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Interview of WGM's PD Choi Yoon Jung about Eric and Solar on naver 

'우결'PD "에릭남, 솔라·스태프 잘 챙겨..진정성 있다"(인터뷰②) (출처 : 스타뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예)




There are 3 part of the interview but i only find the 2nd part (it's quite a long interview tho)

I can't understand korean much but seems like the PD really like our couple... 


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1 hour ago, gureentea said:

Interview of WGM's PD Choi Yoon Jung about Eric and Solar on naver 

'우결'PD "에릭남, 솔라·스태프 잘 챙겨..진정성 있다"(인터뷰②) (출처 : 스타뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예)


There are 3 part of the interview but i only find the 2nd part (it's quite a long interview tho)

I can't understand korean much but seems like the PD really like our couple... 


Thanks for the link, @gureentea! Well, I'll try to translate the main point of 3 articles for you guys, since I have time now. For what I understand now, the 3 interviews aren't just about our couple, but about the 3 couples that are currently in WGM. From the titles of the 3 articles, maybe just the 2nd part that focused on our couple. I'll try my best to grasp the main points of them :) 

For the beginning, the title of 2nd part of the interview is:
'WGM' PD "Eric Nam-Solar, take care of the staffs well... There's autenthicity/sincerity"

I'm happy by just translating the title ^_^


@xexe You can click here. But I think the post's owner has deleted that post? Maybe many netizens complained...

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4 hours ago, xexe said:

Too bad I didnt get the chance to view what @zurah90 posted (IG post rumor). Can someone give me another link? Hahaha im just curious. :tears:

Happy 100 yeoreobeun! :P

the source already delete it i think because of netizen hate comment, but you can refer on @ryuseolnims post on page 99, its the main point on the article :) 


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Eric's Insta Update 160713

Advertiser could really hire him to be the CF Model for Coffee! Our coffee-lover oppa is :heart: !!! His eye smiles~♡♡♡

Eric's V Live Update

The behind-the-scenes for his MV filming in NY. Happy to see him enjoying his work and always show the positive him everywhere he go. ;) 




Sorry that you missed it. It must have been taken down by the owner but since i remembered the original link of the article, i'll put it in spoiler then... Please do note that it's fully in korean texts.



From what @ryuseolnims mentioned, that WGM PD assumed that our couple are dating for real. 


Happened to saw this, so i just thought i would share it here for your reference.







Thanks @gureentea for the likable article from the WGM PD and @Farfalle for brief translations. I actually thought this article is 1000x much better than what we got yesterday (referring to that baseless rumors!) Hahaha:sweatingbullets:  That was an awesome credit by the WGM PD to both Eric and Solar! :wub: We already know what kind of person they individually are but hearing itself from the PD... it sounds more authentic. It makes me love them even more. They are both such precious gems for us. ♡

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No matter how many times i watch this teaser, i find it amused that Eric could pulled off with this comical looks on him! I admired his passion! ;) 



The teaser seem addictive that i've to put it here.

Adorkable Eric with his grooves~ Yeah bring it on!♡



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Wow so many updates 

Anw for the rumor, if it's true it's prob the jj couple, her as a model wont have too many pressure from fans if she date compared to idols

And awww ddongie known for their care for other ppl, glad the PD notice it.

Cant wait for their next ep

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Hello mello nello, ddongiedeul! Happy afternoon<3 
I read all the posts with open heart and for the conclusion, most of us is on our couple's back & we all in natural side. Thank goodness that all of us isn't jumping into the conclusion first before discussing it and handle this matter wisely. Gahhh~ lemme hugseu all of you! <3 *ddongie group's hugs* 


I'd do some research and don't worry about that instiz's article. Tbh, the writer of the instiz article just cropping the article that @gureentea & @Farfalle talking about and make assumption using the CYJ PD-nim's interview (?). *sighs* Ah yea-- i also open up Kfans's wgm fansite, they didn't even mentioned about lastnight's instiz article, but the CYJ PD's interview post about 'Eric Nam; Solar: Take Care of Staff Well" got posted and the kfans reactions mostly like us, how they adore Eric & Solar's manners & of course, they keep spazzing over and over about the latest episode of our couple.:wub: (just like us hahahaha) and dont worry guys, kddongie there mostly giving us so much positive responses! <3 Hoooray for Ddongi shippers! :D


I keep watching Eric's teaser! It's so funky and funny at the same time! hahaha look how cute he dance there HAHAHA somehow remind me how our couple dance everytime they listening to music! *chuckles*

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Thanks @sight_stv and @zurah90 for answering!! How I wish I can understand Korean and read that Instiz thread :lol:

Eric looks so adorkable on his MV teaser! Thanks Solar for letting him loosen up a bit and show his dorky side :P I can still remember when they danced randomly at the streets and in the car. 

