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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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9 minutes ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

No skinship between the OTP is fine....so much skin-view from PBG is just as contented..  :tounge_xd: 

But his wound looks so "OUCH"!  :cold_sweat:









and can we appreciate his broad shoulder kekkekekekekke love them!!!!! PD nim should lower the blanket lil bit more, so we can appreciate more his chest :astonished::heart:

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6 minutes ago, in00022 said:

OMG !!! @lovehbhjw2013 .... kyaaaaaa .... what a great way to spend this boring friday with all those HD photos of  SEXY CROWN PRINCEEEEEEEE  :heart: ... thank u ... moreeeeeeeee pleaseeeeee ..hahhahahhahahaa :grimace: 

I dun mind to see those photos again and again .....:P


I think the impact and effect is especially stunning when you fill the whole page with his SKIN!!!!!   :tounge_xd::love::innocent:

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13 minutes ago, limitedsin25 said:


and can we appreciate his broad shoulder kekkekekekekke love them!!!!! PD nim should lower the blanket lil bit more, so we can appreciate more his chest :astonished::heart:


Raon said : ANDWAEEEEEE ..... THAT'S SHOULD BELONG TO ME ONLY ... I CAN'T SHARE MY CP'S BODY WITH OTHERS .....:P ( ooopssss .... sorry )

@lovehbhjw2013 THE WHOLE PAGE FULL OF CP'S SKIN ??????  :dizzy::dizzy:  .... YESSSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEE E :wub:

( hahhaha sorry ... blame this boring day to make me like that .... hahhahha :P )

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4 minutes ago, limitedsin25 said:


and can we appreciate his broad shoulder kekkekekekekke love them!!!!! PD nim should lower the blanket lil bit more, so we can appreciate more his chest :astonished::heart:


I know it is very irresistible to quote his skin pictures like art work.......hope the mods let us off for once! ...:grimace::tounge_wink:

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1 hour ago, Jillia said:

Hahahaha, @yuuinokokoro! :D We all live, eat and sleep in this thread until the preview is out right? :lol::heart:

I'm looking forward to watch the preview tonight but at the same time i'm bracing myself too.

The look in Raon eyes in the previous episode doesn't seem right to me. But maybe i've been thinking too much.. :bawling:

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14 hours ago, Jillia said:


It only took me forever to write this because I have unfortunately bills to pay in real life. Why oh why? But now I finally finished my post on Ra On, even though I'm sure I will post an updated version as soon as the drama is finished. :)

So I hope you enjoy it! :D

Shoutout to: @moodypie , @mujay and everyone who waited patiently for me to post this.

Thoughts on characters 3

Hong Ra On – Before I'm a eunuch or a lady in a pretty hanbok I'm a person


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When we look at Hong Ra On as a character from episode 1 to 12 it may look like she is probably the least developed character in Moonlight Drawn By Clouds and while I agree she deserves so much more exposition, the moments she got are very defining for her character but they're for sure subtle..

In episode 1 the viewer gets to know her as Hong Sam Nom – in the novel it's because she is good at 3 things – and she is a love counselor and apparently she also writes books on the matter of love.


The fact she can write in both – Chinese characters and Hangeul – is already a hint to her noble ancestry and intellectual capacity. During Joseon era because of the introduction of Confucianism the education of the yangban became more important than of the commoners. So here we already get this much information. She dresses like a boy in commoner clothes, yet she has the education of a yangban. It's also a hint that she is anything but a mere boy/girl. She is definitely very smart as well.

Note: Yet it's interesting how she seems very comfortable in giving advice on love issues while she is very shy with Lee Yeong herself.

She lives with her adoptive father who doesn't really treat her well or at least tells her right away that they're not related. And even tells her:

If you're not coming back one day, I'll be happy.“

And she replies right away:

I won't be happy.“

No matter what her adoptive father tells her and no matter what we feel about him when he rejects her like this to her he is family.

They're part of a drama group who do talchum – a mask dance – combined with nongak – farmer's music – in which they make fun of the King and the Crown Prince. As I mentioned before this was only way how commoners got to know about the royal family, no matter whether it's true or not that image shown in the satire is what they believe.

