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[Drama 2016] Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 낭만닥터 김사부 Baeksang Best Director


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8 hours ago, angel2013 said:

Omo what's with the situation? did Dir Do just sent an entourage of his lackeys to Doldam hospital? to create havoc? to keep an eye on TK?

and DJ had his wish granted, he slept with SJ hahaha :P

The relationships are getting complicated but I like it :sweatingbullets:

Ok now I have to wait another week.....to know what happens next

:lol:...right...first he kissed her...now he slept with her...what more can he want? hehe...ah yes, he wanted to date her as well...thats left....now we wait for dating thing...he goes kind of reversed way  right? :P

For Do's son its better to be here...and for the rest of them, well it'll be interesting...even more if that new guy supose to be chief in charge...can bet old guys will wait for Kim to order first ;)

8 hours ago, angel2013 said:

@supergal99 you are always quick with the raw cuts.:w00t:

SJ didn't recognise IB at first until she learned that he is Dir Do's son. i still think SJ relationship with Dir Do is a mystery, although the mum seems to have left a note for her to look for Dir Do? But he never answered her question on whether he is the father or not. Is he really the father or just someone who took SJ in and that's why she also want recognition from him? Why IB say he cannot remember SJ when he clearly did?

SJ mustered up all her courage to tell TK that she is after all a doctor only to collapse after he left the room :sweatingbullets: and regretting it. But its a big step for her and I'm glad she took a step forward in that.

I dunno why DJ is so easily swayed by what Dr Song said about TK. I hope he sees for himself who is the real thing here.

More chaos next week? its exciting but I hope it won't become a mess with such a big crowd in doldam hospital, I was kinda enjoying the peace and quiet with the occasional emergencies :sweatingbullets: but I guess they have to up the stakes to make it more interesting, looking forward.

Thanks to all who are here for the LIVE, you all made it so much more fun :blush:

Do didn't admit he's SJ father but he accepted resposability for her and told his son to call her noona

IB seems to be jealous of her...but i think after he get to know her better (like when she wanted to protect him from Kim) he'll change...if they team up they can teach Do a good leson...well, seems Do will get more lesons from many sides ;)

I'm glad that SJ told Kim what she had to...and even more how he admited he likes when doctor has a stand of his own and is not afraid to say it...thats why he likes DJ, coz he rebels, yells fights etc.

She should change her atitude twds Do as well...stop to bow and apologize...to put him on ignore would have more efect...even if not would disappoint less

As for DJ and things Song told him about Kim...that scene outside hospital showed DJ is questioning his words...he's not stupid...there r things Kim does that DJ does not approve but deep down he knows Kim isn't a guy they try to present

That chinese girl and medical brother r so cute...shame she put her eyes on DJ ;)

No preview??? Already?!? Already in waiting mode :o :sweatingbullets: 

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Super great news! RDTK ratings was 18.9% yesterday! woohoo! Waking up to this is so cool!

@zagigirlthat is a new perspective, other than we thought he might have a crush on her, IB being jealous probably bec he did not get the recognition or love from his father when he was young? but SJ did? but then if SJ did then she wouldn't have said that Dir Do never once recognised her achievements? bah, my mind isn't working that well early in the morning :sweatingbullets:

48 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

:lol:...right...first he kissed her...now he slept with her...what more can he want? hehe...ah yes, he wanted to date her as well...thats left....now we wait for dating thing...he goes kind of reversed way  right? :P

For Do's son its better to be here...and for the rest of them, well it'll be interesting...even more if that new guy supose to be chief in charge...can bet old guys will wait for Kim to order first ;)

Do didn't admit he's SJ father but he accepted resposability for her and told his son to call her noona

IB seems to be jealous of her...but i think after he get to know her better (like when she wanted to protect him from Kim) he'll change...if they team up they can teach Do a good leson...well, seems Do will get more lesons from many sides ;)


yes I can see the love rivalry already here:

Nurse Park -> chinese girl -> KDJ <--> YSJ <--DIB hahaha :w00t:

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14 minutes ago, angel2013 said:

@zagigirlthat is a new perspective, other than we thought he might have a crush on her, IB being jealous probably bec he did not get the recognition or love from his father when he was young? but SJ did? but then if SJ did then she wouldn't have said that Dir Do never once recognised her achievements? bah, my mind isn't working that well early in the morning :sweatingbullets:

yes I can see the love rivalry already here:

Nurse Park -> chinese girl -> KDJ <--> YSJ <--DIB hahaha :w00t:

For your mind its to early for mine its to late ;)

IB is jealous coz Do looked at her with smile...coz he had to share...coz he felt inferior....Do is to cold and demanding...don't know...kids r strange you know

I prefer they r half-siblings...don't want possible love line even if its one way 

Of to sleep...and dream of kiss on sight...i knew that kiss in ep 1 will cost us to much...ufff ;)

Just one thing more...episode was good...drama is good...raiting is high...feel sorry there r not more people and interactions here...i think this drama deserves it...good job to all who makes this drama to happen

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Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and basically all forums. I just completed watching episode 6 and felt like it was such a satisfying watch! I love the pace of the show and the whole array of characters that make the hospital come alive.

I started this show because I really enjoyed Seo Hyun Jin's performance in Let's Eat 2 and Another Oh Hae Young. When she confirmed her participation in RDTK, I was curious enough about her new co-star to go watch Reply 1994. But what made me become a fan of Yoo Yeon Seok as well was him being him in Youth Over Flowers. 

I am thrilled for the cast and production team that they are doing so well in the ratings. The premise of the show is a great one. Seeing the underdog Doldam Hospital and the flawed but essentially kind people who make up its operations just make you want to root for them.

The show's pace is gripping but they somehow manage to temper it with snatches of light hearted moments - be it Gi Tae's obsession with keeping top student KDJ at Doldam or that takeaway dinner that Nurse Oh, Dr Nam and TK shared in Dr Nam's restaurant... Speaking of which, I really enjoyed that short dinner scene of the older generation casually sharing their views about Seo Jung while tucking into their food. I also liked the contrast that was brought across between the older wisened generation and their younger more zealous compatriots in Doldam. 

The show sets out to make KDJ unlikeable. But what makes KDJ endearing is that he doesn't care what others think of him. When he is angry and frustrated, he storms to demand answers from TK. When he is smittened, he expresses his feelings to SJ. When asked why he wants to leave Doldam, he doesn't hold back in showing his disgust at the state of the hospital to Nurse Oh. KDJ is unlikeable but there seems to be an innocence about him in the honesty that he displays in his interactions with others. Even when he was having a panic attack while operating on that patient with liver cancer... It was admittedly unglamorous and I cringed when watching him fall apart. But there he was, with all his feelings on his sleeves for all to see. His character promises a lot of room for growth. I like that the most unlikeable one is also the one doing the show's narration. Through his voice, we can better appreciate how much he has grown with each episode.

This is getting pretty long! But I just need to say... They nailed the casting for TK. I had no idea who that actor was at the start but wow, he exudes charisma in every scene, even when he was being downright mean to DJ and SJ sometimes. And... I am still loving Seo Hyun Jin. She makes every character she plays so likeable, even when they are obviously flawed. Ok, with that, I am done! Thanks for reading if you are! This is a pretty awesome place to share our thoughts about the show. 

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It seems there will be a special episode broadcast on Nov29 at 8:55pm KST just before RDTK Ep8 broadcast next week.

@madhatter123 thanks for sharing your thoughts, they nailed the casting for everyone of them in the drama. Don't we all love drama characters that are flawed and not picture perfect and character perfect? With the solid cast and a great story telling so far plus i would even add some of the cinematography is great too, let's hope it continues to deliver to us the best that they can give. Yours is not long, sometimes I write even longer than that :sweatingbullets: 

@minhye1822 I think so too, next week's gonna be 'hell' week, who knows what those from the GUMC gonna do at Doldam. But I guess Doldam's staff have home ground advantage B) as we have seen I'm sure they are not easy pushovers. 

