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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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Looks like the preview for tomorrow's episode, SJ showed HW the photo he took with HS?  DH & grandma were chased out of the house after learning that SJ's girlfriend is DH. 

Today's episode, HS still do not want to tell SJ the truth despite SJ asking him.  HS looked pissed off by SJ for asking such a question about his biological father.  Both went back home separately and the family guessed that they have quarreled.  

DH was nervous as it is the day they decide who's script will be used for Episode 3 & 4.  Finally, DH's script was chosen and she gave the rest of the colleagues a lunch treat.  Just then HW came to the office looking for MJ & SJ.  They have a talk in SJ's room and i think he is not pleased that they didn't listen to this request?(i think it's about not going thru the contest of choosing the script for every 2 episodes,etc)  

When SJ went back home after work, HS was cleaning SJ's table for him.  Upon seeing this, SJ told him to stop it and they had an argument.  Just then JHwa heard the loud voice and went into the room with HJ and her mum.  JHwa was not happy with SJ and told him off. When JHwa continue to scold SJ and hit him on the chest, HS hit JHwa on the head instead.   JHwa's mum took her out and left SJ & HS alone. though HS tried to talk to him, SJ was very angry and left the room.  Grandma and DH heard some commotion.  DH came out of her room and looked down to the 2nd level.   SJ went up to the roof top and walk straight to the bench.  DH sat beside quietly beside him.  But SJ was so angry with HS that he wanted to leave the rooftop but DH hold onto this hand.  SJ apologized to her and even though SJ didn't say anything after this, DH pat his head and hug him.  SJ did mention to her about himself(?)-i think about he doesn't know who he is.. anyone who watched the live streaming or raw, correct me if i'm wrong.  Their faces were so close to each other i thought he is going to kiss her again lol.. but no, he hug DH instead and gave her a kiss on her forehead.. Just then, JHwa was so angry she went to the rooftop and witnessed what they were doing..  

HW was having a meeting with SH & the penguin investment scammer at his home.  He tried to look worried about the investment infront of SH.  SH told JH about the investment and told him not to tell HJ.  Towards the end of the episode, SH was seen hesitating in putting his stamp on the contract.. whether he did or not, maybe next week we will know.  

JE wanted to ask HS about the past after SJ/HS quarrel but couldn't bring it up to ask him.  (she really missed the chance).  One of the days, she saw HW going out and insisted on going everywhere he goes despite HW not happy about it. On the way, she keep on telling HW that it's not her uncle's fault(?).   So she actually followed him to the office (the newspaper company).  So i think she has kind of figure out what happen to SH.  

JHwa, she went to the lawyer's office again and he showed a video of her beating her husband at the airport.  She asked what she should do now and they lawyer advised her to do an interview and tell them about the divorce case.  She followed his instruction and did the interview at JE's cafe.  

In the morning, DH was on the 2nd floor helping HJ with the breakfast, SJ's mum doesn't seem happy.  Grandma saw MJ who visited HW at his home and invited her to their house for breakfast.  At the table, SJ's mum introduced MJ as the woman SJ is marrying but JHwa told them it's another person and said it's the in-law (DH).  

SJ followed HS for the hiking again, but kept a distance like what he did last episode.  HS brought him to the temple up there and showed him his biological father's urn.  

my views: i think to persuade or make HW's believe anything, JE should find out more from his uncle first.  Telling HW that it is not his uncle's fault will only pissed him off even more.

 i'm happy that DH hold onto SJ's hand when he wanted to leave the rooftop, it is during this period that DH's presence will be able to make SJ calm down. Her little skinship (whether it is giving him a pat on the head, holding onto his hands or hugging him) will make him feels that there is someone he can lean on to when he is confused or feeling emotional.   He is having a hard time when HS doesn't admit or tell him the truth.  

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14 minutes ago, andy78 said:

thanks for recap and preview @chocolatepie...i really hope that foolish man will belive SJ!!!