Interestingly Ra On poses as the Crown Prince – can we talk about fate – and actually it looks like Lee Yeong has the reputation of a lazy crown prince who likes to chase after girls. Well only half of it is true.

We get the idea that Ra On really doesn't see anything wrong with it because she knows talchum is meant to be as dark humor aka a satire. She doesn't think of the harm it can cause or whose feelings it can hurt.

Later Master Jung offers her money to meet with the girl he loves and only after he offers her more money she agrees. It doesn't really leave a positive picture of her.

On one hand she is depicted as smart but at the same time she does things without thinking and has no problem in taking more money for a small deed. Same happened with Lee Yeong in episode 1 if you remember my post.

But her good heart is shown the moment she realizes that Master Jung apparently loves a man she still wants to meet the love interest so things turn out good for Master Jung. Little did she know that she would meet her soulmate... wait this is for another post.

She makes up (terrible) poetic comments on how they – Ra On and Lee Yeong – are in a difficult situation but should forget the world's prejudice for a day and make a wonderful memory „that will be deeply buried inside our hearts“. It's so cheesy we can all imagine how her books sound like.

They go to the restaurant and the owner lady curses like there is no other morning coming.

Lee Yeong: „What is the reason you're laughing while listening to harsh curses?“

Ra On: „How is that cursing? It's affection that makes you think of your grandmother and the scent of people living here.“

At first I thought Ra On was a bit crazy, so my reaction was like the one of Lee Yeong. But then I understood it only shows Ra On yearning for family and familiarity. Something she remembers from the time with her mother. And that's the reason why she doesn't want to leave her adoptive father.

Then after she calls Lee Yeong „flower scholar“ she says something else interesting: „There's no rule that says men have to be rough and tough.“ In a way she does it to make Lee Yeong feel better but also to tease him. But it's also a very modern take on how men can be. It's a tiny bit of Ra On's wisdom here.

We also see Ra On as the caretaker of Lee Yeong as she tries to feed him kimchi and saves him from the snake. She certainly is a perfect eunuch, right? ;)

But there is also a small of glimpse of the woman Ra On when Lee Yeong is raising her up her manly voice drops for a couple seconds.

(Note: Let's say I'm going to talk about this scene a little more in the couple post)

But she instantly returns to Sam Nom-mode and the moment she is out of the pit cheeky Ra On is back who doesn't even think about helping Lee Yeong as well.


She makes a declaration if they ever meet again she will become his dog. Little did she know this would happen sooner than later right?

Later when she finds out about her mistake with the servant and the daughter-in-law she is showing regret. With the correct informations she probably would've acted differently.

Overall when it comes to love Ra On believes in sincerity and that two people shouldn't be afraid to confess their feelings for eachother.

But during the binding scene we get also an understanding of her own conflict. We have a classic shot of Ra On looking into a mirror which distorts her face. This is followed by the binding scene accompanied with the flashback to her as a child which only confirms what we already knew: that she is a girl. But a girl who is deeply conflicted because she lived for her whole life as a man.


In episode 2 Ra On is busy most of the time trying to fail the 3 exams, so she can leave the palace again. But of course a certain person prevents this from happening.

I adore the scenes with the other eunuch candidates because it shows how much Ra On is SO not a man. She is uncomfortable I cringe everytime with her when they make bad jokes about the male „goodies“. Or Park Seong Yeol making up dumb puns on the Crown Prince.

(Note: Sorry but I'm of course rewatching the episodes and I can't deal with the very modern music played during the scene when Ra On gets a „tong“ for the „goodies“ exam. :D)

She also meets Byung Yeon in this episode for the first time. And we get our first bromance scene with all the 3 of them. It already feels like family because Ra On treats Lee Yeong like a normal guy who does nothing good to her. She also tries to brush away some dirt in his hair but Byung Yeon stops. Nobody touches Lee Yeong without his permission. (Note: I love the little detail that apparently Ra On is snoring when she sleeps! ROFL)

By the way Ra On still believes Lee Yeong is gay and Byung Yeon his „new“ lover.