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@angel2013 DJ listened to what Dr. Song told him about TK because he is Geodae's chief of surgery, his boss. DJ knew Dr. Song has first hand experience with TK, so there wasn't any reason to doubt his boss's logic. But as we saw, when their conversation was beginning to look like a TK bashing event, he excused himself on the pretext of getting back to work.

Dr. Song's comment came up and haunted him after they sent off the patient with a pelvic fracture by chopper, DJ asked TK about SJ's fate but TK only had kind words for her, stating that what she did was great, he also told him that if he planned on leaving the hospital, he'd better make sure that one of them was present in the hospital, he was willing to go by that compromise. TK wasn't his usual harsh self. I bet DJ was wondering, is this how a psychopath behaves? Lol. 

It looks like President Do practically raised a white flag when he sent a delegate of Geodae physicians and staff to Doldam. He probably desperately wants that sanitarium because he was even willing to sweeten the deal by sending his own son or was it IB who insisted? What is PD up to? TK must also be wondering at the sudden change of events. Honestly, I think TK wanted IB at Doldam in order to mold him into a better physician, at least someone totally different from PD. What TK doesn't know is SJ is his ward/daughter too, so TK practically has all of PD's family under his tutelage. What an interesting turn of events, will there be role reversal as well? 

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5 minutes ago, drmjs said:

@angel2013 DJ listened to what Dr. Song told him about TK because he is Geodae's chief of surgery, his boss. DJ knew Dr. Song has first hand experience with TK, so there wasn't any reason to doubt his boss's logic. But as we saw, when their conversation was beginning to look like a TK bashing event, he excused himself on the pretext of getting back to work.

Dr. Song's comment came up and haunted him after they sent off the patient with a pelvic fracture by chopper, DJ asked TK about SJ's fate but TK only had kind words for her, stating that Wharton she did was great, he also told him that if he planned on leaving the hospital, he'd better make sure that one of them was present in the hospital, he was willing to go by that compromise. TK wasn't his usual harsh self. I bet DJ was wondering, is this how a psychopath behaves? Lol. 

It looks like President Do practically raised a white flag when he sent a delegate of Geodae physicians and staff to Doldam. He probably desperately wants that sanitarium because he was even willing to sweeten the deal by sending his own son or was it IB who insisted? What is PD up to? TK must also be wondering at the sudden change of events. Honestly, I think TK wanted IB at Doldam in order to mold him into a better physician, at least someone totally different from PD. What TK doesn't know is SJ is his ward/daughter too, so TK practically has all of PD's family under his tutelage. What an interesting turn of events, will there be role reversal as well? 

You're probably right, because he sort of take care or look out for DJ hence DJ trusted him. He is probably confused with what he is hearing and what he is seeing but I am sure he will find out soon enough like what Dr Song claimed "Who is real and who is fake"

Haha I'm actually wondering too what causes him to send an entourage to Doldam since TK only ask for his son IB. I agree with you that TK sees the potential in IB when he saw him performed the surgery, in fact I was impressed too, I thought he was just a spoiled Dir's son but it seems he has some skills and substance too. I think he wanted to build the sanitarium so that TK would not have a place to continue his practice? bec it was to be located where Doldam hospital is at right now. At first I thought he was just uncomfortable sending his son alone to Doldam hence he sent the 'guardians' as well but knowing that he values wealth and power more than anything else, I'm sure he have other plans up his sleeves.

Yes interesting, the show keeps us wondering and guessing so that we want to continue watching ;) I'm intrigued, the romance is actually secondary here but surprisingly I didn't really mind since the main story was interesting enough. 

