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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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20 minutes ago, aikmm said:

i think i'm a little bit frustrated with her character. i went into this drama expecting her to be a smart and formidable character who doesn't see things all black and white. i probably wanted her character to be the character that YWY is seeing as how she's the female lead but then again i'm so used to seeing female leads play the intelligent, innocent selfless, all right and never wrong sort of naive and thinks everyone has some good in them, very forgiving type of heroine that i find XE's character all the more frustrating since she's a female general. however, this is PA and she's supposed to learn from her mistakes right? i mean i'm sure she'll redeem herself in the drama... right?


same! I was hoping she was going to be that type of character, who is smart and able to see grey areas. I am counting on some major character growth. 

I think she is very inexperience and has too much arrogance right now.  Also, she has always been in a cage. She was in a cage at first due to her slave status and then she shared a cage with YX. So it will take her to feel actually free for her to learn a thing or two. At least, that is what I am hoping for. 

We have a like 20 episodes left and she has major character growth to go through. First, she needs to face her mistakes and accept that she can actually be wrong. Face the consequences of her actions and her blind revenge. If that doesn't change her, I don't know what will. 

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Zhao Li Ying is currently my most favourite Chinese actress.  I find it difficult to watch a character I don’t like and because I like ZLY, I want to be able to like CQ. Therefore, I have been trying very hard to understand CQ .  But she has been a very frustrating character. Her rudeness towards YWY, stubbornness, blind loyalty, lack of compassion for the citizens have made her into a character full of flaws. Putting all her trust into YX and therefore never questioning their actions is not an excuse.  I believe our actions are guided by our conscience, therefore, we should at least see some sign of remorse on her part. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen any of that yet. CQ is supposed to grow and change and become a heroine.  I really hope that I don’t have to wait long for this to start happening. All the useless and insignificant side plots are making PA a bit draggy now. I wish the script can focus on the main plot.  I want to fast forward to when CQ discovers the devil YX she herself has helped to groom into, realizes how stupid and wrong she has been, and finally payback time to YWY.


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11 minutes ago, tmopb said:

Didn't you guys also found the novel long winded?  I was hoping that 200+ chapters into a 58 episodes would means a fast paced drama but nooo they have to drag out non essential scenes.  

Best scene in ep 42, YQ smiling when he saw CQ holding on to YWY hand.  He must be a YWY and CQ shipper as well :tongue:.

@Kim Da, I understand your frustration concerning CQ.  You don't like her because of YWY but the thing is CQ didn't asked YWY to help her with anything so she doesn't owe him anything.  She has severed ties with him so YWY helping her is on him.

On the other hand, As mrsyooknit stated, YX is her family.  YX has been with her for 3 years comparing to the short months that she spent with YWY.  Regardless of her feeling for YWY, her attachment and bond to YX will be stronger as they have gone through more trials together.  We can see how hard it is for her to leave YWY even though they only spent short time together so it will take a lot to make her leave YX regardless of what he does.

Hahha and who told her to follow YX too no one right so she better endire all the consequences of what their will be i hope she will auffer as she cant identify what ia good and bad she just fithing for nothing i pitty her

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Just now, mrsyooknit said:

Playlist for YueQi's new drama if anyone wants to check it out. No subs as of now, but maybe fans will pick it up since episodes are pretty short and only 24 total.  



Ohhh! Thank you. My sister was asking me about it and I couldn't find it. She actually likes Yue Qi and wants to watch it. Thank you soo much. :D

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3 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

Hahha and who told her to follow YX too no one right so she better endire all the consequences of what their will be i hope she will auffer as she cant identify what ia good and bad she just fithing for nothing i pitty her

You said that it is hard for her to leave YWY no you are wrong it is very easy for her as she doesnt know what exactly is happening in the green hills courtyard before...she act without investigating and now she follows YX also without thinking  well she will suffer and i would laugh if that will happen she will fall with her own action she has a mind even if she is lacking in experince 

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21 minutes ago, zlyfan said:

Zhao Li Ying is currently my most favourite Chinese actress.  I find it difficult to watch a character I don’t like and because I like ZLY, I want to be able to like CQ. Therefore, I have been trying very hard to understand CQ .  But she has been a very frustrating character. Her rudeness towards YWY, stubbornness, blind loyalty, lack of compassion for the citizens have made her into a character full of flaws. Putting all her trust into YX and therefore never questioning their actions is not an excuse.  I believe our actions are guided by our conscience, therefore, we should at least see some sign of remorse on her part. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen any of that yet. CQ is supposed to grow and change and become a heroine.  I really hope that I don’t have to wait long for this to start happening. All the useless and insignificant side plots are making PA a bit draggy now. I wish the script can focus on the main plot.  I want to fast forward to when CQ discovers the devil YX she herself has helped to groom into, realizes how stupid and wrong she has been, and finally payback time to YWY.


