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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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Everyone should remember that acting is his profession,you all can't accept him to say "Yes i will fall in with the actresses I have acted with or will" that would be total unprofessional. For me question like that is uncommon for FM I think he is being conspicuous since there were rumors in the past with co-stars now he can't be rumored with every actress he act with can he?

We need to have patience since its too early to give up.They will definitely need time IF they are in relation since its too early for LJS to rumored with another actress he acted with. Again my opinion only

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I know we probably should not over think this question as it is a tricky question that had to be handled with care, but given jong suk's extremely straightforward and honest personality, he would rather give a vague answer than lie. Which is why I'm uncertain about the choice of his words 'illusion' and 'impossible' (if the translation is 100% accurate), if he really wanted to avoid any misunderstandings or rumours, he could have easily said something generic like it is awkward or not that romantic with so many staff watching you, instead of saying that he sometimes felt like he was falling in love but that was an illusion. Hmm.. Hopefully there will be related questions during his tokyo fan meet so we can better understand his thoughts 

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5 minutes ago, skittles87 said:


There's a major difference between this question vs. asking for his ideal type. For his ideal type, he can answer according to his own preference. But as a public figure, to answer this question (mixing up his personal life with his work), his answer has to consider the well-being of his professionalism, his agency, his team of staff and also his co-stars. I'm pretty sure he gave a lot of thought into answering this to stop any unnecessary suspicion. 

Also, the way the translation is written... I found his answer is very generic. He pointed out "...you get an illusion that you are falling in love, please try to think… You are surrounded by tens of staff, it is impossible... yes, please don’t fall in love~"

I may be overthinking it, but to me it feels like self-denial and reassurance that he's telling himself he shouldn't fall in love with his co-star...


Yes and that question is not only specifically pointing to 1 actress, but all the actresses he has worked with. To tread a fine line knowing that the fans are keen to know, he would have to sound as if he has maintain a professional relationship with his costars. Whether what is really going on behind, we can only wait patiently for the news, and hopefully in a good way

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After reading the translation (its accuracy seems to be unconfirmed so far I guess?), at first I was totally freaked out, just like everyone else here. Right now I still am tbh. However, turning his answer over and over in my mind with a more compelled and logical point of view, I realize that it is actually one of the most professional and clever answers that I have ever heard from a super-star. Especially the ‘illusion’ part. If he just simply answered “No I won’t” or “I don’t think I would” with some poorly made-up excuses like “We have been very close yet never crossed the line” etc then many shippers from all kinds of ships would still not be convinced; their beliefs in OTPs are so strong that they will think he was trying to hide something from public (I totally could sympathize with that).

And so, to crush any kind of unwanted rumour (and also to eventually crush the rising hope of some shipping fandom but I can’t say which one lol) he brought the ‘illusion of love’ into view. What was the purpose of that? It made him look like he was totally open about the chemistry between him and previous co-stars.  Since he was open about it, then it meant there was no secret behind those relationships. ‘Illusion’ = he didn’t deny what the shippers (again I can’t tell from which fandom) saw, he even vaguely indicated that he might have slightly fallen in love with some certain actresses but that feeling will lead to nowhere in the future. This answer was perfect, it was logical, it was certain, and it left no hole for any annoying reporters to scrutinize their noses into. People wouldn’t have the impression that he was hiding something because that answer sounded informative enough and open enough.


And again, we shouldn’t rely too much on what they say to public people. Both G-Dragon and Nana used to respectively turned down the dating rumour but look at what we have now? Lol

However, since I have not followed JS prior to W, I have no idea if this question has been asked before? I have also heard that he avoided the question about his ideal type in a FM? Can someone please confirm these info for me please? :D

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well, i think I don't need to quote that silly-question-which-made-us-jongjooshippers-crazy-and-broken-heart-this-night. everybody here's know that question 

the first i think about that question is "what the hell so what about all of your cheesy things with hyo joo in OFF screen, jongsukkie ?" but after that i just calm my self and think hey ! that question is just like

"won't you ever fallin love for real with your teachers you learned with ?"

so maybe if someone ask that question to me i will probably say it's impossible cause you're surrounded by tens of another students, but hey again ! you really can't choose who you will fall in love with ! love is just suddenly. it suddenly came, it suddenly appear, it suddenly makes you brighter. 

i dont know whether JS answer that with all of his heart (i mean he's serious) or just because he want to choose the safe answer for his job. i really don't know, but what i know about jongsuk is he's a honest and straightforward guy. if that answer is true, so maybe now we can say that not just honey shippers who broke with his words but also darling shippers or maybe quack couple shippers etc. remember guys, jongsuk's costar not just hyo joo :D

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30 minutes ago, wildaffairs said:


Yes and that question is not only specifically pointing to 1 actress, but all the actresses he has worked with. To tread a fine line knowing that the fans are keen to know, he would have to sound as if he has maintain a professional relationship with his costars. Whether what is really going on behind, we can only wait patiently for the news, and hopefully in a good way

Yeah its too early for anything. I have said it before they will try to be as suspicious as possible if they are in a relations cos spotlight not only harm their relation but their carrier also if anything goes wrong. Patience is we all need to right now.

