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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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59 minutes ago, pinkdicentra said:

News pics: maybe it's about finding the lottery and deciding how to split it?


And also bts for the first snow scene. Nothing new in terms of info other than it must be really cold.


Thanks for sharing. I can really see their chemistry here and I mean LDG and JYH.. 

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1 minute ago, Lmangla said:

guess not! if the raw is up in a few hours, will post a short summary

Thanks!  I watched the live stream but it was laggy pretty bad. It looks like Mrs Lee isn't too happy.. At the end of the episode,  DJ and YS HUGGED!

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here goes the recap -- please excuse my random thoughts that occur with the lack of subs.....

dong jin and yun shil - neither can sleep. wondering why dong jin gave yunshil his blanket and got himself a new one. or it another blue blanket? why didn't yun shil bring her yellow blanket from her house? isn't it uncomfortable to sleep with someone else's blanket.. ..

chicken couple - sun nyeo is in pain and puts on pain reliever patches. wish taeyang was doing it instead! then we would have got a shirtless taeyang! he was a much better model. kekeke... sam do finds a lottery ticket and he gets excited. chariots of fire music comes on. sun joon comes in and realizes it is his ticket! violin music playing at the drama of ticket wrestling. sun nyeo and sun joon have a handwriting competition to decide whose ticket it is. she can't figure out the spelling for peace (which sun joon wrote on the back of the ticket). so it is sun joon's ticket! chase!



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dong jin and yun shil - next morning, dong jin is wandering around with an empty coffee mug. why does he like holding coffee mugs so much? doesn't he do it a lot? yun shil wakes up and runs into him. she is not embarrassed that she hasn't washed her face and seeing him? she seems to be more curious why no one is in the house. does dong jin tell her that her face is dirty? he decides to make eggs but can't seem to fry them. bad mrs. lee! how can a mother not teach basic skills like how to make eggs? that is basic survival lady! 

dong jin is too excited that he manages to make one egg -- dude, it is not rocket science! even small brats in school know to make them! he serves her breakfast with all the side dishes that his mom has probably stored in the fridge and acts like he cooked it all. yes, this is from someone who got too excited that he can finally make an egg. poor thing, she doesn't seem too interested in having that egg after all. hahahhahah... :D


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Sheesh guess it really is true that the richer one gets, the more scrooge they get:huh: Just take a look at Mr. I Own 2 Buildings tsk<_< Though that segment where he supposedly offered to buy Dongsook all those expensive coats only to reduce to just one was funny...sort of.:P I really like the Grandparents, it's so sweet to see couples grow old together and be sooo lovey dovey still~ Too bad Grandpa's goin' blind...the news would be devastating to Grandma...:tears:  

What's this now, Samdo sings too LoL!? Guess Susanna's Handkerchief must be an easy song to sing eheh. He & Seonnyeo are like Tweedledee and Tweedledum though:P 

Aigoo~ Dongjin-shi didn't know you so corny with 'em jokes HA:w00t: Dongjin to Yeonshil:- See ya @2a.m. ... In your dreams... LMFAo! This so reminds me of the actor's appearance on Happy Together:D

LoL @Ms. Go:- How Could Both Of You Not Be Able To Catch Such A Small Woman!? When Hyosang & the housekeeper Ahjumma failed to stop Hyowon from running away (isn't she too old for that LoL) 


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at Ko family house -- hyosang brings jieun for inspection. she seems nervous but hyosang seems to think that it will be all okay. little does he know! hahaah...

hyowon could care less and is busy with her face mask. ms. ko looks like she is ready to do battle with tango red dress. beware of a lady in red no? ms. ko is annoyed at hyown saying "our taeyang-shi" but hyown is making all sorts of expressive faces. ms. ko is exasperated at her daughter's logic. but hyowon is wondering why ms. ko is dressed up like going for a party. ajummah comes and says hyosang's girlfriend is here. ms. ko asks hyowon to dress and come down while they make snarling faces at each other like little lion cubs.

