became suspicious between him and JHB about their relationship. Why? Because I read somewhere that they were seen thrice. There is a saying, " Once is enough. Twice is too much. Thrice will kill you(?)". Sorry, I'm not sure about that saying. But that is true. Knetz already saw them and reported about them. If they do not have any relationship, then did they not think what will happen if the Knetz will see them again together eventhough they are in a group? You are right. Lying is a sin. But here is the reality. They are actors and actresses. They do not have private life. Eventhough they are telling us that they need privacy. Yes, we can give it to them. But some people are selfish. Some of the fans are possessive. When they love, they are very generous but the consequence. You have to give yourself to them even your privacy. That is why we have our own FBI and treasure hunters because we want also to know what they are doing or what is happening to them. But, we are also angels because we know our limitations and their right on privacy. 

For JKH, I don't know anything about him. I just knew that he is someone special for LJE/IU. That's it. And I do understand on his side that reporters always asking him about her. If it once or twice, he can answer it. But if in every meeting, they ask him about her then, he would also be disappointed because they do not see him as a musician at all. They see him as an informant of IU. If that is the case, I think they should ask her personally. Maybe, I can also voice my opinion on their relationship. The reality is JKH is a singer from his indie band that is why they are not known by many while LJE/IU, has many fans globally. If we are going to have a scale, it will be 5 for JKH while with IU, it will be 9 to 10. So the pressure is bigger to the guy. Maybe he thinks if he had a relationship with IU, they will be known internationally. If that is his intention, then I'm very sad for her because it is not love that he had for her. He was using her. But still, I give the benefit of the doubt to him because he is someone special to her but for me, my intuition tells me that I don't like him.

That is why, I am suspecting LJG on his "Special relationship" with LJE/IU, because he used to have a quiet life/lovelife then he is posting on his IG about pictures of her. I find him intriguing also. 

Do not worry chinggu because whatever happens, I am still riding this ship, actually this is so fast that I am beginning to wonder when this will be a "JET".:D

Sorry for the long post.

@NoonaE my suspicions was not to LJG. It is with JKH. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Actually, it is @aimwanie who highlighted the sentence that made me read again my post. I know what LJG been through that is why I find him manly and strong because he overcome the obstacles that comes in his way. I know he doesn't use LJE because he knows that and he'd been there. But thanks anyway!:wink:

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29 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

yeap... I remembered watching his 'Healing Camp' episode and cried so much afterwards. JG tends to take the blame for himself first for anything unfortunate happening to him instead of simply pointing fingers at others who apparently did him wrong. Why did I decide to stay in this ship even though it's full of storms and pirates and sea monsters? because I've noticed the big respect and sincere gratitude JE has for JG... exactly the same amount of respect and gratitude that I've always had as his fan all these years. She can see the goodness beyond his pretty face, for sure. That is something he surely needs- she is the kind of someone he surely needs in addition to his family and fans :)

Sorry for the misunderstanding. But the one I am talking about is JKH not LJG. I read again my post on that. I have not yet watched "Healing Camp" but someone mentioned here that he also shared his struggles on that show. Do not worry. I am a SOSOO/LJGLJE shipper. That is why I am in this ship together with you.:rolleyes:

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@samtrocinoit's ok. probably I misunderstood it when you mentioned about 'suspecting JG' lol. Anyway, for anyone who hasn't been his fan in this thread, I would just want to say that JG won't be such a harm for JE as she won't be a harm for him either.

@qwenli thanks for the video and the sub! really appreciate it :heart:

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Hi fellow shippers! How are you? Have you seen the fanmade video where JG and IU had similar actions and nuances? It was so cute. :wub:

Anyway, regarding the Jeon Hye Bin - Joon Gi rumor, the last time I checked, it only surfaced during Joseon Gunman and in 2015. All of them were denied by the involved parties and Namoo. Regarding JHB and Joon Gi's sister and their relationship, the only thing that I know is that JG's sister's boyfriend is the brother of JHB's close friend. The rumor resurfaced this year only because they were seen in an instagram post (which was deleted), and JG's sister was probably in that dinner/gathering mostly because of her boyfriend.

From what I can surmise, the rumors are baseless. And everyone should really be more suspicious of JoonU :D I was just thinking about the LHJ slip-up during the SBS awards and it kind of actually is controversial; the slip-up itself and their reaction.

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40 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

yeap... I remembered watching his 'Healing Camp' episode and cried so much afterwards. JG tends to take the blame for himself first for anything unfortunate happening to him instead of simply pointing fingers at others who apparently did him wrong. Why did I decide to stay in this ship even though it's full of storms and pirates and sea monsters? because I've noticed the big respect and sincere gratitude JE has for JG... exactly the same amount of respect and gratitude that I've always had as his fan all these years. She can see the goodness beyond his pretty face, for sure. That is something he surely needs- she is the kind of someone he surely needs in addition to his family and fans :)

cannot agreee moreeeeeeeee chinguuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! can i cry with u? T-T i remember crying watching it too since he was being soo positive despite all the betrayal.im glad JE can see the goodness behind his pretty face and he's being all happy and feel appreciated by someone like JE was his truly blessing. no wonder he treasure JE so much. as much as he compliment JE, the same amount she compliment him.  

