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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Just watched the newest episode, and all I do was SQUEEEEEEEE~~~~~~ this episode is more precious than the last one!! I like how righteous the Crown Prince behave against the ministers, but what I love more is that, he seems to know what he was going to do (sending herbals), but he still seeks Ra On's advice first, to make himself sure that he is fighting the battle the right way. It's like he's ready to share his burden with her, so he tells her everything, from small things (what to wear, what to eat, etc) to big political things (ministers's boycott). He knows his feeling towards the female characters as well (love for Ra On, not interested for Ha Yeon, although maybe he would try to be friends with her), and he stands by it. The eternal bracelet seals the deal, plus his confession at the end...aaaaah, I like this kind of Crown Prince! He's also a good man by finding a Eunuch Ma and Woo Hee maid lady a way to get together!

Also...I like Jo Ha Yeon so far, even her stubborn-ness and her nosy-ness regarding her crush towards the Crown Prince, I actually find that kinda commendable, although I know...this might bite her in the end. There's just a few of persistent female characters in saegeuk (sp??) drama, I don't want her character to lose some of that traits. Part of me wish that she would just fell in love with Yun Seong and get married to him, but I'm interested on how she would pursue her love to the Crown Prince. I just hope they wouldn't make her as an obnoxious character who can't seem to know when to give up when her crush has clearly drawn the line, or worse, an antagonist like the Queen Mother...I don't want to hate Ha Yeon...I don't want to hate Yun Seong too, he's an interesting character to me. He's quick on catching things despite Ha Yeon's 'beating around the bush' conversation, ahahaha...and he has interesting way to solve the problems he's faced on.

Byung Yeon must feel torn right now...he doesn't know if he should tell Crown Prince about his involvement in the riot or keep quiet. Moreover the Crown Prince said something like he's the only one he can trust. Oh my, I understand his pressure and dilemma... I hope all the best for Byung Yeon as a character too, hope he made the right choices regarding the riot and Ra On! It would be an unfortunate if he ended up fighting on the enemy side...all that bromance...would be wasted.

By the way, I'm confused when the Crown Prince asked Yun Seong like,"Are you speaking from a Kim, or a son of minister?". Does 'Kim' name is some sort of powerful clan Korea? Is that why so many Korean people named with 'Kim' surname aside from 'Lee', "Hong' or 'Hwang'?

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I read somewhere that HY gonna be a nasty character once she knows that the one in CP's heart is RO. She will soon find out based on ep 9 preview ie the bracelet. It shld be familiar to her. I know she is quite pitiful but I cant help "disliking" her :D 

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23 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


Hmm..you find the kisses steamy huh......there is one racy one I dare not post.....and it definitely will not happen in the filming but I think it is the required prelude to them having the twins later... :lol::P:w00t:

Spoiler TT_TT

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I think RN's mum wants to dress her up as a boy as they were been pursued by Kim's henchmen. Her mum is likely to have been killed already by now. The King probably was manipulated to order an arrest due to the rebellion. Its probable that the rebellion arose as the people were suffering due to Kim's antics. The king thought the rebel was against him, but probably it is for survival that the 'rebellion' happen. This is just what I 'make out of' based on what transpired so far. As for whether Hong was a nobel who became a rebel - I really dont know. I only hope our OTP has a happy ending! 

I am so dead! I need to work but I am here... 

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11 minutes ago, Mei Lee said:

Sigh... another looong week of waiting for the new episodes.

I saw the preview for next week and an idea crossed my mind. Could it be that CP and RN were actually betrothed since young but because Kim Premier wants to have control over the king, so he killed RN's family. He is frantically searching for her to kill her now knowing she is still alive? I find it puzzling why RN's mom wanted her to dress up as a boy as being a boy would serve more purpose to the rebels' .

Er...think i am going bonkers over this drama and talking nonsense already! :sweatingbullets:






I think its because she want to hide her.. since everybody specially people from palace must be after them knowing that they are from the rebel family.. people know that the rebel leader have a daughter so she tell raon to live as a boy.. cmiiw.. 

