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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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42 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

I just watched the episode with english sub and in the preview it said....THEY ARE MARRIED?!!! 

I though they will get married but THEY ARE ALREADY?!!!! 


*fanningmyself* *fanningmyself* *fanningmyself*


:blink: haha i know right.was like 'ALREADY MARRIED??!!' WHAT?!! everything in W moving fast..i just cant help myself to keep calming. now Worldiz/Wordies favorite day definitely WED & THU .:w00t: we keep waiting those day...


1 hour ago, ilwoo_aein said:

"W" decreases but remains in first, stays ahead of "Uncontrollably Fond"


"W" came in first, although its numbers dropped.

According to Nielsen Korea, the MBC drama "W" rated 12.2%.

This is 1.3% lower than the previous episode. "W" remains the highest of the three dramas broadcasted in the same time frame.

Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) saved Kang Cheol (Lee Jong-suk) who killed himself once again.


source: hancinema



oouuchhh.dropping. :(i guess i'm not the only one expecting it's going higher and higher. hmmmm.it's ok. lets pray for ep.7, that they gonna hit more higher rating and keep that first title. HWAITING, W!



sorry,we can't. :bawling:

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12 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:


is that HHJ?



Cr  虫子-在路上


i dont think so. its' SOHEE. remember that in her description, "she had set her sights on her friend Kang Chul since high school."? so dis must be kind of throwback.:rolleyes:

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Episode 7 Text Preview


Title: Very afraid, afraid that I can’t see you again.

Kang Cheol(Lee Jong-suk)woke up and it seemed nothing had happened. Yeon-joo(Han Hyo-joo) was arrested as the escaped prisoner in Kang Cheol’s world.

Yeon-joo set new goals for Kang Cheol and decided to make a sequel for the two of them.

Kang Cheol decided not to find the real criminal but the criminal in manhwa is heading towards Yeon-joo dangerously… 

Translated by: @Faith0639
Proofread by: @Joanna5959 

Cr: jshine_fc_leejongsuk





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Honestly, I'd really love to get my hands on all the comic books of W. 

Should they only be real. Gahhh. 

It's bringing me back to days where I could sit all day long reading comics with a cup of tea. 

It's not insane to want to see them in comic form too right? lol! 

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1 hour ago, qallee said:


:blink: haha i know right.was like 'ALREADY MARRIED??!!' WHAT?!! everything in W moving fast..i just cant help myself to keep calming. now Worldiz/Wordies favorite day definitely WED & THU .:w00t: we keep waiting those day...



oouuchhh.dropping. :(i guess i'm not the only one expecting it's going higher and higher. hmmmm.it's ok. lets pray for ep.7, that they gonna hit more higher rating and keep that first title. HWAITING, W!


sorry,we can't. :bawling:


HAHAHAHAHA Don't put your feelings into it :lol:


Writer-nim is TOO Smart, revealing everything (kiss > married > bed) in the preview that will make the fans CRAZY but keeping the plot unpredictable :heart::confounded:

While other dramas took a long time to reveal :vicx:

Edited by LavelyShai
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W–Two Worlds: Episode 6
by girlfriday | August 4, 2016 | 5 Comments


I feel like I’m still recovering from yesterday’s episode. The show seems like it’s recovering too, because we’re a little lighter on the nonstop thriller-suspense-WTF-OMG today, and we spend a little time focusing on our heroine and her relationships. It’s time for a cold hard dose of reality in her life, which is often the hardest thing for a fangirl to embrace. But (sadly) real life is not a manhwa, and there are life-and-death consequences to be faced when her hero seemingly goes rogue.


continue reading here

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Went to sleep happily yesterday and woke up to see so many comments!!

FIrst, as you guys have pointed out, they are wearing couple rings since they are already married!! That is just so cute! I wish KC realised that YJ went on a blind date at some point and gets jealous, that will be so cute, hee. When YJ disappear in front of KC, her hand was bleeding. Guess this mean YJ is no longer invincible in the world. This shakens KC, which explains why YJ disappeared.

I saw someone posted a picture of KC wearing high school uniform with a girl(probably So Hee) Hmmm, if they really got married, i guess So Hee will be disappointed. I just wish she will not be a hindrance to our main couple. Honestly, KC and YJ already had so many things on their hands that need to be solved!!

Ratings decrease:( But oh well, hopefully it will increase, especially since ep 7 will be a delight. Now off to watch ep 6!!

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Just finished watching the Eng sub of yesterday's episode! What can I say? It's more than A MA ZING.

This thread sure moves so fast. It takes me a while to read all of your insights. All of you is smarter than FBI, I think! :lol: I didn't even notice about the ring in the preview! But I do notice YJ's hand bleeding that caused her to disappear once more in front of KC.

Anyway, some people said this week's episodes are boring. Well, I think it is because the lack of romance scenes between our two main characters and their on-screen time, which people expect a lot. But I don't find it boring or dull at all, I mean those two episodes packed very well for the characters to have a honest moment. We do got a lot of information during those episodes as both episodes inserted long talk scenes (between KC and YJ's dad & between YJ and her dad). If people have no patient and again, only expecting short, thrills, or more to action scenes, they might be skipping those long talk. But what happen next is that if they skip those long talk, they won't get the message why the characters decided to do this or that.

