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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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Firstly, those talking as if those who like YJ and ship with her Jeha are some how morally inferior to those who don't. Just NOPE. -

Ah! Thank you so much! @perfectsmilebiasThank you for clarifying on why we like YJ. Gosh, we even have to explain this :|…This is the very reason why I refrained from commenting/replying yesterday. My posts would have only added to this wrong misconception. I knew this was coming someday or the other. It was obvious from seeing the comments. 

And lol, I don't like Yoojin because of Song Yoona. I don't even know her or Im Yoona or any other actors except JCW. I'm not even Korean to know all these actors. Yes, her acting is class apart but that isn't the reason why I like her character. The character itself is so complex, intriguing, bold, strong, independent and highly ambitious. How can I not like such a brilliant and exceptional case of character different from your/ my tv's typical female lead ie. boring, dependable, no fun, damsel in distress kind. (I'm not referring to Anna here. She is a totally different character to me). It's just so refreshing to see, add to it SYA's brilliant expressions makes her more watchable. But that doesn't mean I don't condemn her bad actions. Wrong assumption here by many people. So sad. :/

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YOU MADE MY DAY WITH THOSE BTS !!!!!!thanks !!!!!

To be honest I ship Yoona/Ji wook along with Jehanna !! I just did not want to look like I can't differentiate acting from reality :sweatingbullets:!!! But NOW I DON'T CARE I JUST WANT TO SPAAAAAAZZ !!!AND ENJOY while it's present

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10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

@julie721 Sure... you can take my brain. Not like it's doing very much these days. Hahaha...

@stargazer187 Annyeong! Came here to check out the K2 scene cos our drama club discussions on this is so slow! Waaaaeee??? No one analysing with us there! :bawling:

I know many of you have been talking about a romantic loveline between Choi YooJin and JeHa, but here's a counter proposal to what I thought of that scene when she asked to speak to him alone after everyone else was dismissed from the Cloud 9 meeting room. It seemed to me that the concern in her eyes looked like that of a mother to a son she never had. JeHa is about Anna's age. Choi YooJin is old enough to be JeHa's mother. I don't feel so much sexual tension between them, but I definitely do feel love and care from YooJin towards JeHa. For once in her life, she has experienced someone with that agency from her (he does not bend to her will), someone who rejects her attempts to control him, but she has started to care for him - like a child. The child she never had. And this theme has been threading through the episodes so far. There is mention of the fact that she is not a mother, what would it be like if she were a mother/had a child, her using other people's children to threaten and control them (e.g. using Anna to control her husband, using the anchorwoman's son to control her). Then comes JeHa, and his life is now being threatened. She suddenly feels what it could be like to lose a child. And she doesn't want that. So she tells him to not put his own life in danger. I find that to be a more powerful connection than the suggestion of romance. Imagine what would happen if (and when - cos I think she will) she finds out that her secretary has attempted to kill JeHa. Those maternal instincts. Very different from a lover's instincts. Don't mess with mother bear. She will maul you to death. 


Oh you are not the only one. I too think YJ's affection for JH is maternal and not sexual. A mother always protects and chooses her child so in the future if she does pick JH's life over Secretary Kim's, I wouldn't begrudge her because of the way I see their relationship.

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35 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:


Oh you are not the only one. I too think YJ's affection for JH is maternal and not sexual. A mother always protects and chooses her child so in the future if she does pick JH's life over Secretary Kim's, I wouldn't begrudge her because of the way I see their relationship.


Interesting idea you guys have here and when you rewatch the interactions between the two and the way she looks at JH, for some reason, it can also be interpreted that way. Hmmm... well... when JH actually mentioned Anna as the second condition, I did not feel any jealousy vibe from her. I think JH is special to her. He's a wolf amongst the sheeps. This wolf saved her and offered his friendship. And, this wolf seems to be her ONLY friend. This wolf seems to be the ONLY one who wouldn't betray her unless she crosses the line (e.g. use him to kill innocent people and ANNA). Well, to me, she sees JH as a friend, a colleague. JH is someone she can depend on to matters they both agree upon (e.g. killing PGS). When you have only ONE person like that on your side, wouldn't it be such a waste to dispose him? Wouldn't it be such a sad thing for her to not care about him at all considering these circumstances? She finally found a wolf of an ally/friend in JH. To be honest, I am NOT surprised even a bit of her concern w/ JH. For me it's natural, really. 