Err.... it will be ridiculous if he doesn't believe SJ.  If SJ has shown him the photo (sometimes preview can be misleading, doesn't show the dialogue from the same scene),  he still do not believe and push him away, i would be speechless at the writer's 'talent'.  If SJ has shown him the photo, he definitely can recognize the young SJ's face is exactly the same as the photo he had.  Even if he doesn't believe and doubt what he said, he could just go and do a DNA test with SJ. 

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11 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

Err.... it will be ridiculous if he doesn't believe SJ.  If SJ has shown him the photo (sometimes preview can be misleading, doesn't show the dialogue from the same scene),  he still do not believe and push him away, i would be speechless at the writer's 'talent'.  If SJ has shown him the photo, he definitely can recognize the young SJ's face is exactly the same as the photo he had.  Even if he doesn't believe and doubt what he said, he could just go and do a DNA test with SJ. 

@chocolatepie   Even though we all have the answers to this dilemma, we have to remember this Kdrama land and anything is possible. 

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Hello Soompiers on this thread! I have watched this show fast forwarding a lot of it, so I am confused to DH's real identity! Is the grandma her real grandma? Is the spoiled girl's dad her uncle? I really like the OTP DH and SJ together but not the rest of the characters. I find extremely unbelievable that HW has not found out that SJ is his real brother. Why is he thinking that his real brother died? What is the explanation about that? Thank you for your answers!

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31 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@chocolatepie   Even though we all have the answers to this dilemma, we have to remember this Kdrama land and anything is possible. 

hahaha....yes, Kdrama land... if everything follows logic, it won't be 50episodes, 10 episodes can solve everything... :D

15 minutes ago, hell59 said:

Hello Soompiers on this thread! I have watched this show fast forwarding a lot of it, so I am confused to DH's real identity! Is the grandma her real grandma? Is the spoiled girl's dad her uncle? I really like the OTP DH and SJ together but not the rest of the characters. I find extremely unbelievable that HW has not found out that SJ is his real brother. Why is he thinking that his real brother died? What is the explanation about that? Thank you for your answers!

The grandma is not DH's real grandma.  This grandma used to work in her house.  Yes, DH is Mi Joo father's niece, i.e. Mi Joo's cousin, but i do not know why i had this feeling that MJ father is not DH's biological grandmother's son.

HW thought that his real brother had died, because the police told him there were 2 kids that were sent to the same police station and orphanage on the same day.  1 of the boy ran out and get hit by a vehicle and died.  The boy was wearing the same jacket as Sang Woo (HW's brother) in the photo he had.    

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Guest AlexMao

@vaberella I would say that things are far from settled. With the inclusion of Jung Hwa I can't help but think things are going a bit backwards. Rather than having his mother meddle in his personal life Jung Hwa is sticking her nose into things now. The whole Hyun Woo + Jung Eun still feels really messy to me. To me if seems as though they need to settle the Hyun Woo + Sung Joon backstory first before we're going to see anything really settled between Hyun Woo + Jung Eun ... and by that I mean anything to resemble an secondary couple. 

I do appreciate that we've seen movement (snails pace) in what is Dong Hee + Sung Joon but things are dragging along here (and at a far slower pace for even a 50+ episode weekend show). With both Dong Hee and her grandmother being kicked out of Casa Han how are these two going to really interact? I don't see then getting any such chance at work especially with Mi Joo being a constant thorn (to put it nicely) and well Dong Hee needing to focus on the drama are we going to have more late night library scenes or are they planning the whole outcast thing to be only temporary? 

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5 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

hahaha....yes, Kdrama land... if everything follows logic, it won't be 50episodes, 10 episodes can solve everything... :D

The grandma is not DH's real grandma.  This grandma used to work in her house.  Yes, DH is Mi Joo father's niece, i.e. Mi Joo's cousin, but i do not know why i had this feeling that MJ father is not DH's biological grandmother's son.

HW thought that his real brother had died, because the police told him there were 2 kids that were sent to the same police station and orphanage on the same day.  1 of the boy ran out and get hit by a vehicle and died.  The boy was wearing the same jacket as Sang Woo (HW's brother) in the photo he had.    

Thank you so much, I am watching this drama mainly for the OTP, they are cute, but the story is way too slow. Unbelievable that every K-drama shows how easy it is to get a DNA and in this one it does not even exist! Just a very bad writer!

