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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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8 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

You are most welcome @sgfan. Maybe the next time when you are in Tokyo, we could arrange to meet up 'offline' and swoon over SJH in unison:):lol:. Hope you have a wonderful and eventful trip! Will keep you posted on new ideas/blogs I can find on Osaka.

Yes the veterans are 'holding' the show together and it's a pity the actress playing JR has to be cast in her role with 'restricted' expressions. She has great posture and a sense of humor BTS. Her 'catwalk' in front of the dancing BD guy, KJW was refreshing and funny.:lol: Let's hope to see her in different roles in a different drama/project, playing someone closer to her real age. And it's encouraging to see some potential in the younger cast. As a rookie, I thought the actress playing HR was pretty convincing and we have reasons to believe she could be developed into a lead actress in her future projects.

Looks like MS has chosen to stay in JMR after being stopped by SA. I have mixed feelings with their union due to the complicated past and present dealings with the DT/DY/SW relationship. Maybe if they were to go and live faraway from DT, things might be just a little more acceptable? Despite her illness, DY's mom does know how good and faithful SA has been to her all these years. So I think it's her way of making sure (before her own illness takes a turn for the worse) SA's future is happy and blessed if she were able to find someone she cares and loves.

I was so disgusted by SW's daring approach I skipped talking/mentioning it:D. I think it was more like a 'reflex response' on the part of DT:phew: rather than reciprocating her kiss:P.

Have a relaxing and nice weekend @sgfan! We are driving to Nagoya tomorrow morning. My daughter's (who plays the alto saxophone) school, is one of three secondary schools to represent Tokyo tomorrow at the All Japan Wind Instrument Music Competition.

Yes! :D we can make arrangements to meet in Tokyo. Bring our swooning offline :wub:

Haha I think you are right about DT's "reflex response". Can we look forward to SW's downfall next week? It has been week after week. The good thing is that more people are coming to know about her real identity and her whole performance is starting to fall apart. 

Wow! Have a great time in Nagoya! Your daughter must be very talented :) Did she inherit her musical ability from you? 

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ep125 preview:

in kbs site is this text:

윤재 삼월 USB를 빌미로 돈을 요구하자 팀장에게 삼월 뒷조사를 시키고, 동탁은 사표를 내고 떠나 단이 차마 붙잡지 못한다. 한편, 삼월 동탁 약혼식 예복을 맞추지만, 시각 세라 자신의 이름으로 온 카드독촉장을 발견하는데 . What that mean @stroppyse please!!!. Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, sgfan said:

Yes! :D we can make arrangements to meet in Tokyo. Bring our swooning offline :wub:

Haha I think you are right about DT's "reflex response". Can we look forward to SW's downfall next week? It has been week after week. The good thing is that more people are coming to know about her real identity and her whole performance is starting to fall apart. 

Wow! Have a great time in Nagoya! Your daughter must be very talented :) Did she inherit her musical ability from you? 

Apart from meeting and swooning offline in Japan, perhaps we could arrange for a short trip to SJH's hometown in Busan too:)?

Anything more than that 'reflex response' from DT would kill me:(. I don't want to have to witness any more PDA (one sided or otherwise) or physical intimacy between DT and that tramp. I am 'watching' and skipping through the drama, and watched the parts where SW is shown to be anxious/worried about being found out. Now there is a new bunch of people after her, the debt collectors:lol:. She really should watch her back from now on. These thugs are more frightening than YJ at his worst.:P She needs to seal her place in the Sul's empire soon in order to get the money to cover her debts. And she has also resorted to 'extorting' money from YJ. We will get to see more of the two unscrupulous people exploiting and dealing with each other from now on I guess.

Nagoya is about a 420km drive from here:sweatingbullets:. We'll be heading out at 4 a.m.and returning on the same day. My daughter likes music and I think it's great she is pursuing something she likes although she might not be the most musically gifted/talented. Her school has a very strict and tedious routine; daily practices start at 7 a.m. and practices resume after her normal class lesson. She practices seven days a week and rarely gets a rest day. But she is fortunate to be trained under a very good music instructor, one who is specially engaged by the school (it's not the norm to employ the services of someone outside school I was told). Although I like music and it's 'anything goes' when it comes to listening to music, I never had the chance to learn to play any instrument:sweatingbullets:. Do you play any musical instrument @sgfan?

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 124:

# SW brandishes the incriminating thumb drive. YJ recognizes what she is holding. YJ IS cornered. SW smirks poisonously and tells YJ how things are going to be. SW takes a call on her cell phone and departs. YJ strikes his desktop with his fist.

# It looks like a makeup artist has given Gil Eun Hye/SW a more attractive look. Doesn't detract from her nastiness, however.

# SW flounces into Juran's office. They scheme cheerfully. Juran is all smiles when SW departs. SW has obviously not told Juran about the thumb drive. Another line has been crossed.

# DT sits in his office remembering something DY told him. SW's entrance abruptly returns DT to the planet Earth. She happily announces something. This something is definitely news to DT, whose mouth gapes open.

# DY enters DT's office as SW rattles on. DY's mouth gapes open. DT notes DY's presence with alarm.

# SW gets in DY's face with a smirk as she leaves DT's office. DY is bewildered.

# DY hands DT a report. They speak briefly and she leaves.

# SW strolls happily down a corridor while talking to herself. DY catches up with SW and remonstrates with her. SW's response is cool and arrogant. DY cannot believe her ears. Somehow this sensitive conversation in the corridor of a busy firm is not overheard by anyone.

# YJ is pacing his office as DY enters. She asks him a question. She is surprised by his gruff response. YJ looks nervous and shifts from foot to foot.

# DY leaves YJ's office. YJ barks orders into his cell phone. He is in panic mode.

# MS walks out of his house and encounters the Village Representative. MS likely informs him that he is leaving town. The Village Representative is amazed and stutters a response. The Village Representative smirks as MS reenters his house.

# DY and SA talk in their house. Likely DY informs SA that SW still has not come clean. Likely SA vows to blow SW's cover herself. Likely DY promises to "take care of it."

