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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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6 hours ago, stroppyse said:


The father had told everyone when he brought SJ from the orphanage that he was his son, so everyone thought that he had an affair with another woman who had subsequently given birth to SJ but then abandoned him. So, SJ grew up thinking that his dad was his bio dad, and knowing that his mom wasn't his bio mom. I think from some references earlier on that there was a lot of tension when SJ first came to live with the family, since everyone thought that he was the result of an affair that the dad had with another woman. 

I'm also glad that SJ and DH are interacting more and with skinship. They hold hands so naturally now and DH seems to be becoming used to SJ's hugs. The head bump broke the tension of the moment when DH was expecting a kiss, but I think it was the right move at the time, so thought it was cute. LOL at @UnniSarah's post that said that SJ is whipped. Totally. The boy is in love after all, and she is the one holding the relationship at bay whereas SJ would totally go forward with dating and even marriage, I think. 

Maybe he was thinking that way. I thought during HW/SJ scene, HW mentioned the word 'adopted', so i thought he knew about it long ago that he was adopted and not the son of HS. Maybe the korean word was not adopted but was translated that way?  If he is the son from HS's extra-martial affair, they should not use the word adopted as 1 of them is his biological parent.  the translation is confusing me at times, hahaha... 

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4 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

Maybe he was thinking that way. I thought during HW/SJ scene, HW mentioned the word 'adopted', so i thought he knew about it long ago that he was adopted and not the son of HS. Maybe the korean word was not adopted but was translated that way?  If he is the son from HS's extra-martial affair, they should not use the word adopted as 1 of them is his biological parent.  the translation is confusing me at times, hahaha... 


I see what you mean. I would have to go back to that scene to figure out the exact words used. However, even if SJ was HS' son, given that he was at the orphanage when HS found him, HS would have had to do paperwork to in effect adopt him/claim him and get him added to his registry, so the translator could have just used the word "adopt" as a shorter translation term. Though I'm not not very knowledgable about Korean adoption laws, but I know that there is a mess of paperwork involved in taking a child home from an orphanage.

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24 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


I see what you mean. I would have to go back to that scene to figure out the exact words used. However, even if SJ was HS' son, given that he was at the orphanage when HS found him, HS would have had to do paperwork to in effect adopt him/claim him and get him added to his registry, so the translator could have just used the word "adopt" as a shorter translation term. Though I'm not not very knowledgable about Korean adoption laws, but I know that there is a mess of paperwork involved in taking a child home from an orphanage.

i do agree with your explanation.  It should be possible that he can bring him back as his son if he is able to verify that he is the father thru DNA test, but i guess since he knew that SJ is not his son, he went thru the adoption process instead.  

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On 13/02/2017 at 10:11 AM, chocolatepie said:

you mean the mysterious woman is related to the family?  Did the grandma said she has 3 children? I don't think she is related to them.

Actually HW's revenge isn't cruel, those people really did wrong. He is using the legal way of punishing these people.  HW was using current incidents to punish them.  

Actually i didn't notice something yesterday.  Didn't SJ knew that he was adopted? But he looked surprised when the woman told him that the father he has been calling is not his biological father.  :o

Yes, she is.  Actually it was mentioned way back in his thread as a news post.  The sister couldn't be on the show from the start because she was filminng another show.  So, they wee writing her character in later..  Tomorow, I'll find it and post it for you. 

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@vaberella, thanks for the info.  so this mysterious woman is SH/SS's sister? or HS's sister?   Funny that she cannot go back to her own house? 

The way HS dragged her out and his tone, it doesn't sounds like she is his daughter. 

p.s. by the way, i will not be able to recap on Saturday night because 


i'm attending Park Bo Gum fan meet in Singapore which will ends quite late.  


