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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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Guest julie721

@ReemKanabta agree with that. It's misleading translation indeed. I open the link and most of the top comments are  praising SYA acting as veteran actress. And PD did praise her highly.. If anything the sentiments are mostly about the writers. But we already know that aren't we?


I know we gonna get flagged haha.. But, who cares. Agree. I don't really ship them in real. I ship their character. Just like I said, he treated her different, because maybe this is the first time her leading lady is dongsaeng. And Yoon is also always being playful and have good relationship with all her casts. She still keep contact with her fellows Chinese drama cast and previous Kdrama. And Ofc JCW treats her different, that girl, even being playful and smiley, she's an old fashion! And her company restrict too much skinship outside working and professional task. Even has to ask manager permission for posting selca of her and JCW with dot on face during Daum. And you see in the end JCW posted it. BUT, I don't want to kill the joy of people who ship them right? Hahahaha in the end if there are shippers, means the actors do the job well.. 


@liltash85 yeah, it's too much similarities to be ignored right. The drama gotta save their @ss.. Even some company cancel some planned Halloween events. And that's not even related. But this drama? The name, the political theme, puppet leader/master, younger guy, woman as puppet master.. Fiuuuh scary. Or maybe the writer initially wrote k2 as satire? He's aware about the issue, but he just didn't know that the scandal would be blown up during his drama airs.. 

@stargazer187 my real baby dongsaeng is currently crazy about JehAnna too. She keeps nagging me and try to allure me to the other side (become shipper as her).. Hahaha.. They are indeed cute. You just want to squish both of them for being adorable.. 



2Yoona being adorable...

@siddo eh oaaaa.. Calm down dearie.. I like that you always so passionate in expressing your opinion. But sometimes reading your post make my adrenaline moves faster... Hahaha..  Since I was so curious myself about this matter, I ask my friend who understand more Korean than I do.. And from what she told me, she said the PD said there is no romance line between JH-YJ. Only one-side feeling from YJ part. Maybe more like sympathy, possession or even love, it didn't stated clear. The PD didn't blame SYA or viewer who misinterpreted, for viewer gets connect to YJ character because SYA dis better than she's asked. Her acting makes YJ characters no only 1 sided villain. It's her touches that make YJ specials. The part that there's no love line between them, because there are no mutual feeling toward JH-YJ, and their dynamics will NEVER change to become couple. PD exactly very proud because SYA brings another dimension to the character. So yes, the translation is a bit misleading. That's what make ifans kinda have mental breakdown. And sometimes we get irritated easily before we do some cross check first. There's reason why PD released that statement only after 12 episodes (you can read my post about the connection with SK scandal at the moment..) They're bigger issue here than just catering fans/shippers. The stakes is too high for them to continue developing that story. HTH

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3 hours ago, siddo said:

There isn't any love line between JH & YJ? Hmm, am I surprised? Lol, No! I knew this from the start itself along with my fellow Jejin shippers! I came to watch this drama because of JCW. To watch K2! Not to watch YJ and JH in love, right? We all know that. There wasn't any such thing in the synopsis itself. There wasn't any other OTP. 

So what made us ship these two? Do we really have to explain? Who had said from the start that YJ&JH are going to have love line between them? No one. It all started from 2nd episode where they first met. And boom my screen explodes. That's called chemistry albeit a sexual and intense one!! I remember we Jejins were going gaga over that scene! Not one of us said that there is a possible romance blooming between the two. It was all chemistry…*drools* Then came the epic umbrella scene *drools again* where we saw some sort of romantic chemistry between them.  Seeing romantic chemistry between both is different from expecting a loveline. And then came the friendly banter between both (calling Chingu to your employer, making flirtatious expressions whenever possible) And now what is between them is called Trust ! They have reached a point in their work where both trust each other's words blindly. So It's like we're hoping for a loveline but we know we won't get it lol