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I agreed with @ryuseolnims post! Some writer could write up dramatic story just to attract people attentions. But thanks to them too that we finally learnt behind the genuine article that have been shared by @gureentea! I love despite that we are able to handle it wisely. I'm glad to learn the knetizen shippers share the same sentiments like us. Eric and Solar was born to be loved by everyone! ;)  Can't deny that when Eric being hyper in his MV, he reminded me of Solar asking him to dance more properly and get into the rhythm. *giggles*

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[Summer NAM Photo 4 - 여름날의 남자친구 ]

휴양지로 같이 떠나고 싶은, 여름남친 사진 공개!

‪#‎에릭남‬ ‪#‎ERICNAM‬ ‪#‎7월15일‬ ‪#‎못참겠어‬
‪#‎SummerNAM‬ ‪#‎썸남‬ ‪#‎취향저격여름남친‬


Eric Nam Snapchat update


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good evening everyone.. firstly i want to thanks everyone that keep this thread alive espesially for @zurah90 !! i wanna share my inner thought here, i just join this thread a couple days ago because i feel something great can happen on this couple.. i watch WGM since the legendary couple if you know ( adam couple ). In my experience on watching WGM i just ship 2 couple, firstly its adam couple of course and the secondly is of course our couple, i dont know why but i think i can feel what they feel like all of you of course ( not a delulu one! :D )

*noted: its my inner thought and no offense for everyone here, i just want to share what i feel and feel free to read this or skip it :D  

first i want to share my experience on watching adam couple. from the the early eps ( not the first one ) i can feel joo kwon is the one who fell in Gain's charm. on early eps joo kwon is the one who said "i love you" , "i miss you" and many words that relate to that. i'm sure joo kwon already fell for Gain on eps where they make a couple song maybe around eps 14 when joo kwon want Gain to reply his rap but Gain refuse it at first but say "i love you" eventually because she fell cornered. joo kwon always treat her with respect and not push the skinship, he just follow his intuition and wait the right timing. and the climax that im sure joo kwon love gain is when he makes event on JYP concert and JYP approve her to be his son in law ( lol ! of course you all know its just like impossible for an idol to have relationship :D ) on the interview on that moment joo kwon said "do i have to date Gain now? im confuse right now because hyung ( JYP ) already approve it and i didn't expect that". and after that eps gain slowly fall for joo kwon and on the late eps Gain bravely said love his husband sincerely, even she can feel that she is the one who love more than joo kwon love herself. after their WGM ends im sure they have close relationship ( i dont know if they already dating or not but i feel they already have ). Even after 2 years after their WGM ends Gain still Joo Kwon "yeobo" on her concert when joo kwon attend her concert with Gain Family. there are still more evidence that i can tell they have close relationship even when Gain now is taken but i cant write it now because its already long LOLLLL !! ( feel sorry to everyone who read my inner thought :D

and now i will explain my experience on OUR BELOVED COUPLE of course! firstly im quite sure you all know that Eric is already Mamamoo fans and like Solar individually. and he always treat solar with respect and not push the skinship even he has chance ( just like joo kwon to gain ) and if you remember Eric is the one who said "i miss you" and solar reply it with "im coming home soon" ( if im not wrong ) when the confession event and "i love you" on the wedding letter ( just like joo kwon to gain ) even Solar didn't has that sentence on her letter just like Gain. at this point i can't lie myself that i feel Eric is the one who like Solar more and Solar not fully comfortable with him yet. but after their wedding when Solar notice Eric didn't wear his ring ( although he wear it on his left hand lol :D its because Solar didn't see it at first ) i can feel Solar is getting more comfortable with him, and when they're about going to jejudo on the last 2 eps you can see that Solar call him "oppa" as i hear it for the first time ( feel free to correct if im wrong! ) even Solar bumps his fist to Eric's arm when Eric jokes on the airplane rules thing lol. and on the last eps when Eric want Solar to get underwater , Solar refuse it and on the itv she said if she go underwater maybe Eric can change his mind so she didnt want to show it ( lol my delulu mode tell me that she didnt want Eric to change his mind about always try to make her fall for him lol <--- please ignore this :D ). lastly on the last scene where Eric tell his wish as you all can see that Solar worried about that and im 90% sure that she worried Eric wish to see her face without makeup just like joo kwon and gain on the swimming pool when joo kwon want to see her bare face lol!! but turned Eric just want they use banmal/informal language instead ( its quite touching for me that Eric just want that to make their relationship feel more close ) :)    