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It seems tension would be rising in subsequent eps. :o
Isit just me or is TK starting to warm up to DJ? In the scene when DJ asked TK what he's gonna do to SJ for overstepping her boundaries as appointed orderly, he kind of reluctantly admitted that SJ did good by handling the situation well. And while he kind of scolded DJ for not checking whether he was in duty before going out of the hospital, he kind of reluctantly owned up to his mistake that he would also do the same. Finally we also get TK walking off and going on about how it was easier being alone before DJ's arrival but he was a fool to be excited to have another surgeon on board hahaha. I find this particular scene kind of...I don't know cute? Because we see how tsudere-ish TK is. I guess SJ isn't the only one playing push and pull with DJ here hehe. He's nice towards patients and staff but to his students he's in a sort of tough love with them. (Though I feel like he could be a tad bit nicer) :D Like how he is harsh on SJ but spoke highly of her in front of Nurse Oh saying that she finally voiced her opinion to him. I'm kind of anticipating the development in the mentor-mentee relationship between these three especially between TK & SJ. For some reason I find it as exciting as the romantic development of the story haha. 
However while I'm happy TK's warming up to DJ, I'm kind of worried that DJ might be starting to doubt TK. (Don't be deceived by Dr.Song's words DJ!He's the one who's fake, not TK!) However,I have faith in DJ to correctly decipher between who's real and who's fake.
My disdain for dir Do keeps on growing as the story progresses. He wanted to build a sanitarium on the land that doldam is on just for the sake of profit and revenge on TK for taken his VIP patient away. Like aren't you satisfied that you've  not only taken an innocent life, but also ruined his career? Thankfully, TK is smart enough to turn the tables around by using the incident where Young Do performed surgery in doldam without consent. He threatened Dir Do by saying that despite young Do's noble reasons for having made that mistake, he can still turn it into a problem if he wanted to. However, he would not do so if Dir Do would agree to his conditions of sending his son as part of the surgical team at Doldam. (Nice move TK!)
All seems well until the ending scene where we see that instead of just sending his son to Doldam, Dir Do sent a whole medical team from geodae including the corrupt Dr.Song. I'm curious to know what exactly Dir Do planning. Is he trying to ruin  Doldam from within? I hope we get to find out next week.:/
On a side note,I found the loveline between cute Nurse with dimples, chinese girl and DJ kind of random but cute neverthless haha.

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Hi everyone! I just finished watching ep6. What a heart-stopping episode with so much happening. Just completed my blog review on this episode too, which is available at https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/romantic-doctor-teacher-kim-episode-6-motivation/

Wanted to highlight two main points I made in my blog about this episode. The first point was a more positive one, which is about Seo Jung's growth. As written in my blog:


Seo-Jung’s sincerity has never been in question. Being a doctor is her passion and it consumes her entire being in a good way. When treating a patient, her eyes light up and she becomes fully engaged, doing everything she can for her patients. Unlike Dong-joo whose journey is really about getting his motivations right, Seo-Jung’s motivations have never been in doubt. For her, the journey was about gaining confidence and assertiveness. While I do appreciate her humility and respect towards Master Kim, I did feel that she’s too subservient to him, allowing him to put her down continually. In this episode, she looks Master Kim in the eye and defends her choice to let Do In-bum operate even though that’s clearly a violation of the rules. It’s a moment of courage that we haven’t seen from her and I like that Master Kim withholds any outright affirmation because he’s not one for kind words. She finds her own affirmation when she sees the wife of the patient she saved, hugging him in gratitude and tears.

We also get explanation of why she looked at Im-bum with such a stunned look at the end of the previous episode as it is revealed that she is President Do’s daughter. While I found this a little too neat, I hope it suggests that we can eliminate Do In-bum as a love rival for her because the last thing I want to see on this show is a love triangle. Her backstory is used to reinforce her growth. When recounting her first meeting with In-bum as a child, she tells us that her dream was not to be a good doctor, but to be acknowledged by President Do. This is followed by a scene of him walking down the stairs, expressing his disappointment in her. She looks shaken by his words. When she finally sees the patient she’s treated and says “It’s okay. That’s enough. I did the right thing. I did”, she’s responding to both Master Kim and President Do’s comments about her over the day. She’s now gained the confidence to judge when she’s done a good job, without needing the acknowledgement of others. Seo Hyun-Jin really shines in this episode as she portrays the emotional journey of Seo-jung so subtly yet powerfully through all her facial expressions


The second point I wanted to make about the episode is something that concerned me and I was wondering if anybody else felt the same way. When watching this episode, I felt rather confused by Master Kim's characterisation and am not sure where they are heading with his character. This is what I wrote:


Related to the tussle between the two characters, I found the portrayal of Master Kim in this episode to be rather jarring and I’m not sure where his character is really heading. I get that Master Kim is not a clear cut good guy and that he’s ruthlessly pursuing vengeance for what was done to him. However, I’ve always thought that he was meant to celebrate the heart of what medicine, which is about saving lives, and that Doldam Hospital was supposed to represent a return to that simplicity of treating patients through the skillfulness of the doctor’s hands, rather than relying on protocol and modern technology. As such, Master Kim’s continual manipulation of CEO Shin by requesting for modern equipment, almost at the expense of CEO Shin’s life, seemed to be rather inconsistent with his message about putting patients’ lives first. I was equally concerned by the ending, where we see Dr Song and his team coming to join Doldam Hospital and Master Kim smiling. It seems as if Master Kim is trying to convert Doldam Hospital into a mini-version of Geodae Hospital, with all its protocol and modern technology.


Am interested to hear people's views on this! 

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Hello Good People of this thread. I'm checking in... as I like what I see so far.

RDTK is my choice of drama at the moment though I dread the usual post first-six-episode "curse", as most dramas go down hill after the first six episodes... but I'll have faith in the production. Solid casting, writing, and interesting directing so far... Except for that in-your-face-epic-fanfare background music (you know what I mean) the sound and music are tolerable...

I am a bit miffed by the jarring division of good and bad sides in Master Kim vs President Do arc, but entertained nonetheless. I find the ending scene of episode 6 funny. At one side we've got President Do and his clout who follow him because they fear him. At the other end, Boo Yong Joo and his clout who sticks with him because of shared values.

Perhaps President Do, at one time, had been a kinder person and him becoming 'evil' because of his choices and circumstances. Master Kim has obviously seen something similar coming and gotten out before he got devoured as well. Theirs should be the cautionary tale from which Kang Dong Joo should learn, for he almost began his first step down that same path had it not for his failure on the VIP's surgery. I like Do In Bu's words when Kang Dong Joo expresses dislike towards President Do. "You blame it on my father?" President Do had set him up but it had been Dong Joo's choice to fall into it.

And Seo Jung is right about Dong Joo's 'victim mentality'. He views Do In Bu with disdain because of In Bu's connection to President Do (and thus enjoying privileges) and refuses to see In Bu as his own person. We, audience, almost make the same mistake if it's not for Master Kim finding him first as a capable surgeon and a decent doctor (he chooses to do the surgery to save a man's life), and then later as President Do's son.

Like @madhatter123 had mentioned... Kang Dong Joo is unlikeable but he is a very interesting character, a volatile mix of traits, the good ones and the less admirable ones, whom I end up loving because he keeps on searching and trying to break out of his own limitations.

Bring it on, Show...


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Just got done watching ep 5 and it's almost midnight in my neck of the woods - so going to sleep soon. So much backreading to do :) 

That surgery where KDJ almost gave up, the liver cancer/ DIC patient.. all I could think about was how they were taking so long to chitchat while omg - DIC, y'all, hurry up! D=death I=is C=Coming! (Or disseminated intravascular coagulation)! Funny, but not funny. I can make "fun" of it now but long story short, I went into DIC after the birth of my 2nd daughter. Had a ruptured placenta - not entirely sure why. I knew what it felt like to have Hgb of 7.5!! 8 bags of RBCs, 3 bags of platelets and 1 or 2 of cryo + 3 months to recover are all it took to make it all better. Plus my little girl is driving me nuts these days. :) Love her. Thank God for my awesome doctor and nurses!! ❤️

So happy for the holidays coming up - will catch up on ep 6 and your posts!!


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"Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" going strong, "Night Light" VS "The Man In My House" battling to stay out of last place



"Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" is currently far ahead in the front.

According to Nielsen Korea, the SBS drama "Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" rated 18.9%.

This is 2.4% more than the previous episode and a record breaker.

MBC drama "Night Light" fell 0.3% to 6.3%.

KBS 2TV drama "The Man In My House" rated 5.1% which is a 1.4% increase compared to the previous episode.



congratulations!still the best!!!