So this episode is full of comic relief but towards the end we get another wonderful scene with Ra On and Lee Yeong which holds character exposition at its best. Ra On wants to give Lee Yeong some of the chicken but when he realizes it's from Kim Hun he refuses. Still Ra On offers it to him and says:

There may not have been times you have felt hungry but I think your heart has been hungry many times. […] Would you like to get a little bit of love from someone with a rich heart? From me! Who has the richest heart in all of Joseon! This is the affection that I, Hong Sam Nom, give to you!“


This was the moment for me that solidified my opinion on Ra On's character. She isn't perfect, has many flaws but still is a good person who knows what is important. She likes to give – even though she believes it to be her „last gift“ to him. And this might be the moment Lee Yeong's opinion on her changed a little bit.

And then of course she speaks her mind which Lee Yeong may not like at first but he certainly appreciates much more than the servants being afraid of him.

The episodes ends on a very serious note with the Princess threatening to kill Ra On for ghostwriting the love letters. It's also a pivotal moment for Ra On because for the second time she is confronted with the fact that her action have consequences.

In episode 3 the scene continues and we get another exposition of Ra On's character. She admits she made a mistake, that she didn't know how much ghostwriting those letters would hurt a person and apologizes. This is witnessed by Lee Yeong.

Later in that episode we get what I believe one of the saddest scenes when it comes to Ra On at this point. She, Lee Yeong and Byung Yeong are standing above the palace grounds and Ra On says:

I've never once had my own house. Looking at it now, I've never even said the words 'my house'.“


This statement holds so much sadness and loneliness in it and it's almost like her words resonate with Lee Yeong. But it also makes me curious since she lived with a mother for long enough to get an understanding of family, right? Or was her mother to cautious all the time to convey a sense of family and a sense of home?

Ra On tries to break through this sad moment by covering it up with funny words. She is certainly a person who doesn't want to worry others. She rather smiles and pretends to be strong than to cry or to show any other signs of weakness.

That's the essence of Ra On.

And while we got a very modern sense of Ra On after she finds out Lee Yeong is actually the Crown Prince we see her change in her behavior towards him. Starting from episode 4 she tries to distance herself from him and is treating him differently. It's how every person, especially every servant in the palace would act like. But she is still very open when it comes to speaking her mind and of course Lee Yeong asks her to treat him like a friend when they're alone.

It confuses her a great deal that Lee Yeong is apologizing when he actually shouldn't as a man in his position.

This shows while there is modern feel to her character she still is a woman living in the Joseon era. Hence why retreats to adress Lee Yeong more properly.

In the same episode we get the situation with the dancer who disappears as ordered by the Queen and we see how much worth of being an eunuch and friend of Lee Yeong Ra On is. She risks to get busted by turning into a dancer and pretty much saving the day for Lee Yeong.

It's a wonderful character trait which follow through the drama until now. She always cares for Lee Yeong first. That's also later depicted when she wants Lee Yeong's wish to come true.

In episode 5 we get a wonderful flashback to Ra On and her mother who leaves her behind to protect her from the people looking for them. First she dreams of her mother and then she is standing on the bridge at the lantern festival. From there it cuts to Lee Yeong standing there.

But the important point is that Ra On is longing to find her mother and always waits on the same bridge waiting for her to return. Again: family is important to Ra On. The scene gives us a sense of loneliness but it quickly turns into comfort because Lee Yeong is there.


In episode 6 we continue to see Ra On in great distress with the Chinese ambassador and again she is thinking first of Lee Yeong and the problems she caused him. And even in prison when her fellow eunuchs pay her a secret visit her first question is how the Crown Prince is.

There doesn't need to be heavy exposition in every episode or some of the characters saying that Ra On cares for other people – and especially Lee Yeong – more than for herself. It's there in almost every scene with her.

Hence why she believes she has to leave with the Chinese envoy, so she doesn't cause any more problems to Lee Yeong.

Of course this shows almost as if she doesn't have any sense for self-preservation. Decisions like leaving with the Chinese envoy would've ended differently without Lee Yeong and Byung Yeon.

But at the same time I can't find much fault in her decision since to her it's the right choice and she doesn't show any regret.


