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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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@hibiscus23....Chingu, I am so very Richard Simmons at her (JE) for not investigating more. With what she knows, she should have asked him ( IS HE ONLY BLAMING HS FOR THE SUICIDE) It's as if she see HW as an idiot for wanting to hurt her sweet uncle. She is also starting to ack like HS for making alot of assumptions. She is forgettting what her uncle did to his entire family just to redeem himself for what he did but didn't learn a thing at all because once his kids get hurt , he loses his temper and see RED.  I can't see any romance brewing between HW and JE in the near future. I can't see ho she can redeem herself or make him forgive the man who ruined i life and stole his brother. 

Kim Jae Won and Lee Tae Hwan do have a killer smile. In those picture it look so similar chingu. THanks for sharing . 

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9 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@hibiscus23....Chingu, I am so very Richard Simmons at her (JE) for not investigating more. With what she knows, she should have asked him ( IS HE ONLY BLAMING HS FOR THE SUICIDE) It's as if she see HW as an idiot for wanting to hurt her sweet uncle. She is also starting to ack like HS for making alot of assumptions. She is forgettting what her uncle did to his entire family just to redeem himself for what he did but didn't learn a thing at all because once his kids get hurt , he loses his temper and see RED.  I can't see any romance brewing between HW and JE in the near future. I can't see ho she can redeem herself or make him forgive the man who ruined i life and stole his brother. 

Kim Jae Won and Lee Tae Hwan do have a killer smile. In those picture it look so similar chingu. THanks for sharing . 

I don’t know how the writer is going to do to fix the fact that Hyun Woo hate that family in order to make possible a realationship with Jung Eun. The thing is that revenge doesn’t hurts only one side, might be that the side looking for revenge is the most affected. I think that when HW realizes that Sung Joon really loves his family that raised him HW will down his guard. I don’t see that the father stealed SJ, he felt guilty and adopted the Kid, and that Kid became his favorite son, the kid he loves the most, and the worst punishment he could receive is that his beloved son watches him as a bad man.

I hope the writer doesn’t continue messing everything,  and begins solving everything from now.

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9 hours ago, soultree said:

@hibiscus23 nice pictures thnk you

for SJ's mental health he should leave that house, but it?s good they aren't rushing it, because he grew up there for 23 years, it would feel awkward if he leaves immediately, they have been raising him'so he will need time to accept that he has a brother...etc, now his head is in mess because of that and because of dong hui, i think after he finds DH it's gonna be fine, since she will help him to overcome all this

@soultree you're welcome! yeah i luv his smile! rightfully so, it may be hard for SJ to uproot so suddenly & altho we know that father he learned to grow up & love of course is evil/wicked, he does need time to come to grips with his soon to be 'new life' if you will! imagine 23 yrs not knowing what really happened in your life? kudos to his hyung who spent his life searching for him! i guess if this evil father did not take him from the orphanage, there was a big chance HW could've found him but then again we won't have this kind of story at all hahaha! yes indeed once he settles his mind with DH he'll find peace again!

@UnniSarah glad u liked the photos chingoos yeah the one who did the casting of this drama was really good in that these two great actors cld pass as brothers! both handsome & if i'm not mistaken KJE has been tagged before with a "killer smile" and now he's got a young version with that in LTH!

chingu same here i've been pissed off with JE, btw you're so right JE has been biased & she can only see her uncle, why can't she be open-minded, after all if she truly love HW she shld show more compassion to his present situation, didn't HW at one point before even finding out that SJ happens to be his lost brod that he told her a bit of what happened? can't recall but anyway, i myself don't see any romance whatsoever betwn them & can you blame HW? sorry to say this but from the start i was super annoyed with that JE character, even her own mother cldn't stand her LOL! we can u/stand if HW won't have a place in his heart for her at all - she's a bad match for someone like him!

@camichi if i may quote what you wrote:

I don’t see that the father stealed SJ, he felt guilty and adopted the Kid, and that Kid became his favorite son, the kid he loves the most, and the worst punishment he could receive is that his beloved son watches him as a bad man.

