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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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7 minutes ago, starfield said:

Sigh, though I really want to tell guys to tone the xxxx down the stalking and what I consider a cardinal sin that is pestering the celebrities' staff, I know it's no use because people who visit this Soompi thread are already the sane ones, the cray cray crowd on IG simply cannot be controlled or reasoned. I think JS's staff already have had similar experience from the past (LOL, and I know for a fact that they are still being bothered by a certain group and now some JongJoo shippers have joined the madness), but this must be an eye-opening experience for Hyo-Joo's team. My only solace is that the cray cray club members comment almost exclusively in weird incomprehensible English or other non-Korean Asian languages, so the impact is somewhat softened (still annoying though). I have been and still am a non-shipper fan of a few other stars, and I still loathe certain shipper fans with the passion of one thousand burning suns (lol), when instead of having fun in the confines of their own fandom they have to go around spreading rumors, photoshopped pictures of two stars being intimate with each other and lie about them being authentic, pester the star's staff and friends, attack the stars' other co-leads that aren't the one they ship the star with etc. It's funny that prior to JongJoo I was involved in several fandom wars attacking the above described shippers as delulu, and now I am here :lol::lol::lol: 


Sorry to cut your post short. I really have a thing against the photoshopped photos... In my opinion, it's ok to post, but to tag a lot of people (both celebrities and staff) to the photo(s) is quite overwhelming! And with today's technology, things spread instantly on the web. It's hard for people who don't follow the entire story to decipher whether it's the truth or not... Hence, the start of unnecessary rumours.

I really wish fans/shippers can give them some space and privacy. Of course, that's only a wish since everyone's mentality is different and I can't expect people to all agree with me... I'd much rather prefer the interactions in this forum over other SNS. From what I've read from everyone, we would actually put some thoughts into the comments before posting. 

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@skittles87 Yeah at the end of the day, its definitely not as bad as some I have seen with my other fandom and the "other" fandom. I am crossing my fingers that the people that have done this sort of thing read our thread and realize how ridiculous it is when they insinuate things like that. I realize that we may sound like hard asses but at the same time, does that not look a little desperate if you have to circle: rings, passport holders, lip balm, and sunglasses. I want us to refrain from posting things like that or I literally will have a conniption. 

On a brighter note, I am glad that LJS had time between his FM's to see the city of Tokyo and HHJ as well even with her 1 photoshoot in the beginning of her 3 day stay. :phew:

It is really nice to know that they had a little "OBVIOUS VARIETY AGENCY" type of feel going on.

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@skittles87 Yeah I mentioned before how annoyed I was at the growing number of photoshopped JongJoo images being spread everywhere these days. Photoshopped images are only fun when they look obviously fake and the author has no intention to make it look real. So many fans fell for those very real-looking PSed images of JongJoo taking intimate selfies at the wrap-up parties, and even show them off as "proofs" when arguing with other fans and I was just... *facepalms headdesk*

Sorry you know usually what kind of fans make photoshopped images of their ship that try to look authentic? Other than those who are trying to advance their skills and say work for the graphics industry, only desperate stans desperate to falsify evidences that their ship is sailing because it doesn't seem to be the case in reality will do such a thing. I do think JongJoo have quite enough objective facts supporting their 'good relationship' (be it romantic or friendly) to not have to resort to making up fake evidences?

@lovely_skham The couple ring, couple socks, couple everything obsession is another one of my pet peeve. It's one thing to point out two people wearing exactly the same clothe because it's often obvious, though often wearing identical clothes don't mean much anyway, but rings and other tiny accessories that fans can't even get a clear picture of, especially when longtime fans have already told you that piece of jewelry has been worn by the star for years... it's just... There was a small crisis in one forum the other day when fans saw LJS wearing his pinky ring again, because he did not in his Seoul FM and some fans took it as evidence that he was dating HJ because wearing a pinky ring= being single in some Asian culture. Then since he was wearing the pinky ring again it must mean gasp OMG he broke up with HJ!!!11! I was so frigging annoyed I started laughing hysterically.

But on the flip side of the coin, the emergence of cray cray fan behavior is the unavoidable byproduct of any popular fandom, it means that JongJoo is now becoming a bigger fandom when it had a niche/inconspicuous following only two months ago ;)

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@alliamoon So true.. We like them for who they are, NOT who we want them to be. One day when these crazy obsessive people realize their idols are not what their ideal illusions are, they will go insane~ 

@starfield LOL!! The pinky ring can also mean divorced... Does that mean LJS was secretly married and got divorced too?? :phew: Hahahaha!

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When the first time I saw the ring, I was shocked with it. First, second, third time I was still believing. Until I saw on the BTS. I realized, okay the ring has nothing to do with their relationship. It's not similar.

I usually go to IG after I got the info from here.

Please don't be too obsessed, sometimes obsession can lead to something dangerous. It's not a good thing, friends. Please consider their privacy. We should be thank you to them. They're celebrities, thank you for sharing "your life" with fans. But as a good fan, in return let's give them time for enjoying their private life.

But seriously, Jongjoo is my happy virus. Thank to them, my mood has been very good lately. Though I go back and forth from looking at my work (laptop) and this forum (my cellphone). :heart:

57 minutes ago, skittles87 said:

@alliamoon So true.. We like them for who they are, NOT who we want them to be. One day when these crazy obsessive people realize their idols are not what their ideal illusions are, they will go insane~

Couldn't agree more with it, we like the star as who they are. The real fans did not turn their back when their star was not as they wish to be. Please consider, they're human too.

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@alliamoon Yeah it's scary when fans feel such strong sense of entitlement, we can choose any second of the day to stop supporting a celebrity for whatever reason, maybe I just can't stand his new hairstyle or whatever LOL! But we absolutely have ZERO right to demand how they live their private lives.

@skittles87 GASP! FAINT! How DARE he!!!!!!!!! I demand all the time and emotions I invested in this ship back now!!!! Hahaha and hey, if people assume that he is wearing a couple ring with HHJ right now, and he happens to switch to a different ring sometime later, and what is worse a ring that matches with another actress's then fans are gonna go insane :sweatingbullets:

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yeah,yeah right !!!!!! whatever!!!!! but can't they go public if they are dating just to calm us who are so anxious worse paranoid about about them,honestly for me all i want is confirmation,if they are dating, i'm fine with that if not still okay

14 hours ago, mimi122789 said:


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