I  think this phrase will really suit that PD team. “Let us keep the door open and then shout that the house is robbed”  lol.They themselves gave such scenes, hoping that viewers will definitely ship them, make good ratings for the show in exchange of all those scenes and now aremaking it clear that there isn't any other ship besides the OTP just not to break the hearts of those shippers. And blame it all on wrong direction lol.. Don't worry. Its already known that the ship is not reaching its end. So nothing to worry… It's not like we shipped them knowing they would end up together. We shipped them because we wanted to, because we loved them together. And I am surprised that our Jejin craze is gone to such limits that the PD team has to tell in a interview that there isn't love story between YJ-JH. Omg, have we became that famous? Eh? Smiley? You hear that? ;)  *pats on my back * lol

OK jokes apart the PD sure knows what is a ship right? I mean what shipping actually means? It means to ship 2 persons who the viewers want to see more of them together, more interactions, more scenes, more dialogues and of course chemistry. And yes there is the love too in this shipping business. But since we all know that there won't any love between these two we didn't even expected it. (For ex: Tal  tal and Sungnyang of Empress ki. People knew they weren't the OTP, they knew there wasn't even love/like from any other sides but still they shipped these both. Why? Because they loved them together… same goes for us). And I was also vocal about it when we were attacked with certain questions few weeks ago..

Now this one sided thing: The picture which lovelyloveu posted, the PD mentioned there isn't even one sided feelings from YJ. I was like holy cow! They do read soompi and all...where else did they got that people were shipping Jejin because they got one sided feelings from YJ. Only here we were discussing it to the T. Hence,I would like to congratulate everyone because guys, we just became famous!! Hahaha.. Whoa. Esp me and smile bias! We're the ones who actually pushed it further. Heehee…;p. But still I would like to ask the PD that if it wasn’t even one sided then why the heck did they gave YJ such dialogues like Jae-ha-yaa….why did they made her stare at Jeha’s photo and smiled at it. Why did they made her threaten her own Secretary of so many years just for this guy who came yesterday in her life? Wae wae wae? Oh yes she was worrying about him.. ;) We got it.. And not to forget this: credits to Sesame Chew and Anipanch for posting it here.

MOD EDIT: do not quote images

And no, it isn’t because of JCW & SYA together that we ship Jejin. It’s because of their portrayal of Jeha and Yoojin.JCW could have been JCW & SYA could have been SYA in their roles if not for the script. They were given the scripts which were written by the writers and they enacted it. What could possibly be go wrong there? If they didn't gave those dialogues, scenes and that script to them, this ship wouldn't have been created. Period. To blame the audience is wrong and the actors portraying it is even wrong and unprofessional ( if they did so)

That said, nothing can kill our Jejin ship, not even the PD team because it's already sailed and reached till our hearts! Tbh there was nothing to be killed. We ourselves jumped into this ship knowing it wouldn't make it to the end. But you know what , PD? It has already made to our heart's corner. 





Exactly! I think there is no JeJin shipper who believes that there's more than 1% chance of this two ending up together. It's just really pleasing and exciting seeing JH/YJ together on the screen, their dynamics and chemistry is worth waiting for. They make me want to analyze their gazes, why there's attraction, if it's matual or not and etc... We ship what we ship, why does it matter if it wasn't in the script?(also I'm not buying all the "it wasn't written that way", like yeah i'm gonna believe that. PD was just trying to pull the viewers to the main pairing so that they won't have disappointed fans.) let us enjoy our cool and powerful OTP no one cares about the writing and the script, we are having fun hereB)

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Back to the drama, why do I feel that YJ is going to die in the end? Idk I just get this feeling right from this 12th episode... Her giving JH full access to the cloud 9 and the mirror. Why do I think she is going to hand over JSS to him as well? Her shares of JB to Anna and going to kill/destroy PKS herself instead of Jeha...she has already revealed Anna to the public. Is she on self destruction mode? Or is going to sacrifice herself for JH? I get this from her expressions when she was talking to him in the hospital room. I could be wrong too.