19 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

@NoonaE my suspicions was not to LJG. It is with JKH. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Actually, it is @aimwanie who highlighted the sentence that made me read again my post. I know what LJG been through that is why I find him manly and strong because he overcome the obstacles that comes in his way. I know he doesn't use LJE because he knows that and he'd been there. But thanks anyway!:wink:

hahahahahaha. we are not being mad or what chingu.. misunderstanding can happened. now you can know more about him right . hehe

3 minutes ago, Silvermaine said:


Hi fellow shippers! How are you? Have you seen the fanmade video where JG and IU had similar actions and nuances? It was so cute. :wub:

Anyway, regarding the Jeon Hye Bin - Joon Gi rumor, the last time I checked, it only surfaced during Joseon Gunman and in 2015. All of them were denied by the involved parties and Namoo. Regarding JHB and Joon Gi's sister and their relationship, the only thing that I know is that JG's sister's boyfriend is the brother of JHB's close friend. The rumor resurfaced this year only because they were seen in an instagram post (which was deleted), and JG's sister was probably in that dinner/gathering mostly because of her boyfriend.

From what I can surmise, the rumors are baseless. And everyone should really be more suspicious of JoonU :D I was just thinking about the LHJ slip-up during the SBS awards and it kind of actually is controversial; the slip-up itself and their reaction.

we are right. kekeke. but actually there is more good in this way.. they can always show how close they are without being haunted by knets. and to think the knets never suspicious of them was quite scary. 

anyway thank youuu @qwenli for the vids! 

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Tqvm guys for keep on posting in this thread.I'm lurking here almost everyday.I'm waiting patiently for the status of JE relationship now whether she is single or still in relationship(hopefully not, please:bawling: )..i don't mind not many crumbs from them from now on bc i already prepared my heart that after JE Taiwan concert&JG fan meeting we maybe cannot get news related them to each other again.But i need a closure about JE status:cry: .Stargazers fighting and keep on believing on JoonU.

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I just hope that whatever happens to him, he just pray to God since he is also a Catholic just like me. That he mustn't give up no matter happens and by the way in the video where KHD was talking with him. He said to him "YOU ARE GREEDY" but in a nice way. Then in the Cosmo photoshoot, LJG message to IU, he said " YOU ARE GREEDY" in a nice manner also. I think what goes around, comes around. They compliment each other.:heart:

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29 minutes ago, aryugabriel said:

Tqvm guys for keep on posting in this thread.I'm lurking here almost everyday.I'm waiting patiently for the status of JE relationship now whether she is single or still in relationship(hopefully not, please:bawling: )..i don't mind not many crumbs from them from now on bc i already prepared my heart that after JE Taiwan concert&JG fan meeting we maybe cannot get news related them to each other again.But i need a closure about JE status:cry: .Stargazers fighting and keep on believing on JoonU.

Ok we know that some of LJG fans are so possessive. What if the real status of LJE already knows by LJG and they doesn't want to clarify/tell maybe because she is afraid that his fans will bash her? Of course, she is his QUEEN anyway. And as I remember, LJE always telling us that she is afraid of their fans (the princes fans). Do you remember the interview with KHN, LJG and BAEKHYUN? If she be partnered with them, she may get bash? If that is the case, LJG is surely protecting her. Look at his other female co-stars, the fans become violent but when it comes to LJE, they become quiet. They acknowledge her because they know that she had a boyfriend. (Still past tense) If she is single, then his fans might hurt her. It can also be a wound to her career. And of course, he would not like that. What do you think?

Maybe, they can whisper it to us. They don't have to worry. We can keep a secret. A gentleman's word.:wink:

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Actually I am curious, if in the past, if JG actually put the media on check before ? and frankly refute any love-line insinuations that they make? or he just kept quiet just like this too ?

The fact that MLSHR has long been aired, I was expecting him to say something like : please do not misunderstand, JE is just like a little sister to me, or a "hoobae" that I care for because she is a great artist and friend....something like that.  
Just to make things clear to the media, where they exactly stand. That could have been his most "diplomatic" reply.


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@starcandy0516that makes the two of us! only I come from JG's side hahaha... never really shipped him with anyone before this JoonU ship... I only want to see him glowing like this more and more...

@emerald_2back then when Lee Hyori mentioned that she once set JG and BoA on a date, JG got a lot of questions about it *please refer back to the Golden Fishery clip I posted previously for reference* but he answered that he only regarded her as his 'dongsaeng'. And with Shin Min Ah as well, he was asked several times and he said that he didn't even have her number to begin with lol. With some other names (including Uee and some other actresses), he also denied. With JHB, it was their agencies, Namoo Actors, that reacted to the news and confirmed that 'the two are just friends'. So it's indeed a bit strange and 'fishy' that he hasn't said anything about JE's current relationship, including refuting to LHJ's candid 'joke' back on the SAF night. I bet JG has known already about JE's status since it's a public relationship, isn't it? I think he also knows that their shipper group exists and some people wish them to be together as he might have read comments on both his and her IG posts. JG is too updated to have missed on those things. And to add one more thing, when LHJ issued an apology for what he said during the SAF night, JE's side didn't comment further. I thought they would say something like: It's fine, JE & Voldy are fine or something like that to 'ease' the raging fans and k-netizens. But nope, nobody said anything about it.

Anyway... we'll see what will become of these two... if the Chinese BBJX couple took two years *and a complicated re-marriage-then-divorce process in between*, let's hope our K-MLSHR couple have a more smooth way into each other's heart :wub:

@simplyme_crazymeI think today is the last day for voting. I've done mine too... crossing fingers for the final results ^_^

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