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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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things i loved to watch: side profile of jongsuk, or his closed eyes, those eyes:

those tears.


side profile, even in black and white....


that anguish, sadden smile

esp loved this scene, he emote so well... his acting is just nice, too overly. a little more tears will be overload. some times scene like this,
less is more, silent is deafening, tear is lethal....
gradually. as truth sunk in,.. he closed his sadden eyes in succumb, bow his heavy head. and let go a heart breaking faint smile, to love someone you felt unworthy to love make u vulnerable, his realizing his vulnerabilities is painful to watch, to desire result in the Genesis of fear in loosing, .... revelation has a price

all cr; to : actorjongsuk

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32 minutes ago, 4nnlov3pink said:

It is some scenes in the drama or only both of them have a free time 2 lunch 2gether???



* I keep on thinking is it the ring that keeps YJ come in webtoon??? bec now only the ring that has connection between them as KC himself who give it 2 YJ. and all characters exist 2 support the flow of story around main character.

*And I think KC is made new story over YJ. What I mean is all that accidentally meeting when they look each other made some memories about existence YJ. 

----> meeting accidentally 4 1st time in hospital (KC only see a sight of YJ) ---> meeting again for 2nd times (KC now see YJ face clearly) ---> meeting 4 the 3rd time and KC said "he remember YJ" and even questioning YJ who keeps looking at him with that SAD FACE.

*of course the writer have 2 answer the question from YJ,"why am I here again?"  bec yeah writer nim I've the same questions 2.  YJ character won't be in webtoon as KC, the main character already forgot about her but why she keeps back into webtoon.

*Some similarities between the main antagonist and main protagonist: 

1. both of them has a skill on shooting

2. Both of them can be on 2 world (real world & web toon world)  

3. Both of them follow their own will that even their creator, SM, can't handle them. (both of them actually "DIE" by the writer but they choose to live).

knowing now the story continues bec the main villain doesn't follow what his writer want.... really, W now got too powerful main villain. And what KC can do as he's only human that can't disappear 2 wherever he wants?:dizzy:And actually I'm so concern with the ending bec of it. Can the writer give the right ending 4 audiences???:scream:


CAMERA is pointing away, and crews kept a distance. i think they are lunching for real. not as in filming. he did forget him, like if God who put hte love in us, will keep the same love iwthin us. same here, even he forgets her... if God will for them to love, she will arouse him an interest to keep noticing her a second time.. that door ajar and he stared straight at the girl outside the open door looking so sad at her, that was the first sight, and we noticed he was surprised ... and they locked their gaze for a short few seconds.... he was like pondering... well,the ring will play it part...KDrama has this thing withe the ring. .. they always like hanging the ring as pendant on necklace, and it means something. in Remember War of the Son,also a ring on a necklace as pendant.  where is KC ring now. when he found his, he will unlock his heart door. with this Key that has never left his heart.

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hi everyone i'm pretty late for joining the fun ride we are already waiting for the 10th episode but i hope to coutinue with all of you i love this thread's craziness i tried to read from page one (of course i skiped a few pages :P ) it took 3 whole days and sorry for my english since it's not my native language hope you welcome me yorubun and to stay in the topic here is an mv that i especially love (hope it's not a repost) ; it represent what yeon jo really means to kang chul :bawling::heart:                                                                                 




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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching



W–Two Worlds: The show initially blew me over with its inventive story and what seemed like airtight mythology. Now we’re well into the show and have been thrown twist after twist, and I’m starting to see glimmers of cracks and I’m questioning the plot more — but even so, my liking for the show hasn’t diminished, because the characters have me invested. I’m just rooting for this couple to break through time and space to be able to exist in the same dimension together. Surely this can’t be an impossible request, no? (Don’t answer that.)


Currently recapping: W–Two Worlds



W–Two Worlds: This show makes me question everything I know about my own reality — or rather, what I don’t yet know. Just like every other previous week, this week’s episodes were crazier than the last. I would say more, but I’m not sure if saying something will alter everything I’ve believed to be real. Oh, and stay strong, Su-bong — we love you.



W–Two Worlds: Hmmm… I’m really confused. I don’t think I’m smart enough for this show. So which universe controls which? How do the portals work? So if everything was a dream, does Han Hyo-joo go back in time as well in her world? Why aren’t there people looking for her when she’s missing in her world because she’s with Kang Chul in the manhwaverse? Rawr. I’m just so confuzzled. Someone help me — preferably Kang Chul’s real-world alter ego, Lee Jong-seok.


W–Two Worlds: I feel one with Crazy Dog when he celebrated the return of the thriller part of the manhwa. Even if I like romance in my shows and flailed at the cute in Episodes 7-8, it’s hard to concentrate on being happy when there’s a killer lurking out there. (Besides, I am tired of being teased that Chul likes #4 when he doesn’t deliver anyway. *pouts*)




W–Two Worlds: I can’t get over how horrifying this no-name no-face villain is. Just when I thought he can’t get any scarier, he’s in Yeon-joo’s world with the ability to freaking teleport wherever he wants in search of his target? I’m so confused about the rules of the game, but the story’s still gripping and like nothing else I’ve seen.


W–Two Worlds: With this show, I see no flaws, I hear no flaws — I’m too immersed in sheer k-drama bliss. I actually have to restrain myself from spilling all my love for it into a 50-page essay. And I know very well that 90 percent of that essay would consist of Lee Jong-seok and his goddamn forehead kisses.

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Despite of some of you think that  KC s  heart s remember her, I have a different opinion  because if he ends remembering her  everything will go back to the beginning when he knew he was a main character of a manhwa . I would prefer if he falls for her again, I think this is what is going to happen, I need see him falling for her over and over.

