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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Just finished watching ep 16.. before I post a long comment (if I can, since this episode is really2 makes me speechless since it was SOOOO Damn Good!!) Let me scream this out first:



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7 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:

A collection of uri Bogummy's CUTEST facial expressions in MDBC :wub:

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tumblr_odcjjwSd6x1r5c02zo1_500.giftumblr_ocxsaf8RMG1r5c02zo2_500.gif  tumblr_ocxsaf8RMG1r5c02zo1_500.giftumblr_odiintAxJI1r5c02zo1_500.gif









GIFs Credit to owners



So which one is your favorite? :) 

I know, it's so hard to choose! :crazy:


Thank you for this list, i had to download all cause from now on, i'm using these GIFs to converse on Telegram. LOLOLOL

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And next ,  we need to call out for our little princess  &  Eunuch Han to come forward and stand at witness stand and give their testimonies  , your highness .

Mr Dasan , you can take your seat with the rest of jurors , we need your calm presence and levelheadedness to observe and steer the complexity of the situation  ..

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Are you sure you resolve all the problems within two episodes (no no no...within one episode..I want the last episode fill with our OTP happy moments)?? do you hear me PD-nim?? We went through all the painful and heart breaking moment and I think that's enough...If you don't know how to wrap up then count me in...I will kill that stupid and idiot King along with all evil clans... So bring back our couple together..I really miss their lovey-dovey scenes...Please...:D

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5 minutes ago, pkbgm21 said:

Thank you for this list, i had to download all cause from now on, i'm using these GIFs to converse on Telegram. LOLOLOL

You're welcome, @pkbgm21! I thought it'd be nice to put these GIFs together since we won't be seeing his adorable face as CP Lee Yeong anymore after episode 18! :tears:

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55 minutes ago, gumtaek said:

9 Times Park Bo Gum And Kim Yoo Jung Were The Definition Of Cute


If you are currently watching “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds,” and you’re anything like me, your daily thoughts have been consumed by images of Park Bo Gum and Kim Yoo Jung. These two actors are so cute and adorable, just about all beautiful things in this world fail to compare. I mean, they have always been cuties on their own, but combined, they are just on a different level of cute. And to those who are not watching “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds,” let me briefly ask, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? Get on it. Because I love you and want you to have good things.

Gosh I just want to put them both in my pocket and carry them with me everywhere. If you think I’m exaggerating, continue to scroll. I got the receipts.

  Reveal hidden contents
When they decided to grace the world with their existence


Them cheeks! We should have known early on that they were out to rule the world using their collective Power of Cute.

When they had their first script reading

pbgkyj script reading

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Indeed.

When they made a heart together


Hearts. Hearts. Hearts.

These two love their hearts.



PBGKYJ Hold Baby
A baby. Seriously? Kill us all why don’t ya?

When they imitated each other

KYJ Imitating PBG dancePBG Imitating KYJ
As if they weren’t cute enough as is.

When Park Bo Gum teased Kim Yoo Jung

PBG Teasing KYJpbg shock at kyj yawn


They put all kinds of smiles on my face.

When Park Bo Gum goes into complete oppa mode

PBG fixes KJY's Hair
pbgkyj hair
PBG Gives KYJ Massage


When they jammed to their own beat

PBGKYG Swaying
Who needs music?

When they’re together

Regardless of what they are doing, they will always exude cuteness that should not be humanly possible.

Well, Soompiers. Have I convinced you? Leave a comment below!
pbg wink




hopefully next week, 2 episodes left is just solving all the problems and give us more this lovely couple happily and fun and lovey dovey scenes ..

cause i missed teasing, childish and funny CP's. And cute, sweet bunny RO jump here and there like eunuch Jang said.

we missed these lovey dovey moment :cold_sweat:

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2 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Good morning, chingus! :D

It's really early here and I have to work today. I could barely sleep for many reasons... one of course our drama. I'm seriously so obsessed with this drama it's not funny. :lol:

Oh I didn't know the difference. There comes my limited knowledge of the language. :D Thanks for pointing that out! But yes my little shipper heart goes with the theory as well because I would love it if PD-nim and writer-nim would drop those little hints even two episodes before the . And it would confirm you theory as well that Ra On and Lee Yeong were intimate for a long time. :wub: Can we know die as happy shippers? :D

@ssamm and @Mepuppy

I could be overanalyzing the scene but I thought it was too much "spindle (wheel)" in your face in that shot. I was like "okay PD-nim/writer-nim I'll look it up!". ROFL So let's just go with the headcanon that something happened between either long before the scene or right after. *giggles* :wub:


Thank you so much for the gifs! Laughing/smiling Lee Yeong aka PBG is everything! :wub:

You're very much welcome! You can't help but smile/laugh along with him. :) We missed you at the live watch of episode 16 today, girl!

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1 hour ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Sigh our hope from ep15 to ep16. Sad but what an episode it was....

I like this idea! As a kind of special next week! Am in!!!


But how though? can somebody start it and spread it out to KBS twitter page and their official twitter page. it's thursday already. 