Some said why YJ bother to save KC when he clearly shot her dad? Dad himself assuring YJ that KC did shot him by lessen the harm as KC did not intend to kill YJ's dad because his nature. KC shot him more to declaring a "recognition" that KC is more than the set-up that YJ's dad made, as YJ's dad is pushing him to the limit telling KC that he won't do anything more than the set-up. We see that KC is very much regretting his choice to shot YJ's dad (when he threw away the gun, he looked at it once more before leaving; when he was in front of convenience store and saw his own poster with the word "justice" on it). That's why he said in the letter that he become the murderer himself, and he also said to YJ in preview that he can't face her after what he did to her father. Dad also told YJ that KC is letting dad to stay alive after taking benefit from putting KC in "hell" (remember, YJ's dad also stabbed KC in the roof when KC clearly desperate asking him for help), that's why Dad have a reason to save him, only he can't because both of them betrays each other. Since the talk, YJ seems to worry KC even more. When YJ's dad even think of saving KC, why YJ is not allowed to think so? Is it just because she is a real human and KC is merely just a webtoon character? It is more than that, I think, which will be answered in next week episode.

So both of the talk in episode 5 and 6 is connected to each other, and the talk between YJ and her dad is the more in realistic way. YJ's dad also not in "drunk state" which made him to think clearer about what he did to KC is more than cruel. 

I enjoyed every minute of those episodes, it's like my question in my post before had been asked by YJ herself (whether the time in the webtoon world stops when the webtoon ended, or the world continues). There are so much revelation to take in, and another questions come up. 


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8 hours ago, MY Xiong said:

Hello everyone,

I'm new here. Just wanna say, W-Two Worlds has turn my world upside down. 


So glad that your first post is in W forum :grin:

We camp here every Wed and Thu, and around that time the pages will significantly increase.

Since I don't want to back read, I personally visit everyday and religiously chanting that W rating will exceed 20% and sincerely praying that the story will be good til the end.

Welcome again and enjoy your time here :glasses::glasses::glasses:

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W writers are drug dealers, and we’re the poor souls who can’t get enough of W.

P.S. ‘drug dealers’ or ‘psychopath’ can be used interchangeably when referring to W writers. 


W writers are psychopath, and we're the poor souls whom they torture in each episode. 

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Hi all.  On hindsight:   Two things--

1. The faceless killer may be KC's alter-ego?     I  agree that this is a plot device without identity to make the hero suffer and be stronger for it.   I replayed the scene on the bridge with 2 bikers several times , and the preview when he shot at the car.   Height, body shape,  he resembles KC, except with bulkier clothes.      Perhaps this is why he, like KC,  is able to crossover?    I thought of DY too but he is a bit different physically and the guy froze just before KC  crossed over.    

IDK, maybe am just imagining things too much, and this is all my crazy conspiracy theory.    I cannot  reconcile that both of them were on the hotel rooftop when KC was stabbed, but then an alter-ego with a separate but connected entity is possible,  in fantasy cartoon where anything goes.  

2. Why is YJ still in the house when the ramen convo was happening, did she just space out,  since she is not in the rescue scene?  My guess is she probably disappeared in the car before the bullet hit,  into the manhwa.  Aissh, waiting so long for ep 7 is killing me.


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I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this, since I am in a hurry in a lunch break, no time to read all the discussions.

My friend just told me something that might be a major spoiler/hint for what will happen

Read at your own risk


In the next ep, it was revealed Kang Chul and Yeon Joo was already married, and then because they were thinking about getting a divorce, so that was why YJ left the rooftop without leaving a word. (Cr: DC)

Someone on PTT (Taiwanese forum) mentioned the fact that the dead body with a ring might be because Kang Chul was already married then…


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11 hours ago, Harukogirl said:


Wait, maybe THEY ARE ALREADY MARRIED???!!!!??? :heart:

Because in the preview, YJ is super shocked and say 'Marriage/Married????"


What if to get her out of jail, he made it so they were married? Like he told the cops they had been secretly married and that's why no one knew who she was??? Because she's still wearing her prison uniform when she says "marriage???" and then when she's out she's wearing a ring...


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I can't live till Wednesday~!!!!!!  :dizzy:


Ohhhhh....Anyone watched Gossip Girl? Remember when Blair and Chuck got married because Chuck was accused for killing his father? (It's been years so I don't remember why Blair would be called to testify btw.. haha)

Spousal testimonial privilege (also called spousal incompetency and spousal immunity) protects the individual holding the privilege from being called to testify by the prosecution against his/her spouse/the defendant. A minority of states apply testimonial privilege in both criminal and civil cases.

Maybe that's what they're trying to do in this case. I mean without Kang Chul's testimony, there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict Yeon joo. Not sure how South Korean justice system works so I don't know if they have that kind of law...

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