# SA is standing alone in her house. The Village Representative enters looking triumphant. He talks. SA at first is irritated and then surprised.

# SA sits alone in her bedroom looking distressed.

# MS is in his house. He has finished packing his bags. SA enters and they converse somberly. Then SA speaks urgently as MS heads for the door. SA weeps.

# Juran is in her bedroom remembering something MS said.

# Grandfather, HR, Juran and DT converse in their living room. DT stirs uncomfortably.

# YJ returns home. HR gives YJ some news about "oppa" and SW. YJ looks like he is choking. DT excuses himself.

# YJ goes upstairs and confronts DT in the hallway. They speak guardedly.

# Real Lee Sera is sitting in her apartment. SW bustles in happily. They chat briefly. SW receives a call on her cell phone and leaves the room.

# SW is in her bedroom pleading with a loan shark on her cell phone. SW is distressed.

# SW enters DT's office. They talk. Then they talk about DY. SW seems irritated.

# YJ enters Juran's office and hands her a report. SW enters and YJ looks cornered. SW smirks. She'll enjoy cracking the whip in the Sul household. YJ leaves and the two women chat happily.

# SW is flouncing down a corridor when YJ confronts her. She flashes her "I'm in control" smirk but YJ shuts her down. He barks a command.

# YJ and SW are sitting in a restaurant. YJ is talking and SW is listening. Her smirk is gone. He leaves her sitting alone looking pensive. She retrieves the thumb drive from her purse and admires it.

# YJ meets CJ in another restaurant. CJ is expecting a progress report re saving SW from herself and is disturbed that YJ has no progress to report. CJ shouts at his brother and gets up to leave. YJ grabs CJ's arm and pleads with him. CJ is bewildered but accedes.

# There is continued progress on the KC-Birth Mother-Big/Little GJ front.

# SA is in her house sweeping the floor and looking unhappy. She runs out the door as DY's mother calls after her.

# SA and MS talk on a hilltop.

# The Village Representative orates at the opening ceremony for the mulberry paste factory, followed by DT.

# DT and DY chat following the ceremony. The Village Representative joins them. The Village Representative says the wrong thing, as he is wont to do, and DT and DY are saddened.

# The Village Representative leaves and DT and DY talk. DY says something that surprises DT and leaves him standing alone.

# DT receives a call on his cell phone from SW. SW is happier than he is.

# SW receives another call from the loan shark. Your time is up. SW is frightened, then the beginnings of a smirk appear. She remembers the thumb drive, better than a Visa card.

# Mr. Choi enters YJ's office. SW enters. Mr. Choi chats briefly with her before exiting.

# SW says something about DY that surprises YJ.


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58 minutes ago, 0ly40 said:

ep125 preview:

in kbs site is this text:

윤재 삼월 USB를 빌미로 돈을 요구하자 팀장에게 삼월 뒷조사를 시키고, 동탁은 사표를 내고 떠나 단이 차마 붙잡지 못한다. 한편, 삼월 동탁 약혼식 예복을 맞추지만, 시각 세라 자신의 이름으로 온 카드독촉장을 발견하는데 . What that mean @stroppyse please!!!. Thanks in advance.


Translation of preview of episode 125. @0ly40, I think there is a problem with this clip though because the frames freeze towards the end though the audio is fine.


YJ: About Kang Sam Wol, how much do you know, brother? Don’t be shocked. She’s Dan Yi’s niece. 

Village Headman: You said you were leaving. Why are you still here?

MS: I’ve decided not to leave. I like SA, you see. So, I can’t leave.

JR: Their engagement party venue has been determined. 

SW: Today is the happiest day of my life because I’m with you Director. 

Loan Guy: Are you Lee Se Ra? Why aren’t you repaying back the money?

SR: Why are you doing this? I said it’s not me!

SW: Who are you?


Text preview:

Yoon Jae because of Sam Wol’s possession of the USB pays her some money, but then has Team Leader Han do a background check on her, Dong Tak couldn’t ask Dan Yi who had resigned from the office to stay. Also, San Wol went with Dong Tak to get his suit for the engagement party, while Se Ra finds a letter addressed to herself demanding immediate payment for her credit car.


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30 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Translation of preview of episode 125. @0ly40, I think there is a problem with this clip though because the frames freeze towards the end though the audio is fine.


YJ: About Kang Sam Wol, how much do you know, brother? Don’t be shocked. She’s Dan Yi’s niece. 

Village Headman: You said you were leaving. Why are you still here?

MS: I’ve decided not to leave. I like SA, you see. So, I can’t leave.

JR: Their engagement party venue has been determined. 

SW: Today is the happiest day of my life because I’m with you Director. 

Loan Guy: Are you Lee Se Ra? Why aren’t you repaying back the money?

SR: Why are you doing this? I said it’s not me!

SW: Who are you?


Text preview:

Yoon Jae because of Sam Wol’s possession of the USB pays her some money, but then has Team Leader Han do a background check on her, Dong Tak couldn’t ask Dan Yi who had resigned from the office to stay. Also, San Wol went with Dong Tak to get his suit for the engagement party, while Se Ra finds a letter addressed to herself demanding immediate payment for her credit car.

I do hope DT doesn't have to go through the actual engagement party with the tramp. I am going to keep my fingers crossed hoping that she will be found out (can't wait for her guano to hit the fan) before the ceremony.

In the last preview, SW rushed the engagement party because she said 'her parents are only available next (this) week'. I wonder who are going to be attending her engagement ceremony as her 'parents'.

Is team leader Han trustworthy enough to be delegated the task to run a background check on SW? Will the information he obtained be 'leaked' to someone other than YJ?

And I am not surprised DY has chosen to quit after the ground breaking ceremony of the JMR factory.

Thank you so much for the translations @stroppyse. Have a nice weekend!

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In the preview for ep. 125, is that DY standing next to SW at her engagement ceremony.  What's up with that?

@sk0317  I suspect that Fake Lee SeRa's "parents" will be unable to attend due to last minute issues.  But too late to cancel the ceremony, ta ta . . .