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JHwa's character maybe annoying but I like how straightforward she is on revealing DH and SJ relationship. One, a big blow on MJ not correcting SJ adoptive mother's statement that she is his fiancée, when she know pretty well it is not the case. Two, for telling the elders that marriage you are so excited about is purely your wrong assumptions. Three, hard as it may be it is right time that DH and her grandmother leave the house so they can't be always labeled as freeloaders and be looked down anymore. I wouldn't worry about DH and SJ's interaction, they will find a way.

That tender scene of DH and SJ in 'their rooftop' was good. I agree @chocolatepie DH was like the extinguisher putting out SJ's fire... holding his hand, softly touching his hair and patting his back while hugging him tight and SJ calmed down. In return, he hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead. I see that as him thanking her for being there. I'm looking forward to the scene when SJ tells his family that he liked her first,was dumped but pursued her until he accepted his love and not the other way around!

One thing I like with HW's character is he never hide his motives to SJ or JE who have put the pieces together. One thing I agree with JE was what she said how stupid the rest of her family are. Now that she has seen the big picture, she should just go and tell her uncle. It may be the translation but I can't agree on what JE said that she knows how HW feel. Because no one can really know, she is not or was never in the same predicament as him. When you come to think of it DH can probably relate better with HW. DH growing up in a less privileged family, to the point of becoming homeless, and treated as second class person because of her background.

What are we going to do with HH. Really? Back to investing on penguins? For a smart ex-journalist, you wonder what possessed him (again)! We all have peculiarities but the writer had really made HH character full blown rediculous. Btw, CS's voice is amazing!

Will tonight's episode be the big reveal for the estranged brothers HW and SJ aka Sang Woo? Well with only but 15 episodes left it should be. It seems to me the overlapping of SJ and DH's birth secrets will make this drama more interesting to watch from now on.I know how frustrating it is watching a 50 episode weekend dramas. Interwoven characters, complex personalities and dragging storylines but compared to the previous I've watched (mostIy I dropped after 10-15 eps) this one is not bad. Who knows, if we get lucky we might have a wedding for SJ and DH, Chingus:D

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Saw the sub for Episode 34 between DH's grandma (i will call her Grandma Oh) and the man who always spoke to her on the phone, he has driven a taxi to pick her up instead.  In the car, Grandma Oh said that MJ's dad is the one who caused his own brother & sister-in-law's death!!!  He has also confined DH's biological grandma and the man actually knew where she was 3 years ago but regret he didn't get her out in time before MJ's father moved her to another place (the reason why they can't find the new place she was at).  It seems like MJ's father is trying to make his own mother change the content of the will.  

Now looking at the title of the drama, 'Father, i'll take care of you', this looks like it is from SJ's point-of-view.  Though HS has indirectly caused SJ's biological father death, in the end, he will still take care of HS.  It's no wonder the drama started off with him and DH's in taiwan.   

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1 hour ago, standingtallyy said:

JHwa's character maybe annoying but I like how straightforward she is on revealing DH and SJ relationship. One, a big blow on MJ not correcting SJ adoptive mother's statement that she is his fiancée, when she know pretty well it is not the case. Two, for telling the elders that marriage you are so excited about is purely your wrong assumptions. Three, hard as it may be it is right time that DH and her grandmother leave the house so they can't be always labeled as freeloaders and be looked down anymore. I wouldn't worry about DH and SJ's interaction, they will find a way.

That tender scene of DH and SJ in 'their rooftop' was good. I agree @chocolatepie DH was like the extinguisher putting out SJ's fire... holding his hand, softly touching his hair and patting his back while hugging him tight and SJ calmed down. In return, he hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead. I see that as him thanking her for being there. I'm looking forward to the scene when SJ tells his family that he liked her first,was dumped but pursued her until he accepted his love and not the other way around!