@shae :You're back and how! Omg hahaha... your hilarious take on the show is just awesome.. lolol

@may2day. Interesting theory of YJ's father behind the murder of UHR. But if she knew it from the start then I must say she is as much a culprit as her father. Because she kept it hidden and that's a crime itself. Ah Yoojin, wae?


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Healer was the first Kdrama I saw with JCW, omo what a cute and handsome actor and his smirk….Totally to die for! He was superb as Healer (it was really funny seeing his ‘real insecure’ side in an episode of RM). Surely I had my hopes up high for his K2 (the teasers!), as I didn’t want to suffer the weekly wait so I was holding out for the whole drama to finish before I commence to watch it. But  ofcourse I couldn’t wait any longer and just marathoned the first 10 eps. And I must say so far I have sympathy for CYJ. Though the romance between JH and Anna blossoms up, I just miss their chemistry (portrayed too….naievely/childishly? Sorry for that, I like the passionate kind of love more I think) while the actress playing the villain caught my sympathy with her longing feeling for JH (kudos for her acting). Maybe you remember her ‘thoughts’, in the episode where JH saves her from the car accident. She portrayed her feelings of being overwhelmed by JH so well, she had my sympathy on the spot. Yes, she s the villain, but I think its mainly due to her character suffering so much in the past (while trying to survive in a tough man world) that made her the cold person she is up till she meets JH. Though their hostile positions towards eachother, him being noble in the end swept her of her feet. For me seeing a powerfull, strong (formed by circumstances, since it was already pointed out she was unstable and hearing voices and really had and still has nobody to count on), confident and foremost tragic lonely woman being touched in this way and losing herself hopelessly and being misunderstood, makes it interesting for me to watch further (like seeing her becoming more like a human, she actually feels lol). Will she lose everything in the end because of this or…? I particularly liked the scenes with her thoughts expressed as she realised almost from the start and admitted to herself that her feelings for JH were changed almost the same day she meets him twice, from wanting to kill him to starting having weak knees for him (who wouldnt lol) and vice versa him from threatening to kill her to actually saving her in the end...What a twist!
Maybe its because her character has shown more development and is more unpredictable than Anna’s (seemingly! Will come back to that in a minute), I actually like watching her character (not to meet irl ofcourse).
Anna, the poor child with traumatic youth, gets rescued and falls in love with her love interest JH, almost too perfect. I like to think of her character showing more development (maybe even turning to the dark side?)…I remember in one scene when JH confronts YJ for being the villain, YJ says that once she was also like Anna a poor weakling and in need of help. I believe the circumstances made her into the hard, cold, calculating woman she is now (on the surface, since beneath that she is already melting away). It was then that YJ also points out to JH that Anna could also become like her as she takes after her dad. That was a smart dialogue (I still hope that was a hint from the PDnim for the coming episodes). I withheld from episode 11, as I saw it going to the o so obvious direction (JH and Anna happily ever after, together beating the evil powers and the bad bad queen will meet her end). I actually started to lose interest, as the development would be too obvious. But after reading the last few comments here, I think I will continue watching it again. 
At one scene in the earlier episode Anna smirks at the sight of YJ trembling, makes me believe she indeed (like YJ said) has a ‘dark’ side undiscovered. Also when she tricked JH(of all people?!), by siding with her ‘uncle’ almost immediately after they meet for the first time and ran off with him so sneekingly I started to dislike her personality. The poor, naieve, weak and pure Anna is just a façade, well at least I hope this for her (the actress) cause wouldn’t it be more fun and satisfying for her to be able to portray the whole journey of this little unfortunate child becoming the dark person in the end and having to sacrifice the love of her life(transitioning from the white queen to the black as described earlier by others here)? Would it not be the ultimate surprise of the drama?
Obviously YJ has more scenes showing her fragile side than Anna does. I even like the bad emotions YJ had more than JH/Anna’s so called cute/romantic scenes together, they just didn’t convince me at all (the umbrella and car accident scenes from YJ/JH were more impressing). I really hope Yoona’s character has more up her sleeve and surprises us all…..Just my opinion so far based on the first 10 episodes, hope you don’t mind as I seem to be on the less favorite side (while in Healer I was JCW/PMY all the way from the start)…
Wonder what the PDnim has for us in the following episodes, the easy kind of (yawn) ending 'JH/Anna overcome all the difficulties and everything bad and live happily ever after' or...?
BTW, as I gather from the comments here, there were talks about a possible side loveline between JH/YJ in the making. Though I would not mind that (not at all actually, I think JCW and YA would deliver it superbly), I dont think it would happen as the PDnim has consequently let the inner thoughts of both  YJ (towards JH) and JH (towards Anna) be expressed in voice over, when they start to realize the feelings themselves...And thus far JH only expressed his inner feelings about Anna....No they probably let YJ remain the tragic (gosh, I might be the only one seeing her this way haha) character she was set out to be? PDnim has been taking us for quite a ride..
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@siddo Well said, your comment really made me smile. good job onion headcrazy monkey I am thinking exactly like you. The scenes between JH and YJ are so tense and incredibly good that these are my favourite scenes. But I never expected them to have any love line. This is why I like them together, because it is so different.