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6 minutes ago, jimb said:

In the preview for ep. 125, is that DY standing next to SW at her engagement ceremony.  What's up with that?

@sk0317  I suspect that Fake Lee SeRa's "parents" will be unable to attend due to last minute issues.  But too late to cancel the ceremony, ta ta . . .

 @stroppyse mentioned in the footnote of her translation for episode 125's preview, that SW went to pick up DT's suit with him. So the woman you saw on SW's left is a staff attending to them while they were at the bridal shop.:sweatingbullets:

LOL. I hope there is no ceremony to begin with...:phew:

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18 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Apart from meeting and swooning offline in Japan, perhaps we could arrange for a short trip to SJH's hometown in Busan too:)?

Anything more than that 'reflex response' from DT would kill me:(. I don't want to have to witness any more PDA (one sided or otherwise) or physical intimacy between DT and that tramp. I am 'watching' and skipping through the drama, and watched the parts where SW is shown to be anxious/worried about being found out. Now there is a new bunch of people after her, the debt collectors:lol:. She really should watch her back from now on. These thugs are more frightening than YJ at his worst.:P She needs to seal her place in the Sul's empire soon in order to get the money to cover her debts. And she has also resorted to 'extorting' money from YJ. We will get to see more of the two unscrupulous people exploiting and dealing with each other from now on I guess.

Nagoya is about a 420km drive from here:sweatingbullets:. We'll be heading out at 4 a.m.and returning on the same day. My daughter likes music and I think it's great she is pursuing something she likes although she might not be the most musically gifted/talented. Her school has a very strict and tedious routine; daily practices start at 7 a.m. and practices resume after her normal class lesson. She practices seven days a week and rarely gets a rest day. But she is fortunate to be trained under a very good music instructor, one who is specially engaged by the school (it's not the norm to employ the services of someone outside school I was told). Although I like music and it's 'anything goes' when it comes to listening to music, I never had the chance to learn to play any instrument:sweatingbullets:. Do you play any musical instrument @sgfan?

Road trip to Busan?! Count me in :)

Lol at your use of 'tramp' for SW. Very appropriate ;) Yes, she should really watch her back from now on. She is running out of time in "sealing" her place in the Sul empire. Hence, the need and hurry to get engaged. Did it not occur to her that the engagement could be called off anyway when the Suls find out the truth?

I thought YJ was spot-on in his judgement/assessment of SW. He was correct when he pointed out to DY that she doesn't know her niece at all. I liked the part where YJ was telling CJ to forget about this "evil" woman. YJ was also "nice enough" to try to "dissuade" DT from getting engaged to SW. However, DT brushed his bro-in-law off since YJ should be happy since the bride-to-be isn't DY. So yes now we have SW vs. YJ. Does the image bring to mind Freddy vs. Jason? 

I can play the piano and guitar. My piano skills are admittedly "rusty" though. I do remember my hours of after-school practice too - scales, scales and more scales. I never quite understood the necessity of scales until much later :sweatingbullets: May I suggest adding in some pop music in your daughter's repertoire? It definitely helps to keep the interest in music going. :)

Have a good rest when you return home later @sk0317. I am sure your Saturday has been good :)

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Today in ep 124 in two separate scenes YJ utters a few lines that were so on point and rational that I was momentarily shocked. Compared to the irrational lies that usually spout from the mouths of these characters YJs words were like those of a Sage.

In the first scene YJ and CJ are in a coffee shop discussing SW. At about the 22:28 mark Sage YJ tells CJ "You should move on. I don't think she's a good person. No, I'll be honest with you. I think she's EVIL".   (It's almost as if a Soompi member had figured out how to dub in his/her own lines.) Of course CJ disregards these sage words because he is in Kdrama love. Just one kiss from SW has lowered his IQ by half. Korean girls must be really good at kissing!  :w00t:  :P  :wub:

The second scene takes place in YJs office. YJ and DY are discussing SW.  DY assures YJ that she is certain that she can convince SW to come clean and tell the truth before the engagement ceremony. To this Sage YJ responds (6:13)   "IT LOOKS LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT YOUR NIECE. She will not change her mind, so don't even dream about it."  (It has to be a Soompi member dubbing in his/her own lines) The first part should have hit DY like a slap to the face but it didn't phase her one bit, it just bounced off of her skull instead  of imbedding it's self into her rapidly shrinking brain. Soooo saaad. I guess there's no hope for DY.  :huh:  :mellow:  :crazy:

Second scene actually comes before the first. I got their order mixed up.

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12 hours ago, sgfan said:

Road trip to Busan?! Count me in :)

Lol at your use of 'tramp' for SW. Very appropriate ;) Yes, she should really watch her back from now on. She is running out of time in "sealing" her place in the Sul empire. Hence, the need and hurry to get engaged. Did it not occur to her that the engagement could be called off anyway when the Suls find out the truth?

I thought YJ was spot-on in his judgement/assessment of SW. He was correct when he pointed out to DY that she doesn't know her niece at all. I liked the part where YJ was telling CJ to forget about this "evil" woman. YJ was also "nice enough" to try to "dissuade" DT from getting engaged to SW. However, DT brushed his bro-in-law off since YJ should be happy since the bride-to-be isn't DY. So yes now we have SW vs. YJ. Does the image bring to mind Freddy vs. Jason? 

I can play the piano and guitar. My piano skills are admittedly "rusty" though. I do remember my hours of after-school practice too - scales, scales and more scales. I never quite understood the necessity of scales until much later :sweatingbullets: May I suggest adding in some pop music in your daughter's repertoire? It definitely helps to keep the interest in music going. :)

Have a good rest when you return home later @sk0317. I am sure your Saturday has been good :)

To Busan, To Busan, To Busan!:lol: Not the 'Train to Busan' please!:( I don't like horror movies:tears:

Thank you so much for the recaps! I must confess I didn't have the time to watch the drama (and sleep too) and it was too 'distressing' to watch the tramp:lol: stick it to YJ now that she has his thumb drive. She does seem to have the upper hand over YJ:angry:. I might watch and listen to the wise words of 'Sage YJ' tomorrow as I have a headache now:sweatingbullets:. DY, DT and CJ are not aware of the 'behind-the-scene' SW and her hidden agenda, so those dumb words and clueless answers from them when YJ advised them against believing in her .

