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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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On Thursday, September 08, 2016 at 1:51 PM, sk0317 said:

Will someone just get rid of SW already? I am so dumbfounded I have no more words for such a conniving individual anymore. I don't want and can't stand to see her any longer...please, just please take her away.

thats the point of having an evil snake in a dailly...

On Thursday, September 08, 2016 at 1:51 PM, sk0317 said:

Will someone just get rid of SW already? I am so dumbfounded I have no more words for such a conniving individual anymore. I don't want and can't stand to see her any longer...please, just please take her away.

thats the point of having an evil snake in a dailly...

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@sk0317 Is there a link to the disappointing promo on Youtube you mentioned?

Sorry my bad...@1:29 (see attached link below), you see DY/YJ and DT/SW posing for the media as "couples"... is this how they are going to end up in this drama?:blink: If so, I find it rather "disturbing" the writers and production team are going/have intentions to elevate the status of SW, from being the malicious trouble-stirrer/instigator to goddess with redeeming qualities enough for all her evil deeds and plots to be swept under the rug in the remaining 25 episodes.:angry::o


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@jayakris  @stroppyse  @sgfan  and other Korean speakers:

Some of these translations are funny. In the DXT Drama subs for ep. 94, HR called DY a "wench." An American woman as angry as HR would have used a less Shakespearean term, guaranteed. Perhaps the actual Korean epithet was also less delicate than wench? I believe "Wench" followed "Strumpet" and "Trollope" out of every-day spoken English a couple of centuries ago.

I liked the following translation by @stroppyse re the preview to ep. 95: "Fire Kang Dan Yi immediately, directly by your hand, Director Gu!" This is elegant.

The DXT drama translation of this is "Get rid of her." This is not only more prosaic but fails to convey key information: Juran is not only ordering YJ to get rid of his former fiance, she is humiliating him by ordering him to DO IT PERSONALLY

Most American viewers are likely bewildered by the translations of DT's romantic overtures. Reducing these encounters to coversations about "dating" is not only prosaic but only incompletely describes what DT is about. DT isn't just seeking DY's agreement to see a movie with him now and then ("dating.)"   In America single adults, unless they are in a "Relationship," can and do date many people.

"So you can accept my feelings [or love] for you" (or in millennial -speak, "So you know I'm falling in love with you and you're ok with it?") probably better coveys what DT was trying to say than "so you mean you will go out with me?"

Similarly "He admitted that he was falling in love with me and asked whether I was comfortable with that and I told him I was," although a bit unwieldy, probably better conveys the thought that DY could "accept DT's heart" than "I decided to go out with him."

@valsava    wrote "I'm hoping DY gets the goods on YJ and he can't fire her.": More likely DT will do this if he doesn't leave Bonjour first. He has expressed some curiosity about YJ's deals and, since he is the same rank as YJ and the Heir besides, in a much better position to demand a look at the books. Actually, I hope he doesn't. It's time for the "humbling" of Juran to begin and she needs to be humbled good and hard.

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17 hours ago, jimb said:

Speaking of personnel dramas, if DY leaves Bonjour, how will Juran fill all of her newly freed time?)

(1) Turn her attention to YJ and start intimidating him at work,

(2) Help SW seduce DT at work,

(3) Visit MS at JMR and try to persuade him to come back to the "manor of doom" and be reinstated as her Stepford "husband".

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15 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Sorry my bad...@1:29 (see attached link below), you see DY/YJ and DT/SW posing for the media as "couples"... is this how they are going to end up in this drama?:blink: If so, I find it rather "disturbing" the writers and production team are going/have intentions to elevate the status of SW, from being the malicious trouble-stirrer/instigator to goddess with redeeming qualities enough for all her evil deeds and plots to be swept under the rug in the remaining 25 episodes.:angry::o

I also find the picture disturbing SW don't deserve DT and YJ sure as hell don't deserve to be back with DY I think him and HR selfish buts needs to be alone..

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@jayakris  @stroppyse  @sgfan  and other Korean speakers:

Some of these translations are funny. In the DXT Drama subs for ep. 94, HR called DY a "wench." An American woman as angry as HR would have used a less Shakespearean term, guaranteed. Perhaps the actual Korean epithet was also less delicate than wench? I believe "Wench" followed "Strumpet" and "Trollope" out of every-day spoken English a couple of centuries ago.