Me too i used to love on any ZLY drama too but in as i said before its my first time hating her...it doesnt matter if she will pay back YWY but what matter most is that she has to wake up and realize that ahe is on a wrong ship and find her way back thats all i want 

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I can not understand why The Mad King offering YX to take someone to accompany and protect him on his way back to Yan Bei, and YX said he didn't want to bring anyone, and The Mad King just insist to make YWY do it because YWY is YX's BFF eventhough YX gives lots of excuses that he is lost contact with YWY for this past 3 years, their relationship is not the same like it used to and Mad King looks suspicious and ask him have YWY not even once seeing you after he got back to Chang An?

 Is Mad King also want to get rid of YWY along with YX? Or he suspect YWY will aid YX? Or he want YWY to help the Mad King to held YX? I'm confuse now.

And I really hope CQ will see clearly soon before it's too late, how YX trying to avoid CQ's questions regarding the Yan Bei's troops (whose leader is Sha Jie Jie's righthandman), she should be suspicious or alarmed or something. I hope ep 42 will explain better.

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@Kim DaI do think it was hard for her to leave him.  Circumstances dictated that she needed to leave anyway, she can't stay after she killed YWH grandfather.  Even if she stays with him, she will always be a slave and never be allowed to be his legal wife; at most a concubine, maybe not even that.  I was glad she left YWY because she is not meant to be a slave and she probably would have become a liability for him if more and more people realize how important she is to him, people like the emperor.  I believe her leaving help shaped him in becoming more understanding of others’ circumstances and eventually I hope he leave Wei emperor or at least abolished the slavery in the emperor.  Human should not be treat below that of animals!

Would she ever regret leaving YWY and fight for her freedom?  I doubt that.  I would not if I was her.  Would she regret staying with YX and helping him?  Probably not.  He was kind to her and treated her like family.  What she probably will regret is YWY died for her in the lake scene and allowed more people to die in YX conquest for power which is beyond their agreed future plans. We don’t know what type of ending the drama will give us but I do understand her actions however frustrating it might be.  Is she my favorite character, not really but she is more realistic than other characters.  People like YWY simply don’t really exist in real life, he is too perfect but that is why we love him :).

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Wow. The is a lot of hatred towards Chu Qiao in this forum... You guys are saying that YX's escape plans will result in bloodshed and killing. But you guys are literally forgetting something - YX and Chu Qiao and anyone from Yan Bei will die if they do not do this. The reason the King had arranged for YX to marry Chun Er is so that he can use it as an opportunity to kill YX. Zhong Yu had predicted that the King will pretend to treat YX nicely before killing him when he least expects it. So their group has decided to strike before they are attacked. If given a choice, they would have chosen a quieter way to escape (without killing anyone) - they tried to do that 3 years ago but their plans were foiled by the Da Liang Princess. There will be bloodshed anyway - since YX will be killed by the King because the King does not want YX to return to Yan Bei. 

If you were Chu Qiao, which side would you stand on? The side who had resulted in your terrible treatment as a slave, the side who had killed YX and his family without cause or provocation, the side who had forced YX to watch and identify his family's bodies, the side who kept trying to kill YX and imprisoned him in his own home? From their point of view, YX has literally not done anything wrong yet. The only parts which was questionable about YX's side was the fact that they plotted to kill Wei Shu You and Zhao Xi Feng. Killing is wrong. But WSY and ZXY had literally been planning YX's death before they were killed. We have yet to see YX's cruelty and YX has always put the safety of Chu Qiao as a high priority. YX did not manipulate or use Chu Qiao - today's episode was because of Zhong Yu and YX was very angry at her for that already. What should Chu Qiao have done differently?

Yes, more people would die as a result of the upcoming war between Wei dynasty and Yan Bei if YX is allowed to go back to Yan Bei. But for your friend, would you have done otherwise? Would you not try your best to free your friend from his imprisonment? Especially since he has done nothing wrong? So far their actions have been reactionary and purely because of survival. Every action Chu Qiao has done is to survive. She has yet to set out to hurt others. Look at her friendship with Xiao Ce for example. She does not do anything to him because he did not do anything to harm her. Also, while lives will be lost in the upcoming war, many lives are also being lost because of the poor leadership of the King. Perhaps Chu Qiao sees this as a chance to free the Wei dynasty of its cruel King if Yan Bei were to win the war. 

