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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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@cantsleep lol :D I tend to be like you when the week seems way too long... lurking on Soompi. Hopefully, there will not be any delay for our drama

@inna75 yup, same here... just can't wait. Oddly, I have the feeling that DJ will not confess his love yet. He isn't prepared for that. Let's just hope YS will not take it the wrong way (misunderstanding he hates her or he's nice with her because he pities her etc...)

As for TY/MW, he needs to work on his problem first

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missed out a few mins hehe: 


1) SN tries to sell that expensive handbag she bought with a discount to DS unsuccessfully. Mr Park comes in brings some kind of food for them. SN asks Mr Park what is the thing DS likes in the world. He thinks it's him haha but SN says DS loves that bag the most (her handbag). She offers to sell it for cheap to Mr Park. Mr Park is trying to mark down the price more. Eventually SN refuses to sell.

2) SN comes in to meet SJ who just comes out from the shower. He asks her what's wrong and SN shows her the handbag that is DS's favorite haha. She tries to sell it to SJ but SJ refuses.

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3) SJ plays guitar in his room and gets a call from his manager. I think there's a gig somewhere

4) YS is talking to herself, texts something and mulls over sending the text.It's an apology text to DJ. Suddenly Mrs Geum taps her shoulder and she accidentally hits the send button. DJ reads the msg

5) Mr Moravia comes to the shop and says that it's going to be too bad if he doesn't get any suit from a place like Wolgyesu. One will be for him/or is it his friend in Milan, and the other as a sample (yay) SD conducts the fitting session. 

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6) Somebody reports to Hyosang that Mr Moravia orders a suit from Wolgyesu. he isn't pleased. He meets TY and they exchange cold remarks to each other. they openly talk about Jiyeon and something about how TY knows DJ. TY informs him that he has resigned. He no longer hides his displease to HS anymore. HS says something and TY just walks away. I do not like the look HS gives TY at all.

7) HW is thinking back to the event last night with TS. She calls him a jerk and starts tearing up again. But her subordinates are all there too and they're wondering why she's crying. In came TY. He asks a colleague what's wrong with HW. He approaches her desk and passes her a handkerchief which she rejects. Dont understand what they're talking about but he passes her something to sign. She signs and goes out to meet HS to pass the file. 

8) Eunsook comes into the salon where DJ works. JY is there too. DJ does something but JY accuses DJ of injuring her. Eunsook defends DJ but JY is her usual bratty self. Clearly JY doesnt know ES is HS's mom. 

9) SN gives EUnsook a call. Eunsook no longer remembers her. I think she wants to sell off the bag to Eunsook. (Then my internet connection is lost).. 

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21 minutes ago, inna75 said:

@TheMschelsea91 . chinggu..what happen? what happen? Why was DJ and YS bickering at the end of the ep? Need your wonderful recap chinggu..:grin:

I guess that was the lake park scene someone was talking about...

They bickered about the issue of whether "you like me or not". YS was clearly heartbroken that she teared up when DJ said that if he caused her to misunderstand, he's sorry. I can't remember/understand much but it seemed like both DJ and YS tried to blame themselves for the "misunderstanding" and both got upset at what the other said, even though we all know that they only said whatever it was to save face, not what they were feeling. YS clearly was upset that DJ reacted coldly towards her after her question and she kept pointing out all the things he did for her, but quickly said to him that it was her fault for misunderstanding the meaning behind his kind gestures. Guess we have to wait for the subs then.. Sorry.

To everyone, I'm sorry for not being able to finish my recap. I''m away on holiday again for a week. we have pretty good internet here at the inn but alas, the connection had to go haywire during live-streaming, only to be ok towards the end UGH! :confounded:. I used up a good portion of my mobile data to set up hotspot so i could live stream on my laptop but i guess i used it up.. Hopefully I won't encounter the same problem tomorrow. 