On the other hand, I am more bothered by Anna's behaviour. And it started with the episode 9 because in my opinion, she is too blinded by her hatred for YJ and she trusts Choi SW too easily. It is not because she is just so innocent. She knows what she is doing: she wants to hurt YJ because she thinks, she needs her revenge. She doesn't care about her uncle's intentions which is stupid. There is nothing for free in this world and she should know that. Moreover, on her path of revenge, she seems to forget JH. First, she clearly stipulated that JH was on her side ("he is on my side", "you're mine" and "you'll protect me") and she acted on her own accord without thinking about the consequences of her actions. To me, she was not really different from YJ who would claim JH as her minion. Since Anna has always been on her own, she has never learnt to think about others. All this time, she was always focusing on herself. Even JH criticised her for that. Anna realised at some point that he was right. And in my opinion, she hasn't changed at all. SW is a wolf disguised as a sheep!! 

Yes, CYJ should pay for her sins but the others too. Choi SW is also too stupid to realise that his own father-in-law intents to take over JB Group. 

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21 hours ago, blindfury said:


Stupid because she listened to CSW?  But what do you in her shoe expect her to do, look lovey dovey at K2 who offers nothing about her mother except tell her CJW is unlikely to murder her mother with no facts? They may love each other but the only person offering her anything is her uncle. He safe guard the team against YuJin but K2 remains a JSS member. She wants to revenge her mothers death and he wants to do the same. She isn't stupid, she is doing what she can do in her position. 






yes, i get your point that Anna has the tendency to lean to her uncle since he's the one feeding her thirst for revenge towards CYJ. But is she not even that cautious toward her uncle even when he tarnished her mom's name on the news article. She should have suspected something when that incident happened.

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26 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@siddo Well said, your comment really made me smile. good job onion headcrazy monkey I am thinking exactly like you. The scenes between JH and YJ are so tense and incredibly good that these are my favourite scenes. But I never expected them to have any love line. This is why I like them together, because it is so different.

On the other hand, I am more bothered by Anna's behaviour. And it started with the episode 9 because in my opinion, she is too blinded by her hatred for YJ and she trusts Choi SW too easily. It is not because she is just so innocent. She knows what she is doing: she wants to hurt YJ because she thinks, she needs her revenge. She doesn't care about her uncle's intentions which is stupid. There is nothing for free in this world and she should know that. Moreover, on her path of revenge, she seems to forget JH. First, she clearly stipulated that JH was on her side ("he is on my side", "you're mine" and "you'll protect me") and she acted on her own accord without thinking about the consequences of her actions. To me, she was not really different from YJ who would claim JH as her minion. Since Anna has always been on her own, she has never learnt to think about others. All this time, she was always focusing on herself. Even JH criticised her for that. Anna realised at some point that he was right. And in my opinion, she hasn't changed at all. SW is a wolf disguised as a sheep!! 