I liked the following translation by @stroppyse re the preview to ep. 95: "Fire Kang Dan Yi immediately, directly by your hand, Director Gu!" This is elegant.

The DXT drama translation of this is "Get rid of her." This is not only more prosaic but fails to convey key information: Juran is not only ordering YJ to get rid of his former fiance, she is humiliating him by ordering him to DO IT PERSONALLY

Most American viewers are likely bewildered by the translations of DT's romantic overtures. Reducing these encounters to coversations about "dating" is not only prosaic but only incompletely describes what DT is about. DT isn't just seeking DY's agreement to see a movie with him now and then ("dating.)"   In America single adults, unless they are in a "Relationship," can and do date many people.

"So you can accept my feelings [or love] for you" (or in millennial -speak, "So you know I'm falling in love with you and you're ok with it?") probably better coveys what DT was trying to say than "so you mean you will go out with me?"

Similarly "He admitted that he was falling in love with me and asked whether I was comfortable with that and I told him I was," although a bit unwieldy, probably better conveys the thought that DY could "accept DT's heart" than "I decided to go out with him"

Nice observation. I've also noticed that 'wretch' is used very often in other dramas. Always lol at that.

Agree that A lot is lost in some of the translations. The impact is just missing. Like the 'firing DY by your hand' bit. while a literal translation sounds odd, you really do get the whole meaning of the dialogue and situation. 'Get rid of her' just gives you a rough idea of what was conveyed.


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What I can't get over is how wrong HR thinks she feels she hasn't look at things from DY point of view it was her and mom buying YJ for her sake but and thinks it's wrong of DY to stay working at that company yes torture her into quitting before everyone finds out that she was YJ ex that she was dying to have

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@stroppyse made a number of points about Korean workplace culture: My stepdaughter and I just had an interesting conversation inspired by this KD. In her view, "although conditions are not as bad as they were," there is still the assumption that subordinates in Korean workplaces must put up with whatever their superiors dish out, including the occasional slap or wrist grab. Her view also is that there is a strong cultural prejudice in men's favor in sexual harassment and similar cases: it is assumed that the woman's dress or actions inspired the man's wrongdoing. Thus, in her view neither the physical abuse of DY nor blaming DY rather than YJ are at all far fetched. Certainly not the last word but an interesting perspective that I thought I'd pass on.

Re the definition of "Wench:"  The primary  definition is "girl" or "servant girl," the secondary definition is "lewd woman" or "prostitute." 

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  But DT and DY also pose as a couple before DY and YJ do, so maybe at least some ambiguity?  By the way, if "SW" looked in the series like she did in the promo, I could almost forgive many of her sins . . . "Soonae" looks stunning also.

I really hope so...:) Otherwise it will be suicidal for me at least:lol:.
Nooooooooo...sorry to have to agree to disagree. "SW" just doesn't do it for me. Yes "SA" looks graceful and elegant.

#Would love to stay and chat but I have got to run:sweatingbullets:.

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8 hours ago, jimb said:

# As she deposits YJ's family jewelry in the safe she notices her son's is missing and storms off to retrieve it. Will DT make his escape from Mum's House and Mum's Business in time, or were the last few episodes just a waste of testosterone.? Judging from the final scene in ep. 95, maybe he will.

I certainly hope DT stays focused and continues to stand up to his mom. He should run for the hills with DY and set up his own mulberry gochujang empire (as suggested in your other post). He could also start making a new product using "Perilla Leaves" (the nickname DT gave DY:P).

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Hullo everyone, 

Is DY still being slapped around in ep 96? I got so frustrated to see her being abused and her reactions were so unreal, I stopped watching.  I caught the last part of 95 and she was slapped on the other side of her face, her reaction was just as infuriating.  Someone who stood up to a corporation and started a new relationship under the nose of the ex- fiance is now a submissive mess because of 'luv' for DT.  Aaarrghh. 'Sob' 

Appreciate recaps for future episodes, cannot bear to watch.:(

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

I certainly hope DT stays focused and continues to stand up to his mom. He should run for the hills with DY and set up his own mulberry gochujang empire (as suggested in your other post). He could also start making a new product using "Perilla Leaves" (the nickname DT gave DY:P).