That's so great! Do you play the guitar with your left or right hand @sgfan? Thanks for your advice, my daughter listens to pop, J-pop, jazz, blues, rock and classical music too. She knows the good wholesome James Taylor who is one of the most underrated guitarists of our time. I think she likes to dance too but she is rather shy.:)

Thank you so much for your kind words. My daughter's school won the Gold prize at the competition today. Have a nice Saturday!

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@jimb thankyou for your kind words once again and I do have to agree with you that March is indeed someone that goes after the person with all the power and money it just is that most of these scenes that I write I do so without putting much though and write whatever comes to mind at that moment and thus I couldn't think up of an adequate scene to add over there regarding this point at the moment. Sorry about that. But for now just simply assume that March herself didn't think that far ahead after all she may be devious and manipulative but at the same time she isn't the smartest person in town as well. Perhaps she simply assumes that even if Young Jae were to betray Juran he would still remain as her family member just that he would be in charge and that he won't be so cold to dump them out into the cold streets and all. Continuing on your point that you mentioned that a line had been crossed as neither party revealed the knowledge that they had to Juran such as March regarding the USB that Young Jae had which detailed his crimes and all and Young Jae about March's real identity. The problem over here is that they can't do that anymore. It would be MAD. In this case MAD stands for Mutually Assured Destruction but yes it would be equally mad of them to do so as well. :) What I mean by this is that if anyone were to reveal the secret of one party such as Young Jae were to reveal March's real identity she would reveal his crimes and vice versa thus they would both end up loosing in the long run. So they need to cut their losses and make the best of this situation for now.


March just needs to hold out till she gets married and once that happens Young Jae's goose is cooked and she can reveal his secret. Ofcourse that may still end up her getting a divorce but she might think as was mentioned that Juran might simply be so grateful to her that she would let her stay on as her DiL. Unfortunately that most likely won't happen since Juran has that certain way of thinking that if you aren't on her level or higher then you aren't worth her time and are little less than a bug to be squashed and to make matters worse March is related to Dani which will be a major down point for Juran to ever accepting March as a DiL. The only way that I can see Juran perhaps relenting on this fact is that if she knows that March is related to Sunae. In that case she may allow said marriage to remain just to prevent her husband from marrying or ending up with Sunae. Basically out of spite. Since her husband won't be able to be with Sunae since their children are now related and all. Thus to avoid a whole lot of complications and all and she may believe that her husband will thus be forced to return to her and all.


As of now with the way the current situation is playing out March is at a slight advantage because she gets to not only blackmail Young Jae to help pay for her current living expenses but also to get him to foot her entire wedding expenses as well without her having to pay a dime and all.


It was also mentioned that since March follows where all the Money and Power is wouldn't she dump Dong Tak has he isn't going to be the heir to the company anymore and instead go after Young Jae. That might have worked in the past but not anymore. The only reason the guys have fallen for her is because none of them know the real her and how not only manipulative she is but also how twisted she is as well and that makes her more damaged then even Hyeri. If they knew one of them would atleast run of to some far of farming village and live with his father and perhaps later on when the heat dies down with the woman that he loves with the others busy searching for him and all to no avail :) As for Chung Jae I would say that he to should run away. Unfortunately he is one of those people who believes that since his first kiss was stolen by the other person that person must be his first love and all and first loves work out great so he has to end up with said person no matter what. Frankly he should run far away as well. Perhaps he to should join Dong Tak and pick up on farming as well. They can then sell of to his family as well as a few others to make a living :) Unfortunately he still hasn't gotten over March for some reason so good luck in that department.


Yes he can tell Hyeri about March's real identity unfortunately I don't see that going well. The most that is going to come out of all that may be some hair pulling or a small fight but that will be the end of it. Why do I say that is simply because as of now March seems to have the advantage for now. If confronted by Hyeri she will tell her the truth of what Young Jae is currently doing and how she can expose him. That means that he is going to not only be kicked out of that house but Juran is also going to insist on a divorce as well between the two. Now while I agree that may be for the best Hyeri unfortunately won't see it as that. She has invested far to much into this wedding and all that she can't afford to get a divorce at this point. She really wants and needs to make this marriage work because it was done after such heavy opposition and all from certain family members and all. Plus she is afraid that he could go back to Dani as he may not be over her. If that happens she may believe that she is going to be mocked and all and she can't have that. Plus furthermore this would be her second divorce and even though she may not be fully responsible for it others might not see it as that way and may think that there was something wrong with her and that is why she got divorced not once but twice. This will be a bigger problem down the line thus she is going to want to keep her wedding intact with Young Jae so she will do her best to protect his secret. Thus I can see it in the end that after Young Jae gets caught and perhaps even sent to jail hopefully for his actions she will still be waiting for him to return. Perhaps at that point he will be so moved by her actions he may actually start to develop feelings for her. But then again who knows. The best person for Chung Jae to reveal the March Identity (even though Hyeri is the easiest due to her interactions with his family and all) would be Dong Tak who is the victim in all this. He should be free to make his own choices after all especially if he has all the information at hand. Instead nobody is bothering to even consider his feelings and are forcing their choices on him whether or not he agrees with them. Do they think that feelings can be turned on and off simply with a flick of some switch or something. Also how can they even think that he will be happy this way.