Yes, CYJ should pay for her sins but the others too. Choi SW is also too stupid to realise that his own father-in-law intents to take over JB Group. 

i totally agree with you chingu. I love Anna and Je Ha but there is really something that I love with YJ and JH. The chemistry is really good and even PD says there no "something" I'll keep it to myself hahaha!! 

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@bebebisous33 Nope, don't agree with both your points. SW knows his father-in-laws intend to take over JB group. He said so in episode 12 while talking to YJ. He even said that if not for him, JB group would have been eaten up by his greedy old FIL.

And Anna is innocent. She is blindly trusting SW because he is pretending to want the best for her. Look how much and deeply she started trusting JH after he saved her life and helped her. Does that make her stupid regarding SW? Yes. Why? Because she has been a hostage her whole life and has barely interacted with other human beings thanks to YJ. She doesnot know how pro's like SW and YJ think. She is like a baby in the midst of wolves, with only one lone wolf to protect and look out for her. She is learning but you can't expect a baby to start running before taking a few falls while learning to walk. That's unfair expectation from Anna's character. And I am sure few will be ready to scream unbelievable and fake just like they did for her social phobia which the show made sure to mention that she faked it in anger and depression.

15 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I said I don't blame the character, she has enough reasons within the drama to still be fully dependent on others. I blame the writer, because in the end it is his choice whether or not to develop Anna, and how quickly the development would be. It is clear, the writer's power, when he dropped Anna's social phobia and just kept the superficial "flashing light triggers panic attack". Why didn't he try to make Anna stand more on her own at a quicker pace?

It is only now that she has stood up to Jeha, and it will be only after YJ's revelation that she will know her uncle has been using her as a pawn. The writer could have made her do this a few episodes ago.. now we only have 4 episodes left, so I don't see how Anna's character will develop enough for her empowerment to be fully complete. Not dying and getting the guy (which she will get) does not count as full empowerment.

Everybody here wants Jeha to play the active role against YooJin, he's going to be the one to outsmart her, he's going to be the one who destroys her, he's going to be the one who kills her. What will Anna do??? She'll just be on the sidelines. Her character as a whole has been sidelined from her own story arc.

Your interpretation of JH-YJ is an interpretation. My interpretation is different from yours. JH trusts YJ, he trusts that she will do her part in their alliance, and he feels he understand her.

Sorry but developing a character doesnot happen in one day or one episode. It takes time. She has already grown leaps and bounds in 4 episode. What makes you so sure that she won't be competent enough to help JH take down YJ in the upcoming 4 episodes? Granted she doesnot yet have the smarts of YJ & SW level but YJ is almost double her age. She has more experience and life lessons. Anna is literally a baby in front of her. Expecting a baby to defeat a 50 something year old diabolical women is an impossible task.

And about Anna being just a pawn. It's called life lessons. A person doesnot grow and mature without being used and betrayed. YJ herself went through them to become the ruthless cold blooded killer that she is today. Anna is learning and growing. And she will manage to help take her down without loosing her goodness. That's what is important.

Well lets agree to disagree. If JH trusted YJ, he never would have went to Cloud 9 and started research on her. YJ is like a crocodile, trusting her would be absolute stupidity and JH is anything but that.

