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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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6 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

wants to know who he talked about the most in 2016.

@chi13lou ah sorry! I might have misunderstood your post lol... hmmm... let me see... from the interviews that he did during 2016, most were about MLSHR ^_^

The link for his interviews & articles can be found here: @meahri_1


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@kriswu no, he's not getting any younger and i remember once in his past interview after Military Service he said something like this to us fans: "you don't want me to die single, do you?" so that we'd give him blessings to date hahahahahahaha

Anyway, JG's private life is... too private sometimes. Honestly I like this giddy giddy JG that he's been since MLSHR broadcast, especially lately. He's been through a lot of hard, depressing times as well... if he can eventually find his joy and happiness through a girl who can connect to him at many different levels just like JE, I'd be so happy :wub:

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Hi stargazers..I really loved all of your thoughts..it seems we are really hungry for crumbs and hopefully we will get some soon..I know this is kinda late as I have been busy for a while but I want to commend chingu @starcandy0516 for the facts regarding the breakup rumours in ksites..that was commendable chingu..u are jjang..hehe.  This is why I love this thread, we maybe shippers and deluluing but we also provide facts and we are so mature on our chants for our fav OTP and I will surely chant with you til the end for BBJX miracle to come true.

Meanwhile I would like to provide my thoughts with recent JG IG post (for his upcoming HK FM) - isn't the photo is from the same 'Elle'photoshoot that he had posted before:

- see the same background and outfit just different pose and he had post this on 16 Dec which I believe is also the date of Jieun HK concert.  Ok, maybe maybe this is just a coincidence and he just like this outfit and the background..lol..in the multitudes of photos that he had..why not post a recent one..ie. from RE SK premier..just asking.

Happy Sunday chingus or shall I say Monday in the other part of the world:)

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@Erin45 interesting observation. I also find it interesting that he always always write you as U. I get disoriented sometimes and read it as IU. I wanted to backtrack and see when he started doing that. So hungry for crumbs too*

EDIT: delulu crushed. He's been doing U on instagram as far as 56 weeks ago...unless he's been a secret JE / IU fanboy from the get go :lol:

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4 hours ago, jen459 said:

ship them because they glow together. Larger than a full moon.  They smile and exude giddiness whenever they're together. They are at the top in their respective fields, but together, you can't help but notice them. They give life to each other. JG is JE's knight in shining armor. He protects her, praises her, and boosts her. He gets lost in JE. She's the happiest I've seen. My husband watched MLSHR and thought it was a great drama with superb acting. He agreed that the editing could have been better. He's not a fanboy type etc., but when I showed him videos of the respective Taiwan clips or mentioned about the SAF interactions, he asked "are they dating?" Thank you for this forum where I can get full on crumbs, find info from your detective prowess, read all your thoughts and insights, and be giddy together!


Love the post :wub:

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New day up ahead, hoping for some crumbs... wheee too much we get past weeks, n now we get greedy lol.

He put up old pict on his ig...  I wonder if they have a secret date. (Delulu mind)

Anyway just wanna share a fanfiction (m). I will never be able to move on from MLSHR... 


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So quiettt lol.. okay gonna share some milla n JG interview... credit by zigy... not subbed but there r some english convo in here n there


Ops making one mistake link

Credit by suisuimjg n ziggy_1236

....  I miss the noise here 

Make some noise.... lol 

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17 hours ago, darker91 said:

Nice video from Hellostargazers57:



Oh, i didn't know that there is a funny side of the  Heo Chi Hyun Lee Ji Hoon. He and IU are cute in that video.:smile:

The second video no matter how many times i watch it will always show two people who are in love but can't express the feelings freely.:heart: I want them to star in a different drama again.:blush:


On 1/15/2017 at 1:41 PM, jen459 said:

Apology in advance for long post.

I have never truly shipped a celebrity couple ever. I have always been aware of Lee Joon Gi's great acting in sageuks and watched several of his dramas. I always had a soft spot for IU as I felt she was so talented and naturally beautiful and yet bashed so unnecessarily. Plus I have children her age. I started looking into articles and videos and on WinWin, they asked her if she reads hate comments. She said that when she sees comments of her being ugly, she agrees that she is and thus it doesn't hurt anymore. Or her feeling fat and that she needs to diet. :dissapointed_relieved:

I ship them because they glow together. Larger than a full moon.  They smile and exude giddiness whenever they're together. They are at the top in their respective fields, but together, you can't help but notice them. They give life to each other. JG is JE's knight in shining armor. He protects her, praises her, and boosts her. He gets lost in JE. She's the happiest I've seen. My husband watched MLSHR and thought it was a great drama with superb acting. He agreed that the editing could have been better. He's not a fanboy type etc., but when I showed him videos of the respective Taiwan clips or mentioned about the SAF interactions, he asked "are they dating?" Thank you for this forum where I can get full on crumbs, find info from your detective prowess, read all your thoughts and insights, and be giddy together!