I hope the writer doesn’t continue messing everything,  and begins solving everything from now.

i think so too that one of the reasons he adopted SJ was his sheer guilt of what he'd done to this boy's father at that time so much so in the course of SJ's growing up, he came to really adore/love him deeply that he became his favorite son since compared to his own children SJ has been a model son to him! i really think he's sincere in loving SJ and that now that he found his brother his life will turn upside down! i don't see that HW can easily forgive what this man did to his father & now finding out that he himself raised him! It's really ironic that SJ grew up with the man who's responsible in the death of their father! what a story!

yes let's hope the writer will give us a better scenario from now on! hwaiting/fighting! aja aja :)


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I hope SJ will find. The truth about hs because he destroy a family without knowing the truth. He make th hw and sj dad bully to kill himself.  Them sperated then for 23 years.  The grandma. She nasty person i hope she will see her belove son sin and be embarrassed.

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28 minutes ago, starlight116 said:

I hope SJ will find. The truth about hs because he destroy a family without knowing the truth. He make th hw and sj dad bully to kill himself.  Them sperated then for 23 years.  The grandma. She nasty person i hope she will see her belove son sin and be embarrassed.

@starlight116 Chingu, Hyun Seob and his neighbors bullied HW's father which pushed him to suicide. HW did go real far to ruin HS's family but HS was lied to about HW's father was drinking the day His daughter was in the accident. He ruined a man and because HW lost everything 23 years ago he wanted revenge. 

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JE was arguing with HW outside his house.. JE was defending her uncle when HW mentioned about him. HS told his mother about SJ's not his son.  i think his mother asked him where did SJ came from then.  But HS just kept quiet.  

At the office, her colleague received the e-mail from DH and told SJ who tried to call her.  He made a call and left the office.  SJ finally reached and walked to the red lighthouse.   He called out to DH and walked towards to her.  DH couldn't believe her eyes and ran towards him too!  Both hug each other tightly and SJ told her he missed her alot.   They sat down at the ..beach and DH asked how he knew the location, SJ mentioned about the e-mail she sent to her colleague.  DH asked SJ about the previous time when he was uncontactable.  He told her that he found his brother.  Both had a good time at the beach... hehe... 

DH was on the line with HJ, she asked her where is she. She couldn't say as she is worried grandma will move again (I think so).  HJ asked SJ where is the place, but SJ didn't want to reveal it either.  

SH & SS were at seen arguing at the dinning table.  SS seems to be unhappy with his brother.  HJ who was at the basement overheard and came  up with a frying pan ready to hit it on her husband.  She took a cushion and started to hit him with that instead.  SH's mum was so angry with him and was seen scolding him in their room.  HS mentioned about something, (not sure if he is asking SH & HJ about the loan) and SH's mom mentioned about divorce. 

SJ had a good chat with DH before leaving the place,  asking her to take care and eat well.  He gave her a hug before leaving (SJ ah, why didn't you kiss her before leaving.....aigooo) and DH was seen giving instructions to SJ as he drove off, hahaha.....(it's so heartwarming to see their scenes).  

SJ's grandma was seen using the loudspeaker to send the message to HW again.  When she is back to the room, HS's mom came out of the room and told her MIL she is divorcing with HS?  HW called SJ, i think he is asking him to have a meal with him? SS dressed up and went to HW's house, telling him his wish to be back to the tv programme.  

JHwa seems to be suspecting JE is the one who post the picture of her and HW on social media.   JHwa saw SJ walking into HW's house.  HW is aware that SJ went to see DH.  Seems like SJ do not remember his childhood when HW asked him what he remembered.  HW prepared his favourite side dish and SJ was seem talking happily about it, mentioning mum who prepared for him when young(?).  He realized what happened, stooped talking about it and apologized.  I think HW had asked him to move out but SJ is not ready to do that.  He still treated them as family and asked to give him more time.   

SJ reached home but nobody at home except HS in his room.  SJ was concerned about him and asked if he is ok. He also asked where is mom and was told she is at grandma's unit.  Grandma came in and saw SJ, she looked at SJ with a concerned look.    Looks like HS is still keeping quiet about SJ's birth secret (as in who is SJ's father) when his mom asked about it.  Grandma seems to want to tell SJ's mother about SJ.

JH threatened CS's mom again about death when she tried to stop him from learning magic and to study hard instead.  JH also questioned HJ who is his mom.  

At the office, the other colleagues were discussing about SJ who were looking happy, haha...  Oh, he was reading the e-mail from DH!! hahaha... I think she said she will write to him regularly, looking at the red lighthouse.  As she was cycling out of the house, MJ's car arrived.. (why is she there!!!!??????arrrrggghhhh).   Looks like she asked to look at the e-mail sent to the other writer in the office and checked it out herself.   But don't think she told her father about DH as she did hide the script from him earlier on.  I think MJ mentioned to her about the cousin and her grandma?  