I think a lot of you are annoyed because Chu Qiao is stubborn and prickly and does not listen to YWY or other people around her. But that is exactly why I love her. She is honest and does not mince her words - this was precisely why YWY noticed her in the first place. She is now just more honest around YWY because he is no longer her master and she is not his slave. From her point of view, YWY is on the opposite side (because she is on YX's side) and YWY did try to kill her (even after she knew it was fake, it still hurt. Trust takes forever to rebuild.). We all sympathise with YWY because we see his point of view. But YWY has not been kind to her on the outside at all - his words have been very mean and he keeps telling her he is always watching to catch them. Has YWY done anything to show that he is trustworthy to their cause? Not at all. Yes, he has been helping keep YX safe. But he has been doing so in secret and Chu Qiao does not know that. YWY has been publicly opposing YX and he was rumoured to have shot the final arrow that resulted in YX's (and indirectly, her) imprisonment. Why should she be nice to him? I would only be angry at her if she plots to kill YWY because he did not deserve that. Chu Qiao has always been prickly around people - first with YX and Yuan Song and now with Xiao Ce. But it is hard to warm up to YWY though. Haha. He is so cold and every time he does something nice for Chu Qiao, he insults her. 

You guys also said that Chu Qiao feeds YX's desire for vengeance and bad traits and that YWY said that she has been feeding that appetite. YX's desire for vengeance has always been there, simmering on the surface. Would you not feel like taking revenge when your whole family has been cruelly killed? When they have done nothing wrong and you have never been able to go home to meet your parents because of the King? Chu Qiao so far has only been keeping YX alive, ensuring that he doesn't die or get killed. So far I see her role as instrumental - she helps and assist but she doesn't plot. The people responsible for YX's anger are the King and officials of Wei dynasty. Those who directly cause him harm and those who stood by and did nothing; they are all guilty.

Either way, there will be bloodshed with or without Chu Qiao. She chose YX's side and she sticks by it. YWY can warn her - but when your livelihood and safety is on the line, would you have done otherwise? YX has not been manipulating Chu Qiao so far, so she is not "stupid" in still choosing to trust him. That, and she has been very smart in guessing their plans even before YX executes them. Planning the rebellion has to be done without Chu Qiao because she is stuck in the army, she does not expect to know every detail of his plans. 

Chu Qiao is an awfully complex character with a lot of layers and I hope to see more of it in the upcoming episodes in the drama. Hope this can explain to you guys why she acts the way she does and try to see things her way. YWY understands her - this is why he continues to save her and is not deterred by her prickly attitude. I hope you guys are that way too! :)

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Ok i understan u @tmopb i agree with u upon leaving YWY but i wont agree with you on how YX treated XE he treated her as a family as u said because he want XE to trust him coz he know that he can use her in any time he will make it like believable for XE that he cares for her but its not he cares nothing but himself he doesnt care any other people including XE co if he care for her he would not hide anything from her now explain to me what is real meaning of care?

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9 minutes ago, jayyepeee said:

Wow. The is a lot of hatred towards Chu Qiao in this forum... You guys are saying that YX's escape plans will result in bloodshed and killing. But you guys are literally forgetting something - YX and Chu Qiao and anyone from Yan Bei will die if they do not do this. The reason the King had arranged for YX to marry Chun Er is so that he can use it as an opportunity to kill YX. Zhong Yu had predicted that the King will pretend to treat YX nicely before killing him when he least expects it. So their group has decided to strike before they are attacked. If given a choice, they would have chosen a quieter way to escape (without killing anyone) - they tried to do that 3 years ago but their plans were foiled by the Da Liang Princess. There will be bloodshed anyway - since YX will be killed by the King because the King does not want YX to return to Yan Bei. 

If you were Chu Qiao, which side would you stand on? The side who had resulted in your terrible treatment as a slave, the side who had killed YX and his family without cause or provocation, the side who had forced YX to watch and identify his family's bodies, the side who kept trying to kill YX and imprisoned him in his own home? From their point of view, YX has literally not done anything wrong yet. The only parts which was questionable about YX's side was the fact that they plotted to kill Wei Shu You and Zhao Xi Feng. Killing is wrong. But WSY and ZXY had literally been planning YX's death before they were killed. We have yet to see YX's cruelty and YX has always put the safety of Chu Qiao as a high priority. YX did not manipulate or use Chu Qiao - today's episode was because of Zhong Yu and YX was very angry at her for that already. What should Chu Qiao have done differently?