Yes hope that DT continues to be this way. It was cool of him to not go berserk or be suspicious whenever he saw/knew DY had spoken to YJ. He even gently advised DY to be careful. His anger phase is over and he has accepted the past. What may get him worked up again is that YJ had told DY that he wants to go back to old times. Will HR tell him? I soooo want the siblings to compare notes then maybe they can see that SW was involved whenever something bad happened. 

If YJ is really planning for the downfall of JR, then DT will have so much more disdain and hate for his BIL. YJ is Hurting the 3 women DT loves.


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@sgfan wrote "If YJ is really planning on the downfall of JR . . . ": Doesn't the path YJ is on result in JR's downfall regardless of YJ's intent? Even if JY simply takes the money and runs, rather than attempting to frame JR, would the Board of Directors keep her around after such a major embezzlement occurred right under her unobservant and lackadaisical nose?   Who would inherit the throne?  The Heir, of course (or maybe his father.)

YJ definitely can't enjoy the money while he's living with his in-laws . . . Can't, in fact, enjoy much of anything . . .


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As I was re-reading some of the earlier comments I came across one where someone mentioned that perhaps only Sunae could get her daughter March on the right track by perhaps threatening to disown her and that might snap her back to her senses and all. That may be true but I think at this point if she were to do that she would only have an adverse effect on March at this point so in the long run it might just work but in the short run I fear that it may perhaps do more damage. For starters I don't think that this threat has enough force to currently sway March from her current path because if her actions have demonstrated anything it is that she really isn't bothered all that much about her family unless they can be of some use to her. She was more than willing to give up her identity to make her new life over here. The name Lee Sera is more than just a name for her but a chance to make it big where no one knows who she really is and thus she can easily lie about her background. Even at this moment she wants nothing to do with her real family who are nothing but worried and concerned about her well being. They miss her but to them they have ceased to exist and if she meets them in public she pretends not to know them as she is ashamed of her background and family. Even when she returned to the vilage to snoop about Dani and Dong Tak's status and to try and persuade Dani to break up with Dong Tak she was more worried that people might recognize her and realize that she and Lee Sera were the same person. If she can help it she wants to never return to her own roots and all. So as of now she has herself cut of all ties with her own family if her mother were to threaten her with this she wouldn't care much about it. Though in time I am sure that she would start to miss them or if she gets into some major trouble she might want to return to them but realize that she can't but till that time I don't think that it is going to affect her all that much. The only way that I can perhaps see her want to return to her family is if she were to discover that Dong Tak's father is living over there and is perhaps looking forward to marrying his son of to some girl from there who like to work in the field then she may try her luck there. But that to only for show and not a long term plan as she would try to persuade him to like her by other means. Other than that I doubt that she is going to return back home unless she thinks that she can manipulate someone in that family to her advantage.


In regards to March planning on blackmailing Youngjae to her advantage so that they can team up to break up the Dani and Dong Tak pairing I have to say that she needs to get drama lucky to do so. This can only happen if she manages to somehow overhear his schemes which is slightly possible but lets face the facts who exactly is he going to be talking with to reveal said plans the people that he is working with? The other issue is that he may accidentally leave the books that he is cooking outside his safe and she finds it. But if I am going to hazard a guess it is that it won't be real helpful for her. Why do I say that is simply because from what I have observed of her so far indicates that she isn't the smartest bulb around as she clearly hasn't ended up finishing her education and all. She left because she simply wasn't interested in doing so and had aspirations of becoming a model and all. So in that case I doubt that even if she were to have a glance at the notebook she isn't going to understand what it all means unless she shows it to someone else. The question is who she does it and why. If she were to involve Dani or Dong Tak she would lose all the advantage that she has plus like I said that she needs to be suspicious of the data in the first place to even take a picture as evidence. But while she can show the information to Dong Tak since he may be the only one that it would be slightly more advantageous than showing it to Dani. Since she would think that Dong Tak would end up confronting Young Jae and thus reveal it all to his mother who would be so furious that she would end up kicking Young Jae out of the house and while she is at it demand a divorce from Hyeri. This way he would be free to pursue Dani once more but then again no need for any blackmail just good old back stabbing which she is quite good at.