One thing I like with HW's character is he never hide his motives to SJ or JE who have put the pieces together. One thing I agree with JE was what she said how stupid the rest of her family are. Now that she has seen the big picture, she should just go and tell her uncle. It may be the translation but I can't agree on what JE said that she knows how HW feel. Because no one can really know, she is not or was never in the same predicament as him. When you come to think of it DH can probably relate better with HW. DH growing up in a less privileged family, to the point of becoming homeless, and treated as second class person because of her background.

What are we going to do with HH. Really? Back to investing on penguins? For a smart ex-journalist, you wonder what possessed him (again)! We all have peculiarities but the writer had really made HH character full blown rediculous. Btw, CS's voice is amazing!

Will tonight's episode be the big reveal for the estranged brothers HW and SJ aka Sang Woo? Well with only but 15 episodes left it should be. It seems to me the overlapping of SJ and DH's birth secrets will make this drama more interesting to watch from now on.I know how frustrating it is watching a 50 episode weekend dramas. Interwoven characters, complex personalities and dragging storylines but compared to the previous I've watched (mostIy I dropped after 10-15 eps) this one is not bad. Who knows, if we get lucky we might have a wedding for SJ and DH, Chingus:D

Haha..for once, i agreed with JHwa's on revealing SJ/DH's relationship...  and i agreed on your views about JE saying she understand how HW feels.  The kind of pain she suffered as a single child with her mother not taking care of her when young and HW's losing his dad, brother went missing/'dead' is totally different.  She can still make amend with her mother, but for HW, he 'lost' both his loved ones.  DH was indeed a better person who can relate to his pain, the way he console SJ is different.  She waited for him to calm down before asking.  He was there for her during happiness, pain, sadness, etc and she wanted to be there for him as well during his time as well.  She also kind of reconfirmed their relationship during the dialogue which will help SJ to confide to her when he is really down.

SH is indeed weird character.  Someone who investigated into the case of that company SS was helping in could not even do a proper investigation on the business he is interested in?  And where did he get the money to invest from? Loan?   Or from his father again? 

For HS, i do not know if he thought about SJ case since he adopted him.  Did he really think he can hide everything from him till his death? That is kind of naive.  He was brought into the family when he started to know what's going on, he knows he is different.  If JHwa has treated him like a younger brother, he wouldn't have let out his anger in episode 34.  A child who has for the past 23 years being such a good son & brother, JHwa did not appreciate that.  But when he showed his anger, she reprimand him for being ungrateful? How could she blamed on an innocent child and not her father for having another woman outside? She blamed her husband for having another woman but not her own father?  Double standard..:rolleyes:

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It seems that I have come to a point that I feel sorry for more than a few of our characters so many it would make your head spin.  I still am not sure I understand SJ's lived with father I mean a part of me is hoping there is some great explanation maybe he felt guilty and wanted to payback for his wrong doing. I know it doesn't sound believable yet I keep asking myself why would this man keep him? Also why would he put his own family through so much most of all his own wife???  I can't get that out of my head!!!  I mean SJ felt loved by him there is no doubt...  But I don't think he felt loved by others... 

The other side of that is that this so called father figure is just bad to the bone first in partly to blame for crushing SJ's Fathers life the other is why raise his son??  Here is the thing that doesn't make sense why, why, why, invest yourself and your family and your life in another persons son? One  thing and SJ said it best in this latest episode himself how this family treated him like a second class citizen and he has some hurt within him.  He pretty much lived with a label around his neck and from what he shared lived like a ghost within this home.  I don't know about anyone else but my heart hurt for him and just hearing the words brought pain to mind...

  Yet, I think he is upset, confused and who wouldn't be.  I mean the poor guy has had his whole world turned upside down and everything he believed and had to live with and the cruelness he had placed upon him.  Now to find out there is no truth around him and he has no blood ties to these people he tried so hard to be loved by.  Worst part is the one person you looked up to, believed in and wanted to always be proud of you is not who you thought he was and not your real father... 

The one thing that moved me most was seeing DH continuing to reach out hold and touch him and wrap herself like some kind of shield trying to place herself between the pain and in the only way she knows how simply using her body and her words to say.  Trust me, you're not alone, look at me, listen to me, I'm here and as she pats his back like a mother comforting her child. Her hands saying I know who you are and it's going to be ok...