Yes, more people would die as a result of the upcoming war between Wei dynasty and Yan Bei if YX is allowed to go back to Yan Bei. But for your friend, would you have done otherwise? Would you not try your best to free your friend from his imprisonment? Especially since he has done nothing wrong? So far their actions have been reactionary and purely because of survival. Every action Chu Qiao has done is to survive. She has yet to set out to hurt others. Look at her friendship with Xiao Ce for example. She does not do anything to him because he did not do anything to harm her. Also, while lives will be lost in the upcoming war, many lives are also being lost because of the poor leadership of the King. Perhaps Chu Qiao sees this as a chance to free the Wei dynasty of its cruel King if Yan Bei were to win the war. 

I think a lot of you are annoyed because Chu Qiao is stubborn and prickly and does not listen to YWY or other people around her. But that is exactly why I love her. She is honest and does not mince her words - this was precisely why YWY noticed her in the first place. She is now just more honest around YWY because he is no longer her master and she is not his slave. From her point of view, YWY is on the opposite side (because she is on YX's side) and YWY did try to kill her (even after she knew it was fake, it still hurt. Trust takes forever to rebuild.). We all sympathise with YWY because we see his point of view. But YWY has not been kind to her on the outside at all - his words have been very mean and he keeps telling her he is always watching to catch them. Has YWY done anything to show that he is trustworthy to their cause? Not at all. Yes, he has been helping keep YX safe. But he has been doing so in secret and Chu Qiao does not know that. YWY has been publicly opposing YX and he was rumoured to have shot the final arrow that resulted in YX's (and indirectly, her) imprisonment. Why should she be nice to him? I would only be angry at her if she plots to kill YWY because he did not deserve that. Chu Qiao has always been prickly around people - first with YX and Yuan Song and now with Xiao Ce. But it is hard to warm up to YWY though. Haha. He is so cold and every time he does something nice for Chu Qiao, he insults her. 

You guys also said that Chu Qiao feeds YX's desire for vengeance and bad traits and that YWY said that she has been feeding that appetite. YX's desire for vengeance has always been there, simmering on the surface. Would you not feel like taking revenge when your whole family has been cruelly killed? When they have done nothing wrong and you have never been able to go home to meet your parents because of the King? Chu Qiao so far has only been keeping YX alive, ensuring that he doesn't die or get killed. So far I see her role as instrumental - she helps and assist but she doesn't plot. The people responsible for YX's anger are the King and officials of Wei dynasty. Those who directly cause him harm and those who stood by and did nothing; they are all guilty.

Either way, there will be bloodshed with or without Chu Qiao. She chose YX's side and she sticks by it. YWY can warn her - but when your livelihood and safety is on the line, would you have done otherwise? YX has not been manipulating Chu Qiao so far, so she is not "stupid" in still choosing to trust him. That, and she has been very smart in guessing their plans even before YX executes them. Planning the rebellion has to be done with Chu Qiao because she is stuck in the army, she does not expect to know every detail of his plans. 

Chu Qiao is an awfully complex character with a lot of layers and I hope to see more of it in the upcoming episodes in the drama. Hope this can explain to you guys why she acts the way she does and try to see things her way. YWY understands her - this is why he continues to save her and is not deterred by her prickly attitude. I hope you guys are that way too! :)

It is not because of the king he isnt able to go home it ia becausw of his own desire to take XE with him that causes hom delay if he just go back home in time those things could not be happen and dobt forget who manipulated all those killings of his family it is the liang princess and who plan it all and now the liang prince is working with him also YX has been use in a mysterious way but he doesnt know it yet....yeah youbare right that the king is really planning to kill YX and that i can understand them to escape but to build a rebelion its too mich well he can strike the noble people one by one it will make the kingdom fall already as they will probably kill each other...as i say i dont care if XE will end up with whom i just want her to wake up from all this things and freed herself from this imprisonment...