16 hours ago, riiko1988 said:


im with you chingoo! he just knows how her mind works. ( @YourHighness . i really like the way your mind works too. hahah i agree with everything you says) and about uri otp angst i also agree with you, its normal thing every otp in kdrama has those moments. but eventually they will overcome it. and after that we will have uri PASSIONATE KISSUEE!!! squeeeeeeeee!!! hahahahha 

and guys i dont think AN is YJ half sister, its too twisted. naaah.. too much makjang. and i dont think shes trying to protect AN too? like what? she's always  trying to kill her remember?. Song Yoona did a great job potraying YJ and like what you guys saying the character has many layers and interesting but in the end she is the main villain here. i think she will either die or go to prison. same goes for secretary, sjs, pgs and sw.. i trust JH. i trust K2 he will not die. andweeee. nah nah. hahahha every drama has its angst moments/episodes dont be negative guys! i still believe JH and AN will have a happy ending. (after watching taxi and after the rooftop scene where JH asked AN to go to spain well yeah im sure lol) am i the only one who thinks that way? :flushed:

Hahaha..thank you. I don't understand why the upcoming angst is making a few Jehanna shippers angry. There's nothing to gloat either. Every couple goes through it. If they don't then the ones gloating will still call them boring for not having anything else to do in the show but smile and be lovey dovey. Really, haters will hate no matter what, why let it bother yourself and ruin your mood. I just laugh at the petty saltiness and concentrate on the show and uri OTP more. And don't worry, every vamp and villain will get what's coming to them and Jehanna will get a happy ever after. I am with you. :D 

14 hours ago, valsava said:

Yes but some how by the end of this drama I think the roles wilol be reversed..

@YourHighness .  I don't think it's to late to reveal Anna is really the Chairmans daughter


Actually it is. It will get to makjang and will take away from the real theme of the show..politics and revenge. With just 4 episode left and we already knowing what episode 13 will be about thanks to the written preview, I don't think chances of this happening is even 1%. :)

13 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I have a question? How is YooJin revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter sullying Anna's mom's name?

Yes, she portrayed herself as more benevolent that she is, by saying she treated Anna like her own daughter, but she didn't bad-mouth Anna's mom.

The media and the public already know that Anna was born before YooJin and SJ got married... they already know that Anna wasn't the product of an affair. Of course, there was still an affair, since SJ was playing family with Anna and her mom behind YooJin's back to the point that Anna's mom believed he would run away with them to America. But YooJin didn't talk about that to the press.

Merely revealing Anna is SJ's biological daughter doesn't portray Anna's mom as a homewrecker since everyone already knows Anna was born way before YooJin's marriage. They will put two and two together and conclude that SJ got Anna's mom pregnant before his marriage to YooJin.

In the end, SeJoon could become the ultimate bad guy in the media and public's eyes. He got Anna's mom pregnant and abandoned her to get married to YooJin. That's probably why he was closing his eyes when YooJin revealed that.

YJ can still sully Anna's mom by saying UHR tried to use Anna to blackmail SJ into leaving her but SJ stayed firm and let himself be blackmailed because he loves YJ so much. That's why they hid Anna because she was too traumatized and they didn't want Anna to be used by anyone ever again like her own mom did.

YJ won't paint SJ as the bad guy. He is still in the running and by turning UHR as the vamp, he too will become a victim. It will be UHR who will take the fall. I bet you.

Also SJ closed his eyes because his and the villains play on YJ failed.




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I thot the Uncle was good but after ep 12, I'm certain he's just using AN for something. And JH knows it but AN is too naive, she's already sucked into Uncle's ploy!!!! 

I'm with YJ this time against her fight with her brother. YJ ftw!!!

Gosh that runway scene, THE WAY JH PULLS HER INTO HIS CHEST IS JUST GAHHHHHHHHH. I love how she straight up told the stylist that he's her boyfriend. AWWWWW

I'm wondering tho, why did YJ choose to reveal AN's real identity to everyone now? Is it so that she can win against JB group?? 

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Lee Jong Hyun and Gong Seung Yeon my fave couple, indeed they seems so real now.. even I hope now they become just friend.. cuz I am more GSY's bias now, I hate to see her being bashing from LJH's fans..

