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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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i know i'm kinda late to join the hype from photos that 'leaked' today..that interlacing fingers..;)

aiggguuu,this OTP~:wub: just from those photos...made me had biggest smile of the day..lol:D


BTW, (hope this never been share before)..:sweatingbullets:


THIS~! I know u guys already know this scene.hehe..(gif taken from greenyjunior's post on this thread @ Tuesday) but what i just noticed..at early video of this BTS, he actually do the same action.. can see LJS change his hand so he still can hold HHJ's hand while the other hand try to grab her waist. 


but then we cant see it clearly like the first one..since they jump to the other scene when he caught staring at her.sorry ,if u guys cant see it..not that expert in doing gif..:sweatingbullets: or maybe..heeee another option..in this BTS vid looks at 0.27.:)

AND do tell me,if i see it wrong..haha.:D




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I absolutely happy bc Lee Jong Suk didn't talk about his ideal type in his FM. Why? Because that's show me how much he care about her. Like everyone said, LJS is a hot actor now, and spreading bad rumors and scandals will not only effecting his career but also HHJ's. This also prove to me that LJS is very mature and understanding (aka HHJ's ideal type is a man who have a lot of understanding and consideration). They fit each other PERFECTLY!!! LJS finished filming, but the drama is not over yet, so saying that HHJ is his ideal type is not a good choice. I'm pretty sure they are dating right now, and They have had a talk about a lot of different topics. They are celebrities, dating is a real deal, y'all know. My hope is that after W end, they will announce their relationship in a clean way. Both are smart, so I don't have to worry a lot.

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2 hours ago, lovely_skham said:

First and foremost mentioning about this scandal and that scandal is off topic. This is 2016, whatever that was associated with their name that is referring to something negative, please do not spread it. For the ones who'd like to know, you may search it on your own accord. My reason is this if you give it attention it will not be forgotten so let's not bring up anything negative towards LJS or HHJ. Spreading negativity is not supporting them so if I see something negative I will kindly ask you to remove it.

Thank you


Im totaly agree with you, dear @lovely_skham :) As a fans we just need to support them no matter what.. and like what u said, spreading negativity newa is really really not supporting them.

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Well I personally was quite excited about Jong-suk saying he's lost his direction regarding his ideal type. He obviously said it in a joking manner but regardless of the tone he used, what amused me was the fact he'd told the media quite a few times that his ideal type is Lee Na-Yong even after she got married in early 2015. So to me this means Jong-suk for some reason doesn't really want to say LNY is his ideal type anymore, and it has nothing to do with the fact that she got married more than a year ago :) I didn't even have to go into analytical mode, my immediate reaction to this tidbit was "hohohohohoho" :lol: 

And thank you @lovely_skham for reminding us to stay positive. I have been following Korean viewer response to Hyo-joo and her work in W. I have to say while there would always be haters, who are loud and may give you the impression that there are many of them, I firmly believe her overall image as perceived by the general viewership is positive and the negative impact from that certain incident has mostly worn off by now. Actually even in the second half of 2015 things already got much better, as evident in the positive responses her movie Inside Beauty received. So what I am saying is that we should just ignore those loud haters who are definitely a minority, don't give them the attention they crave and in time they'll fade into oblivion. 

@Qallee Hahahaha wow thank you and your eagle eyes!!! Somehow I'd completely missed the changing hands until you pointed it out! Hahahaha I love our honest boy for cleverly maximizing area of contact, got a bit greedy there hun :lol:?

And it was soooooooo hilarious MBC's We Got Married used that JS back-hugging HJ IG photo as one of the poses they demanded show participants to copy, because usually only couple photos from INSIDE the drama/movie are used, this is like MBC certifying JS's IG photo as so couple-ly that it deserves to be made into a standard pose the We Got Married couples should imitate. Hahahaha very fitting considering the IG photo was exactly what had delurked me and activated my serious Jong-Joo shipper status in the first place :lol:


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Yeah!! I also agree that he did't give a straight "LNY answer" is aa good sign because there must be a significant change ever since W started. It might be a hint that he is serious with a certain beautiful lady that we know :)

I have never actively shipped any couple before but for these 2 beautiful people, there are definitely something special, something about them that makes me smile and touches my heart. That is why I wish for a happy ending in W and real life for LJS and HHJ <3

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46 minutes ago, lovely_skham said:

When asked is ideal type? [According to the tweet]

"He said he didn't know, he lost direction since LNY got married already"

~July 2. 2013            LNY & Wonbin confirmed to be dating

~October 23. 2014   IG post proving he still remains an avid FANBOY of LNY

~January 24. 2015 " LNY is the closest to my ideal woman. I chose her previously and she still is my ideal type"

~May 30. 2015         LNY and WB got married

~June 20. 2015       Star1 interview "I prefer smart women who I can learn from and help me improve. Intelligence is more attractive than appearance"

~June 19. 2016         Section TV Couple Interview: MC ~ "Is HHJ similar to your ideal type in reality?