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On 17.02.2017 at 5:48 PM, soultree said:

About HW and JE i really cant say if he really likes her, or he is just acting in front of her, there is a scene in  ep 25 he was holding her hands wonder if it was his true feelings or just plan


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Saturday episode, poor SJ... 

his memory came back!!! He woke up from his nightmare of himself crying along the river.. SJ actually called up the mysterious woman and asked if she is his biological mother.  The mysterious woman also told him that HS is not a good person.   The 2nd time he remembered what happened was at this staircase where he recalled HS telling him that he is his father from now onwards. Now he knows that he is not HS's son either. 

HW seems to be taking revenge on SJ now.  He insisted on having birth secrets plot in the drama he is investing.  SJ doesn't agree and neither did DH has the thoughts of having this in her script either.  SJ had a heaty argument with MJ over this as well.  Before the argument, SJ saw the other colleagues ordering DH to do things and he told them off that DH needs time to write the script.  DH went knocking on SJ's room but was caught by SJ's adopted mom.  She scolded DH for coming down to SJ's room to look for him and reprimanded her.  DH has no choice but to wait outside the house on the 1st floor.  When SJ came back(after meeting the mysterious woman), he took DH's hand and bring her up to the rooftop.  It's the first time DH sees SJ crying and pat on his back to console him.  

Btw, the family knew about SS case after newspapers reported about the case and their photos were on the newspaper.  Grandma, SS's mother fall sick due to this scandal.  HS & SH tried to camouflage SS out of the office building, there was no one so they went back to the house.  However, the reporters were all waiting for them there.  

For Preview, HS asked the mysterious woman what did she tell SJ. He also gave some money to this woman.  The other 2 colleagues (the oldest guy and the lady without spectacles and always ordering DH to do things) seems to be reprimanding DH and SJ saw.  SJ went over and took DH's hand and left the place.  The 2 of them saw what SJ did and was startled. SJ also met up with his father(HS) and asked him about his birth secret.   

(P.S.  was not able to write much because it is 2.18am over here now, i was home only at 12.30am due to the duration of the fan meet that i have attended and the hi-touch which ended really late, didn't even have time to have dinner.  so i only wrote those characters that i'm more interested in)

15 hours ago, andy78 said:


Definitely.. his memory of himself at the river crying is the same boy that appears in HW's nightmare.  we have to thank this mysterious woman for appearing and dare to reveal HS's secrets. 

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On 17/02/2017 at 10:12 AM, chocolatepie said:

@vaberella, thanks for the info.  so this mysterious woman is SH/SS's sister? or HS's sister?   Funny that she cannot go back to her own house? 

The way HS dragged her out and his tone, it doesn't sounds like she is his daughter. 

p.s. by the way, i will not be able to recap on Saturday night because 

  Reveal hidden contents

i'm attending Park Bo Gum fan meet in Singapore which will ends quite late.  


Clarification on original post.

You can find out more about her casting conflict.

I'm just talking about the connection. 

She knows the secret about what he did.  She reminds me so much of HJE, that I could see she was drunk at the police station when things went down.  Sometimes I think She's HJE's real mother. They look alike, have similar mannerisms....yeah, it's just really present when I see them both. 



I found out where I got the information on the SISTER...It's his sister, but his sister-in-law.  I knew I read it somewhere but I couldn't remember where.

 " To make things harder, Sung Hoon’s in laws, his wife’s sister and cousin, move in the same house. "



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Preview of episode 28, translation of dialogue underneath. 


HS to Woman: What did you say to Seung Joon? What did you say? 

Woman to HS: Don’t worry about it. I didn’t say anything significant.

JE to Another Woman: What is this about an accident? And, what is this about a revenge? 

Another Woman: Your cousin Jung Hwa, she was seriously injured. 

MJ: Hyun Jung? Ahh, that…

DH: Why did you come here?

SJ: Well, we can’t go to a hotel. 

DH: A hotel?!

SJ to HS: Who am I? Why did you bring me home from the orphanage?


To be honest, I only really watch this drama for DH and SJ. The rest of it seems a bit silly to me, but anyway, thought I would post a translation of the next episode preview since I didn't have much else to say. I'm still enjoying DH and SJ's interactions. I'm glad SJ has DH there for him when he needs comforting as he's going through puzzling revelation after puzzling revelation. 