Dani is just as delusional if she thinks that she is doing this for his sake as well and that he has gotten closer with March and all. Can't she see that he has become nothing but a corpse and that March is only going to get a shell of a person and that the man she so calls loves is going to be suffering just as well. Does she perhaps think that just because she is suffering for her choice others must do the same as that would be Karma and that only her neice should profit from this. Seriously I don't know whats worse or wrong over here. This problem might not have happened if she let Sunae do her job for once. That is discipline her child when she was doing something wrong. Instead she is interfering when she shouldn't and all. I think that as of now Sunae is the only sane person in this show. She doesn't hold Dani responsible for her husbands death and has told her as well especially by telling her that she didn't get ill on purpose and all yet Dani isn't getting that for some reason and thinks that she owes her niece something. When infact she owes her nothing. As for the bluff that March likes to pull every now and again that if she gets exposed she will commit suicide. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. She won't do so simply because she is a coward. If she really intended to kill herself she wouldn't tell others about her plan so that they could stop her. She would just do it and leave a note or something telling why she did it. So over here even if she were to take her bluff to step 2 you can be sure that she would still end up taking precautions to make it so that she survives such as she will inform someone that she is about to jump of a rooftop or something to that extent where said person would suddenly rush over to either prevent her or even if she went ahead and cut of her wrists she would calculate enough time where she could be either rescued by said person who would call an ambulance to rush her of to the hospital or perhaps the real Lee Sera would do that since she is back and living with her and all. I may be wrong in this department but when I brought this up with a friend of mine who is a psychologist he seems to agree with this if this were a real case scenario and all but he pointed out that since this is a drama things don't work like that since they like to throw logic out of the window at times. :)


Still think about what March is currently doing and one might have to agree that March is a coward. When the police chased them (March and her friend) she left her friend to fend for herself to save her own skin. Granted the Fight or Flight process was triggered but she chose flight over here. Then on top of all this she isn't ready to face the world as her own real identity as she is embarrassed of her background and all so she hides behind her friends identity and all. Thus she pretends to be something that she is not. Eventually she is going to not only slip up but get caught as well. Lets see how she is going to get out of that mess then. True she never even went to visit her friend in jail. Since she was scared of doing so. Well mostly she wasn't really interested in her friend since she always seems to look out for number one which is herself in this case. But it would also be bad if she did so as that would pretty much incriminate herself. Look at the following facts her friend has been arrested but for some reason has still managed to hold out on revealing her accomplices that would also mean that most likely she hasn't informed anyone of her situation as well. Thus one would question how March even knew that her friend was behind bars unless she was involved with her. I am sure that if the real Lee Sera knows about this she might be willing to help her out since she most probably could afford a decent lawyer but then again she may let her stay in jail as well. Can't be so sure in that department.


Frankly Dani should wake up and realize exactly what kind of person her niece really is and thus figure out that she owes her nothing. As of now she is the only one looking out for her and all because she values family and all but this isn't the case for March. She is more than willing to throw them under the bus if it suits her purposes. March simply can't have it both ways on one hand she will fail to recognize her own family if it suits her needs such as pretend she doesn't know her own mother or aunt but at the same time she expects them to treat her as family. So when things go against what she wants she doesn't hesitate to call foul play and calls people out on it but if it were to suit her own needs she won't hesitate to be the one to cheat or play foul. So on one hand she tells Dani that she can't date Dong Tak because she has feelings for him (not considering the feelings of others at all but her own needs and all) and when that isn't fully working she tries the guilt card that you owe me because my dad died because of you. Don't know why Dani buys that but whatever. So as I pointed out in this case she doesn't mind using the family card at all but when they ask her to reveal her real identity she simply refuses to do so and calls upon her Lee Sera identity even going so far as using her friends real parents as her own. March simply can't continue to act in this way, The others need to spot this and call her out on her bluff or tell her pick one or the either. If she were to pick her family then respect that and all or if she continues to choose her lies then actually cut ties with her family thus they will have no obligation to follow through with any of her shenanigans. Thus even her threats to kill herself will be of no avail then.


To be honest I am also wondering how March is managing to pull of some of her stunts and not gotten caught. For instance she has not only taken out numerous loans under the real Lee Sera's name/identity but also used her credit cards as if they were her own. While I admit that I don't own a credit card as I don't believe in them and think that they are more of a hassle than a blessing (sure I use a debit card as in this case I know exactly how much I spend and not over etc... as well as a few other reasons) but I would assume that much like my debit card the credit card would also require a PIN to use it for transactions otherwise what would stop another person from using your card as their own and spend all your money. I guess some credit card users might need to explain that one to me. But if that is indeed the case then I think that credit cards are further not safe at all. In regards to the loans that she has been taking out I can understand her going to loan sharks for that. Have to admit that she has a lot of moxy to do that :) but how can she get any loans from the bank even if she gives up the house as collateral and all. Shouldn't the bank investigate thoroughly if the person is actually the correct person rather than simply accepting mailed documents and all. Where are the checks and balances in this show really seems to puzzle me to no end. I mean she just mailed them her information (granted it was the Lee Sera info) and they accepted that. If I was working at the bank before I approved the documents for a loan I would have wanted a visual verification apart from all the documents and all just so that the other party couldn't call foul in the future and perhaps even sue the bank. Granted this being a drama and since plastic surgery is a thing in Korea March could have claimed that she got plastic surgery that is why she looks so different now from her current picture :) But in that case I would have asked her to get me either a current or changed ID Card indicating that or a doctors note with before and after pictures. Though that might not really do the trick. :) Also I know that a visual verification may be harder since the bank literally works hundreds of cases a day I doubt that they can remember each customers face and all but still they can atleast try. I know for a fact that over here banks and similar institutions require better proof when a person needs to send money to somewhere else via credit or debit cards etc... I still recall my father and at another time brother wanted to send money to someone they knew but since they were busy they told me to go in their place. They gave me not only their cards but also their ID Cards as verification and all but when I went to the money senders they refused to accept them as I wasn't the same person even though I told them my relationship to said people. They told me that they would be okay to send the money if I paid them in either cash or used my own debit card that way said people couldn't call foul later on. I understood their reasons so shouldn't the banks in Korea be doing the same as well. Then again this is a drama so I guess we have to take everything with a pinch of salt that is the only reason why March has been getting away with all her stunts so far as well as other people not realizing how they are further connected to each other and all.