Another thing about March is that she doesn't usually get her hands dirty she lets other do all the dirty work so that she can claim plausible deniability later on. In this case she will never really reveal all that she knows because that will make her look bad so she drops hints and lets other infer whatever they want whether it is the truth or not she doesn't care. So unless the people are total idiots she doesn't reveal facts such as telling who Dani's Ex boyfriend was unless she was sure that she would get `00% results. So even though she knew how Dong Tak felt she never revealed to Juran that only gave implied hints that she thinks that there may be more going on between them or that she is afraid that other people will start talking about them and all. If anyone she would be the one to start any rumors regarding them and the more scandalous the better. So for instance if she thinks that it is to her advantage she won't hesitate to spread anonymous rumors on the companies site that Dani is messing around with Young Jae and that she is nothing short of a gold digger. So we can possibly have Young Jae dragging Dani for another confrontation and of how he still has feelings for her when she spots them. She then follows them and even though she knows the truth she still manages to take photos of the two of them together and uses them as so called evidence. Now people who don't know the truth or going to believe the worst of Dani. If Hyeri hasn't figured out the truth about their relationship by now she is going to end up confronting Dani and perhaps even add a slap to the mix and all. As of now all that March needs to do is light the fire under Hyeri and tell her that she thinks that Dani and Young Jae still have feelings for each other just like she tried with Dong Tak. Hyeri being more gullible as well as desperate might never approve Dani.


The thing regarding Hyeri is that she certainly has her issues and she can't even keep a secret to herself but at the same time I think that she is sort of decent as well. Apart from her being a housebreaker or relationship breaker I do think that she cares and worries about those that she considers family. Was it wrong of her to reveal her Aunt's secret without her permission I do think so but at the same time if we look at the results we can see that her actions have only sort of helped her Aunt as the uncle now knows the reason of the breakup and wants to get back together with her. So I do say that she has her plus points. She is quite clingy and this may indeed end up suffocating the other person. Now I don't know if she was like this from the start and that is why her previous husband ended up cheating on her or because it is of that trauma that she had. Regardless of that point I do think that given a chance and if this were different situation and all she might just like Dani and even approve of her as a SiL material. The problem is that there is already bad blood between them. Dani doesn't like her because she came in between her relationship with her fiance and ended up breaking them apart so any encounter between them is generally quite hostile. The problem over here is that Hyeri has simply no clue why Dani has it against her plus from her perspective Dani seems like the Gold digger that she has heard about so much. Since she didn't know about her relationship with Young Jae (since this fact has been concealed by all parties involved till now) she always assumed that she was targeting him so that she could rise up in the ranks at work especially since she was a new employee at the company and she had no idea that she would already have made friends so soon or that she knew anyone from before. Regardless when Hyeri saw that she had her hands on Young Jae Dani was now spending more time with her brother someone who was even more higher in rank that Youngjae what else would she assume other than Dani trying to use her looks to her advantage and all. So in other words she is simply looking out for her brother who has no idea of how the world really works and to prevent him from a heart break when he realizes that Dani only approached him with an ulterior motive and doesn't really care about him at all. Not really realizing that it is not the Aunt that is not sincere in her feelings but the Niece aka March.


There is a saying Evolve Or Die. Clearly Dani has never heard of it. Perhaps there isn't a Korean equivalent of it that is why because it seems that Dani is repeating some of her previous mistakes in regard to keeping her relationship secret. I mean I can understand her doing so both times but lets be honest it isn't helping her case one bit. The first time Young Jae was more than willing to reveal that he was in a relationship with her but she held back and due to that she ended up loosing him to Hyeri and when she realized the danger her relationship was in danger she agreed to reveal it to the others but by that time the damage had already been done and Young Jae wasn't the one to do so as he was ready to move on. She didn't do so at that point because she didn't want people to gossip about her relationship and perhaps claim that she got the job through connections and all. Well they might already being doing that if they knew that the President had personally requested for her but knowing that Young Jae also knew her then the gossip would be even worse. Plus due to all this she didn't want to get him into any kind of trouble due to her work or anything that she may have done in the past (strike). His mother was already holding that against her so what would others say or do at that point. She wanted to rather establish herself at work before revealing their relationship but his interactions with Hyeri started to worry her unfortunately like I said the damage had already been done. Now at this point she wants to keep her relationship with Dong Tak a secret as well. This isn't going to go well as certain people can use it to their advantage. For instance if everyone knows about the relationship as of now eventually Juran is going to have to either accept it but at the same time she won't approve Dani into the family. This isn't what Dani wants thus her hesitation is sort of understandable. But her also keeping this bit as a secret is going to cost her because there is already somebody on the prowl to grab Dong Taj for themselves. Aka. March. She needs to have a rumor spread somehow that she is in a relationship with him and get his mother to somehow agree to it or perhaps publicly announce in the company that she approves of her then even if Dani like Dong Tak she can't do much because it will seem like she is the woman coming in between said people. On the other hand if her relationship was made public in the company then it would have been disadvantageous to March and she would have to look for another means to break them up without appearing as the other woman. Thus like I mentioned earlier cause misunderstandings in the company regarding Young Jae and Dani etc..