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I love the quote above because it is so very true..

Today's episode was a true picture of how relationships whether its romantic or friendship are meant to be.  The one who is always willing to be there for you lift you and hold you up and protect you from life's storms.  Is also the person you must shelter with your warmth as DH showed us today.  When she wrapped her small arms as far she could reach and drew him into her as tightly as her strength would allow. Tears in her eyes as she can not only see his pain she can feel it deep within her.  Just listening to him, every word such a struggle and slowly so painful for SJ to even have to say out loud.  She continues to hold on and comfort him by doing so without having to say the words her actions do the talking and her presence and willingness tell him all he needs to know...

I'm here... You're not alone...

  Seeing each other broken, her in the past and him now and knowing and understanding being afraid and even a little lost in the midst of everything around them.  Yet, I believe moments such as these are the cement that hold relationships together.  It's the hardships and struggles that forces each of us to humble ourselves and realize the purest and most simple part of human nature the need of a another...

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3 hours ago, andy78 said:

me too ...they are the best...i'm glad he has her...his life is a mess...his own brother is about to ruin him and his dad is a total jerk

Huh, I only watch the show for HW---He is my favorite character.  For instance, in this last episode he actually made me feel like knew SJ was his brother.  I know he doesn't; but for real though.  I also adore the character of JE...I just wish we'd get more of her and HW.  I feel like tomorrow HW will overhear the conversation between SJ and HS...blood test will FINALLY be taken. It better end that way b/c we only have 21 eps to go after tomorrow.  I need this side of the story cleaned up. 

Sorry....lead couple is killing me with boredom. They're either crying or brooding or in a library. 




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HW is making the move now on SJ. Love the tension between brothers. It will be good to watch how 'involved' HW is with his investment to the point he wants to meet DH. Well, he is aware that SJ likes her already,will he try to charm DH too just to annoy SJ? I'll be watching this space. Disappointing, for someone as smart as HW who runs a multimillion financial company, why can't he do DNA test for goodness sake?

With JE, I'm glad that in the next episode, she will dig into the 'accident' and about the 'revenge'...her role finally have a  purpose after 28 episodes. The parents will be on their toes that JE will start asking them about it. Still find her character the least of my favourites.

Although the progression on my favourite couple in this drama (SJ &DH) is pretty slow, at least there are skinship happening on their scenes together. Moving to a different venue aside from the rooftop or library for them is what I wish for as well and a change in atmosphere, not always brooding as what @vaberella said. Something cheerful for a change, dear writer-nim.

JH finally said something to HJ about moving out, the poor kid have more than enough. CS is becoming to accustomed of having his new mom do all the running around for him and is enjoying it. Poor AI, can't even decide who she should be listening now.

Stepmom will be eating her words soon once DH birth secret will be revealed. The in-law you scold, living off them and following SJ around is actually an heiress. Huh!

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4 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

Disappointing, for someone as smart as HW who runs a multimillion financial company, why can't he do DNA test for goodness sake?

i agree with you!Let's see what he will do ...i really hope he will realise the truth ...imagine if he ruins his own brother?

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35 minutes ago, andy78 said:

i agree with you!Let's see what he will do ...i really hope he will realise the truth ...imagine if he ruins his own brother?


I think we have to give him sometime.   Everyone is yelling blood test, but let's be realistic here.  Both boys were found by the police. There were pictures of both boys and what they were wearing.  He recognized his little brother.  Thing is, boys bully other boys.  I can see SJ being bullied into taking off his clothes and runs from the orphanage.

However, in HW's head...his brother is dead.  Dead dead, there is no blood test running through your head.  If I were in his shoes, I'd probably be too shock as well.  Then there's the drinking and JE.  He'll start thinking again, but at the moment he's not there yet.  When I say this guy has some severe PTSD, I was not joking.  Especially when I saw him sitting there in the dark staring at the tie his fathr used to kill himself; while  sipping on apple juice (we all know it's apple juice). 