Again my opinion

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Actually I find it really funny that he would say it is impossible because there are staffs around, like since when does he care if those staffs are around lol

"Ya.... right :phew:"

It is an irony that he would answer it in such a way (if you look at the BTS). So if the staffs are not around, it would be possible to fall in love? :lol: 

It is not like his own staffs will protest, more like he needs to care about how his fans will feel ^_^


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guys keep it coming really it brightens my night now... maybe i can sleep well now after reading your thoughts and positive analysis.. what can i say??  thers a rainbow always after the rain.. :rolleyes: still keeping my hopes and love for our jongjoo as a couple and individually.. be back lurking again tomorrow ..now time to sleep fo me .goodnight:heart:

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17 minutes ago, wildaffairs said:

Actually I find it really funny that he would say it is impossible because there are staffs around, like since when does he care if those staffs are around lol

"Ya.... right :phew:"

It is an irony that he would answer it in such a way (if you look at the BTS). So if the staffs are not around, it would be possible to fall in love? :lol: 

It is not like his own staffs will protest, more like he needs to care about how his fans will feel ^_^


Speaking of Staff remember the "Hungry me" bts how he kept looking at the staff when he was answering lol its must awkward for him to get lovey dovey with the staff around :lol:

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I read on IG that he doesn't say "it's impossible" but "it's difficult" so don't know if change the whole earlier conversation. 


In my opinion I think he said that it's difficult to fall in love with many staff around them. His answer is the best he can give because if he says he ever fall in love with his co-stars, each shippers would claim he falls in love with their bias. And then it will create ship war chapter 2 lol


Hey, it's just my opinion lol

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TBH I really don't think he could have answered it any other way because it would reveal:

1) Hes in a relationship with his costar or has been in one. [Too early and it would dispute his past dating rumour]

2) Unprofessional ~ Unable to separate real to real

3) He has a responsibility to protect the integrity of the filming process and his future filming projects.

4) Paints himself in a negative light because of the potential to fall in love with his actresses even if he says "I don't know" Which would create much controversy surrounding his casting calls. Its quite possible it could hinder his ability to get offers if he had said something different.

*Still waiting on the videos. Im surprised their are no videos yet if anyone finds that please share so I can get a definitive answer from my friend. :)

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The quote first left me sad, but then i came here and read all your posts. You guys are turning this into something positive and there is still a chance for our honeycouple to become a couple :) Thankyou guys for reassuring me!!

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Are we even sure we get the right translation? Sorry I'm not saying that I don't believe it but remember his Korea FM when we kinda disappointed about his answer about his ideal type. It turned out they didn't translate the whole conversation and finally we get the complete one which change the whole meaning.


Once again this is just my opinion :P

PS : @suppy opinion becomes my favorite word thanks to you =))


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well ... after pinocchio, he answered a similar response in the interview.. so i'm not surprised his answer..

and he said before i will say that i don't have gf if i have or not.. he's a straightforward person but a question about relationship with girl??

he can't be straightforward ... i think... :sweatingbullets:


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I hope we can have some videos and exact translation for this critic Q&A.

I dont know, probably Im wrong, but when sth. coming from LJS, my mind always reminds me that it is from a honest person, thus I couldnt relate his answer with his FM.

But guys, I dont sense the logic in his answer (maybe I should say in translation). If he is comfortable enough to get an illusion of love, in set, while acting, in front of all the staff, how it is not possible to fall in love actually??  The second part of his answer didnt reveal the reason why he thinks his emotions are actually illusion (I wonder at which point he gets that it is just illusion). To me his answer is the sum of two answers to that kind of question. I dont know, please help chingus:sweatingbullets:

@Mí Dù I love your explanation about `illusion` part:wub:. I think this part seems both honest and professional and the second part is sth. like his `numb` comment. From the first part, it may be concluded that he does not trust his feelings towards his co-star while his work go on. If it is the case, I can agree with him and  Im still positive about our couple since he doesnt `fall` for HHJ because of lovely, dovely scenes, she is his ideal type:) .

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3 hours ago, koolzai11 said:

If JS and HJ are really dating, I don't think they would want to disclose their relationship at a FM.

I couldn't agree with you more. This is exactly what I thought after reading the post. I skipped half a day's posts on this thread and the FM question of all questions brakes loose. Of course he can't say yes! Then the questions like Who, When (W anyone?!) would start pooring. The media freenzy would begin and the tabloids would feed on the story for weeks using pictures from all the dramas he's been in, all the actresses that the had starred with, all the female friends that he was ever spotted with. And that would happen even before he comes back from Japan. Everyone will feel entitled to dig old stories, pictures the endless he said she said, old anonymous friends who suddenly need so share a scoop... et caetera.

The question did not come out of the blue. I think  he and his staff expected it since the W BTS created waves of curiosity regarding the leads's personal lives. I'm sure that he and his team already talked about how to respond to this type of questions some years ago. He knows exactly what he's doing and saying since he has been in the spotlight for a long time and he has seen how things like this can harm an actor or singer if they are misunderstood.

Plus, I don't think that he would make such an announcement while he's abroad. And W fever had reached China, I believe that they are still promoting W so a personal announcement will not be made now in order to keep things professional and not draw attention from the drama.

I am not abandoning my honeys. My faith in their spark remains untouched. If he likes her and I think he does, he wouldn't start speculations while he's away and leave her and her team to manage the situation. I think he has changed a lot in the past 4 months, he looks more manly now in more than one way. 

PS: I love the photo on the stairs! She's just like Cinderella at the ball without her glass slippers, but with Prince Charming (and charmed) by her side.

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