                                                                                  LJS ~ "Yes, I really think it's similar"

[When LJS highlights HHJ's great qualities, instead of saying how pretty she is, he instinctively emphasizes how charming she in in the way she speaks, how he learns from her and how she is full of energy]

Fast Forward ........ [See pages 1- 84 ~ Everything there is to know about their intimate interactions and behaviour patters]

Sept 10. 2016 ~ He didn't know, Now who could he really say? Lets be realistic, Its not like he can announce in front of HIS fans at HIS fan-meet about HHJ since its already been mentioned that she is still filming and for one its in poor taste to do such a  thing without your agencies approval. Revelations and announcements always occur after airing of the final episode and typically a month after filming. He lost direction since LNY got married already Is another way to say he's being quite coy about it. He cant really say even though LNY got married May 30.2015 and everything thats happened after that proves HHJ is closest to his ideal type. Even still when asked about his ideal type in previous interviews he had no problem talking about his ideal type in fact its not like the MC asked him who is ideal type was? Even so with that type of question he could have answered a variety of ways but he'd rather keep mum about it. If there is no one on his mind he would have no problem answering in a typical fashion that he's done so on several occasions in the past. Why is it that now he just simply cant think of a way to answer the question? Unless it was to protect a particular beautiful, charming, intelligent, tall, big eyes, slim woman which most of you all already pointed out. In more ways than one its quite endearing since its obvious he has someone but since he cant say her name he cant give an answer. Honestly from all his past interviews and knowing his personality this is the FIRST time he cant give a straight answer! 

Trust me when I say this it was indeed a perfect answer!

Exactly what I was thinking as I look through all the tweets. LJS always said that LNY is his ideal type but suddenly said he 'lost' direction after she was married? Boy, you've been saying her names way after she was married. And a simple thinking is that LNY already have a partner, so it wouldn't be a big deal if he said that she was his all time ideal type, but now, since HHJ is known for being single, saying her name in front of all his fans is like the biggest Expose ever (in a negative way). Knowing that LJS is always a straightforward person, it must be really important for him to avoid such a simple and familiar question like this one. Remind me of how LJS always phrase how beautiful his co stars, like PSH, PBY. But, he only mentioned that HHJ is pretty once, ONCE! (Poor HHJ) Geez, everytime they do something suspicious made me go crazy.

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1 hour ago, 4nnlov3pink said:

Compare with this...


And He seems a little bit chubby :w00t:B) Someone is in #happyvirus :wub: 




I think you can say because he has been accompanying hyo joo to eat or have dinner. Hahahaha 

We know hyo joo is a serious eater. In one of running man show, she was the only lady choose bibimbap to have as breakfast[ I think song ji hyo choose some soup] and she was so determine to win the game's to get bibimbap, in second attempt, she won and hurried to eat her bibimbap.

It was so hilarious.

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6 hours ago, starfield said:

@Qallee Hahahaha wow thank you and your eagle eyes!!! Somehow I'd completely missed the changing hands until you pointed it out! Hahahaha I love our honest boy for cleverly maximizing area of contact, got a bit greedy there hun :lol:?

And it was soooooooo hilarious MBC's We Got Married used that JS back-hugging HJ IG photo as one of the poses they demanded show participants to copy, because usually only couple photos from INSIDE the drama/movie are used, this is like MBC certifying JS's IG photo as so couple-ly that it deserves to be made into a standard pose the We Got Married couples should imitate. Hahahaha very fitting considering the IG photo was exactly what had delurked me and activated my serious Jong-Joo shipper status in the first place :lol:


;)hehe..ayy,i must be taken from u guys.  as i'm always in 'WOW' the way u guys do kind of 'research' with an eagle eyes.haha:D so,when i accidentally watch the BTS again,and saw that moment,cant be help to recheck back and share it here.greedy for skinship(?)..indeed he is.lol

AGREED!!!by using LJS 'personal photo' for promoting the romance in W, it's like YES, we certified it as best couple photo and must be included in a TOP LIST OF HOW EVERY COUPLE SHOULD TAKE THEIR PHOTO.:P


Just an info to share of what this pretty lady will do next~:wub:


Han Hyo-joo will emcee the opening ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival 2016 on Oct. 6. 

She will co-host the ceremony with veteran actor Sul Kyung-gu who she starred with in the action flick “Cold Eyes” in 2013.

~~~soooo,on 6th of OCT,what's on LJS schedule??hehe ;)




CR:tinaagnesleighton "Wink" couple


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I thought Jong-suk said he would go on a diet/lose weight for his role in VIP?

And I know someone on weibo said Jong-suk said he memorized his long lines in W with (the help of) Hyo-joo, but according to a translator who's translating from audio files of the FM he did not... So I did not react to that fan report yesterday and am still waiting for reliable sources to confirm whether or not he mentioned Hyo-joo at all.

As someone who's followed various Korean entertainers for years, the one thing I always take with a HUGE grain of salt is preliminary fanmeet/live reports, there are often so many mistakes with the early reports because it's hard to capture words spoken in a fanmeet/live, and because sometimes the international fans who did the translation aren't very good at Korean listening (it's always easier to read than listen to a foreign language). 

Anyway I'm still waiting patiently for more translations, but even if JS made no mentioning of HJ I wouldn't feel discouraged at all, because that's how fanmeets usually work anyway, it's an occasion purported for fan service :rolleyes:

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Hey look! There were roses on hyo joo's dress! Sorry I couldn't help said that after I saw jongsuk's  FM picture. You know the one he uploaded on his IG at 4 am with a million roses lyrics which coincidentally she ever said it was one of her favorite songs. Just saying ;)

I tell myself it was just coincidence because I won't be presumptuous but TOO.MANY.COINCIDENCES :P

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OK, more translations have come out, now I am almost certain Jong-suk did not mention Hyo-joo at all at the fanmeet. The only one fan who said that he did also made several other very obvious mistakes, so I am completely writing her off as trust-worthy now :rolleyes:

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