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"Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" Seo Hyeon-jin lies for Yang Se-jong, "I asked him to cover surgery"






Seo Hyeon-jin liked to protect Yang Se-jong on the sixth episode of the SBS drama "Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim".

Do In-beom (Yang Se-jong) and Yoon Seo-jeong (Seo Hyeon-jin) underwent surgery on an emergency patient.

Do In-beom came by Doldam Hospital to see Yoon Seo-jeong. However, when she thought of their last encounter, Do In-beom ran out of the hospital. When his taxi driver suddenly passed out, Do In-beom carried him into the hospital.

However, neither Kim Sa-bu (Han Seok-Kyu) nor Kang Dong-joo (Yoo Yeon-seok) were there. The driver needed an emergency operation so Do In-beom said he would do it and Yoon Seo-jeong assisted him.

They completed the surgery by Kim Sa-bu was mad that an unregistered doctor performed surgery. Yoon Seo-jeong covered for Do In-beom by saying, "I asked him to do it".

Do Yoon-hwan (Choi Jin-ho-I), the chairman of Geodae Hospital, was surprised to hear that his son performed surgery there and that Yoon Seo-jeong who suddenly disappeared, was there.

Source : www.tvreport.co.kr/?c...



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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" Episode 6






Episode six of "Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" brings big changes. Teacher Kim's plans are still not entirely clear, but his personal demons start to show as Yoon-wan closes in on the hospital. The Teacher and Dong-joo become so busy with their personal plans and persistent enemies that they irresponsibly leave the hospital at the same time, forcing Myeong-sim, Seo-jeong and the staff to take desperate measures.

The episode is titled 'Motivation', which is an apt title for its theme. Our three leads are stuck in their past in ways which keep them from being the best they can be. Yong-joo, the man we have come to know as Teacher Kim (Han Seok-Kyu) is still bitter over his loss and he treats Seo-jeong (Seo Hyeon-jin) like the student he failed to save. Seo-jeong has been seeking recognition from father figures. Dong-joo (Yoo Yeon-seok) wants to succeed through technical skill.



Teacher Kim meets his enemy after almost 15 years



In-beom and Seo-jeong answering for their decision


It is an interesting twist that the son of our villain is the one who helps everyone bond. In-beom (Yang Se-jong) is privileged, but he is still brave to accept the repercussions of saving a patient. In a way, he is a Teacher Kim in the making. His possible birth secret with Seo-jeong does worry me as much as a love triangle would, but for now he looks like a person this hospital needs. He also enables Seo-jeong to finally speak up as a doctor and not a pupil. Both of them break free of their paternal figures for a while.

Teacher Kim enjoys this reaction, so it does seem like his prickly personality is a facade designed to push people's buttons until they reveal their true selves and learn to be stubborn in the right way. Teacher Kim is the bad cop to Myeong-sim's (Jin Kyeong) good cop when it comes to their "students". I do not think he would really jeopardize In-beom's future, since it looks like he is trying to balance between nurturing promising minds, making Doldam hospital a safer place and having his personal revenge.



Myeong-sim and Teacher Kim having a drink



Geodae vs. Doldam


Speaking of the hospital, I still wonder how everyone there is connected. Are they just locals who work there or do they have a similar story to Teacher Kim's? Myeong-sim and Gi-tae (Im Won-hee) seem to know a lot about the past and they are very skilled for such a small place. What about our mysterious director Yeo (Kim Hong-pa)? What is his own motivation for protecting this place and its staff?

As wary as I am of the soapier parts of the story, we have reached a point where even Teacher Kim begins to see his flaws. His affectionate grumbling as he walks away from Dong-joo is endearing and it is hopefully a sign that our staff can now begin to work as one. I hope Teacher Kim can let go of the past and lead a hospital of true doctors.

"Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" is directed by Yoo In-sik, written by Kang Eun-kyeong and features Han Seok-Kyu, Yoo Yeon-seok, Seo Hyeon-jin and Kim Hong-pa.

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'



Thanks ORION!!!

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@allegramente you nailed it when you mentioned the jarring division between good and bad side in the show, which is something i seriously take issue with that i also mentioned in my latest blog entry. i find that president do is being portrayed too simplistically as an evil villain such that everything about him is bad and there's nothing redeeming. besides being a heartless medical professional, he's also a terrible father and based on the backstory, it seems like he even had an affair. I don't like it when good and bad are being so clearly delineated. 

