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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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16 minutes ago, sandjh said:

I wish the fan meet was recorded or something so I could watch it and see what he says about IU hahahahha

The fan meet as in the just past one? Its on the v live app. Ok just saw ziggy given the link.

I watched again with chinese subs, you know with v live there are different language sub and depending on who did that vid, somethings are translated differently. Even tho this time round i think the eng sub is still bettee but i managed to understand one part better.

About the "are u seeing someone". It was the emcee saying  the scene that left an impression on him not joongi. Eveb then, becos both the translation and audio are not clear, i am not sure he meant that beach scene where hs told ws she has someone in mind or the later acene where ws confront hs about wook.

But its all from the point of view if the emcee 

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I want to add something about JG's caption on his ig...he said "SOON".. the meaning probably could be:

SOON = he will meet his fans at the fanmeeting soon (he assume his fans as Hae Soo).. he did mentioned about meeting his fans soon on his previous ig post..

SOON = they will give us 2nd Season for MLSHR

SOON = he gonna meet JE soon..(privately)

SOON = they gonna show us the deleted scene of Wang So met Hae Soo/Go Ha Jin in modern era


Last night i went to bed early due to lack of sleep for the almost a few weeks bec of MLSHR...this morning i woke up and saw JG video post and couldnt believe that he still cannot move on..same like all of us..i think he is the biggest SoSoo Couple shippers amongst us..he still cant forget his Hae Soo / JE right?? i thought he already said goodbye to Wang So in the last bts video that Namoo had posted on V..what is going on here JG??

Its so funny that he pretend to be cool at the fanmeeting while answering all those questions..its so obvious that he paused a while to think what is the best answer to give and to make sure that the answer will not bring any controversy to him and JE.. 

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Morning :D Some goodies for you guys. :wub: This is fan made mini series of SoSoo. So has to marry Soo but they are not in love each other. So with YH and Soo with Wook. Enjoy~~ hope it can cure our heart hahaha.




Part 1




Part 2




Part 3





And thank you so much for the awesome video of akinahana, meahri_1 and chi13 lou... it was cool and gold!! Thank you thank you thank you image.gifGet a good rest guys... your hard work is love flash2.gif

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I just wake up from my sleep and then I saw you all post about LJE breaking up with you-know-who...WHAT??? Is this true???


I dont want to have high hope for this though before its been confirmed because I am afraid I will be left disappointed...

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i always wanted to ask you about this ending compared to BBJX... do u like it or hate it? 

i just can't moved on from 3 scene in the last episode... 

1. Soo death and how So react to that... seriously i cry like a baby when So said she can't hate him this much... because at least when she alive he know she is somewhere now that she gone forever leaving him...

2. the moment So realize that he have a daughter with Su.. this one is bittersweet although i crying too.. being a king really a lonely task.. everyone that he loves leave him and he have to let go the one person that he will love maybe as much as he love Su.. 

3. the scene where So promise to find Su.. when he remove his make up he became So not KG.. he became the man that Su love and the man who willing to die for his love one... 

but overall i think the writer did a decent job but the editing is a trouble one.. sighhh....

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@fidda868 yes mlshr and lee joon gi's ig updates are messing with my sleep. 


Just a note that i am sure they have discussed with him about the flow of the fan meeting and briefed him at least wat is going on, like ok, furst do some greetings, say some post drama thoughts, answer questions then interact with fans.

So yes, i think he would have think thru wat he wanted to say, altho he may not know all the questions beforehand. So yes, anyway its still some of the things he said is still interesting.


I hope he is not using the SOON for his fan meet, it will be such a troll. I hope its about the release of the cut scene. 

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i think LJG might be the most obvious that being effected by Jieun in the history of her co star... KHN is smitten since the beginning so i guess he a long due fanboy who already a fan before filming... but LJG just did't care even Jieun is one of the top celebrity in Korea.. his word 'i think Jieun also a professional singer?' i just LOL at this sentence show that he don't follow her as an artist.. 

LJG seem to take notice toward her when they start filming together and we already seen how he behave around her off screen... and i agree even him didn't think that Jieun and his chemistry is off the chart.. maybe that why he ship SoHae so much.. because he just like us ship JoonU too.. hahahhaaha 

even Nicky and LSS rarely contact each other in 2 year but they still can get married and here we have the ig interaction and obviously the constant update toward each other.. remember running man v live?? JG is the one who said Jieun have other schedule and not able to come.. seeing their personality pretty sure they keep in touch on regular basis... 

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28 minutes ago, notintoyou said:


I love the first picture of So/Soo doing arts and crafts. Is it weird that that's how I imagine JoonU hanging out together? They're at someone's house in the living room, sitting on the floor by the coffee table and colouring those adult colouring books that are so popular now, Running Man is playing on the tv in the background, Joongi's dogs are napping on the couch, and JoonU is deciding where to go for dinner. Very chill.

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6 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

I love the first picture of So/Soo doing arts and crafts. Is it weird that that's what I imagine JoonU would do while hanging out together? At someone's house in the living room, at the coffee table and colouring those adult colouring books that are so popular now, Running Man is playing on the tv in the background, Joongi's dogs are napping on the couch, and JoonU is deciding where to go for dinner.