Han Hyo Joo - Lee Jong Suk... love this couple.. but I am more believing Lee Jong Suk - Park Shin Hye.. the vibe LJS-PSH same as JCW-Yoona.. but HHJ-LJS same as JCW-PMY hahahahahaha.. just pick one.. whatever you believe right? just lets see.. just feel it that way..

(hati yg berbicara nih..wakakakkkk)

wahhh.. nonton CNBlue???? mantaappp.. hahahahaha...


that's why I thought Yoona is restrain her self too..pity her.. I hope she just get out from SM.. which I know this year or next year her contract with SM will ended. wonder if she will extend it.. or SM will never let her go.. 

and I hope she will get the boy that she like hehehehehe....

and my delulu will be continue till they announced that they already have BF/GF.. hahahahhaaa...or maybe marriage announcement.. they deserve to be happy with whoever they need and wanted..

but for now.. I just continue shipping them and looooovveee their interaction off and on screen.. #jehAnna..:wub::blush:

@stargazer187 keep coming the gift from my otp. love to staring their skinship for a long time hahahhaa.. we need a doze of their sweetness right?

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for me from the start I'm with YJ. Starting from ep 2 I know that she is not the true evil here. She became evil cause she has to protect herself. More backstories revealed in ep12 which I'm quite happy. Cause the bad guys really need to pay. 

Kudos to Song Yun-ah for portraying YJ very well. I can see it in her eyes that she is not the true villain. Yes she is bad but its because of circumstances. Well it all started with greed and everyone gets tangled with the story.



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22 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I hope JH will be disappointed trusting YJ .. I hope YJ really kill Anna .. so JH can live with regret his whole life .. (I can't accept he trust YJ ... not my cup of tea) .. I can't concentrate on 12 ... I watch but my mind is somewhere else .. I cannot accept ep 12 .. I feel that now JH is getting closer to YJ .. I can't watch it .. and this episode center around YJ .. and her lust.


JH start to trust YJ .. OMG . How can you trust someone that almost kill the girl you love? .. 

I am puking ... I might just drop it ..tell me when situation is back to normal .. if thing going YJ direction .. I may just have to drop this drama ... I can't understand how JH can trust YJ ... and just accept YJ treatment toward the girl he is in love with .. Is he gonna be another SJ?


I know I don't make sense .. this drama doesn't make sense .. 


@Bambiina Yes I am with you.  I suddenly did a 180 degrees turn and not want my K2 fix this week.   The rush, the adrenalin, the wanting (poof! It's gone) If I were AN I will just tell K2 "go ahead, go with YJ use her power and be part of her dirty plan, get your revenge and what do you feel or get after that?  Satisfaction?? You should not have save me when I eat the ice cream you should have let me die, then at least I won't feel that my dad lost everything because of me, I won't know that YJ won this fight or war, I would not have fallen in love with you and feel this pain in my heart.  Now the abandonment just like my mom (she died) dad (he lost) and K2 (he mistrust)."

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On the question of whether Anna is stupid because she's innocent or stupid because she's stupid. I think there is a bit of both.

She's innocent so she trusts her uncle. She's blinded by hatred so even when she hesitates and questions her uncle dragging her mother's name, she still goes along.

But I think the scenes that point to me that the writer is making stupid just because are the pill-popping scenes. 

How can Anna logically not question her use of those pills???

She was the one herself that was against her mother's pill-popping. She knew of the dangers of pills even as a child and has believed for a long time they were what killed her mother. And she still knows the dangers of pills because she told her mother not to take pills when she visited her grave.

But now, pills are all fine and dandy to her. "Uncle says their safe, let me take three in a row!" What!?!? Really!?!?

And this isn't about being innocent and trusting people she shouldn't. This is about using her own knowledge-base and self-reflection. She isn't innocent to the negative effects of pills, she knows pills all to well.