MY CONCLUSION IS during my watch on WGM i just ship 2 couple, the first one is adam couple and now them because i can feel something is gonna be great for both of them just like adam couple and for the time i watch our dong couple on WGM its feel like i watch adam couple all over again :) and our couple just on early stage on relationship just like how joo kwon always try to win Gain hearts to make her bravely sincerely said "i love you" on the late eps lol so keep support our couple and believe that great things is upon us lol! lastly please no offense to my post because i just want to share what i feel :D and if my post make everyone of you mad than feel free to tell me and i will delete it :D

*highlight* : just like our couple, joo kwon have attend music show with gain before and they show what exactly we saw on our couple on KCON, the man who want to get woman attention lol! sorry for the long post! HAPPY SHIPPING!!!


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You're welcome everyone~! I'm glad the article that i posted before could enlighten us.. kekeke


A fan went too mango juice booth in Jeju that Eric and Solar had visited on WGM, they even put a standing banner with ddongi photos :lol: now Eric and Solar can stop complaining about not having their names on the wooden board thingy (?) They should know earlier that ddongi is a trend too, though lolol xD


Edit ~


 Actually i'm a bit surprised when Eric said to Solar that he likes mango VERRYMUCCHH sinc he has mango allergy, he said this on his V live months ago (but he doesn't care, he took medicine afterwards and he said it's getting better now but originally his lips will be swollen and red spots will spread all over his neck and mouth :blink:)



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This is my summary of the articles of WGM PD interviews. I just wrote the part which is maybe related to Ddong Couple, but for the 2nd part I translated everything since it's about our couple. I kinda wanted the WGM PD to talk about Solar more if she's interviewed next time, since the talk about Eric has been so many. You can check the original articles by clicking the links :) Just fyi, that these articles are published on July 12th. I'm sorry if there's any strange word/sentence, as my Korean is still in beginner mode :sweatingbullets:


'WGM' PD talk about Jo Se-ho ♥ Cao Lu, Jota ♥ Kim Jin-kyung (Interview part 1)
Source: '우결'PD가 말하는 조세호♥차오루, 조타♥김진경(인터뷰①)


Each of three couples that lead 'WGM' have different personalities. 'WGM Season 4' Choi Yoon-jeong PD told that she's trying to give differentiators to each of the three couples. Choi Yoon-jeong PD is responsible for the production/direction of 'WGM' since last February.

"Charged with 'WGM', the biggest thing that hold the direction of the 'WGM' framework is maintaining the personalities of 3 distinct stories. Jo Se-ho and Cao Lu's plot covers up to the family stories, their own characters are honest and easy-going. Rather than prince and princess feel, they have the story of realistic marriage in 30s. Jota and Jinkyung are young friends talking about marriage as a fantasy rather than reality. In the dating and marriage of early 20s, there is a lot of such romance then they look naturally get accustomed to that. Eric Nam and Solar have same job yet different cultural background. In their mid-to-late 20s, it is the appropriate mix of realism and romance that coming from that age."


'WGM' PD "Eric Nam-Solar, take care of staffs well... There's autenthicity/sincerity" (Interview part 2)
Source: '우결'PD "에릭남, 솔라·스태프 잘 챙겨..진정성 있다"(인터뷰②)


The addition of Eric Nam to 'WGM' is causing a great sensation. Called '1 house 1 Eric Nam' (means one person that's charming as Eric Nam is needed in a home/family), the new term created by receiving much love from female fans, the response of Eric Nam's joining was so hot.