SH came to look for HW, think he mentioned about grandma action and tried to resolve the problem.  JE saw and tried to stop him from the investment.   .  

JHwa questioned SJ about him going to HW's house the other night. He doesn't want to say anything and keep reprimanding him.  Grandma told his DIL that SJ is not HS's biological son.  HS went out, SJ followed him but HS asked him to go back and went to look for HW.  He kneeled down infront of HW and apologized for what happened in the past, regretted what happened.  SJ came in and saw HS's kneeling infront of HW. 


SH & HJ ran out of the house , did they just learn about HW's revenge plan?  Oh NO!!! DH was kidnapped!!!! Must be MJ's father!!!!  HS fainted(?) and SJ was seen carrying HS on his back to go to the doctor(?) and HW saw it. 

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i Je will know everything bad HS did to HW and SJ.  

20 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

JE was arguing with HW outside his house.. JE was defending her uncle when HW mentioned about him. HS told his mother about SJ's not his son.  i think his mother asked him where did SJ came from then.  But HS just kept quiet.  

At the office, her colleague received the e-mail from DH and told SJ who tried to call her.  He made a call and left the office.  SJ finally reached and walked to the red lighthouse.   He called out to DH and walked towards to her.  DH couldn't believe her eyes and ran towards him too!  Both hug each other tightly and SJ told her he missed her alot.   They sat down at the ..beach and DH asked how he knew the location, SJ mentioned about the e-mail she sent to her colleague.  DH asked SJ about the previous time when he was uncontactable.  He told her that he found his brother.  Both had a good time at the beach... hehe... 

DH was on the line with HJ, she asked her where is she. She couldn't say as she is worried grandma will move again (I think so).  HJ asked SJ where is the place, but SJ didn't want to reveal it either.  

SH & SS were at seen arguing at the dinning table.  SS seems to be unhappy with his brother.  HJ who was at the basement overheard and came  up with a frying pan ready to hit it on her husband.  She took a cushion and started to hit him with that instead.  SH's mum was so angry with him and was seen scolding him in their room.  HS mentioned about something, (not sure if he is asking SH & HJ about the loan) and SH's mom mentioned about divorce. 

SJ had a good chat with DH before leaving the place,  asking her to take care and eat well.  He gave her a hug before leaving (SJ ah, why didn't you kiss her before leaving.....aigooo) and DH was seen giving instructions to SJ as he drove off, hahaha.....(it's so heartwarming to see their scenes).  

SJ's grandma was seen using the loudspeaker to send the message to HW again.  When she is back to the room, HS's mom came out of the room and told her MIL she is divorcing with HS?  HW called SJ, i think he is asking him to have a meal with him? SS dressed up and went to HW's house, telling him his wish to be back to the tv programme.  

JHwa seems to be suspecting JE is the one who post the picture of her and HW on social media.   JHwa saw SJ walking into HW's house.  HW is aware that SJ went to see DH.  Seems like SJ do not remember his childhood when HW asked him what he remembered.  HW prepared his favourite side dish and SJ was seem talking happily about it, mentioning mum who prepared for him when young(?).  He realized what happened, stooped talking about it and apologized.  I think HW had asked him to move out but SJ is not ready to do that.  He still treated them as family and asked to give him more time.   

SJ reached home but nobody at home except HS in his room.  SJ was concerned about him and asked if he is ok. He also asked where is mom and was told she is at grandma's unit.  Grandma came in and saw SJ, she looked at SJ with a concerned look.    Looks like HS is still keeping quiet about SJ's birth secret (as in who is SJ's father) when his mom asked about it.  Grandma seems to want to tell SJ's mother about SJ.

JH threatened CS's mom again about death when she tried to stop him from learning magic and to study hard instead.  JH also questioned HJ who is his mom.  

At the office, the other colleagues were discussing about SJ who were looking happy, haha...  Oh, he was reading the e-mail from DH!! hahaha... I think she said she will write to him regularly, looking at the red lighthouse.  As she was cycling out of the house, MJ's car arrived.. (why is she there!!!!??????arrrrggghhhh).   Looks like she asked to look at the e-mail sent to the other writer in the office and checked it out herself.   But don't think she told her father about DH as she did hide the script from him earlier on.  I think MJ mentioned to her about the cousin and her grandma?  

SH came to look for HW, think he mentioned about grandma action and tried to resolve the problem.  JE saw and tried to stop him from the investment.   .  