Now in regards to the marriage between March and Dong Tak I simply don't see how she can pull it of. I mean sure the parents not showing up due to last minute plans and all as someone else mentioned as well or even a few other points that I might just bring up soon. Still there would be problems such as if March doesn't use her real name then the marriage pretty much becomes null and void. If she does then the game is up and it can be cancelled then and there though she may be gambling on the fact that Juran may be to embarrassed at that point to cancel it and would have to go through with it and all. But on the other hand if she uses the Lee Sera identity then when it is found out they can have it cancelled since it would be considered fraud and marriage under false pretense and similar things plus as they thought that they were marrying Lee Sera but got someone else (even though she used the name and all) they could easily get it cancelled unless March somehow gets wind of not only this but also the judge responsible for the hearing and manages to bribe him to not do so. At this point I wouldn't be surprised at anything. Heck they may reveal that her entire family aren't even human and are actually Aliens and thus they don't know proper human behavior and all thus they are acting the way they do.


Also I think that even if March doesn't serve time behind bars for all her crimes she really needs to spend some time in a mental ward to fully recover. Her current condition is so bad that it seems to me that she can't seem to either differentiate lies from reality or that she has started to believe her own lies. Such as when her mother confronted her as to why Juran and her family would accept her when they refused Dani who was from the same family and all she simply told her that she was not only using her friends identity but had actually started to live her life as well such as calling her father as her own. This clearly shows a deeply disturbed mentality and all. Had March just used the name Lee Sera it wouldn't have been such a big issue. Infact Juran could even cover for that to an extent. As March could say that she wanted a catchy name or something so that customers would remember her and get their products and all. But March took her crimes to the next step as she has started to impersonate her friend by stealing her identity and claiming her family as her own. As of now March can easily be charged with some of the following crimes. Granted there could be more but as of now I can't seem to think of them. So they would be as follows, Fraud, Identity Theft, Blackmail, Psychological and perhaps even physical damage. If her crimes relating to the company come out then she might even be charged with tampering with company goods or something similar. Good Luck hope she gets charged for all of them soon.


Now as to her marriage as I was mentioning earlier lets assume that none of the following other events happen such as funding has been taken care of due to Young Jae footing the bill, parents don't need to show up because of last minute plans, no freak storm or uninvited guests as well. Such as a few YamiYugi specials


Finally the big day has come and somehow March's secret has still been maintained. But there are things that need to be taken care of.
March is sitting at home preparing herself for the big day when she realizes that she needs to do some quick damage control
Lee Sera: Oh March you look great can't wait to see you getting married.
March (Shocked): What Sera you are going to attend the wedding as well?
L. Sera: Ofcourse why wouldn't I. I don't have many friends over here. One is still in jail and the other is you. So I have to attend your wedding. A shame that our other friend can't make it she would have been real happy as well for you. Also I just might get lucky and catch the flowers bouquet so I have to be there.
March: Oh yes indeed. Shame really. (she realizes that she needs to think fast quickly otherwise her game would be up before it even started. Suddenly she gets an idea)
When they are all ready and about to leave for the event March suddenly looks like she forgot something.
March: Sera I think I left my phone in my room can you please get it for me.
Sera: You can use my phone no problem.
March: No I need my phone as it has some important contact information and all. Please get it for me. Oh and while you are at it let me hold your bag for you. (Sera's phone is in her bag just for all your info)
Sera: Sure. (she enters March's room but can't seem to find it so she shouts out) Hey March where is it I can't find it.
Just then she hears the room door getting not only shut but her being locked in it as well.
Sera: March what is going on out there. Open the door this isn't funny anymore.
March: Sorry Sera but I have to do this for your own good and all.
Sera: Let me out March or you will regret it later on.
March: Sorry again but I promise to let you out as soon as the marriage is done. Just wait until then.
March then starts to leave for the wedding but decides to leave the real Sera's bad and phone at home as she would have a lot of explaining to do as to why she has not only two bags or even two phones. But as she locks the door a thought suddenly strikes her.
March (To Herself): Oh wait after the marriage don't I have to go for my honeymoon and all. How will I free Sera then. I can't rush home instantly without a decent excuse. Oh well it doesn't matter I am sure that Sera can wait for a few more days it isn't like someone is going to die in a few days or so. Yes that is it. Also this day is about me and nobody else. Now I just hope that Dani doesn't show up to ruin it.
March then leaves for the wedding avenue.
What is going to happen next. Will Sera somehow escape her predicament and still somehow manage to show up for the wedding. Will she be so mad that she will expose March for who she really is or will friendship rule the day and she will let this one also slide or will Sera end up dying. Who knows? But be sure to tune in next time to find out


As for semi uninvited guests since the ghost tried to get the weather department to start a freak storm to cancel the wedding and all failed since he didn't have enough ghost credit on him. He needs to scare a few more people but he is simply in the Casper Camp being to friendly and all. Regardless of that two people have decided to attend this wedding for very different reasons though. This place being Jang Miri and the people in question being Dong Tak's Dad and Sunae.