 In the other hand all of those pics of KC and YJ hanging around and eating ice crème and lunching are part of the filming and the new relationship they will develop because she is getting his attention no matter what the reason is.

I wonder how the writer will solve all of these, because if he fall for YJ again he will want to know about her and  we will see him realizing his life is a fake, something that someone else created, so I don’t see things are going to be as we hope.

Things seems to have gotten worse for her because her father s face represent the killer face,  and she can’t get out of the manhwa world since she can’t stop thinking about him, loving him, her desire to see how is he doing, the pain in her heart.

These are only my thoughts .....I am suffering.

sad cute cat


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3 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

CAMERA is pointing away, and crews kept a distance. i think they are lunching for real. not as in filming. he did forget him, like if God who put hte love in us, will keep the same love iwthin us. same here, even he forgets her... if God will for them to love, she will arouse him an interest to keep noticing her a second time.. that door ajar and he stared straight at the girl outside the open door looking so sad at her, that was the first sight, and we noticed he was surprised ... and they locked their gaze for a short few seconds.... he was like pondering... well,the ring will play it part...KDrama has this thing withe the ring. .. they always like hanging the ring as pendant on necklace, and it means something. in Remember War of the Son,also a ring on a necklace as pendant.  where is KC ring now. when he found his, he will unlock his heart door. with this Key that has never left his heart.

They are filming a lunch scene,its full shoot. Look at the camera monitor is pointing to their scene,in the picture the crew are looking at the monitor scene i think. I always mentions in other drama too, the artist and actors never have their eating time while break time just both of them. They always with their manager,make up artist or other or at least one person who make them not just two of them. Its because actors or artist always with their staff. 

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3 hours ago, Shine2111 said:

Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching



W–Two Worlds: The show initially blew me over with its inventive story and what seemed like airtight mythology. Now we’re well into the show and have been thrown twist after twist, and I’m starting to see glimmers of cracks and I’m questioning the plot more — but even so, my liking for the show hasn’t diminished, because the characters have me invested. I’m just rooting for this couple to break through time and space to be able to exist in the same dimension together. Surely this can’t be an impossible request, no? (Don’t answer that.)

Rant Incoming:

I don't understand. What cracks? Is it really that hard to wait for a show to answer or not answer questions before automatically labeling anything we don't understand as plot holes?

Yes, there must be consistent rules for such a premise to be logical. However, the rules are going to be whatever the writer wants them to be, in whatever way that makes sense to her. I feel like people have built up some grandiose expectations in their heads about what the rules HAVE to be for it to make sense to THEM that nothing the writer is going to do will satisfy them.

In a show where we get a few answers every episode only to be inundated with more questions, forgetting that this is a drama and not the real world appears to be more difficult than I thought for some. If we wanted logic, I highly doubt we'd be watching dramas. For instance, I loved the X-Files. Did it always make sense? It sure didn't. Did I or did I not tune in to watch Scully and Mulder? Sure I did. If I watch a show with a premise that isn't exactly based in reality, I expect there to be some leeway in terms of what I'll accept as logical. Surely, with a premise like a real world character falling in love with a manhwa character, there's ample warning about what might or might not be logical?

That being said, a writer must also not explain away the lack of logic by claiming the medium itself does not expect logic. However, W does give logical explanations for things that happen. And for the things that don't quite make sense yet, why shouldn't we wait to see if the writer has answers for that before complaining about the lack of rules.

Rant Over:

This is just my 2 cents. Sorry, I'm just getting triggered by the number of complaints I've read about the lack of clearly defined rules. Like, how do you know the rules aren't clearly defined if you don't even know the rules that apply in the first place or whether there is, in fact, rules of some kind?



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@millie10468 i agree on your shared rant earlier.yes in some kdramas we tend to complain on the story flow or missing rule or some other flow. but for "w",with how the episodes have been so far, i reserve judgement once the drama is all over. i may not rewatch ep 8 & 9 as much as the earlier episodes,but "w" still has a tight leash on me.

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I always love and enjoy looking back at the start of a drama and see that we had a great and satisfying journey full of emotions and interesting develpements in the story and characters but looking back at the start of this drama till now I'm full of "where we where?...where we are?...and where we're still to go?!!" it' a never ending amazement of this GREAT drama!! I still remember how everything started, how we were waiting impatiently and full of excitement for this drama to start and how we where blown away with every new episode and the excitement never faded for a second but I NEVER thought that only 9 episode out of 16 can be this satisfying and maindblowing that will make me go through all kind of emotions making me this crazily in love with it and addicted to that I feel missing it with each passing second feeling the near of the end that I'm waiting for but that I don't want it to come yet because I can't let go of the drama and my OTP!! it's crazy how miss it and my OTP even while watching MVs or rewatching scenes/episodes!! I don't know where we're heading to but I know that no drama will be able to reach what this drama did to me!! I know that I'll LOVE many dramas and that many of them will pull me in and make head over heels for them but none will reach this level!! this drama IS one of its owne and coming across a drama as great as this one with multiple genres, perfect cast, mindblowing OTP, engrossing and unpredictably satisfying writing and facinating directing that can turn me as crazily in love I am with this drama IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!! 



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cr: viki

Kang Cheol had always the believe that he's not worth it till the very end asking her to give up on him, the manhwa character, and just live her life in the real world with real people!! :heartbreak:  what will he do when he'll realise that Yeon Joo's fate is linked to him no matter how hard he tried to make her go back to her old real life and that her real world is no longer a safe place for her or anyone else just like the manhwa world?!! 

since I'm out of my mind I had to make a last post before going to sleep at 6:00 am!! :lol: 

goodnight/morning/evening every one!! see you soo hopefully!! :):wub:


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