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just quickly some of the scenes i couldn't live cap:

* TY waited for HW by her car because he was genuinely concerned/felt guilty at her state. She mentioned that he's her first kiss and asked him if he already had his first kiss (Silly girl, he just got off a relationship, didn't he? You think they never kissed before?) She got upset when he said he kissed someone before and she kept pestering him what number was their kiss.  as if he'd keep track of the amount of kisses he'd received/given before. She tried to hit him but he walked away just in time, causing her to fall down butt-first on the ground. Cue moments of pain a la her mom. She was just as whiny :lol:. She literally flung her arms around his neck and held on to him to stand up. And when he drove her home, she was already asleep with her head on his shoulder:tounge_xd:. He piggybacked her all the way to her room. LoL at her victorious face as Eunsook went livid. And out of gratitude, Eunsook offered TY dinner. She clearly liked him a lot, especially since he was so polite and complimented her looks. Come on Eunsook, stop looking at his fortune/status and start seeing him for the guy that he is, like HW has. Then in came HJ from work and the ajumma told her that the guy was someone HW brought home and she instantly recognized him as the guy who walked on the runway during the fashion show. 

* SD sent YS out to buy fabric to make the suit for Mr Moravia. Instead of offering to drive, DJ said he had something to do? and asked YS to go take a cab to the market. Cue extremely disappointed look on YS's face as she walked outside with her head down. DJ watched her as she walked away. She came back by bus when it was already night. She saw that Dj was still working in front of his laptop. She didn't want to enter and turned around to leave, only to be surprised by TY who was standing behind her all along. He wanted to celebrate her birthday. Meanwhile, DJ noted that YS hadn't come back from the fabric market.

* YS told TY what happened between her and DJ. 

* SN threw SD out of the house. I think it was because he spent so much to treat the wolgyesu staff or something. 

* YS cried as she was washing rice when she recalled the moment that DJ apologized if he caused her to misunderstand. 

* TY talked to DJ about YS. not sure the details of their conversation though.

* It was YS's birthday. Mrs Lee decided to cook for her/throw her a party. 


* More YS-DJ drama

* HS sabotaged something and blamed TY. TY and HW are frantic over something . maybe a document goes missing

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1 hour ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

* TY waited for HW by her car because he was genuinely concerned/felt guilty at her state. She mentioned that he's her first kiss and asked him if he already had his first kiss (Silly girl, he just got off a relationship, didn't he? You think they never kissed before?) She got upset when he said he kissed someone before and she kept pestering him what number was their kiss.  as if he'd keep track of the amount of kisses he'd received/given before. She tried to hit him but he walked away just in time, causing her to fall down butt-first on the ground. Cue moments of pain a la her mom. She was just as whiny :lol:. She literally flung her arms around his neck and held on to him to stand up. And when he drove her home, she was already asleep with her head on his shoulder:tounge_xd:. He piggybacked her all the way to her room. LoL at her victorious face as Eunsook went livid. And out of gratitude, Eunsook offered TY dinner. She clearly liked him a lot, especially since he was so polite and complimented her looks. Come on Eunsook, stop looking at his fortune/status and start seeing him for the guy that he is, like HW has. Then in came HJ from work and the ajumma told her that the guy was someone HW brought home and she instantly recognized him as the guy who walked on the runway during the fashion show. 

both mother and daughter are hilarious -- it is so funny how the two actresses are really mimicing each other so well. during the dinner, taeyang seemed to be amused that hyewon is really like her mom. at one point, while he was eating, ms. ko said something that sounded like "ah you like this dish..." just like how hyewon did at the burger shop. but did you notice that despite their "breakup", hyewon is happily doing skinship when she is not busy weeping? like during the piggyback, hyewon whines about her back to her mom and then is flicking his hair or something.. and after he dumps her on the bed, she wipes his sweat..and as usual, he doesn't even notice or just lets her... what are they both doing???? :lol::lol:

but @TheMschelsea91 ., given ms. ko's character, it is going to be a laugh riot when she decides to like taeyang. :D

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1 hour ago, effyisme said:

Juz watched the raw version.. Oh DJ ah please wake up and admit to your feelings! I feel so much seeing YS cry coz of DJ :tears:


@effyisme  Even if DJ admits his feelings for YJ it still can't go any where YS has committed herself into being with that thug and she like and idiot sign that paoer with the thugs mom that she wouldn't date any other man while her son is away she committed herself to a marriage and don't have a marriage certificate even after DJ mom told her not to sign jack and she did it stupidly.. Well things well be heating up soon because thug and boys will be giving hell to the tailor shop with the help of DJ Ex BIL. who will be giving orders and help supporting they criminal acts..

28 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

but @TheMschelsea91 ., given ms. ko's character, it is going to be a laugh riot when she decides to like taeyang. :D

@Lmangla  It's going to be a real hoot to watch as Ms Ko approves of  TY while HS woman someone she don't like wait til she finds out that TY was dating Ms Golddiger she might try and rush TY down the isles with her daughter just to stop her son from marrying the wanna be.. I was surprised to see that he didn't see the look on his girlfriend face when TY went struting down the runway because he owned that runway in that scene all the tailor shop boys tore that runway up in those suits.