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9 minutes ago, meh2222 said:


Interesting idea you guys have here and when you rewatch the interactions between the two and the way she looks at JH, for some reason, it can also be interpreted that way. Hmmm... well... when JH actually mentioned Anna as the second condition, I did not feel any jealousy vibe from her. I think JH is special to her. He's a wolf amongst the sheeps. This wolf saved her and offered his friendship. And, this wolf seems to be her ONLY friend. This wolf seems to be the ONLY one who wouldn't betray her unless she crosses the line (e.g. use him to kill innocent people and ANNA). Well, to me, she sees JH as a friend, a colleague. JH is someone she can depend on to matters they agree upon. When you have only ONE person like that on your side, wouldn't it be such a waste to dispose him? Wouldn't it be such a sad thing for her to not care about him at all considering these circumstances? She finally found a wolf of an ally/friend in JH. To be honest, I am NOT surprised even a bit of her concern w/ JH. For me it's natural, really. 

I too never felt any jealous vibe from her for Anna and JH. She seemed almost maternally disappointed ..like a mom would be at her son's choice of a life partner. Also, during the umbrella scene, she clearly called him  "Child" in her voice over when they were walking through the corridor. And yes, he also is her friend..someone she can depend on and someone she hopes won't ever betray her. She has glimpsed his loyalty and she wants it for herself.

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The YooJin has maternal affection is a cool theory, but I don't buy it.

Like most details in this drama, like Jeha's PTSD, YooJin's apparent barreness has been dropped. It hasn't been mentioned since episode 4 I believe.

Plus, her lack of a child is never mentioned during or near her scene's with Jeha. She doesn't act motherly towards him either, to me, even though YJ is much more experienced in the game of politics, she has always given Jeha equal opportunity  to voice his opinions, she has told him a few tips buy she never came off as his teacher.

Plus, there is the chemistry in their scene's. I read it as sexual, but it could also be read as affection towards a friend but not motherly. Even many Jehanna shippers felt a strange chemistry between JH and YJ, especially during the last Cloud 9 scene where some were worried JH might cheat on Anna.

I don't know, maybe Ji Chang Wook is attracted to Song Yoona , but can't assume that. I have to assume that the sizzling chemistry JCW and Song Yoona was a conscious decision made by the actors, writer, and director.

Why would they act with such chemistry and film scenes in a way that brings attention to that chemistry if they just wanted to portray Song Yoona as a mother?

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16 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

The YooJin has maternal affection is a cool theory, but I don't buy it.

Like most details in this drama, like Jeha's PTSD, YooJin's apparent barreness has been dropped. It hasn't been mentioned since episode 4 I believe.

Plus, her lack of a child is never mentioned during or near her scene's with Jeha. She doesn't act motherly towards him either, to me, even though YJ is much more experienced in the game of politics, she has always given Jeha equal opportunity  to voice his opinions, she has told him a few tips buy she never came off as his teacher.

Plus, there is the chemistry in their scene's. I read it as sexual, but it could also be read as affection towards a friend but not motherly. Even many Jehanna shippers felt a strange chemistry between JH and YJ, especially during the last Cloud 9 scene where some were worried JH might cheat on Anna.

I don't know, maybe Ji Chang Wook is attracted to Song Yoona , but can't assume that. I have to assume that the sizzling chemistry JCW and Song Yoona was a conscious decision made by the actors, writer, and director.

Why would they act with such chemistry and film scenes in a way that brings attention to that chemistry if they just wanted to portray Song Yoona as a mother?