  She shows him understanding and even love something she often held back but not now.  She is taking care of him and it's time for him to lean on her and for a change be the one to let go and be sheltered, and protected and loved within her arms.... For that is what love truly is, sharing the good and the bad, the giving and in return receiving of warmth, protection and most of all trust in knowing there is no better place than beside them.  No better feeling than being covered up in that warmth and safe blanket of their love...:wub:

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2 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

One thing I like with HW's character is he never hide his motives to SJ or JE who have put the pieces together. One thing I agree with JE was what she said how stupid the rest of her family are. Now that she has seen the big picture, she should just go and tell her uncle. It may be the translation but I can't agree on what JE said that she knows how HW feel. Because no one can really know, she is not or was never in the same predicament as him. When you come to think of it DH can probably relate better with HW. DH growing up in a less privileged family, to the point of becoming homeless, and treated as second class person because of her background.

@standingtallyy.. Well said chingu and it means something that these two people were the only to see through his disguise. Now both SJ and HW are very similar especially when it comes to work. They never let their emotions get in the way but ironically with the issue of the script both are rubbing each other wrong. Both feel connected but just can pin point the familiarity. 

 Although JE is someone bothering SJ and HW care for and are able to talk to . I was quite upset with her telling HW what happened 20 years ago was a MISUNDERSTANDING. WHAT !!! WHAT MISUNDERSTANDING . FRAMING SOMEONE FOR A CRIME IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. WHEN THEY FRAMED HIM WHAT DID THEY THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. THOSE THREE SUSPECTS WERE GOING  TO GET PAID AND BE HAPPY WITH THEIR FAMILY WHY HW AND SW WAS GOING TO LOSE THEIR FATHER. While they were investigating LJC , he was being bullied and he even asked for forgiveness that wasn't even his fault and HS chose to humiliate him. smh smh smh  This misunderstanding JE is talking about there is one more thing she doesn't know. HS KIDNAPP SW. I know a lot of you won't agree but he knew who SW was and also knew that SW had a brother. He could have looked for HW but he didn't. Why didn't he look for his brother. What I found so funny is that ..... HS actually believes that HW would never come looking for SW. What kind of thinking is that. He knows the brother were separated and he did even try to help SW be reunited with his older brother. He wanted to keep the knowledge of his reall family away from SJ.

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1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

Did he really think he can hide everything from him till his death? That is kind of naive.  He was brought into the family when he started to know what's going on, he knows he is different.  If JHwa has treated him like a younger brother, he wouldn't have let out his anger in episode 34.  A child who has for the past 23 years being such a good son & brother, JHwa did not appreciate that.  But when he showed his anger, she reprimand him for being ungrateful? How could she blamed on an innocent child and not her father for having another woman outside? She blamed her husband for having another woman but not her own father?  Double standard..:rolleyes:

@chocolatepie..... Exactly, HS is hilarious to think the secret will remain with him until he dies. Although JHwa did blab bUT I STILL Can't STAND HER. SHE IS RUDE AND SELFISH.  SHE DOESN'T EVEN SEEM TO SPEND EBOUGHR TIME WITH HER DAUGHTER.  Let me stop talking about her and get back to what I wanted to talk about. SJ had a hard life living with those Han's. Like the liquor lady said, believeinf hebis related to Hyun Seob made it bearable to live in that toxic environment. Now the one who was the most vocal about him being there has retuned and even more toxic then before. Every chance she get , she is bad mouthing him. One think I really hate is that "HS's HAS FINALLY ACCEPTED SJ  NOW". Can you imagine living in a house with mother figure who has never comforted him or said any warm word to him. Keeping that secret from SJ and forcing to live a life when he will always have to walk on egg shells is just tooooo horrible for me to digest. Hyun Seob expects to much front SJ. SJ is right , he has lived like the invisible man, been the perfect son, respectful no matter how rude or mean someone is to him and always had a fake smile plastered on his face. I am so happy he voiced his opinion and guess what he didn't faze any of his family members because they don't think they are wrong in their behavior or treatment of him. smh smh smh 

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40 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:


It has seems that I have come to a point that I feel sorry for more than a few of our characters so many it would make your head spin.  I still am not sure I understand SJ's lived with father I mean a part of me is hoping there is some great explanation maybe he felt guilty and wanted to payback for his wrong doing. I know it doesn't sound believable yet I keep asking myself why would this man keep him? Also why would he put his own family through so much most of all his own wife???  I can't get that out of my head!!!  I mean SJ felt loved by him there is no doubt...  But I don't think he felt loved by others... 