@TheMschelsea91 .  Thanks for the recap thanks to all you video and still poster as well as you commentators, Gives me something to see and read until subs come out..

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46 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

both mother and daughter are hilarious -- it is so funny how the two actresses are really mimicing each other so well. during the dinner, taeyang seemed to be amused that hyewon is really like her mom. at one point, while he was eating, ms. ko said something that sounded like "ah you like this dish..." just like how hyewon did at the burger shop. but did you notice that despite their "breakup", hyewon is happily doing skinship when she is not busy weeping? like during the piggyback, hyewon whines about her back to her mom and then is flicking his hair or something.. and after he dumps her on the bed, she wipes his sweat..and as usual, he doesn't even notice or just lets her... what are they both doing???? :lol::lol:

but @TheMschelsea91 ., given ms. ko's character, it is going to be a laugh riot when she decides to like taeyang. :D

What are they doing exactly haha. Personally, I didn't like to see how unprofessional HW was at work but I guess the writer-nims never cared so much about her professional life. How could she be whining and crying at work in front of everyone and she was supposed to be the boss? But yes, the similar personalities between HW and her mum was hilarious. I think Eunsook said something like : "Oh, so you like dakgalbi" to TY. And i forgot to mention how Eunsook did a complete 180 from being so opposed to TY to the opposite when TY said HW wasn't his style. As in if he liked HW she was going to oppose the relationship, but upon hearing that he said that he didn't like HW because she wasn't his style, she got offended because how could he not have liked her precious daughter :lol:. Eunsook would rather have TY liking HW than not even though she wouldn't support their relationship anyway. So funny. Maybe once she learns more about TY, his capabilities, etc. she would give her blessings. Fortune can be built after all. Besides, she herself was a nobody when she married the Chairman, so she shouldn't act all high and mighty like that. 

I just wish we could've seen more of HW's resolution to get over TY. She barely tried. The second he showed her some kindness she had this goo-goo eyes again and completely went overboard. seriously, he would never start liking her at this point. 

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8 minutes ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

Personally, I didn't like to see how unprofessional HW is at work but I guess the writer-nims dont care so much about her professional life. How could she be whiny and crying at work in front of everyone and she was supposed to be the boss?

I have seen stuff like this in office actually!! so I remember one co-worker who burst into tears and then ran off -- turned out she had a fight with her boyfriend. and she wasn't the only one. there were quite a few instances like that.... and while my boss didn't dissolve into tears, she was depressed after she and her fiance broke off that we kind of worried for her -- she went from super fashion conscious to dressing in jeans and shirt.... so these things do happen and I can see someone like hyowon reacting so openly because she is almost childlike that way. unlike ji eun who is so bothered about appearances, hyowon is open and direct... but in a way, it wasn't hyowon who approached him, it was taeyang. when she was crying, he gave her the handkerchief but she rejected it and ignored him. then later, he was the one waiting for her by her car. and he walked up to her... why did he wait? in a way, it makes me think that taeyang doesn't seem to want boundaries either. he should avoid her if he isn't interested no?


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Aish, I was so sorry for YS. She was heartbroken, not because of DJ's feelings, but because he changed drastically overnight. Well, I understand that he's confused but can't he talk to YS... instead of TY :tears:

I liked Madam Ko's reaction when she's spying on TY's ex

TY and Madam Ko had a good convo... straightforward and respectful

Madam Ko :" I used to be pretty like my daughter when I was young"

TY : "You're still beautiful"

Yay, way to go Tae Yang ah!!! :wub:

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Guest AlexMao

Well that certainly was a frustrating episode.

I've had my fill of Sam Do & Sun Nyeo melodramatic marriage. I'm going to sound like a dolt for even suggesting this, but are we certain that Sun Nyeo isn't already menopausal at this point?  Symptoms include anxiety, poor memory, inability to concentrate, depressive mood, irritability, mood swings, less interest in sexual activity. (Credit: Wikipedia)

Dong Jin & Yoon Shil ... I mean I get it and all but it's still frustrating to watch them fight with their minds when their hearts already know the answer to that question. 