"We tried to replace a couple on sequence, when Eric Nam's appearance speculation articles got out, I was surprised that female fans' interest at online sites appeared badly. There has been talk about Eric Nam's appearance in 'WGM' several times, Eric Nam himself also told me that his fans would be discouraged by the episodes, because of that he hesitated. Eric Nam's popularity is beyond imagination, so I was really shocked."

Eric Nam was partnered with Solar. Choi Yoon-jeong PD's reason of spotting Solar as Eric Nam's partner is she heard about her bright personality. Solar also shows full of excitement aspect in 'WGM', unfolding romance full of flutters with Eric Nam, which boasts a colorful charm.

"At the time Solar is interviewed for the first time, Eric Nam's appearance is settled. It is expected that Eric Nam would match with dandy and stylish women, so Solar's chosen as reversal. Eric Nam is also bright and he wanted a friend with puppy-aura that sings well. I thought it's okay if he's matched with an easy-going, honest, and bright friend. From the PD perspective, MAMAMOO is a charming group with nation's favor, there's a part (of Solar) which hasn't been verified in other entertainment, it felt like a challenge for me. There were also enthusiasm and charm that makes people feel good among MAMAMOO members."

As expected, Eric Nam shows the aspect of 1 house 1 Eric Nam properly in 'WGM'. Eric Nam even took care of Solar's gift at his travel program shooting, generating envy. Choi Yoon-jeong PD hinted that Eric Nam takes care of staffs frugally.

"I heard story from on-site PD that the more he sees Eric Nam, he's also a good friend. The good attitude to start 'WGM' is indeed sincerity. He also minds to take care of the staff and he even takes care of Solar's gift although nowadays he's so busy going abroad back and forth. This word isn't used often, there's authenticity. If there's an eating god, at the pizza restaurant he takes care of 30 staffs' order and he frequently asks whether if it's not hard. It's a small manner, '1 house 1 Eric Nam' that is yelled by fans looked like appears in nano scale. (laugh)"

Eric Nam recently also made female fans fluttered. In swimming battle with Solar, Eric Nam as victory got a right for a wish. Unlike the expectations that his wish is for skinship, Eric Nam asked Solar to drop her formal speech and gave a pleasant reversal feelings.

"Eric Nam wanted to hold Solar's hand, we're also expecting the unexpected skinship. After Eric Nam and Solar busking wedding, Eric Nam has been developing intimacy, in that part we thought that there will be a feeling of thirst. Even if Solar herself is still comfortable and think of it as courtesy, at the thought of Eric Nam felt uncomfortable, her thought was clattering down in the interview. The thing that Eric Nam himself wants, he works faithfully at the thing in his mind/heart and it felt like he's thinking seriously about his relationship with someone named Solar."


'WGM' PD "Couple premonition? If all of the three couples were dating" (Interview part 3)
Source: '우결'PD "커플 예감? 세 커플 다 사귀었으면"(인터뷰③)


The three couples who show peculiar chemistry on 'WGM', many people hope that they really date. Earlier 'WGM' also produced real couple. Choi Yoon-jeong PD at the question of whether there was a couple that is foreboded to be a couple answered, "If all of the three couples were dating, I think it's nice," and smiled.

"Rather than only one couple, I really think that it's nice if all of the three couples really dated. (Park) Mi-seon eonnie told me that looking at the example in reality, the feeling is there, and she learned that there are also quite many couples that dated for real."

'WGM' has met viewers for over eight years. The program has turned the longevity ball to different PDs and writers. He thanked the writers for their strong affection to 'WGM'.

"There are a lot of veteran writers are among the writers. Their times are different with each other, but there are many writers who have the love for 'WGM' for more than 3 years. There are writers such as Jeon Sang-hee, Shin Ji-young, Park Hyeon-jeong, Kwon Min-hee; I think the program is going to roll well. Cast members' trials and errors are reduced and the emotion is managed. The other reason for three couples' personalities are different personality of the three PDs in-charge that brought out different colors. Because they have know-how and affection to 'WGM', there's a talk of 'WGM' whether 'should we abolish', but I think they had not lost the value of strong entertainment program's existence."