To be honest I am afraid of those people wanting to send Gongjoo to her mother. Just like others have mentioned it isn't safe for her to be with her mother. What if both of them end up having a stroke at the same time. Such as she finds her mother fainted and she can't wake her up and due to this the stress affects her heart and she faints to as well. Thus the damage would be done if someone doesn't come to check up on them in time. The guilt that everyone would then have would be terrible. Plus from what I recall the doctor never said that she simply had 3 months to live but that was the shortest amount of time remaining to her but she could perhaps push it a few more month to  a year max. So what would happen if she survived the 3 month period wouldn't she want to spend more time with her daughter than give her up as she is claiming. I don't think so. I can understand the mother not wanting to sign the divorce but she is being nothing but selfish in this regard. The aunt is going to start to so a baby bump if the don't get married soon and people are going to start talking about that. Yet the mother doesn't care about any of that but her own wish to be with her daughter. Frankly if they delay it any longer I would love to see Juran's reaction to it. The disgrace to her family is going to kill her but even then I don't want to see the Aunt suffer for her expense. Perhaps the Young Jae back stabbing will be more than enough for me.


As for Young Jae I am afraid that his actions are going to end up affecting the company far worse. He wants to take shortcuts to grow and due to this his pride is going to end up being his downfall. Instead of listening to the advice of his elders who are more experienced he is marching to his own tune of demise. Even the deal that he wants to do in China regarding the land that they are purchasing and he is hiding the real amount from Juran and company. He is going about it the wrong way unless like we have surmised that he plans to pin it all on her in the future. Since he can perhaps try to reveal that he ended up making a profit and all with his deals and then repay the real money and all but that only works if his plan is a success. In other words if you make shady deals they have a way of coming back to haunt you such as him trying to save some money by paying the agent his fee and all and instead telling his guy that they will give him the money instead if he can get the deal without the agents help or something to that extent (I missed that bit so will have to go over said episode later on). In this case what if that guy ends up cheating the company of their money and makes a deal with someone else as well. This way the company is going to suffer down the lane. Atleast if he had paid the agent his fee then they couldn't try something fishy down the line like this.


Am glad that Dani and Dong Tak's paste sold well. At first I thought that perhaps something suspicious was involved such as perhaps March or Juran had somehow rigged the results but for March it would be impossible since she was the host herself though not completely impossible as either she or Juran could have bribed people to order said product when it aired. Thus in other words sort of a fraud but it works to their advantage as we have already seen or heard of how the Board of Directors are impressed by his feat. But as of now it doesn't look that way and I really hope that it doesn't turn out to be the case. I really need these two to pull out a win and that to on their own skill and merit. Though I won't be surprised if March tries to claim credit for said action. :) She might be able to fool Juran if she is responsible but we all know the truth don't we. :)