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1 hour ago, Kim Da said:

Im sori to disagree with you yeah we are the audinces but im asking u can you not tell if someone is using u or just manipulating you?the issue ger is not trust as XE doesnt have it in any lerson she encounter anyway even YWY is not excepmted so the oasue here is stupidity she has her own mind and that she also know what the outcome would be but why would she still go for it?what's favor could it give to her?and u said trust doesnt she already suspicious of YX plan?but why still she follow him? That explain that to me im sory

You can never tell if someone you trust is using or manipulating you. That will never happen in real life. It will hit you when you realize that many things have changed. As in this case, CQ did sense something different, but still trust YX.  Trust me, when you're being played by the people you trust the most, you won't notice it right away. If you do, that means you don't put your trust in these people 100%.  CQ trusts YX and he is like family to her.  Their relationship grew very strong as they went through life and death experiences.  Someone who went through life and death experience with you does make a really great impact in your life.  That's CQ still moves forward with YX.

As for not learning her lesson even from YWY, we all know it's hard for her to trust someone. Plus we have to keep in mind that they are still teenagers, very young here. We have seen in the beginning that CQ did trust YWY.  One example is the jail scene where CQ was manipulating YWH and he tried to kill her.  CQ didn't trust in his words about the slave paper (statement ?) and she thought about what YWY told her (you only see what other people want you to see, but it's your ability to see through, something like that).  She changed after that scene where she heard YWY's grandpa's conversation with the guard.  And then moved to YX's side 100% after they were almost killed.  YWY did help her, etc.  I know that we want her to talk to him nicely and understand him.  However, you can't see through someone's heart. YWY is helping her, but also trying to stop her plan too.  You're helping me, but also trying to stop me, dude, choose a side.  That's why CQ asked him either help them or remain as their enemy.

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18 minutes ago, jayyepeee said:

Wow. The is a lot of hatred towards Chu Qiao in this forum... You guys are saying that YX's escape plans will result in bloodshed and killing. But you guys are literally forgetting something - YX and Chu Qiao and anyone from Yan Bei will die if they do not do this. The reason the King had arranged for YX to marry Chun Er is so that he can use it as an opportunity to kill YX. Zhong Yu had predicted that the King will pretend to treat YX nicely before killing him when he least expects it. So their group has decided to strike before they are attacked. If given a choice, they would have chosen a quieter way to escape (without killing anyone) - they tried to do that 3 years ago but their plans were foiled by the Da Liang Princess. There will be bloodshed anyway - since YX will be killed by the King because the King does not want YX to return to Yan Bei. 

If you were Chu Qiao, which side would you stand on? The side who had resulted in your terrible treatment as a slave, the side who had killed YX and his family without cause or provocation, the side who had forced YX to watch and identify his family's bodies, the side who kept trying to kill YX and imprisoned him in his own home? From their point of view, YX has literally not done anything wrong yet. The only parts which was questionable about YX's side was the fact that they plotted to kill Wei Shu You and Zhao Xi Feng. Killing is wrong. But WSY and ZXY had literally been planning YX's death before they were killed. We have yet to see YX's cruelty and YX has always put the safety of Chu Qiao as a high priority. YX did not manipulate or use Chu Qiao - today's episode was because of Zhong Yu and YX was very angry at her for that already. What should Chu Qiao have done differently?

Yes, more people would die as a result of the upcoming war between Wei dynasty and Yan Bei if YX is allowed to go back to Yan Bei. But for your friend, would you have done otherwise? Would you not try your best to free your friend from his imprisonment? Especially since he has done nothing wrong? So far their actions have been reactionary and purely because of survival. Every action Chu Qiao has done is to survive. She has yet to set out to hurt others. Look at her friendship with Xiao Ce for example. She does not do anything to him because he did not do anything to harm her. Also, while lives will be lost in the upcoming war, many lives are also being lost because of the poor leadership of the King. Perhaps Chu Qiao sees this as a chance to free the Wei dynasty of its cruel King if Yan Bei were to win the war. 

I think a lot of you are annoyed because Chu Qiao is stubborn and prickly and does not listen to YWY or other people around her. But that is exactly why I love her. She is honest and does not mince her words - this was precisely why YWY noticed her in the first place. She is now just more honest around YWY because he is no longer her master and she is not his slave. From her point of view, YWY is on the opposite side (because she is on YX's side) and YWY did try to kill her (even after she knew it was fake, it still hurt. Trust takes forever to rebuild.). We all sympathise with YWY because we see his point of view. But YWY has not been kind to her on the outside at all - his words have been very mean and he keeps telling her he is always watching to catch them. Has YWY done anything to show that he is trustworthy to their cause? Not at all. Yes, he has been helping keep YX safe. But he has been doing so in secret and Chu Qiao does not know that. YWY has been publicly opposing YX and he was rumoured to have shot the final arrow that resulted in YX's (and indirectly, her) imprisonment. Why should she be nice to him? I would only be angry at her if she plots to kill YWY because he did not deserve that. Chu Qiao has always been prickly around people - first with YX and Yuan Song and now with Xiao Ce. But it is hard to warm up to YWY though. Haha. He is so cold and every time he does something nice for Chu Qiao, he insults her. 