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Not working again.... soompi why can't post? I'll try editing

OOOOHHHHH......... I'M SO MAD ! :w00t:




Totally agree with you that HSK is Daesang material but he's on the same SBS station as Lee Min Ho in LOBS. Hope the hallyu star does not pip HSK who definitely is a fine actor. He defines the show, mysterious, eccentric, brilliant ,with his brand of philosophy on the ethics of the medical profession, wronged by jealous colleague , the provider of blunt and harsh " guidance " to SJ and DJ. HSK's a watch. ( first time watching him . Same with YYS )


Ahh.... @lindy01.. You are OH-SOME . Just like Nurse OH, you must OH-WN ( OWN ) the situation and bring about OH-DER and calmness to the chaotic situation. What an OH-MY-GOSH-NO-NONSENSE authority. Kudos.



FROM @heroonthebeach

Master Kim tells him the brutal truth that he would have done nothing if Dong-joo had decided to give up on the patient, because he would be the one who'd have to live with regret all of his life. Dong-joo was under the impression that Master Kim wanted him to stay in Doldam, but Master Kim responds harshly with "Why would I want to keep you?". He then goes on to call Dong-joo a fool for not running a CT scan on the patient and by trying to give up his own principles so as to mimic Master Kim's style. He rubs it in, that Dong-joo almost caused a patient's death in trying to follow him and calls him out for all his excuses. He ends off by telling him,

"It's up to you to stay or go. Do what you like. However, if you're expecting something from me, you should stop dreaming. To a guy who bends his rules according to the situation, I have nothing to give, other than neglecting, mocking, despising and swearing at you." 
(Master Kim)

Strong harsh words indeed. I see many viewers are anti TK's style. I believe TK's method is born out of wisdom and a strong conviction on what an ethical and " creative " doctor should be. I think too his feel of the pyschological make up of DJ and his own unyielding personality is his best shot. to bring out the best in DJ. Perhaps his bitter past shapes the way he is . We'll see. But I do like that he's fighting fire with fire with DJ. With SJ , it's a disciplinary father-daughter relationship. _______________________________________________________________________

FINALLY FROM @drmjs....... ME SAME SAME !!!! :P

Anyhow, DJ needs someone like TK to guide him to make the best choices. Someone to make him realize that performing surgery isn't about personal gain but about the patient who placed his life in his hands. TK's harshness or ridicule is nothing compared to the bigger picture, that every life is precious. 


Now that this baby ( lost post ) is off my shoulders, I'm go and catch up. I couldn't join you here for epi 6 because I got a keep fit class . It's heavy man .... keeping fit.  But thanks for the recaps and captures. Be back.

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Medical series 'Dr. Romantic' tops 20 pct in viewership


SEOUL, Nov. 23 (Yonhap) -- A medical series about an eccentric doctor's move to a rundown, countryside hospital has topped 20 percent in viewership in the capital area, data showed Wednesday.

"Dr. Romantic," a Monday-Tuesday series on SBS TV, recorded a viewership rating of 20.3 percent in Seoul and nearby cities after its sixth episode aired Tuesday, according to media ratings company Nielsen Korea. Viewership nationwide amounted to 18.9 percent.

The series tells the story of how renowned surgeon Boo Yong-joo (Han Suk-kyu) moves to a small, remote hospital and builds it into a top institution of cutting-edge technology and integrity. It has received positive reviews for its storyline, which depicts doctors' struggles against the medical establishment, and the solid performance of its cast led by veteran actor Han.

The viewership ratings are considered high, as recent dramas have mostly struggled to surpass even 10 percent.

The MBC series "Night Light" and the KBS series "Sweet Stranger and Me" air in the same time slot as "Dr. Romantic" and recorded viewership ratings of 6.3 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively.


A compilation of stills from the SBS series "Dr. Romantic" (Yonhap)

A compilation of stills from the SBS series "Dr. Romantic" (Yonhap)




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