Also @jimb suggested that Young Jae could get caught regarding his shady deal with the warehouse because it would have been in the headlines and people losing their jobs and all. In regards for them losing their jobs Juran would care less about their feelings as evidenced by Dani and her one person protest and they can join her club for advice and all. :) Plus Juran has terrible work ethics such as cancelling contracts at the last moment not having others to fully prepare themselves and thinks that a little bit of money can resolve all their problems which is unfortunately only a short term problem solver nothing in the long run. Like I have said she only dreams small and misses out on the bigger picture unlike her husband. In other words she sees all the trees around her but not the forest. Plus I am not so sure of exactly how many people will be let of from that place since it is a warehouse where items are stored. At most they would need some people for security and a few workers to load and unload items over there. If I know Juran she would have already thought of ways to cut corners such as doubling the security with the workers plus anyone that needs to deliver or pick up things should do so on their own. :( Other than that even if the local news mentions that the warehouse has been sold (something that Juran already knows) I seriously doubt that even they would know of the exact price that it was sold for. Since this would be confidential information and all so only the people involved would know about this such as the Buyer and Seller (Youngjae, the dealer/broker, the buyer and perhaps someone who inspected the land and gave its value) None of these people are easily going to reveal any of this data easily and reporters aren't going to really look further into the matter unless they get a tip or something that foul play may have been involved. Other than that they would simply say something to the extent that Bonjour finally sold of its first warehouse or perhaps about the unemployment of said workers but I doubt that it could have done anything other than that. Will also have to see how long that news will even reach Juran and company. Plus if the workers over there are redistributed to other warehouses that Bonjour owns then it might even take longer. Also @jimb am sorry to hear that you couldn't make it due to family issues. Hope all is well and that it gets solved soon. Perhaps you can make it to Korea next time. Best of Luck in that department.


I predict that March's identity will be exposed max by episode 100 or 110 by the max. Lets see if I can atleast guess correctly enough after watching so many dramas :) . Someone suggested that perhaps March may hire actors to be her fake parents. LoL a good one unfortunately it just might not work or else she is going to need to get real lucky for it to happen. Remember Hyeri's grandfather claims to know the real president of that company so if he is going to be in attendance he can easily spot out the imposter and call him out on it. The only way that she can get real lucky is if he suddenly falls ill or something that he can't make it and most probably the others forget to mention this fact to the imposter. Also if the guy is famous enough I am sure that he might even have been on a cover of a few magazines so in other words March will not only need a good look actor but also a good look alike to make this con to work. Though knowing K-Drama and all she may actually find a way to pull it of. Though in my opinion I think she will have better luck by telling Juran and company that her family couldn't make it at the last moment due to some sort of emergency or something which would be slightly more believable and all.


Well that will be all for now. But I am sure to be back soon to add more. So till then keep enjoying the show and keep posting. Will check those out later then. :)


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10 hours ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  But will DT fall for JR's "How can you do this to your mum?"  routine?

He'd better not!:lol: DT should know how JR despises DY now as she held no reservations charging at her to slap her in front of DT. These practices of slapping and wrist grabbing which are deemed acceptable in most Korean workplaces are culturally awakening and shocking:sweatingbullets::blink:.

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I am not surprised anymore by the slapping but it still put me off. Korea is technologically advanced, I somehow think it comes with good corporate practices. Running a corporation like a corner shop, firing and hiring at will can't be good practices.

I really hope DY get to do some slapping too. I won't find it pleasant but it is only fair.

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# Speculates that SW might return to her village if she learns that DT's father lives there, and comes to believe that he is looking for a good village girl for DT: Alternately, if DT quits Bonjour to live with his father, do you suppose SW might be seized by a sudden desire to reconcile with her family and return to her roots (just down the street from DT's new home?) Could happen. My burrito money, however, is still on SW making a play for YJ if he becomes CEO of Bonjour.

# Considers the possibility that SW might learn of YJ's financial chicanery and blackmail him into helping her win DT: YJ already has plenty of incentive to break up DT and DY. If SW wanted to pressure YJ for some reason, she already knows that YJ went to DY's house to talk to her one night.

# Notes that HR has some redeeming qualities: As does Juran. But they still need to be "humbled hard" to rid them of their insufferable sense of entitlement before those good qualities can come to the fore.

# Speculated that the "purchase price" for the warehouse would not appear in the local newspaper: Only YJ has any reason to keep the price secret. Bonjour doesn't and the purchaser doesn't. Certainly the amount Bonjour (thinks it) received can't be kept secret. As a major corporate asset, the sale prrice would have to be made known in publicly available reports to stockholders and investors.  In the real world the purchaser would find out very quickly that it had overpaid, and Bonjour would quickly learn that there's a lot of missing money somewhere.

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