The only emotion she shows and only in front of Lee Yeong is that she WAS scared and worried but she endured it. It's such a nice change from her hiding it and laughing instead.

In episode 7 as well Ra On shares her thoughts with Byung Yeon wondering why feels so at ease and that apparently he was right when he said the palace becomes bearable when you like somebody in there. I personally think episode 7 marks the moment Ra On is realizing her feelings for Lee Yeong and it's beautiful moment.


And of course episode 7 is the episode of multiple confessions with the very important one at the end of it.

We see a newfound closeness between Ra On and Lee Yeong. But also for the first time we see Ra On being close to jealous at the sight of Lee Yeong talking to a beautiful noble lady, Ha Yeon. It gives Ra On a new layer because until now it looked she is very comfortable disguising herself as a man. But now with her feelings for Lee Yeong I love to see her feminine side. Because from the beginning the flashbacks told us she always wanted to live as a girl but couldn't because of her mother. She simply adepted to that and didn't change it because of the respect for her mother. But now different circumstances can change that.

She even takes two steps back as if she doesn't belong there, in this beautiful garden with a handsome man and a beautiful lady talking.


Later when both – Lee Yeong and Ra On – hear about rumor of the Crown Prince being gay it drives them apart. But not before Ra On informs about her opinion on love and confessions.

Ra On: „Although I know it's futile, what can I do if the feelings keep growing? Even if nothing changes, I just wish my feelings can be conveyed. […] Is it wrong to confess an unrequited love? A proper farewell is as warm as feelings of admiration, isn't it? Who knows the memory of being loved could become the strength to live on for life.“

As somebody who ships Ra On and Lee Yeong this can be seen as such a prologue to what is to come at the end of the episode. But from Ra On's point of view it also has a lot to do with herself, her past and with her mother.

Ra On begins to act as a proper eunuch because she doesn't want to cause more problems yet again for Lee Yeong. And we get another shot of Ra On's shoes, stepping back and away from him. She ends their friendship and this moment marks albeit short breakup between the two.

But of course this breakup ends the moment Lee Yeong confesses his love and kisses her.

From here on it's basically impossible to write about the episodes without turning this into a couple post.

But I think I conveyed pretty well that while the exposition for Ra On is much more subtle than for Lee Yeong it's still there. She is a 3-dimensional character like everybody else and the episode 8 to 12 show that in a really good way.

Even little things like Ra On not braiding her hair properly when dressed as a woman is a beautifully done exposition for her character. She didn't live es a girl. She only knew how to dress as a boy and braid her hair the way men do it. So of course she doesn't look as impeccable as Ha Yeon. But that's not what Lee Yeong wants... See! I'm in couple post-territory.

But yes it's definitely there and I'm sure we will see more character development and exposition in the upcoming episodes. I think the ending of episode 12 with the wonderful song playing showed us that yet again we get to see the Ra On who is hiding her true feelings behind her smile and the song tells us what she is truly feeling. And that's pretty much what we have to look for when it comes to Ra On. We have to look out for the little things and details. We have to look behind that smile and we have to listen to her wisdom – which she probably got from Dasan. She is so much more than a girl in eunuch clothes. She is so much more than a girl in a pretty hanbok. We just need to look closer.


Thoughts on characters 1: The weak, mad and sad king

Thoughts on characters 2: Lee Yeong

Next Up: Ra On and Lee Yeong

This is the reason why people need to have enough sleep :P. "And suddenly God gave them the enlightenment wisdom about everything" :lol:. Thank you so much dear for that wonderful review about our heroine figure. Honey you may now continue your sleeping beauty ritual.

