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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2016] Love O2O 微微一笑很倾城


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18 hours ago, yuweei said:


I totally agree haha I love the ending chapter of the novel :D I'm so glad YY got the role, like I loved XN's character in the drama but YY really really brings him to life <3 (that wolfish expression on his face before he pushed her to the floor though phew *fans oneself*)


Yes I thank heavens everyday that YY got this role.  I probably would not have enjoyed this drama as much if it was a different actor.  I'm now a fan!


11 hours ago, LoveBunny said:

I didn't understand the comparison most of you made at first between the movie and the drama, so I decided to watch the movie.... now I get it !!! Both female leads portrai a different Wei Wei. Angelababy's Wei Wei was more out there, she had more character, more agressive, and we got to see the gentle side of her whenever she was with Xiao Nai. On the other hand drama Wei Wei is completely different, she is gentle, however we get to see her more agressive side here in there in little doses. Yang Yang really brings Xiao Nai to life, he absolutely nailed it. 

I just wish Zheng Shuang would kiss this man properly at least once. I don't understand why so many female leads in dramas don't know how to kiss. I understand the first kiss being awkward but arff at least one decent kiss would be nice. For exemple, when she came back from her parents and he kisses her in his office. That scene had me a little puzzled, how can a man be kissing you so passionately yet you do nothing, I blame the director. I don't know if I'm the only one but her wardrobe choice annoyes me at times. She is very skinny yet she's in baggy cloths most of the time which doesn't flatter her figure at all, but there's no denying it she's still gorgeous. 


Angelababy's WW wasn't bad at all, just compared to the way ZS played it, I thought it was a bit lacking.  I still enjoy the movie version on its own, but since there's just not enough time to really explore the characters and the plot, I don't feel as emotionally attached.  I can't believe I'm saying that ZS is a good actress, but her acting in here is so much better than her latest dramas.  I hope she keeps this up and is able to find her fire again, cause she was great in Meteor Shower and Painted Mural.


11 hours ago, owawa said:

This Drama  has more than 5 billion views on the Chinese video site Youku  :lol: 

WW's Smile is Very Charming  ~!  A Slight Smile is Very Charming~!

In China the Chinese Title you can understand as two meaning~! 


5 billion views...is that good?  What would be considered a hit?


8 hours ago, usagi77777772003 said:

Have to say I loved the car scene in episode 21 where Da Shen's mom (on speaker phone) was telling him not to "bully" good girl Wei Wei and he replied with "depends on the situation..." :flushed: I squealed!!!

His mom went even further by telling him that if he were to "bully" her, that he had to take responsibility...so cute and suggestive... :heart:  


And then right after he told his mom that he has her on speakerphone...LOL!  The words he says and how no one can really handle them without having a heart attack haha.


6 hours ago, Thuc-NghiT said:


speaking of which when did MYR and her ex-friend start talking again?? I'm so confused lol maybe its in that ep though


It was never shown, but remember how MYR got a text from Nana warning her about AXNE's blog and how she was just using her to get views for her blog?  I think after that she went back to being Nana's friend.

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Ahhh we have a drama thread. I didn't realize we had one (I was previously in the movie thread). 

I just started this drama a few days ago (I'm up to ep. 11 now) . I love RPG games (I'm not really a mmorpg fan - the only online games I played are guild wars and now i'm playing elderscroll online) so this I really liked the whole idea that gamers are the central characters of this drama. The kdrama "Lucky Romance" also featured games as a plot device but...that was more about developing games, rather than playing them. It's fun watching the actors act in the game world. It's kinda like how I feel when I play games...that I'm sucked right into that fictional world. 

I like the characters of this drama. I like that Bei Wei Wei is so composed, yet not absorbed with her looks. She seems humble too. I think the actress was a bit on the skinny side, but she's decent and her acting fits the character. 

Yang Yang. wow that guy is so :wub:. Yeah he's a bit young (for me lol) but such an eye candy. I can't tell if he's a bit stiff cuz of his character or if that's his acting. But when he smiles...I just swoon. hahahah. He certainly looks very "god like" and is a major draw of why I continue to watch it. Xiao Nai - is a bit too perfect in my opinion. But is so swoon worthy <3. I'm like his fangirls squealing when he was on the screen. hahaha.  I like this dorm mates... they seem like they'd be fun to hang out with. 

I'm not a huge fan of Cao Guang. He comes off whiny and clingy. To me, that's not very attractive...if the girl says no, get the hint. yesh. 

I read somewhere (was it here?) that there is a game like Dreaming of Jianghu in real life? I wish it was in English (or that my Chinese was better :( ) Now I feel like playing a Chinese historical game :P

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I think zs should choose playful and energetic roles.Lately she is doing dramas where her character is always gloomy,sulking,lost in thoughts and depressive. It naturally pulls down your energy.

Anyways I am up for her next dramas(3 in total)this year.She especially looked beautiful and young in beauty private kitchen.

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Can't believe how much I love this drama. I have such a love hate with CDramas, but I have not had much to complain about in this one. The series as been fun. The video game aspect of it has even been very interesting. YY is a boss in his roll. The sidekicks have been awesome. I know with Chinese censorship we might not get the full BL storyline, but I am glad they kept some hints of it in the series. One of the only thing I will nitpick is I wish the female lead would do a little more when she is being kissed. They have great chemistry, I would just like for her to be on the same page as him. His kiss game is on point. Again this is just me nitpicking. Has I am watching on DramaFever I know I am behind on some episodes, as they are just now on episode 20. 

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22 minutes ago, nixekdevil said:


i found the short clip of a bts filming of the ending (wedding gown) oh em gee

2 seconds only - scroll to 1:33


mwaha so far (up to ep 23) we've had 6 kisses. I've counted at least 3 more from snippets that haven't been aired in episodes yet ;) (hopefully we get even more hehe)

I don't know what I'm going to do when this ends :bawling::bawling: 

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1 hour ago, yuweei said:


mwaha so far (up to ep 23) we've had 6 kisses. I've counted at least 3 more from snippets that haven't been aired in episodes yet ;) (hopefully we get even more hehe)

I don't know what I'm going to do when this ends :bawling::bawling: 

when this ends? marathon of course ^.^

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I love it when Wei Wei said, "Xia yi ge." HAHAHAHA, you go girl!  Whoa, and then what she said to Real Water afterward....YEAH!  "Who are you?" "Then stop wasting words...let's start!"

Aaaahhhhh XN came to pick her up in the rain.  This entire scene was so satisfying to watch!

I love Xiao Nai's face when he heard WW said that CG accused her twice.  I don't think I've ever really seen an angry expression from him...shows how important WW is to him and how annoyed he is at this CG dude.  DANG WEI WEI! You tell that fool!  XIAO NAI!  AAAHHHHH sooo cool!  But it's true, XN and WW has to pick up messes that other people create.  ARGH!

And yes, the way that XN trusts WW unconditionally....relationship goals!  He never questioned her about the car picture (even though he recognized her from the beginning) and obviously knew that there had to be something wrong with what CG was claiming about WW two-timing.  Ah these two, you make my heart melt.


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