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today ep was interesting...

HW vs JS scene...great moment...JS can't be fooled...asked HW :who are you...what do you really want...awesome

DH and JS sweet moments ...i'm glad he has her

that lady from papa Han past left ...before leaving called JS and told him he has a brother

JE investigates more about HW...finally found who he is ...went to confront him

we have a new character...seems she is JE friend...JE called her unni ...she is divorcing her husband and returned to Korea...

seems she will ask JE help...it also seems HW and her knew each other


most interesting part from preview:

JS and HW talk...HW told JS his brother is dead...


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Oh, writer-nim, please don't joke with us with your preview again.  I'm not going to expect to see the kiss until i see it next Saturday.  -_-

HW was going out and saw reporters outside SJ's house.  When the car drove off, 1 of the neighbours (who is in real estate?) saw him and i think she must have heard from others that he is the son of the wrongly accused driver 23 years ago. 

SJ came home and his mom vented her anger on him after the things SS has created.  SJ asked his father to go out for a drink and asked him about his birth secret.  It seems like he told HS that he is curious who are his biological parents and that he hope HS will tell him as he respect & love him. 

During the meeting, DH was seen dozing off when her 2 other colleagues were making a presentation.  She was reprimanded by the 2 of them and SJ saw it.  He called to her and ask her to follow him somewhere for a meeting(?).  Instead he brought her out so that she can take a nap.  She asked him why bring her to a park(?) and he teased her about bringing her to a hotel?  i think DH asked him about last night incident and sort of console him by stroking his hair a few times.:wub:  SJ was surprised but he was so happy.  SJ told DH to take a nap and lean forward to her side to adjust the seat level. Their faces were so close that DH seems to be nervous(her heart must be fluttering)...haha... SJ looks happy at a sleeping DH. When they were back to the office, the 2 colleagues seems to be asking her where she went, SJ came to the rescue and seems to be asking her to compile the meeting materials and wink at her:wub:

looks like JE went to the real estate office and the lady (who saw HW earlier on) mentioned to her about HW.  i think she told JE about the accident 23years ago and that her cousin was 1 of those seriously injured.  JE went to the old school and looked into the graduation book.  There were so many people with the same name and just HW, there were 3 of them. So she asked the school guard about the son of the driver.  (i'm not sure if she has seen young photo of HW before, but the guard did point to her the HW who is the driver's son)

In DH's room, DH was busy writing her script while SJ was preparing BBQ meat.  He fed her the first time.  They get into some bantering argument (aiyo, so cute!) and when SJ fed her the 2nd time, she suddenly realized what happen(that SJ was feeding her), hahaha.... Just then, HS called SJ out.  HS has given the mysterious woman some money so that she can leave the place.  Looks like HS has no intention to reveal the truth and seems to tell SJ that he love him as well and asked him can't he just treat him as his father?  (Omg, SJ is going to hate you when he learnt about the truth).  

The mysterious woman, before taking the bus to leave this place, called SJ up.  She told him she is leaving and told SJ that he has a brother!! Before SJ could asked further, she has  put down the phone.  Outside the house, a lady with a kid was having an argument with a man on the other line.  She was speaking in english and divorce was mentioned.  The lady called the husband a mama-boy lol.  Just then HW came back and JE saw him, called out to him and wanted to ask him something when the lady in the taxi called out to JE.   The lady called JE and she replied by addressing her xx onni(sorry, couldn't catch the name).  HW upon hearing it, turned to look at her.  (Looks like this lady is the other siblings of the family).  

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44 minutes ago, andy78 said:

we have a new character...seems she is JE friend...JE called her unni ...she is divorcing her husband and returned to Korea...

seems she will ask JE help...it also seems HW and her knew each other

she should be the other siblings mentioned earlier, who was injured during the accident.  JE called her unni because she is her cousin.  they can address any older female (whether is cousin/sisters/friends/senior) as onni in korea as long as you are very close with them. 

I think HW & the cousin were in the same class?  

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