The other side of that is that this so called father figure is just bad to the bone first in partly to blame for crushing SJ's Fathers life the other is why raise his son??  Here is the thing that doesn't make sense why, why, why, invest yourself and your family and your life in another persons son? One  thing and SJ said it best in this latest episode himself how this family treated him like a second class citizen and he has some hurt within him.  He pretty much lived with a label around his neck and from what he shared lived like a ghost within this home.  I don't know about anyone else but my heart hurt for him and just hearing the words brought pain to mind...

  Yet, I think he is upset, confused and who wouldn't be.  I mean the poor guy has had his whole world turned upside down and everything he believed and had to live with and the cruelness he had placed upon him.  Now to find out there is no truth around him and he has no blood ties to these people he tried so hard to be loved by.  Worst part is the one person you looked up to, believed in and wanted to always be proud of you is not who you thought he was and not your real father... 

The one thing that moved me most was seeing DH continuing to reach out hold and touch him and wrap herself like some kind of shield trying to place herself between the pain and in the only way she knows how simply using her body and her words to say.  Trust me, you're not alone, look at me, listen to me, I'm here and as she pats his back like a mother comforting her child. Her hands saying I know who you are and it's going to be ok...

  She shows him understanding and even love something she often held back but not now.  She is taking care of him and it's time for him to lean on her and for a change be the one to let go and be sheltered, and protected and loved within her arms.... For that is what love truly is, sharing the good and the bad, the giving and in return receiving of warmth, protection and most of all trust in knowing there is no better place than beside them.  No better feeling than being covered up in that warmth and safe blanket of their love...:wub:

@USAFarmgirl..... Clapping loudly  Wel said chingu, I too wonder why this guy adopted SW and gave him a label ( born out of wedlock by mistress) to be treated like crap bi entire life because HS felt he needed to raise SJ. But chingu when I read you post, it reminded of the lady who came told SJ all the secret to his parentage. She said something interesting that HS was cruel, and she also said the things Hs would do for his children. Let me tell you Chingu's HS HAS BLINDERS ON WHEN DEALING WITH HIS CHILDREN. Even though he loves SJ but it isn't the same as of his own blood. I remember when any of his kids would through a tantrum and be extremely mean HS has never told them to get out or leave. But when SJ was asking questions and actually throwing a tantrum he gave him that scary look ( a look I never saw HS ever give his own chikdren) Then he said ungrateful something and told him to leave.  smh smh  I think HS at first took him in for revenge but since SJ was such a perfect child he grew to love him. Although Hs was the one to label him, he tried to protect out of pretense until he grew to love him. That is what o think since watching it with dramafever sub. 

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@UnniSarah You are right, the word 'misunderstanding' from JE to defend her uncle? She is not very wise with words isn't it? A person killed himself because of HS insinuation to the school owner? His sons were separated! And she rationalized it as mere misunderstanding? LOL!

@stroppyse Correct, only SJ can stop HW from himself. If it wasn't for the wrong information the police gave him as he was about to leave seeing SJ grew up into a fine young man, after being raised by HS, he was letting go of the revenge. He even invested in his drama production. On JE, serving someone cucumber sandwich for months doesn't qualify as she 'knows' him like she claims. They were not in a relationship, they were not intimate. It's like me going to my nearby Subway shop and it's the same staff who serves my favourite Subway melt, do not constitute as he knows me very well. He just know what I like. I don't recall (correct me if I'm wrong) HW/David Lee engaged himself into a conversation with JE on a personal level ever in NY. She actually annoyed him.

That slap on the head by HS on rude JWah must have hurt for real!

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