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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 16

by javabeans | October 11, 2016 | 14 Comments


Despite my disappointment in yesterday’s episode, I was looking forward to what today would bring us, hopeful that it would do what this show does best in drawing meaning and emotion out of small, heartfelt moments and displays of interpersonal care.

We get a little bit of that, but I’m sorry to report that my hopes were not to be realized and what we have is mostly rebel political hour, which is at least a plot driver. I do wish that plot being driven were somehow more exciting or moving, but okay, at least it moved. We are not standing in the same place we were yesterday. That lining is a little silver-colored.


Nooooo, Byung-yeon, don’t you go breaking my heart too! *sniff* *choke* *wails* Life is hard enough without you turning on each other!

I do follow Byung-yeon in this moment, since the show has been building up this internal conflict for a long time, showing Byung-yeon caught between his loyalties to the cause and to his friend. It hurts not only because it’s a betrayal of Yeong, but because we had seen that all series long, when pressed Byung-yeon always chose the prince—not necessarily over the cause, but he seemed to be willing to compromise in the little moments. I do respect that unflinching lack of compromise displayed by men like Hong Kyung-rae and Head Eunuch Han, because great change needs leaders to hold steady and make sacrifices along the way, but I never saw Byung-yeon as that kind of person. I saw him more as the alternate version of Dad that Ra-on and her mother longed for, the man who could believe noble thoughts but live for his family’s happiness.

So it’s a meaningful shift to have him reach that rock-and-a-hard-place moment, and finally have to choose, and I can respect that he picked the cause despite looking a little like he hated himself for it. I do wish the show had spent a little more time building up Byung-yeon’s thought process so that this final switch had a little more narrative momentum, because while I understand intellectually exactly what happened, I didn’t really know why it happened now. It would have landed with more impact if something had happened to demonstrate just why he had to divorce himself from the idea that the prince was his friend; his traitor boss reminded him of that yesterday, but I didn’t really feel why that was true. I wish the show had pitted him in direct ideological conflict with Yeong, or forced his hand a different way that explained why he made this choice in this moment. Basically, if you’re going to rip my heart out, I want you to really do it good and proper—why leave it bruised when you could leave it shredded and bleeding?

(I’m still holding out for a last-minute revelation in the next episode to show us a twist, but for now, there’s nothing to do but go with what the show has shown us. My hope is alive, but knows better than to get too confident.)

I was dearly hoping today’s episode would be the turnaround that I was dying for, but found myself disappointed again by episode’s end. It’s not that the show logic-failed on me, or had characters acting out of character, or went off the rails—nothing so dire as that. But today kind of felt like every Episode 16 of every Joseon fusiony sageuk I’ve seen in the past six or seven years, and as such felt extremely paint-by-numbers: political machinations, claims of treason, noble victims, torture, prison, tribunals and interrogations and gloaty ministers. Basically, it made this drama feel ordinary, without the magic that has made this show so special in prior weeks.

That doesn’t mean this show has suddenly become bad, and as ever, the strong directorial hand really elevates things. The moment when all goes silent as Ra-on braces for death, and the vocals start in without instrumentation—that was a spine-tingly great beat. Any moment that hinged on strong emotional acting was well-executed (even when I didn’t like what was necessarily happening plotwise). Hong Kyung-rae’s righteous defense in the torture chair was another highlight, and part of why it was so effective for me was that it was a melding of the personal and the political, which is the best kind of political. (The rest of the political maneuvering was cold and strategic, and thus less compelling.) And it was definitely encouraging that Yeong found a common ground that nobody else could see, providing hope that where swords and coups and plots fail, his brains might succeed in finding a solution.

But even so, I feel like the dip is distinct and disappointing because the she show has spoiled me by always delivering at least one really rewarding emotional exchange or development per episode. It doesn’t matter if that gratification is happy or sad, since sadness can pull the heartstrings effectively when done well, but today it started feeling like we were spinning our wheels a bit. And I involuntarily laughed out loud when Yeong and Ra-on ran into each other again, despite the epic, tearful, final goodbyes they’d already exchanged multiple times. (Speaking of comical repetition, must we have Ra-on abducted from behind in every other episode? I love this girl as a person, but I am getting mighty exasperated with her role as a character; her narrative purpose has suffered greatly as the show has progressed, and now her narrative function is almost only ever bait, trap, or object of affection. I just want her to do something active again. I would even prefer her doing something careless or dangerous to doing nothing and getting bounced around as plot device, although really, those can’t be our only choices. Resourceful, witty, sly, stealthy, helpful—any of those things are vastly preferable.)

I’m bummed that this week killed some of that extra something special in my heart, because without that bit of magic, I feel like all the little flaws suddenly seem more jarring, more noticeable. There’s a Korean saying about how being in love is like having bean chaff lodged in your eyes, i.e., blinders on to flaws, and I feel like something this week pushed me past the tipping point and shook the bean chaff away, and it’s changed the way I look at the show a bit. I’m still clinging to my hopes as we head into the final week, because we’re so close to the end and I’d rather be optimistic about it reaching a satisfying conclusion. I’m looking forward to that happy ending we’re totally getting next week, where Yeong and Ra-on live blissfully together forever and the bad guys are punished and all of the happy relationships are restored. I will accept no other realities.


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