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4 minutes ago, ireumimolla said:


AWW man the two of them are just too cute! And Bo Gum at the end said No changing of (TV) channel, he doesn't give his permission. (His line from end of Ep 5) :lol:



yes, they really have fun together. Aigooooooooo seja joha not allowed to switch the channel :lol:

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1 hour ago, tiendoank said:


Wew!! what darky stuff you have there!  But we're accepting any donation be it Deadly Potion, Cruciatus Curse, or anything that can make anyone's life miserable. With Voldemort, Sauron, Hannibal Lector, and Joker on our side, we are ready to inflict the painest pain to anyone who dare to ruin Yeong & Raon 's blossoming relationship. If Ha Yeon-ssi keeps on flirting her way to uri Seja (which she definitely will), then her name will be up there on the "Who's Next?" list.



About that, let's be frank here for a sec. I know, I know that she have this 'sincere' I love you, I'm amaze at you , I'm falling in love at you, we are meant to be together yada yada yada expression toward CP. *scratch scratch* She look like a nice girl 'so far' . But somehow WHATEVER nice thing she does, it's only spark hostility in me. I think because KYJ's look and acting is wayyyyyy to stand out to be overtake by this bimbo...I mean babe...  If the heroine perhaps uglier or less acting skill, welllllllll I 'might' feel a little sympathy toward HY cuz as a creature of feminism, WHO DOESNT FALL FOR CP?  His magnetic gaze draws everyone in and suck your soul completely...*nose bleed*.... I need to stop talking about CP before I suffer minor concussion

Bottom line is, I hate this HY, I hate that Evil Queen, I hate all other female figure who stands on CP/Raon way more than the male villain. Stepping that fake pregnant belly with a bulldozer is one of my fantasy lately..   So YEAH, whatever pitiful face you're showing me HY, IT AINT WORKING! Go suffer watching CP kiss RO in front of your face! mwahahaha *evil laugh*

Who's next? -zingggg- *ninja knife out*


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32 minutes ago, anne1101 said:


I'm also working, watching episodes 7 & 8 and lurking here all at the same time. hahaha. That's multi-tasking. :grin:

Everyday is MOON day at work. And work means MOONwork.

Moonday, Moontuesday, Moonwednesday, Moonthursday, Moonfriday, Moonsaturday and Moonsunday!!!

I feel like I am MOONwalking too.

@lovehbhjw2013 Thank you for reminding. It's Moon(cake) festival tomorrow. I will be celebrating with lanterns and eating mooncake with my family with a big grin. What a way to celebrate Moonday. 

33 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

...for his case I-saw-you-wore-hanbok-yesterday-smile .. aigoooo .. my poor heart … my weak knees … oh I have sinned for the past 4 weeks … I  have been drooling this little boy and his teeth … and now his I-saw-you-wore-hanbok-yesterday-smile …

cut your post.

I like that!!! What about "I saw what you wore yesterday"!!!!! laughing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000laughing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000laughing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000


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Guest ireumimolla
1 minute ago, minsunie said:


@ireumimolla thanks for the translation! Bo Gum-ah...Adorbs!!!!


Yes they are adorbs!!:wub:  And Se-ja got so embarrassed after saying the "I don't give permission" line LOL :lol:




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1 hour ago, seungshin said:

Has anyone else noticed they do a lot of their acting with their feet?  Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!   Honestly I cannot believe I am commenting on this but I will anyway.  There have been a lot of scenes, at least one each episode of a close ups of KYJ and PBG and their feet.  The PD likes to show the dialogues through the movements of their feet.

So I think we can conclude from this that yes, their acting with eyes and feet and everything is great.  Viewer can feel so much of their emotions every step of the way.  And I think it has to do with the great camera work.  Something we don't even notice but it does so much to show the viewers huge amount of emotions in the dialogue and makes it possible for us to feel so many different emotions.  I believe this is just another reason, that extra element, for the success of this drama and its fantastic story-telling.    

This is a screen cap of the many scenes spoken through their feet!

Can I also add in....not just feet, eyes but also hands (from dancing scenea and more)

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 @myutaa i think you are right. 

I am toying with the possibility that RN is actually the crown-princess-to-be and daughter of Kim's nemesis. So Kim wanted to get rid of RN and family so his nemesis would have no power and Kim can get CP to marry someone from his own clique.

Fearing how the drama going to unfold soon, I am afraid RN is going to have her heart broken if CP would have to marry someone else. Here I am, worry for RN like she is my daughter or sister! :tears:

Edited by Mei Lee
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Just now, Mei Lee said:

Yes, i think you are right. 