Sunae getting ready to crash the party is about to get into her truck to head over there when she sees Dong Tak's dad all neatly Ready and all: Where are you going so well dressed and all?
Dong Tak's Dad: To Seoul today is my only sons wedding what about you?
Sunae: Same but I am going to crash my only daughter's wedding. Since we are heading in the same direction let me give you a lift.
Dong Tak's Dad: Thanks. But why are you going to crash your daughter's wedding shouldn't you be happy for her?
Sunae: You don't even know the half of it. I would love it if she was getting married as herself but she has been deceiving the boy and his family about her identity all along. As a mother I can't allow this to go on.
Dong Tak's Dad: That is serious but why didn't you try to stop her.
Sunae: I have tried to convince her multiple times to tell them the truth but she has been threatening to kill herself of.
Dong Tak's Dad: This is serious indeed but how was she lying about her identity that she has managed to fool everyone for so long.
Sunae: She took on her friends name and identity so even if they tried to find something out they would always meet with proper facts and all from what I hear.
Dong Tak's Dad: I see but why would she even need to lie.
Sunae: The boys family are really well of and they wouldn't marry their son of to some show host so she lied to everyone about her background and claimed to be Lee Sera from a well of family and all.
Dong Tak's Dad (suddenly realizing things seem a bit to familiar to him) What did you just say?
Sunae: She lied because...
Dong Tak's Dad: No I meant her name and where did you say that she worked?
Sunae (not getting his surprise and all): She works as a show host for the company Bonjour and is currently going by the name of Lee Sera.
Dong Tak's Dad finally realizing how they are all conected and how this may spoil his plans to be with Sunae and all.: Stop the truck. I think that I need to drive.
Sunae (shocked): What are you talking about?
Dong Tak's Dad: No offense but you are driving like an old lady let me take over the wheel and I will rush over there.
Sunae: Why whats wrong?
Dong Tak's Dad: We have no time to waste otherwise we can never be together I will explain everything to you later on but just know this that I am on your side and I agree we need to crash this party.
Sunae: But what about your son's wedding won't you be late for that..
Dong Tak's Dad: No actually we will be just on time to save the day.
Sunae not getting what's going on stops the truck on the side and lets Dong Tak's dad drive.
Now we can have a few options available to us. Firstly they end up in a traffic jam does by the time they do make it to the wedding venue it is to late or if we want a more dramatic bit lets involve them both in an accident. Thus a few phone calls to perhaps Juran and company can even put a halt to the wedding and we can have March still try to make it go through only to be told to get her priorities straight and all. At this point we can either have her phone ring to inform her about her mothers accident or since she refuses to answer have Dani show up to inform her etc.. But we had Dani walk of if I recall. Either way if it is an accident one can be sure that March is going to be true to her nature and try to blame her mother's accident on Dani and Dani being the genius that she is is going to accept to shoulder all blame as usual. Sigh. Have no idea what to do with Dani folks. Sorry about that.


Also since we want another Young Jae and March scene regarding her hitting on him etc...

Day of Payoff One.
Young Jae: Here you go I hope that it is enough for now.
March (after counting the money): Sure thanks for it. You do know that you are quite cool doing all that you have and smart to pull this of for so long.
Young Jae: What is wrong with you woman? Do you have a thing for your Aunt's men that you think that you can hit on me. Not that it will work or so.
March: Oh no not at all. I simply like what they offer the extra bit if you get my drift. Looks are only second to that.
Young Jae: In other words you mean their money.
March: See you really are smart.
Young Jae: Well good luck in that department because I love only one woman and that is never going to change no matter what you do.
March: Sure you love your wife just as much as I love Dong Tak.
Young Jae: Right well then I will be of then.
March (realizing that is not the answer she wanted to hear): Oh my god you still really aren't over Dani yet. That is why you are still hitting on her even though you are still married and all.
Young Jae: Whoever I have feelings for it is none of your business we are just forceful partners in this for now.
March: Soon you will change your mind regarding that and will start to appreciate me for helping you out now and then that will change into feelings for me. I can already see it. Plus the Fortune Teller promised me great things are to come in my future and you are going to be part of it.
Young Jae (realizing that he is dealing with a crazy person decides to humor her): Sure that is going to happen. Take care.
March: What is it with all these guys and all of them falling for Dani. Why what is wrong with me I am not only prettier than her but I have more brains than her as well. Look at my hair I use the best products that our home shopping network provides compared to the normal shampoo Dani uses, I use brand name clothes while Dani goes for simple clothes so why can't people love me instead. What am I missing.
Young Jae: Look why don't we discuss that later on I have an important meeting next and I need to go.
March (sounding hopeful): Really then I will head out first you can follow later on after your meeting. Soon I shall have you.
Young Jae (to himself): What you will try to get me drunk and claim that we slept together good luck I only drink alone, with Dani or at home so I won't give you the chance and pretty soon you will regret trying to threaten me.
With that Young Jae removes his smart phone from his pocket and looks at it with an interesting gleam in his eyes.
Just then a random stranger passes by and notices it.
R. Stranger: What a nice phone where did you get it from.
Young Jae: Oh this I got it of from Bonjour Home Shopping Network. That to on a special employee discount.
R. Stranger: Really that's nice can you tell me some of it's selling point.
Young Jae: Oh in that case you just missed one of our show hosts that could do a better job but just so you know this phone can record people making incriminating confessions that can come in handy later on, it has a decent camera to take photos of perhaps cheating couples or photograph important documents, has internet access so you can send these incriminating files directly from your phone to another party, good battery life and a few more features. I recommend that you buy one and that you won't regret it later on. Plus this phone can be even seen on a few Korean Dramas making it a hit seller.
R. Stranger: WoW that sounds so interesting I must go and order mine right now. Oh and buy the way that is a great sales pitch you must have the Midas Touch in that department. I already have ideas what to do thanks to you.
With that the stranger leaves Young Jae to his own thoughts and all
Will this stranger buy a smart phone who knows and cares since he is just a stranger... Will Young Jae ever use this recorded conversation against March in the future? Be sure to find out later on hopefully.


Well that will be all from my end for the moment. Will check out some more of your comments and respond to them later on. Till then take care all of you and keep posting. :)


PS: @sg0317 congratulation on your daughter being selected. and her school winning as well you must be really proud of her. May she keep up the good work.


On another note it was asked whether Mr. Han could be trusted in finding out information regarding March and all. I think in that response that Mr. Han is a people pleaser or more likely a boss pleaser.  So in other words he tries do things that would impress them. In this case I think that he might just try to be over efficient and thus mess up things. So it might happen that he might find information regarding March and instead of informing just Young Jae about it he may also hand it over to Juran thinking that it is for the best. Once Young jae discovers this he may realize that he has just land himself in a pickle thanks to MAD. That means he will have to serve time no matter what.

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12 hours ago, sk0317 said:

To Busan, To Busan, To Busan!:lol: Not the 'Train to Busan' please!:( I don't like horror movies:tears:

Thank you so much for the recaps! I must confess I didn't have the time to watch the drama (and sleep too) and it was too 'distressing' to watch the tramp:lol: stick it to YJ now that she has his thumb drive. She does seem to have the upper hand over YJ:angry:. I might watch and listen to the wise words of 'Sage YJ' tomorrow as I have a headache now:sweatingbullets:. DY, DT and CJ are not aware of the 'behind-the-scene' SW and her hidden agenda, so those dumb words and clueless answers from them when YJ advised them against believing in her .