jieun is nervous and hyosang tells her it will be all okay. ms. ko walks down like a queen about to meet the council. ooh, battle mode on! hyosang is surprised at the red dress and greets ms. ko. jieun is too busy looking down - acting demure? hahhahah, this won't work girl! they already met you and know your temper! :P

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ji eun greets her and looks up with shock to see ms.ko. she remembers as the strange lady from the salon. oh dear face from jieun!! hahaahha.. she is apologizing while ms. ko looks like a lion scouting a zebra pack passing by. she looks like she is having fun. hyowon comes down and jieun is another shock! she remembers her little tiffs with hyowon while hyowon is like "this is your girlfriend oppa?"..

at the dining table, both mother and daughter are too busy staring at jieun and giving her looks. jieun can't eat at all! hyosang is wondering why they won't eat and are staring at jieun instead.

taeyang - is he looking for a job? he is at a burger restaurant. maybe he will get to eat all that bulgogi burgers! PPL!

back at the ko house - mother and daughter are still observing jieun like a scientist looking at microbe under a microscope. jieun asks to go to bathroom. hyowon goes upstairs as well. jieun is wondering what kind of karma she has that she ended up meeting this mother and daughter.. 

mission impossible music comes on. is hyowon going to be tom cruise? her mission if she chooses to accept: lock jieun in the bathroom! hyowon is hilarious! jieun has no phone and is stuck. hyowon comes down like an innocent lamb. ms. ko is busy eating fruit and makes some snarky comment about jieun. hyown joins in and hyosang looks annoyed. he wonders where jieun is and hyowon goes back up. she unlocks the bathroom and jieun realizes she was locked in by hyowon but hyowon throws back the insult that jieun gave her before... girl is learning an important lesson -- dont insult random people who you don't even know and pick fights -- one never knows if you end up meeting them again; if you have to, pick fights with people you actually know! :P


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jieun tries to make nice but hyowon looks like she could care less and refuses to shake hands with her. hyowon is busy with another mission impossible plot which has to do with toilet paper and clogging the toilet?

jieun comes back down for interview round with ms. ko. hyosang tries to help her but ms. ko gives him a dirty look.

hyowon comes down and complain to the ajummah that the toilet is clogged. jieun is embarassed. ms. ko, hyowon and the ajummah are amused at toilet clogging girl.

hyojoo comes back from her shopping trip. hyosang introduces jieun and hyojoo gives her "who cares" routine as usual and walks off to her room.

hyojoo is sighing and is looking at the calendar. some sort of anniversary looming. wedding anniversary? she looks at her wedding ring...


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dong jin decides to wash dishes. yun shil feels bad. let the man wash dishes. it is not less manly to wash dishes. mr and mrs lee come back from wherever they went. yun shil is busy making coffee and offers to dong jin who asks her to feed him. is he mad? who drinks hot coffee that way? it is not like it is a cold drink to take a sip. mrs. lee asks why he is washing dishes and looks at yun shil like she has done something terrible to make him wash dishes. can't a man wash dishes? let the man wash dishes. she gives some advice to her beloved son (who is apparently not allowed to wash dishes) and yunshil hears it and feels bad.

dong jin and yun shil are having some chat in a park. the leaves are red and yellow and look super pretty. but these two are busy discussing to look around and see what a beautiful day is and how lovely the wind sounds as it rustles softly through the trees. yun shil is obviously feeling like she sucks and doesn't match him or something...

she gets a phone call. she goes home and looks at her teddy bear and hugs. why is a grown woman hugging a teddy bear and crying?

taeyang is wandering the streets of seoul and runs into a friend who teases him. he is confused. it turns out hyowon is on another mission -- feeding his friends/neighbours at the gosiwon and getting info? she is giving them loads of food and they are happy. taeyang is confused when he walks in. what a seduction style -- feed the friends! as usual, she feeds him steak and he sits there and eats obediently. his friends seem to think that this is a relationship goal! or they have become the new taeyang-hywon shippers!
taeyang holds her hand and walks off while the friends all laugh. taeyang is trying to talk to her but calls her team leader and she gets annoyed and reminds him that he promised to call her hyowon. she is excited when he calls her by name. she tells him about jieun's visit and he is quietly listening but she doesn't register his surprise.