I am toying with the possibility that RN is actually the crown-princess-to-be and daughter of Kim's nemesis. So Kim wanted to get rid of RN and family so his nemesis would have no power and Kim can get CP to marry someone from his own clique.

Fearing how the drama going to unfold soon, I am afraid RN is going to have her heart broken if CP would have to marry someone else. Here I am, worry for RN like she is my daughter or sister! :tears:


more to worry her like she is ourselves hahahaha!

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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:


@pyoyong oh that –I-know-what-you-did-last-summer-smile .. for his case I-saw-you-wore-hanbok-yesterday-smile .. aigoooo .. my poor heart … my weak knees … oh I have sinned for the past 4 weeks … I  have been drooling this little boy and his teeth … and now his I-saw-you-wore-hanbok-yesterday-smile …


Please tell me I am not alone – refreshing this thread every min … reading every single post .. grinning and smiling sometime giggling out loud … :haish:  work piling .. and keep telling myself – today is the last time … this is the last comment and this is the last time I refreshed the thread for today and I am going to concentrate on work ..  and yet this sinned finger keep refreshing this thread breaking every promises … and suddenly I realized

Oh help me .. and


It’s only Wednesday!!!! ……………. 7 days to Monday .. OH NOOOOOOOO

@Jillia His name kinda go hand in hand - gum - teeth ... remember gum remember teeth


DAMMMMMMMMMM IT GIRL! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do you have to mention his teeth and hang that smiling picture up there for me to see??? AND IT'S STILL BLOODY WEDNESDAY!

OHhh mannnnnnn, I'm really dying for PBG 2 months old toothbrush right now... ALL YOUR FAULT!

While we're waiting for monday, you better come up with the scheme for PBG toilet invasion to get that toothbrush!! Imagine how many indirect kiss we can do with that brush ....*dizzy*

By the end of the today I will be omitted to NutWard by family if this refreshing thread finger doesn't behave.... *refresh*


@tiendoankwell you know what they sayyyyyyy, Hate can only sprung from a DEEP LOVE *mwahahahaha*

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Re : Nit Pick

Dear PD nim,

First and foremost I would like to apologize in advance for my bluntness.

I have been singing nothing but praises for the past 6 episode however for the latest episode 7 and 8 regret to inform you that I am a bit disappointed with the background/prop and also I missed those drone shot scene, epic breathtaking sunset scene and not to mention the over the top film-like shot.

I missed those pan in pan out shot of the palace and also those drone, panorama shot. I know it must have cost a lot to have those kind of scene but with the advertisement pouring in, I’m sure it can cover the expenses.

I’m sad to inform that I find the kissing scene backdrop is as fake as fake as crown-princess-wanabe. I know that you tried hard with the camera trick, blurring the leaves (I have a tough time freezing the scene where you accidentally did not blur the leaves). Sad to say with one glance I know the leaves is fake and even if you did not make the mistake of not blurring the leaves I can still see the leaves are made of plastic and  some leaves are made of cloth.  But I have to admit the branches did look authentic and woodlike.

I was hoping the background/scenery of the first kiss scene would be as epic as the kiss itself unfortunately I was wrong (THANK GOD FOR PBG & KYJ chemistry, the kiss would be as explosive even if the background is just a piece of cardboard or nothing). Anyway I think a proper background would have made much bigger impact. Please refer to this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEIVhBS6baE for some idea of epic background (music video – Gerua – OST – Dilwale a Bollywood movie). I know this must be your first time hearing about the song.

In my previous letter (may or may not reach you), I did highlight about waterfall kiss. I know it is hard and you may have limited time, but to substitute it with a fake plastic garden is too much!.

And furthermore. Please use other location for Crown-princess-wanabe and the prince. That fake garden (though fake) held a sentimental meaning to us. It’s the first kiss location. Please do not tarnish the image. I don’t want to look at the garden and remember crown-princess-wanabe. Enough that we have to endure her in the plot since she is in the history.

On lighter note : Congratulation on your success reaching 20% rating (though we did not get 30% rating as we targeted with the first kiss, so please try again with 2nd kiss).

I hope you would seriously consider the location of 2nd kiss and make it an epic kissing that shall be remembered for a long time.


Yours Truly


PS : Please disregard the waterfall shooting location in the link I provided. I don’t advise the location at all as it is too high and the risk of our OTP falling over the cliff is high. Please refer to the other location in the video. My personal choice is the aeroplane skeleton area.

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