It's OK if you don't buy it but obviously many of us think so. I personally never got the sexual vibe between them to be honest..their standing close to each other in scenes can also be interpreted as dominant personalities trying to one up each other to see who will back down first. Maybe their sizzling chemistry is in the eyes of the beholders? Just like Jehanna chemistry is sizzling for some of us. Also the show has been very clear on making them call each other friend and CYJ herself called him a child..why would they make her call him that if they wanted people to see their chemistry?

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Guys, did you see the video of K2 BTS when JCW danced the ramyun dance?!?! Someone eng. subbed some parts of it. Look it up on k2drama.official_ ig account! It's so funny and cute!!!! :blush: 

Why is it that the ep. 11 preview has not come out yet? Too bad. I'm gonna leave early tom and will most likely not be able to go online for four days. TT So my heart's patience going to be put into a difficult test now... :bawling::bawling::bawling:

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I like that chemistry is on the eyes of beholders @YourHighness .. hahaha 

I also appreciate JH and YJ chemistry on screen,  but I can't really see/feel the lovers connection between them... I said to one of my first post here that I will gladly welcome a mother son twist hahaha but I also dont see that coming and that's kinda off if they will do...  

I'm leaning towards motherly? Okay I just choose  friendly love of YJ haha... Like JH somehow restored her humanity,  someone showed concern for her and for that JH is especial to her but not to the point of being a lover.  Besides she clearly longing for affection coming from SJ.. 

Come on TVN,  give us preview already... 

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Hi all, just got some time in between running errands, kids, sick husband and contractors.  I'll admit I haven't back-read any of the latest posts since I had to bow out after watching ep.10.  Just checking in to see if the preview was released for the next episode.

I've watched ep 10 again and if I'm repeating what somebody said - just chalk it up to agreement please.

The question of sexual chemistry between them - no, the vibe is coming from YJ only, if at all.  I don't see JH participating in it.  He spends most of his time being annoyed, raging mad, frustrated, impatient, disgusted and perhaps, feeling pity with a dose of compassion when he witnesses the double-crossing YJ endures with her cannibal like family members and douchey hubby.  What sexual chemistry there is is one-sided.  YJ has feelings for JH - she sounds like an anxious lover sometimes - entreating him to watch his health, to be safe, to walk away if he can't complete the mission, makes excuses for his callous treatment of her orders/wishes and can't take her eyes off him when he's around.  She tries to appeal to his protective side by equating herself as a Rania and that Anna is no different from her.  She wants his total loyalty (not getting it since it's all for Anna) and frankly she spends a lot of time getting into his personal space if you notice her body language in Cloud 9.

The fact that they have intense conversations gives the impression that there is sexual chemistry but he's mostly threatening her or telling her off in those circumstances.  The one perhaps "tender" scene is the umbrella/temple parts when he rescued her like the gallant hero he seems to be and comforted an obviously shaken YJ. 

Now, put Anna and YJ together in a room, watch who he looks at and pays attention to more.  He walked away from YJ to follow Anna with the Uncle out of JSS - without a second thought or bothering to ask for permission from YJ.  Disregard right there.

There are strong emotions involved for JH when he is around YJ but looking at her sexually and thinking of her in that kind of ways - I want to hug her, I want to kiss her, I want to hold her, I want to be around her - he's only ever shown it around Anna.

So no I don't subscribe to the mothering theory or to the JH thinks of YJ romantically theory either. YJ is in deep trouble with JH - her Secretary Kim can see it and is acting to put an end to it since there's now a man who can sway the Iron Lady from her ruthlessness.