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@sight_stv I have to use translator too actually, since my Korean is in beginner stage too hahaha. You don't have to thank me, chingu :) Btw, I also hope that Eric & Solar keep their friendship going strong like Jo Kwon & Gain, like they can still joke around with each other even on camera.

5 hours ago, ryuseolnims said:


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I'd do some research and don't worry about that instiz's article. Tbh, the writer of the instiz article just cropping the article that @gureentea & @Farfalle talking about and make assumption using the CYJ PD-nim's interview (?). *sighs* Ah yea-- i also open up Kfans's wgm fansite, they didn't even mentioned about lastnight's instiz article, but the CYJ PD's interview post about 'Eric Nam; Solar: Take Care of Staff Well" got posted and the kfans reactions mostly like us, how they adore Eric & Solar's manners & of course, they keep spazzing over and over about the latest episode of our couple.:wub: (just like us hahahaha) and dont worry guys, kddongie there mostly giving us so much positive responses! <3 Hoooray for Ddongi shippers! :D


@ryuseolnims Yes, I just realized too while I was reading it, I just like "I think I have read this sentence before..." Hahahaha. That's why, I think Instiz isn't that reliable as a news source, since the articles posted there mainly fan-based. And after I translated the articles, there's no sentence that the PD said there's a real couple among the current 3 couples. And I'm relieved that k-netizens don't believe that articles and support them like we do ^_^

@gureentea WOW there's a standing banner of them? The owner must realized our couple's popularity now :lol: Well, our couples left their marks on the place that they went, like their signatures at the ddeokbokki place (1st meeting). Now they left it at Jeju-do's mango juice place. Btw, I don't know that Eric has mango allergy? And from his recent snapchat, he took a photo of mango ice I think? Poor him, having an allergy at his favorite fruit :( 

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Well, I think we'll got at least 3 MV from Eric this month? His summer comeback 'Can't Help Myself', 'Into You', and his 'Good for You' for MAC advertisement! :o Here's the stills from Eric's MV shooting with MAC. You can watch his V video about this too :) 


While there are so many updates about Eric, today MAMAMOO is going to Gwangju I think? They will perform at Gwangju on July 14th according to MAMAMOO's schedule. As always, Solar shines as bright as the sun B)

They're going to Jeju for 23rd Summer KOITA Forum :) 


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Annyeong Ddongi shippers !!!! 

Late to express my thoughts about the last episode ~

This episode is so touching yet sincere, i feel their true emotions/feelings with each other and I'm so happy for that like a proud mother here :D

I'm hoping that their episodes will be long just like the goguma and bbyu couple. I will not be tired for watching these two like seriously....

I made another fmv. yapiee !!! I love this Eric nam song for it's too lovely to hear. please watch and share 


if this is not available try this one


Thank you and I love you !!!!


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@Giann_Kim Thank you and love your FMV! And yes, Eric's 'Interview' is lovely and I love that at the beginning you chose the scene which is like they're doing an interview :) 


A glimpse of MAMAMOO's performance in 23rd Summer KOITA Forum in Jeju. Look at Solar's foot, she doesn't wear a bandage anymore. At least she can dance now although she still wear flat shoes. :D


I don't know if this has been posted or not, but I just realized that in Eric's teaser there is a scene that refering to WGM. Look at the top-left corner at this picture, there's a logo like WGM, but it's written as 'We can't help ourselves' :lol: Even there's a box for subtitle like WGM hahahaha.


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6 hours ago, xexe said:

Eric looks so adorkable on his MV teaser! Thanks Solar for letting him loosen up a bit and show his dorky side

@xexe He was always this crazy but didn't show it on his MVs :D you can watch "ASC" or "One fine day amber & Ailee" even his friends say that he's crazily dancing all the time.

Ailee says "Eric is psychotic " and Henry "Eric is out of his mind" LOL All in all he's a fun person to hang out with which explains why he makes so many friends with diversity of people.

2 hours ago, Farfalle said:

Eric Nam has been developing intimacy, in that part we thought that there will be a feeling of thirst. Even if Solar herself is still comfortable and think of it as courtesy, at the thought of Eric Nam felt uncomfortable, her thought was clattering down in the interview

@Farfalle This part is unclear to me.. what Solar thinks of as courtesy? and why she was clattering down in the interview? thanks for the translation as always ;)

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