JHwa questioned SJ about him going to HW's house the other night. He doesn't want to say anything and keep reprimanding him.  Grandma told his DIL that SJ is not HS's biological son.  HS went out, SJ followed him but HS asked him to go back and went to look for HW.  He kneeled down infront of HW and apologized for what happened in the past, regretted what happened.  SJ came in and saw HS's kneeling infront of HW. 


SH & HJ ran out of the house , did they just learn about HW's revenge plan?  Oh NO!!! DH was kidnapped!!!! Must be MJ's father!!!!  HS fainted(?) and SJ was seen carrying HS on his back to go to the doctor(?) and HW saw it. 

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On 3/25/2017 at 2:54 PM, UnniSarah said:

@chocolatepie.... Thanks for the recap chingu. Chingu, I have no idea why they are taking so long to reveal the heartache Hyun Seo dished out on HW'a father. I am getting real pissed off. :angry::angry:

Because they still have over 10episodes on this drama..:D

I wasn't so Richard Simmons in today's episode because i get to see SJ & DH being together... Saw SJ's innocent look when he was reading DH's e-mail to him, hahaha....  

On 3/25/2017 at 3:02 PM, standingtallyy said:

Thank you for the recap @chocolatepie :). No reunion kiss for the OTP? Anyway, looking forward to watching the subbed episode..

Nope... i was hoping just for the kiss on the cheek but never mind.  Today's scene compensated for last week when we didn't get to see them together at all.  

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On 3/21/2017 at 9:47 PM, hibiscus23 said:

i agree SJ shld leave that house & live with HW since they'd been apart for so many years! we can see he's been attached to that family but SJ will soon realize that his hyung is right in treating that man with tyranny if you will! :)


45 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

Oh NO!!! DH was kidnapped!!!! Must be MJ's father!!!!  HS fainted(?) and SJ was seen carrying HS on his back to go to the doctor(?) and HW saw it. 

Hello All, @hibiscus23  I do want SJ to leave that house and figure things out for himself, Even if he was to go to that small rural town by the ocean where DH is at but by her being kidnap things has taken a different turn. @chocolatepie Thanks for the recap as I was able to watch live this morning.. I'm skeptical to what made MH break her neck to go and visit DH did her dad figure out who DH is or just using her to bargain with halmoni for the rest of those shares.. MH wanted her gone why is she paying her a visit it's still not going to get her the marriage she wants with SJ and it's going to take Hw to find out where they got her held up at.. Being that Dh has been kidnap Halmoni is going to have to come out of hiding also being that DH real G/mother has been found I think they'll get her out of the hospital to even if they have to break her out.. I blame Halmoni for this kidnapping she should have told DH by now instead of leaving her in the dark like that she's old enough to know whats going on..

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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:


SH & HJ ran out of the house , did they just learn about HW's revenge plan?  Oh NO!!! DH was kidnapped!!!! Must be MJ's father!!!!  HS fainted(?) and SJ was seen carrying HS on his back to go to the doctor(?) and HW saw it. 


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Why there wasn’t a kiss when DH an SJ Met? Whyyyy not?  Writer what happens with you,  please, I wanted a kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.  in love cute cat   Btw,   Will be a way to mess up this more than already is kidnapping DH? I understand that would be way to come out with the true about DH´s  origin, but I think is too much. The grandmother need to be honest a say everything about her to the entire family, It would be a way to protect her. 

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1 hour ago, camichi said:

Why there wasn’t a kiss when DH an SJ Met? Whyyyy not?  Writer what happens with you,  please, I wanted a kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.  in love cute cat   Btw,   Will be a way to mess up this more than already is kidnapping DH? I understand that would be way to come out with the true about DH´s  origin, but I think is too much. The grandmother need to be honest a say everything about her to the entire family, It would be a way to protect her. 

yes that's exactly my question too, after a few wks or days not seeing ea other ..... NO KISS? we need to protest to that writer hahaha they're so stingy with even a peck on the cheek! yayy now kidnapping of DH? woah where is this story gg? u know if we didn't realize that this drama is up to 50 epis right? the reunion of HW/SJ probab wld end this drama or just a few more scenes to wrap it so what am getting at is i can't even envision where are we heading albeit am not complaining coz woah i want more of LTH/DH mind you chingoos so it was just a bit mind-boggling if you will, however, we're here to wait! :)


@chocolatepie woah thx for the vids chingoo! they're sooooooooooooooooooo cute together, am i the only one here hoping these two will date in real life? hahaha

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