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20 hours ago, meh2222 said:

Okay here I go for my OTP scenes:

As I was expecting, JH treats Anna as his very "precious" one. He is so "overprotective" of her. I think his main priority now is to make sure no harm will befall on Anna. He does not even want to worry her and makes her feel that everything will be alright or okay. We can see that when he confronted Anna's uncle about letting Anna out in public, when he was about to do a dangerous mission at the end, he casually answered the phone and conversed with her like everything is well and fine... and also when he tries to keep her off the dark when he wanted to talk with YJ about her... Also in the previous episodes, we saw how he always try to act in front of Anna that nothing is going wrong (despite her life being threatened) and does the hard work in protecting her. If this continues, I feel like our JH will probably be able to move mountains if he can and if Anna wishes it and Anna will most probably have NO idea how hard it was to do that. 

Well, let's get to the scenes I love the most, shall we. Guys, I have always said this JCW's expression in his eyes is seriously no joke. Watch the clip when Anna was a little tipsy because of the wine. Look at JH's expression from 0:41 to 0:55 mark... TT

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The tenderness in his eyes. I just can't get enough of it. How does he do that? Seriously, that soft and tender stare towards Anna is just out of this world. I can't explain really. He was hopelessly lovestruck and smittened and just couldn't do anything about it. When I actually watched that clip, I just couldn't take it... my heart just melted.. and keeps melting and melting every time I watch it. I just can't move on from it as of now..

The way Anna's face just fit into his large hands, again, I felt something tugged my heart.. It was so sweet... I mean how perfect it is to look at those large hands perfectly warming (or rather cooling) that perfectly cute face of Anna. Like it was the cutest thing... and the sweetest thing like guys, can you tell me what I feel... Like TT

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Now the hug scene.. The hug scene... I'm waiting for that clip to come out but still TVN did not upload it... Anna is really sooo precious to JH. So precious that in everything he does for her, he always does it in a gentle way every single damn time.... Guys and gals, watch the hug clip again and notice how he was able to hug her in a rush but in a gentle way and how he caressed her head, it was firm but at the same time with so much care and so much tenderness...  We see things like this in a drama, but never have I experienced watching an impactful and yet so tender and emotionally driven the rush of embracing someone such as this. Guys, I know I am bad at explaining but I know you get what I mean, right? 

And the hug itself. The hug itself. It's not just a typical hug.... It was.... TT I will just let the photos speak for themselves.

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The blanket kiss scene was heart fluttering. I love the little bit of awkwardness and Anna, girl, you know what you want aren't you? HAHAHAHAH and you JH, what are you trying to do? Hahaha these two really... You can actually feel their "want" to kiss each other... JH was just finding the perfect timing and Anna was just there willing to wait for that timing... LOL...

The ending scene... . After accepting the order, we only saw how JH just wanted to get through with it despite the risks... But when Anna called, you actually saw how his eyes instantly changed the moment he answered his phone. Look at his eyes and his tone of voice making sure that he speaks with her with no alarm in his voice. But towards the end, when Anna said that, "you have to come. that's an order." see how his eyes quickly changed while telling her "I will come back to you" as if, expressing that "there's no way I'm not going to come back alive." That "glint" in his eyes. Unlike others who worried about JH getting dead or alive, (but of course, we all know he's going to be alive because we still have 6 episodes), that "glint" in his eyes during their last lines of conversation made me believe that he will come out alive, no matter what it takes. There's no way he's gonna die. He's gonna live because he wants to. 

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From this:

To these:


And my dear Anna, when you choked up, I choked up too.. When your tears flowed, I found myself crying too... Yoona how can you do that to me? How? 

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I am really out of words to describe my feelings for all the JehAnna moments. And I am not really good at expressing them. The JehAnna moments are all so precious. The chemistry is overflowing. I do not know what's happening but never in my entire existence did I repeat a kissing scene in particular, no matter how much I love or adore my ship. But JehAnna is surprisingly an exception. What's happening to me, really? What is JehAnna doing to me? hAHHAHAH Can someone tell me? LOL...

**** I'm sorry guys, this is my first time posting pics in this forum but I do not know why it is not working. :( 


you explain it very well dear. that's how i feel watching JeHanna moments too. i do cried at the end of epi 10.

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