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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


Hi @Era Ferawati, the article talks about SBS drama 'Defendant' being the number 1 rated drama, and JTBC drama 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soon' is the number 2 rated drama with only a 0.1% difference between them of the dramas rated by the Gooddata Corporation. So, 'Defendant' has 13.36% ratings, 'SWDBS' has 13.25%. There is also a bit in the accompanying article saying that SWDBS is rising in popularity, Park Bo Young and Park Hyun Shik being praised for being consistently and continuously funny. 

Thank uuuuu:heart::heart:1488784993_zpspeddqjpu.png1488784993_zpsw59te7jn.png
















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the waiting is here again.. while re-watching scenes that makes me laugh, scenes that are so emotional... scenes that makes me what to go to korea. abduct PHS and stare into his eyes for 24 hours.. maybe this can cure some of the hyungsikness...:D

Image result for strong woman do bong soon

see... the power of his stare...:D

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@stroppyse thank you so much for the profile translations. Like @athena22 the bit about GD girlfriend HJ struck me too. A "suspicious history" I wonder what that means. Makes me think back of BS calling her an evil witch just because she met BK that afternoon and told GD that she wasnt in Seoul but playing with her orchestra somewhere else. I must admit she does look suspicious. If there ever is a possibility that the killer is a female i wonder if its her. Carrying a cello isnt light so she must have some strength in her lol! Im becoming suspicious of everyone now lol! One thing i learnt from kdrama and from loosing many bets (*ouch!* ) is that the killer or mysterious person is always someone we least expected. I think even the actors/actresses dont know until right up towards near the revelation ep (thanx to live shooting of course) and even then they must keep it a hush. Kekeke gotta love and hate the suspense. B)

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Thank you for the enlightening read @stroppyse...

2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

He has a girlfriend named Hae Ji who graduated from a music university and now plays violin in a municipal orchestra. He has always dreamed of a gentle girl like a Cosmos flower… but ‘beneath’ the Miss Korea precepts of truth-goodness-beauty, she is the beautiful owner of a suspicious history


Already... I'm thinking the serial woman kidnapper is perhaps related to Hae Ji. A former boyfriend or a secret admirer (or... drawing parallel to Bong-Soon's situation, one with unrequited love at Hae Ji?) who's got terribly brokenhearted then gone crazy? His victims do sound like Hae Ji: dainty long black haired. O, Juicy stuff.


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4 hours ago, dhakra said:

1. We men aren't that complicated.

I think to be a 'worthy contender' for BS he has to go through a massive change. He may have the looks (2. as a guy I can't see it, but I trust your opinions in this matter) but aside from that he lacks heavily.  You can't be like that in front of the girl you like. Even if she accepts that behavior, it's just wrong. Aaash....a girls heart must REALLY be complicated.

3. Even if he like BS, why did he never do anything to get her? Men are supposed to do the first step and he had plenty of time. She wasn't in a relationship either, instead he looks for another girlfriend. This is what I didn't get, when MH tells that the one-sided love doesn't seem so one-sided, why did GD let it happen that it seemed one-sided? He never had a contentant until this point. Now that someone tries to get her, he becomes active?

Talking about the marked part. How dare you chingu ?:D 

You have to bring up my hot noona girl KSJ? Really? Oh...you know that you opened Pandora's box there! B) First, she never was the 'evil ex', you called her that.....and so did the others of the thread back then <_< From my perspective, she was just a concerned former girlfriend that had the intention to bring her beauty and gorgousness back into JH's life while being a little over-motivated. :ph34r:  Yeah okay, she played a little dirty at times, but hey.....you saw her smile? A girl who can smile like that isn't "evil". And look at her eyes! I know, right? I call this logic! I would have accepted her apology right away. ^_^ 

4. So, to come to a conclusion Shi-Ho and GD are totally different! Shi-Ho was caring, beautiful, focused....did I mention she was beautiful? Uhm.....oh yeah wrong thread.....SWDBS....where was I?

And why do you still have to remind me of the word 'ovaries'. I lived a happy life without knowing the word and everytime I start to forget it, you squeeze it right back into my mind. Ovaries are still haunting me.

Woah! I definitely opened a can of worms hmmm? Sorry but not sorry..:lol: Since you answered me with so much passion, I will not go down without a fight.

(to all other chingus, please take this all with a pinch of humour and see it from the POV of a complex woman who uses her heart more than her head)

1. Yes, I will obviously have to agree...which is why in my earlier posts I don't get why GD did not approach BS if he truly like her. So for me, if a guy likes you he will go for it.  But alright I accept this is K-drama so he may have had this impression she does not like him/ wrong timing/ wrong Signal :D / missed chances. And they were of course only 17 -19 years of age. We were all idiotic once (or more than once).

2. heol! What are you saying? He's got really nice kissable lips, nice height, intense look. It's the same as how I think about evil-ex , she's sweet and all but oh well to each his own...kekeke

3. This was what I also said in my earlier posts. I'm also an objective viewer in spite being a bias fangirl. The drama has so far not given a good impression of my hot cop. So which is why in my quoted post, I said logic would mean he is not a contender for her affections...but human relationships and attraction are not like buying meat in the market. You don't go out there and compare 2 guys and pick which one is the better piece.. We fall for someone not because he is the perfect one and meets all our criterias. We love him in spite of his flaws and imperfections. You see just because  we've screwed up once, it does not mean we don't deserve a 2nd chance.

4. Ok you can blame me for the term evil-ex. I started it. But it's a term of endearment. :tongue: (i know you won't believe me) ...GD is also good looking (IMHO) , caring (in his own way ) and focused.

(ahaha you can tell I had a ball doing this)

Ok peace offering...:wink:




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Park Hyung Sik's voice.. The way he speaks and his voice are addictive :D And I like it that I got to hear this style of his speaking and voice a lot in Strong Woman! Especially in episode 3 and 4!! So many of them! 

The eyes acting also developed very well.. he can express his emotions from his eyes. Especially when he has breakfast served by DBS. I thought that he is crying. He is so mellow in that scene!

I like Park Bo Young. She is so small and cute. In this drama it's so funny because she is so strong!! 

Their interactions are so funny also. She is so broken hearted with IGD, she doesn't realize AMH attention. 

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