PS : How about open a university with another seonsaeng-nim @lovehbhjw2013


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25 minutes ago, nataliakay said:


Oh my god I was just thinking about it too the other day. The light purple hanbok that Ra On wore at the swing and the same coloured one that CP was wearing during the sword dance. It would be so nice if they wear it next to each other!! can we have an edited pic of that..since we're probably not going to get to see it lol

I would be very grateful if some kind moonlighter can help photoshop such a pic too, both of them in lavendar hanboks would be so sweet

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For those who are like me listening to Gummy's track 24 hours a day,  you might want to sing along.  Warning... Try not to force yourself on the highest note, or you might lose your voice!:blush:

Romanization ..

malhaji anhado nan arayo
geudae ane ojik hansaram
baro narangeol
tteollineun nae mameul deulkilkkabwa
sumjocha keuge swiji moshan
geureon nayeossjyo
geobi manha sumgiman haessjiman
nae sarangeul geudaega bureumyeon
yonggi nae bolgeyo
eoreoissdeon kkoccipe
geudaereul damaseo
bureooneun barame
geudae naege oneun nal
nareul seuchyeo jinachiji anhdorok
geudaeman bomyeo sarayo
amudo moreuge kiwowassjyo
hoksi geudaega nunchichaelkka
nae mameul jorigo
geobi manha sumgiman haessjiman
nae sarangeul geudaega bureumyeon
yonggi nae bolgeyo
eoreoissdeon kkoccipe
geudaereul damaseo
bureooneun barame
geudae naege oneun nal
nareul seuchyeo jinachiji anhdorok
gido halgeyo
deo isang mangseoriji anheulgeyo
geudaeramyeon eodideun nan gwaenchanhayo
hachanheun nareul mideojun saram
geudae gyeoteseo i sarangeul
nae sarangi geudaereul bureumyeon yonggi nae jullaeyo
eoreoissdeon kkoccipe geudaereul damaseo
bureooneun barame geudae naege oneun nal
nareul seuchyeo jinachiji anhdorok
geudaemanbomyeo sarayo.


Cr kpoplyrics

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8 hours ago, Plummpychan said:


@Earth2KatyD117 Kkkkk you're most welcome chingu~ya,  happy to share,  it cracks me up too to see how total PBG can act, so hillarious :w00t: 

@febz Ikr, our byeontae soul needs feeding afterall since Moonlight is as pure as gold :P, teehee, gomawoo for taking me as your byeontae dongsaeng unnie *hugssss :wub: 

Couldn't agree more dear:wub:. I really taken the right dongsaeng here th106__zpsift5f6bu.gif (sorry for wetting your screen) 

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Moonlighters..... would you tell me...... did YS already give up on RO??? Did he finally wake up..?? 

Oooppss no offence YS team..... it just very distrubing...... she has never been the one for him, she has never chosen him but he continue to pursuing her...... :huh:


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@babysiew 10 days ago you asked me where I saw hong gyeong nae wearing minister robe, finally I found it !! It's in ep 3 preview. Saw it today after rewatching moonlight ep 2, this drama amazing still can make me laugh. Sorry took a long time to answer, been trying find it in youtube for days. 

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Finally figured out how to post pics lol

From the BTS, 

YJ to Bo Gum after the rain scene: "Oppa, you did well, Oppa you always do well" then he started playing with her hat lol

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Just looking at the timeline.

When Ra On entered the palace as an eunuch, the Queen was found to be pregnant. So since she is about to give birth, could it be rational to think that 7-8 months have passed?

So the CP at this stage has only known Ra On was female for 3-4 months? 

Including the thought that CP suspected Ra On as the dancing girl so it's adding another 2 months = 5/6 months that he has been in love with her?

Actually when I watched through the episodes, the CP has been pretty open in her pursuit of her. Even when he knew her as Sam Nom. It all got more intense after the dancing scene. I suppose the feelings grew after that and when Ra On was molested by the Qing envoy, the feelings that CP had became more pronounced. 


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Look at this poor, sweet girl.. It looks like she cried her eyes out!  It's either caused by a very emotional scene OR the drama's very hectic filming schedule.. :(

Fighting, Kim Yoo Jung! You are doing amazingly well in the drama, my dear.. Keep it up!! :thumbsup:


@parmma Hope you don't mind that I borrowed one of your photos. Thanks, chingu! :)

I really enjoyed the BTS of episodes 11&12. Can't count how many times I've watched it over and over again! :P Wish it could've been longer though.. Maybe they are holding out on us so they can reveal all of it for the MDBC "special episode?" Does anyone know if we're getting one?

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