That's so great! Do you play the guitar with your left or right hand @sgfan? Thanks for your advice, my daughter listens to pop, J-pop, jazz, blues, rock and classical music too. She knows the good wholesome James Taylor who is one of the most underrated guitarists of our time. I think she likes to dance too but she is rather shy.:)

Thank you so much for your kind words. My daughter's school won the Gold prize at the competition today. Have a nice Saturday!

I wouldn't mind taking the train to Busan if Gong Yoo is on it! Without the zombies please :lol:

Glad to know my recaps help :) I have not been watching the episodes in their entirety, just parts where I think are essential. I did not even know the tramp slapped DY until I read @jimb's post.

I suppose YJ will next figure out that SW has been deliberately telling tales about him and DY. SW on the other hand does not know what she is getting herself into. I think she will remain clueless until it becomes clear to everyone YJ is taking over BHS. She really isn't that smart of a villian, to not realise the implications of YJ's dealings, seeing that she is still worming herself in the Sul family.

I play the guitar with my left-hand @sk0317. Own a lefty guitar. Very happy to know that you and your daughter enjoy all genres of music. Congratulations on the school win! Let's also enjoy the remainder of our weekend today :)

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44 minutes ago, sgfan said:

I wouldn't mind taking the train to Busan if Gong Yoo is on it! Without the zombies please :lol:

Glad to know my recaps help :) I have not been watching the episodes in their entirety, just parts where I think are essential. I did not even know the tramp slapped DY until I read @jimb's post.

I suppose YJ will next figure out that SW has been deliberately telling tales about him and DY. SW on the other hand does not know what she is getting herself into. I think she will remain clueless until it becomes clear to everyone YJ is taking over BHS. She really isn't that smart of a villian, to not realise the implications of YJ's dealings, seeing that she is still worming herself in the Sul family.

I play the guitar with my left-hand @sk0317. Own a lefty guitar. Very happy to know that you and your daughter enjoy all genres of music. Congratulations on the school win! Let's also enjoy the remainder of our weekend today :)

Yes! Put us on a train to Busan with Gong Yoo:)! We'll leave the zombies with SW:phew:.

Too bad it was a slap on her hand/arm and not her face...that might make her understand how 'evil' SW really is. I wonder if we would get to see a scene of the two women clawing at each other in one of the later episodes:D.

I like how clueless SW and DY are to the fact that CJ is the key/link as to why YJ was able to figure out KSW is DY's niece:). I can't wait for YJ to devise a perfect plan to take down that tramp; he is only 'tolerating' her and will take her out when he manages to get his hands closer to the Bonjour' s CEO seat and throne.

Cool! Paul McCartney and Jimi Hendrix are two left-handed guitarists who play with their left hand. There are perhaps more lefties who play the guitar with their right hand.Thank you @sgfan and @yamiyugi for the congratulatory messages:). I was overwhelmed by the level of enthusiasm and performances put up by all the competitors. A few pieces touched me personally and brought tears to my eyes. Bravo and kudos to them. Just watched episode 17 of TGOWTS and I can't wait for the next one!

Please take care and may you both feel refreshed for another work week ahead!

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@sgfan @sk0317  @yamiyugi

As long as SW still has the thumb drive, doesn't she still have the upper hand even when YJ takes over Bonjour?  Since the thumb drive contains evidence that SJ stole the money he used to buy Bonjour stock, SJ would still have reason to fear SW.

On the other hand, at some point the Suls will be unable to back out of the planned DT-SW marriage, even if they learn SW is a fraud, without creating a scandal.  So won't YJ lose what little hold he has on SW?  [NOTE:  This is more or less up to SW.  Out of need and then greed, she could become "addicted" to blackmailing YJ.   She could not, in that case, bring YJ down (like a heroin addict can't inform on his connection.)]

Kind of depressing, but that's the way I see it.

I'd actually be happy if someone points out something big that I'm missing.  It would cheer me up.  

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@sk0317  Notes that SW needs to "seal the deal" by marrying DT in order to pay off her debts.

SW seems to think that once she is a "member" of the Sul household she'll be rolling in the high financial clover, but I wonder how that will actually work.

Apparently the amount SW owes the loan sharks is not trivial.

When DT needs non-trivial amounts of money, e.g. to finance a movie, he needs to beg his grandfather for it.

Hard to see how the Sul financial spigot would open any wider for DT's wife, whomever that turns out to be.

Likely SW will continue blackmailing YJ, first out of need and then to finance further luxuries.

Will YJ continue to submit, or escalate to the point of hiring someone to "neutralize" SW?

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DY keeps telling SA that she will "take care of it" while SW continues to lead DT to the slaughter, but who will suffer (besides DT?}

Not DY.  She no longer has a relationship with DT and, after reporting for her final day of work, will no longer have a job at Bonjour.

SA will likely suffer or, at the very least, her relationship with MS will be sorely tested.  How will MS respond when he learns that SA's daughter entrapped his son, and SA did nothing to stop her?

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On 10/21/2016 at 4:44 AM, Ldy Gmerm said:

There will be a lot of angry people when SW is exposed and DY and SA will also receive blows which they richly deserve for not going and telling who SW really is, but again it falls back to family. So they will take what is coming because they will see it as their fault. SA for not raising her right and DY for killing her father when we all know that it is neither of their faults that SW is such a selfish little Witch!

@Ldy Gmerm  I bvlame Halmoni for SW upbringing and it will be DY and Sa that's going to suffer the consequences of Sw action because they both knew of her decite and dids nothing to stop her, If DT hates DY in the end he has every right a lot of this could have been avoided if she had only told him she was her neice.. But it's kind of fun watching the village girls make fools out of the rich and foul..I can't wait to see the look on JR face when she learns who Sw really is..

I have and idea that SW will somehow make dumb DY responsible for her dent and she'sa stupid enough to pay it..




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