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at dong sook shop - mr. park walks in with a mud brown sweater. interesting choice. dong sook doesn't look too impressed and he hands her a file. is that a pre-nup? she is reading the document. he starts reciting the points like he is reciting the pledge or is on some game show. dong sook's face becomes smaller literally! the PD zooms in on mr. park's mouth while he zooms out on dong sook! hahahah.. she is annoyed and tells him off. mr. park seems to think that angry women means some stirring of love. well what to say? he must have watched lots of hate turned to love dramas.

sam do is busy yellling at the phone. sun joon is back and looks worried. is he worried about his ticket? about battling sun nyeo? the two of them find her in the chicken shop. sam do decides that battling with his wife will require him to look snazzy and is wearing patterned suit with sun glasses -- he looks like a gangster. well, if you want to catch one, you need to dress the part? they catch her and try to get her to part with the ticket? they drag their prisoner back home. dong sook is wondering what is going on. turns out sun nyeo dropped it somewhere? now the four of them are in the park looking? looks like sun nyeo was bluffing. sun joon battles with the stench of looking through her shoe and finds it hidden underneath the sole. cue chariots of fire music. ah the battles, these characters face that chariots of fire music is played for them! hahahahha...

sun joon finds the ticket. dong sook looks happy and he gives her the ticket. why does he still have that torchlight attached to his face when they are standing under bright streetlight and have already found the ticket? and where would one get that miners torchlight attached to the head kind? do they sell it as hiking gear perhaps? ah, they like hiking there no? but does one go hiking at night?



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mr lee looks tired and sick. mrs. lee is as usual saying something that sounds like she is complaining about her life. dong jin listens. yun shil is back at her place cooking ramen. she remembers dong jin when she is about to put an egg. so does that mean she is going to be reminded of dong jin every time she eats egg? oh dear! egg is basic food and we eat it a lot. so not a food that one wants to be associated with. not exactly romantic is it? what food reminds you of him? egg! and it would be pretty hard to go eggless when they break up... she is already avoiding eggs!

at the ko house; ms. ko in another red dress. hyojoo is busy drinking wine and ms. ko asks her why she is still wearing a ring and whether she is remembering marriage? anniversary? dong jin? but hyojoo calls her crazy for asking. so hyojoo gives some snark comment to hyosang as she waltzes out of the house.

hyosang tries to chat with mother and daughter. hyowon gives some comment about jieun and hyosang gets annoyed. ms. ko is amused. both siblings are fighting like little kids. ms. ko says jieun is not her style. yea, the girl needs to wear some red! big mistake wearing black! hahahah...

hyojoo shows up at the tailor shop. dong jin thinks it is yun shil and is surprised to see her. the exes chat. yun shil shows up and sees from afar is surprised to see both. dong jin sends hyojoo off. did he know yun shil was outside? he sees her in the corner. she starts talking and starts getting upset. they hug. change in background music -- seems new. don't think we have heard this one. but it sounds too sad. hmmm, not sure what it means that they choose a sad music for the couple.

preview: hyojoo drinks more wine! party at the lee house over the lottery ticket! taeyang is a cowboy! hahahah.. and hyowon is busy staring sitting in the shop. will she have to order lots of burgers in order to sit at the shop staring at him? won't she put on weight if she uses such a seduction technique? mr. lee with his braille lessons. ends with dong jin and yun shil at some outdoor movie. it probably isn't some action movie right?

that was the recap! kekekek.... :lol:

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2 minutes ago, effyisme said:

@Lmangla Thanks for the recap! Can't wait for the Eng sub tomorrow :)


kekeke... hope it was okay @effyisme; this is my first time recapping. watching it raw while in a total snark mood tonight means I was making many random comments... hahahah.. hats off to regular recappers who manage to keep it straight and not deviate with random comments.

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7 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

kekeke... hope it was okay @effyisme; this is my first time recapping. watching it raw while in a total snark mood tonight means I was making many random comments... hahahah.. hats off to regular recappers who manage to keep it straight and not deviate with random comments.

@Lmangla great job on the recap. thanks for doing it! 

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