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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Insightful post about the Queen and her baby!


And suegarbaby points out another sad fact in #

I think the Queen would have wanted her baby girl gone where nobody could later use it against her in future. Honestly, the only way would have been to kill the baby and I am glad she was probably a too exhausted after labour, and maybe also feeling a tad emotional(?), to have instructed a direct kill order.

Yoon Sung’s rescue was timely, and I find it ironic that for a Queen whose mother was a kisaeng (and so therefore she would have been brought up as a kisaeng until Prime Minister Kim took her into his household), that now her own daughter is back in a gibang and being brought up be kisaengs herself! Talk about coming full circle!



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14 minutes ago, kiranzz said:

For the past 2 months, I update everyday about MDBC and of course PBG and KYJ. I love korean actors and actresses in every drama I'd watched, many couples with good chemistry. But, while I am maturer , I find out that there are couples/ OTP in dramas who are matched from heaven *they said* :wub:. Every time I see photos of Bogum and Yoojung, I feel they are so look alike, I don't know *a bit biased* but they are resembled each other. They are so pure, flawless even the gesture and the way of speaking are so elegant. I don't want to be fanatic shipper but I hope they will have some project together in the future:relaxed::relieved:


With so much love,

 Noona for Bogum also Unnie for Yoojung 

*sadly but true* LOL LOL LOL :phew::phew:

I believe and hope few years later a script writer will write a drama for them they meet each other in modern time but wait for  KYJ turn 21 years  and Bogum grew more mature I want to see hot kisses from them.


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Hahaha! Thanks to all who posted the teaser for OST12, especially @Grace1003 I was stalking the wrong channel, I should have stalked OU Entertainment's channel instead :) Edit: I think both Bugs and OU Entertainment are the official channels?

More fanart by HCY's fans - saw them on HCY USA Fan Club page - credit Michelle Chan for Chinese translation and credit other original sources:






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Annyeong, chingus! Sorry I'm very late to the party preview of episode 17. Here are my queries and thoughts about it --
- Why, oh why are we still seeing a lot of Kim Hun? (He's had as much screen time as Lee Yeong in the preview, 3 in total to be exact!). I thought that the culmination of ep16 is going to lead us to a big smackdown at the opening of ep17 where evil PM and his rotten minions will all be decimated for good! So that won't be the case then... *sigh*
-  Why are CP's duds just laying there? (It's not neatly folded like RaOn's that time she left the palace, Haha!) Shall we take that as a clue then that CP will relinquish his throne for RO? 
-  So Byung-yeon is still alive?! Yay!! He is a skillful fighter so we really shouldn't worry about him (I think KDY was just teasing us when he posted that photo on his IG account).
-  How did the baby princess (I'm assuming that it's her) get to the palace and within Ha Yeon's reach (You can clearly see that she's enamored with the baby)? Didn't Yoon Sung ask a gisaeng to care for the babe? When the king (He looks to be levelheaded.. LY must've finally knocked some sense into him!) finds out about the baby switcheroo, he can have the queen executed right away.. Yes? *grins maliciously*
- Who is LY tenderly gazing at? He's looking downwards -- a sleeping RO perhaps?
- I am relieved to know that RO is going to wait for LY (and not push him away anymore). She sounds hopeful... But how come she's still wearing men's clothing? I mean, she's already been outed as a woman in front of everyone, so what gives?
With all that said, I honestly don't know how they are going to tie up everything in 2 episodes (My apologies if everything above have already been covered in the previous pages)! So this is me right now ---
Still, I monumentally count on MDBC to go out with a BIG BANG! I want to find myself crying happy tears and be at peace with how everything will conclude in the drama. Consequently, I will keep the faith and hope that we will see Lee Yeong and Ra On blissfully happy together and very much in love when the credits start rolling at the end of episode 18. :)
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35 minutes ago, roneddski said:


While I am more focused on Yeong's and Raon's reunion, and is of the opinion that Yeong will more probably ties up loose ends and choose to leave the palace.. but I think you have a valid point in saying that his talents and abilities might be wasted if he have just give up his position.

Unless the preview is playing with our minds, judging from how calm and composed Yeong seems amidst all the commotion surrounding his dethronement, he must have a pretty concrete plan to take down both Premier Kim and the evil Queen. However I think it will be a difficult task to pluck out the entire Kim clan since the Kims are like too deeply rooted within the Joseon government. So even with the twin threats removed, I doubt the current king has the abilities to be a efficient ruler or deal with the rest of the Kim clan, since he had proven times and again just how easily he is swayed or manipulated. So Yeong might be needed there to stabilize everything, and hopefully with his contribution with taking down Premier Kim and the Queen, he might be able to convince his father to let go of his long standing conflicts with the White Cloud organisation too. And on the other hand, this in turn help persuade Eunuch Han and his followers that the next king in line is sincere in changing the world for the better and he has something actually very close to the ideal they have or visualize in. 

Either way, I just hope we get a satisfactory ending and most importantly, Raon gets to reunite with Yeong be it inside or outside of the palace. ^_^

Yes never expect too much with the preview especially at the time like this is the time PD-nim is being stingy with viewer. My point is with all the unpredictable story all this time, how it's driven away from the history & novel version also the shocking plot twist all this time I just don't wish that at the end is still the evil side who ruling for the nation. But if CP leave the palace after settle everything about goverment issue even if it will need time jumping for that (but still no reincarnation thing  :P) is acceptable for me. 

All we can do is wait with the last 2 episode left, what kind of final weapon that PD-nim & the writers will give to blow our mind chingu :D

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