You guys also said that Chu Qiao feeds YX's desire for vengeance and bad traits and that YWY said that she has been feeding that appetite. YX's desire for vengeance has always been there, simmering on the surface. Would you not feel like taking revenge when your whole family has been cruelly killed? When they have done nothing wrong and you have never been able to go home to meet your parents because of the King? Chu Qiao so far has only been keeping YX alive, ensuring that he doesn't die or get killed. So far I see her role as instrumental - she helps and assist but she doesn't plot. The people responsible for YX's anger are the King and officials of Wei dynasty. Those who directly cause him harm and those who stood by and did nothing; they are all guilty.

Either way, there will be bloodshed with or without Chu Qiao. She chose YX's side and she sticks by it. YWY can warn her - but when your livelihood and safety is on the line, would you have done otherwise? YX has not been manipulating Chu Qiao so far, so she is not "stupid" in still choosing to trust him. That, and she has been very smart in guessing their plans even before YX executes them. Planning the rebellion has to be done with Chu Qiao because she is stuck in the army, she does not expect to know every detail of his plans. 

Chu Qiao is an awfully complex character with a lot of layers and I hope to see more of it in the upcoming episodes in the drama. Hope this can explain to you guys why she acts the way she does and try to see things her way. YWY understands her - this is why he continues to save her and is not deterred by her prickly attitude. I hope you guys are that way too! :)

I didn't hate CQ at all, frustated? Yeah a bit. Because she didn't even want to hear what other people said. And YWY did offer YX at the shack, to help him escape Yan Bei without all the bloodshed (minimalize is more like it). But I also can understand that CQ and YX will not trust YWY enough to believe that he will help them escape because of all the old big misunderstanding that has not been clear up between them. So, if I want to blame, I want to blame the misunderstanding, the longer it linger, the harder to explain, but without it, there won't be drama to make *sweatdrops* so I'm just gonna enjoy the ride then


Add : I'm just watching a bit of ep 42, so the Mad King is suspicious of YWY, he thought that YX want to protect YWY and the eunuch even make a conclusions that perhaps YX protect YWY because YWY's troops will benefit YX somehow and then he add but General Yuwen is very loyal. :wacko: too late, you're already putting seed of doubts into that Mad King's twisted head :angry: now I'm worried

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1 hour ago, Kim Da said:

Hahha and who told her to follow YX too no one right so she better endire all the consequences of what their will be i hope she will auffer as she cant identify what ia good and bad she just fithing for nothing i pitty her

They both went through alot of things together. They both are like only a kind, they feel only they are the same. That feeling is very strong, when it's like only you 2 left in this world. You will be each other's back up. CQ also promised YX that she will go to Yanbei with him in the jail scene.  

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28 minutes ago, tmopb said:

@Kim DaI do think it was hard for her to leave him.  Circumstances dictated that she needed to leave anyway, she can't stay after she killed YWH grandfather.  Even if she stays with him, she will always be a slave and never be allowed to be his legal wife; at most a concubine, maybe not even that.  I was glad she left YWY because she is not meant to be a slave and she probably would have become a liability for him if more and more people realize how important she is to him, people like the emperor.  I believe her leaving help shaped him in becoming more understanding of others’ circumstances and eventually I hope he leave Wei emperor or at least abolished the slavery in the emperor.  Human should not be treat below that of animals!

Would she ever regret leaving YWY and fight for her freedom?  I doubt that.  I would not if I was her.  Would she regret staying with YX and helping him?  Probably not.  He was kind to her and treated her like family.  What she probably will regret is YWY died for her in the lake scene and allowed more people to die in YX conquest for power which is beyond their agreed future plans. We don’t know what type of ending the drama will give us but I do understand her actions however frustrating it might be.  Is she my favorite character, not really but she is more realistic than other characters.  People like YWY simply don’t really exist in real life, he is too perfect but that is why we love him :).

Agree. CQ's character is more realistic to me than YWY's.  

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