But the writer has written as stupid so that Jeha can come off as the concerned boyfriend. Wasn't blindly trusting her uncle enough?

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Has anyone seen this picture yet? 

Ji Chang Wook is literally wearing a ring (wedding ring, engagement ring??) on his left hand..... what does this mean? It is clearly for The K2, because his clothes and hair are just like how his character is in the show right now. Omg :D:o  Or what do you guys think? 

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22 minutes ago, cookixx said:

Has anyone seen this picture yet? 


Ji Chang Wook is literally wearing a ring (wedding ring, engagement ring??) on his left hand..... what does this mean? It is clearly for The K2, because his clothes and hair are just like how his character is in the show right now. Omg :D:o  Or what do you guys think? 

dear.. your eyes really sharp.. i didn't notice it if you did't say it..

kyaaaaa.. can I turn in with high level my delulu mode on.. he proposing anna, maybe.. and they will get married..#jumping in happiness if this is really happen next episode.. 


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23 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

On the question of whether Anna is stupid because she's innocent or stupid because she's stupid. I think there is a bit of both.

She's innocent so she trusts her uncle. She's blinded by hatred so even when she hesitates and questions her uncle dragging her mother's name, she still goes along.

But I think the scenes that point to me that the writer is making stupid just because are the pill-popping scenes. 

How can Anna logically not question her use of those pills???

She was the one herself that was against her mother's pill-popping. She knew of the dangers of pills even as a child and has believed for a long time they were what killed her mother. And she still knows the dangers of pills because she told her mother not to take pills when she visited her grave.

But now, pills are all fine and dandy to her. "Uncle says their safe, let me take three in a row!" What!?!? Really!?!?

And this isn't about being innocent and trusting people she shouldn't. This is about using her own knowledge-base and self-reflection. She isn't innocent to the negative effects of pills, she knows pills all to well.

But the writer has written as stupid so that Jeha can come off as the concerned boyfriend. Wasn't blindly trusting her uncle enough?

:lol: Ok, let's see if I can clear your confusion. Anna is stupid because she is innocent and not stupid because she is stupid. The writer is not doing her any disservice. He created Anna and knows her well. This fits perfectly into her character sketch. And no it's not because the writer wanted JH to come off as the concerned boyfriend. It had a purpose to show that SW is not as nice as he seemed. He doesnot care for Anna's welfare. To make it clear to JH that he has to protect Anna from SW and YJ too. The writer cannot spoonfeed us the meaning of every scene..we as viewers have to figure out some things ourselves.

First of all, her mom took sleeping pills, which she knows are harmful if taken in a large quantity. Also she knows her mom didnot overdose on the pills. She was killed. 

Anna meanwhile has anti anxiety meds. She had no idea they were dangerous OR can make her dependent on them if not for JH telling her BEFORE the runaway fiasco. If you remember the photo shoot, she took the medicines after JH didn't stop her from taking them AFTER he checked them. She trusts JH's judgement not just SW's. She even said that SW wouldn't dare and try to hurt her with JH around because he knows JH won't stand for that. She also took more than advised because she was nervous and desperate to make the show work for her mom's sake. It was not because she wanted to harm herself.

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16 hours ago, cookixx said:

Has anyone seen this picture yet? 

Ji Chang Wook is literally wearing a ring (wedding ring, engagement ring??) on his left hand..... what does this mean? It is clearly for The K2, because his clothes and hair are just like how his character is in the show right now. Omg :D:o  Or what do you guys think? 

oh God...is that real...oh God..please be true..JH and Anna will get married...oh please!!

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46 minutes ago, cookixx said:

Has anyone seen this picture yet?

Ji Chang Wook is literally wearing a ring (wedding ring, engagement ring??) on his left hand..... what does this mean? It is clearly for The K2, because his clothes and hair are just like how his character is in the show right now. Omg :D:o  Or what do you guys think? 

It's from Healer apparently.

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