@taehumama Call it old fashioned but men generally don't talk about such things especially to the opposite sex. Dong Jin's still wrapping his head around everything so when he comes to the conclusion that it is indeed love that he's feeling for Yoon Shil it will make it easier for him to express it to her. I can see Tae Yang being a little cupid here since he knows what's going on but I'm hoping that he lets them figure things out on their own. The preview at least hints at Dong Jin figuring it out. 

Regardless of the set up the best bits were Tae Yang and Hyo Won. 

Hyo Sang ... get over it, move on .... ugh. 

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As for DJ and YS, I kinda like where it is headed. I am glad they are taking the time to sort out if their feelings are genuinely love or just compassion for the other because of the difficulties faced. 

we all know they are going to fall in love. Hindsight  is see 20/20, and we all have watched A LOT of dramas.  However, imagine if that were you. You just came out of or are currently involved in a messy relationship, would you really want yo head into another one not properly discerned what your feelings are. 

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How can HW brother be so unprofessional first he try and use TY to get next to his Ex and now since TY tells him he's going to quit because he can't see a future in working for such a company he's mad because TY leaving and no longer can use him to get next to his Ex or DJ so now how can he seriously try and keep him in that company is a must see for me.. I see it coming now all his petty acts is going to get that company in a lot of trouble.. I hope him messing with TY put TY in a position to sue him.. If he can't get next to TY he will go after his family.. He will use money to keep TY in that company by having the mothert or brother sign some kind of paper in regards to her medical care.. I see him being real dirty.. 

BSN went for a night out on the town spending money uselessly.. I don't know what it will take to get her head on straight even if she has a baby she still won't feel secure in her marriage.. I don't know why she thinks a baby is the key if her husband was going to fool around with another women to a man or women that's in such and illicit affair wouldn't care if a baby is there or not.. Mrs Ko was wrong for telling BSN (Joe Boxer) about her husbands first love and she's wrong for getting all bent out of shape behind it she's married to him and both moved past his first love did she really think she was the only one get a grip please.. I don't know how much more of idiot behavior I can tolerate.. How could she not think with her husband looks and body that he never had a first love telling her she's his first was something that he should say giving her personality.. Joe Boxer Joe Boxer SMH  Now how many of you thinks she kick him out because of the debt or the first love I think it's the latter..

Ys just don't get how silly she looks for making excuses what she said and DJ I thought he would be more of a man and admit what he feels now this is just the reasons they chemistry don't appeal to me when they is ready to do something about what they feel both will be scared to make a move because of there stupid actions..

2 hours ago, taehumama said:

Aish, I was so sorry for YS. She was heartbroken, not because of DJ's feelings, but because he changed drastically overnight. Well, I understand that he's confused but can't he talk to YS... instead of TY :tears:

I liked Madam Ko's reaction when she's spying on TY's ex

TY and Madam Ko had a good convo... straightforward and respectful

Madam Ko :" I used to be pretty like my daughter when I was young"

TY : "You're still beautiful"

Yay, way to go Tae Yang ah!!! :wub:

@taehumama  Ms Ko Will change her mind about TY she's already wondering why he's not interested in HW but being that TY and DJ are friends and finding out DS daughter has a long time crush on him and he's the Ex of her son woman she will try and marry TY off to HW just to keep his Ex out of her family shje don't like her at all.. So yes he scroed brownie points with Ms Ko.. 

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Hi everyone. i am new to this thread. It's been a while i haven't joined any..but after watching this drama i decide to join this mostly for the spoilers.haha.and i love Tae Yang and Hyo Won couple! As i've been following only on KBS World, so i'm a little bit behind. I thought after Five Enough, there cant be any couple more endearing than YeonSang couple, but i fall in love with Hyo Won and Tae Yang. Love her daring moves :blush:

Thanks for updates everyone!! 

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1 hour ago, AlexMao said:

Well that certainly was a frustrating episode.

I've had my fill of Sam Do & Sun Nyeo melodramatic marriage. I'm going to sound like a dolt for even suggesting this, but are we certain that Sun Nyeo isn't already menopausal at this point?  Symptoms include anxiety, poor memory, inability to concentrate, depressive mood, irritability, mood swings, less interest in sexual activity. (Credit: Wikipedia)

@AlexMao  I never thought that but this could be whats going on with her and if this is so god help her husband and the viewers but I say there's nothing wrong with adoption..  I'm glad it's not just me finding her actions frustrating.

Welcome Aboards @haifa234


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