Yes! That's exactly how JG is whenever IU is around. He is a master at manipulating his emotions but the level and extent of demeanor he shows with IU is really not normal.  It's too much. It's love. :blush:




14 hours ago, NerinaC said:

So quiettt lol.. okay gonna share some milla n JG interview... credit by zigy... not subbed but there r some english convo in here n there

....  I miss the noise here 

Make some noise.... lol 


Not really. I am here.:blush: And i know that even if the others are absent physically they are mentally present, something like that.:smile: 

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: Do not curse and do not quote videos
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14 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

I want to bother you again with a little detail. At the beginning of this thread (it's hard to find the page) I posted a link of a comment in the JG thread. The comment said that JG has a girlfriend (if I'm not mistaken was posted on September) and I managed to upset many of you. But that comment came after JG has denied (twice) the rumors about him and JHB. I don't think he lied because the lie it's a grave sin in the Christian religion. So I immediately thought that that friend is JE. Of course it was just my feeling, that's why I put in this thread the link to that comment. But... at that time I didn't know that JE has a boyfriend.

Now, after few months, I have a question I want to ask. Where was her boyfriend when she has gone through so many hard times being criticized, judged and offended while the drama was broadcast and even before and even after? I haven't heard about him to be out in public to support her. To say that she is a talented actress and a wonderful singer. Maybe he did it on the phone or on her IG, twitter or FB but I think it was much more important for her to do it in public. As JG does. I'm sorry I don't want to offend him, maybe in Korea it is not customary among celebrities who have a relationship to do that, but his silence seemed strange to me. And if there's any interview/public appearance in which her boyfriend took her defense, my apologies for the question.

I can only speak for myself. About the girlfriend thing, I am also curious tbh. I became suspicious between him and JHB about their relationship. Why? Because I read somewhere that they were seen thrice. There is a saying, " Once is enough. Twice is too much. Thrice will kill you(?)". Sorry, I'm not sure about that saying. But that is true. Knetz already saw them and reported about them. If they do not have any relationship, then did they not think what will happen if the Knetz will see them again together eventhough they are in a group? You are right. Lying is a sin. But here is the reality. They are actors and actresses. They do not have private life. Eventhough they are telling us that they need privacy. Yes, we can give it to them. But some people are selfish. Some of the fans are possessive. When they love, they are very generous but the consequence. You have to give yourself to them even your privacy. That is why we have our own FBI and treasure hunters because we want also to know what they are doing or what is happening to them. But, we are also angels because we know our limitations and their right on privacy. 

For JKH, I don't know anything about him. I just knew that he is someone special for LJE/IU. That's it. And I do understand on his side that reporters always asking him about her. If it once or twice, he can answer it. But if in every meeting, they ask him about her then, he would also be disappointed because they do not see him as a musician at all. They see him as an informant of IU. If that is the case, I think they should ask her personally. Maybe, I can also voice my opinion on their relationship. The reality is JKH is a singer from his indie band that is why they are not known by many while LJE/IU, has many fans globally. If we are going to have a scale, it will be 5 for JKH while with IU, it will be 9 to 10. So the pressure is bigger to the guy. Maybe he thinks if he had a relationship with IU, they will be known internationally. If that is his intention, then I'm very sad for her because it is not love that he had for her. He was using her. But still, I give the benefit of the doubt to him because he is someone special to her but for me, my intuition tells me that I don't like him.

That is why, I am suspecting LJG on his "Special relationship" with LJE/IU, because he used to have a quiet life/lovelife then he is posting on his IG about pictures of her. I find him intriguing also. 

Do not worry chinggu because whatever happens, I am still riding this ship, actually this is so fast that I am beginning to wonder when this will be a "JET".:D

Sorry for the long post.

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8 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

I am suspecting LJG on his "Special relationship" with LJE/IU, because he used to have a quiet life/lovelife then he is posting on his IG about pictures of her. I find him intriguing also. 

@samtrocino JG used to post some pics with his previous female costars including JHB but the fans' reactions were harsh. So far I've seen that most of his fans - except some on weibo- did not react as harshly towards JE, maybe that's why he's a bit braver to post and share his closeness with her. I can also tell that he's been excited with MLSHR *and recently with Milla and RE*, that's why he has posted quite frequently. I don't know what suspicion you have towards JG but you can have my words that he's not using JE for his own popularity's sake at all. He's not that kind of person. He might have not been a familiar name for younger K-Pop/ K-Drama fans because of the projects he has chosen so far *read: the non-romcom type* but he's surely been a name on his own in the K-entertainment since 2005 :).

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13 hours ago, Sharine Phinisia said:


The heat just get even intense after the drama's over (SAF, concert, FM) many similarities between them whether in photoshoot-clothes-pose-etc in such a shocking amount that takes even more than one vault to contain them all... "When I'm drunk, Ji Eun-sshi just looked so beautiful that I can't help to... keep talking to her." I mean, what the hell---? (Ofc this is clever, since as someone had pointed out here, it means that IU look beautiful only when he's drunk :D) it still doesn't stop me from squealing tho... And that fanservice... So natural and genuine, or they are just that good at acting? (Really hope it's the former) the hints are just TOO obvious that I'm afraid to let myself hope :rolleyes:

And that bracelet... My.... If it's true then stargazers' ability are even above those from FBI or CIA... :grin:

They say that when we are drunk, that's the time our "REAL" self comes in. You're hidden ideas, hidden "DESIRES" and even hidden "LOVE" . They will come out flawlessly. Why? Because the subconscious are in control. But some people are used to drinking that they can still hide their "inner" feelings. I don't know with LJG. He is used to clubbing before that is why his four months tuition fees when he was young, I think in grade school, he did not pay his school. 

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