Netflix and chill

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5 hours ago, liplockvomit said:


I just googled this, and yeah I think their second drama brought them into contact again and that was when they got together >< 


Anyway, I was digging around about Voldemort-- who talked about IU in three consecutive interviews (dates 28 June, 5 July, 8 July respectively)

During the 5 July interview, he said "A lot of people worry for us, and thankfully we are doing good."

Production period of SHR was from 27 Jan - 1 July 2016. I just find it strange that the dates are so near? Mmmmm... He was also quoted as saying that he visited her on set in June. I wonder how meeting LJG and seeing JoonU in action felt :P Maybe that's why he made the above comment heehee. 

You know what's funny? Jieunssi last insta post was August 17 then she went MIA for 2 whole months and came back with a SoSoo shipping picture on October 17. Exactly 2 months. I can't remember who posted it but they brought up how significant the #2 was for our OTP. IT MUST REALLY BE WRITTEN IN THE STARS lol or just a coincidence but whatever I'm happy! Especially seeing as a non JoonU shipper had dropped a speculation/truth bomb that Voldemort and Jieunssi broke up already.

I compare the 2 month insta break from Jieunssi to the 2  yr break the original BBJX couple had before things got hot and heavy then BAM! Wedding bells :wub:

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30 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

You know what's funny? Jieunssi last insta post was August 17 then she went MIA for 2 whole months and came back with a SoSoo shipping picture on October 17. Exactly 2 months. I can't remember who posted it but they brought up how significant the #2 was for our OTP. IT MUST REALLY BE WRITTEN IN THE STARS lol or just a coincidence but whatever I'm happy! Especially seeing as a non JoonU shipper had dropped a speculation/truth bomb that Voldemort and Jieunssi broke up already.

I compare the 2 month insta break from Jieunssi to the 2  yr break the original BBJX couple had before things got hot and heavy then BAM! Wedding bells :wub:


That was me! Was it really two months exactly?! :w00t:

By the way, that IU fan who posted about IU and Kiha's break up, her speculation came because a site didn't list IU and Kiha in their article listing ten couples from the industry that had dated for a long time and was still going strong. She said Choiza and Sulli were on there, as were Suzy and LMH, but not IU and Kiha. So, for this, she hints that IU and Kiha are no longer together.

Not very credible, I'd say, but it's nice to dream. :P (We're a bunch of evil, little JoonU shippers, aren't we?)

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I'm late to comment on their group pic because work and real life.  Anyway the first thing came in mind when I saw the pic is 'they started dating?' because the way they stuck together and the happiness reminded me when my bf and I first dated. This was how we were in pics with friends. 


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hmm, i wouldnt get so carried away by the breakup news from an unverified source.

The thing about Taurus is that they can stay in a relationship long after it has gone stale. They stay because they are loyal and comfortable and unless something big came in to destroy the relationship, they just stay......


also something else that I take out from what joongi said in the fan meet.

I think as an actor there are various perspectives to the characters they play, first during filming (this is when he was probably more interested in the yeonhwa character), doing all the physical intimate stuff with LJE (making them more familiar with each other), the post filming interactions and contact (getting to know each other better).

it boggles my mind sometimes knowing that they didnt film in sequence but even then I believe they will still try to film the earlier eps first then the later eps. For this pre-produced drama, they would have completed all the script to confirm locations and props so they must have written the future meeting scene earlier on for it to be filmed. 

I dont know who is that monster who decided not to show it, whoever made that decision probably didnt understand watching the drama from the point of view of the viewers.

Anyway, coming back to JoonU, perhaps after production ended and more interactions, LJG realised he admire LJE more and more?especially seeing her on screen. Se has a quiet charm which can be drown in rowdy parties especially when they have an ensemble cast.

LJG is fairly an open book personality but till this day I find it mysterious that IU posted the pegasus bts pix. Did some of her feelings come out diuring watching the show? Was that her favourite scene? HOW COME nobody asked her what is her favourite scene? How come there is still no post interview of IU??? I am eagerly waiting, sooner or later she has to face a reporter, she has a concert coming up in Dec.....

I cant believe its Thursday morning my time and I am still writing about a drama that ended on Tuesday night...I need to move on.



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I am also finding it difficult to move on. I think it's because I don't feel like I received the closure that I wanted/needed. I think perhaps after I see this elusive clip of them meeting in the future, I may be more at peace and let go. 

Thank you so much you guys for all your thoughts, posts, and updates! I joined so late but you have all been so amazing. 


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2 minutes ago, _yellowcarina_ said:

I am also finding it difficult to move on. I think it's because I don't feel like I received the closure that I wanted/needed. I think perhaps after I see this elusive clip of them meeting in the future, I may be more at peace and let go. 

Thank you so much you guys for all your thoughts, posts, and updates! I joined so late but you have all been so amazing. 




me too. last night i sobbing so much like im the one heartbroken while listening to (lover please stay). i dont why i torture myself to binge watching from ep 1 last night. image.gif

i hope this thread always lively and pls keep posting about SoSoo / JoonU. thank you for this wonderful journey, for shipping them so hard. image.gif

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