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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 13

by javabeans | October 3, 2016 | 150 Comments


Today puts us more in Ra-on’s shoes than I think we’ve been in a long time, and it’s an effective way to attune our emotions to hers, feeling the layers of meaning beneath the words she speaks and the smiles she sends. If only that didn’t make me so nervous about everyone else—everyone who doesn’t have the benefit of our dramatic irony and thus know what we do. Sometimes it’s such a burden knowing everything!



Aw, sniff. *wails* Why can’t they just find some magical miracle solution to be together without somehow committing capital crimes and upending the whole social order? Is that asking for too much? Where’s our fairy gatmother when we need one?

That said, I thought the whole episode was a classy affair. It was a loving tribute to farewell—I knew it was coming and felt it in every interaction, but it was handled in such a tender, heartfelt way that it felt like there was comfort mixed in there amongst the dread. (I mean, mostly dread. But still, a little comfort.) A lot of dramas employ this type of farewell trip motif, often in the form of one perfect day meant to sustain both people through the separation stretching before them—and most of the time, I hate it. Mostly because it’s crushingly unfair to the one party who’s left in the dark about it being farewell at all, and also because most of the time the ensuing separation is dumb as a doorknob. No offense to doorknobs, which are frequently useful.

Sometimes, though, a story finds the poignancy in the perfect last day and uses it well. I don’t actually know how this drama managed to make me like it, except maybe I appreciated having an episode’s worth of time to anticipate the eventuality, like easing into the mourning. Or maybe it’s because it I loved that it gave Ra-on a chance to be freer with her emotions in a way she couldn’t be before, prodding her into pouring all of her love out into every possible moment. As a result, not only does the episode show Ra-on really feeling the preciousness of every last moment, it also accomplishes that on a meta level, because it got me emotionally right there with her at every step, feeling the finality and momentousness of each interaction.


I’m extra sad that Ra-on left behind her bracelet, because it makes their separation feel extra final; Yeong reminds her of the superstition associated with the bracelets, that as long as the two lovers keep wearing it, they are fated to reunite. So it’s a rejection of that promise to reunite, indicating that she doesn’t expect to ever see him again. I suppose in that sense it’s an effective way to set the prince free to marry; historically speaking it makes every kind of sense for him to marry Ha-yeon no matter what Ra-on’s status, but given that this is a fusion sageuk meant to satisfy modern sensibilities, it gives narrative permission for him to marry someone else.

I have to say I am glad that Ra-on is finally out of the palace, because it feels like it’s been a long time coming. I don’t wish that they’d done this earlier, because I wouldn’t take back any moments of Ra-on and Yeong’s relationship development; it’s just a good time in the story to have her identity finally outed. Having Ra-on stay in the palace till now gave their relationship a chance to blossom and flourish in such a way that I feel like they’ve become a married couple—they have interacted like a firmly established couple who are solid in their commitment and assured of their standing, in a way that goes beyond mere sweethearts. So from a story standpoint, it’s time to move to the next part of the conflict.

It also turns the royal wedding into less of an expected angstfest for me, because I don’t think any of us were looking forward to watching Ra-on step back while another woman married the prince. I’m a little wary of what the drama will feel like when you take away the sweet stolen moments between Yeong and Ra-on, because that’s been a huuuuge part of its charm. Not the only charm, but definitely one of the prominent ones. I suppose after twelve episodes of satisfying, emotionally gratifying emotion, it’s time to put my trust in the producers to find a way to maintain its energy and emotional pull in new situations. Eeeee. *squints* *holds breath*




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10 hours ago, minaboom_stv said:

@febz Your last post made my day, and made me laugh. A rare thing Bcuz Finals :sweatingbullets:
Thank you So much, i opened my laptop just so i can take one complete screenshot but could n't then i figured i can save the page offline. LOL


  Reveal hidden contents

Although Do they usually release previews for the 2nd ep in the week?!

I skimmed through the ep, Also i really shouldn't be here nor should i have watched the ep but the heart does what he wants :joy::innocent:
i'm disappointed that she didn't tell him who she really was, also i wanted to see his reaction so bad and how would he treat her. :confused:

Also, she should have given him the chance to say goodbye, to clarify if she means to breakup or if she going to hold on to their love. Also why did she leave the bracelet !! Is she really breaking up with him OR Does she want him to think so and not look for her !?!
The scene when he was stabbed and doubted BH was the one who stabbed him just came to my mind, and i think he may doubt her intentions.
How painful would that be on top of the heartbreak. Also i'm sure he will conclude that she was always sincere and didn't have alternative motive. He still alive after all, that wouldn't be the case if she was planning / part of a rebellion.
As for HY, i really felt for her in this ep, i was wishing that she won't turn to the dark side but her character intro states other wise. I really hoped that she would be understanding like the queen in Splash Splash Love. :dissapointed:
I thought that BY would reveal her identity to CP and they would team together to protect her, including YS,

Happy Watching Guys, And Wish you a nice day. 




Oh I'm glad if it can make you smile & lift your burden even just for a little bit chingu ;). It must be a hell of week for you because of the final exam & then the angst, intrigue & gloomy period of MDBC started too. Hang on in there pal :tears:

Yeah exactly that's why I regret it so much why must RO who figured it out first not CP? Because RO is really unselfish person, others happiness first than her. That's why she don't want to burden CP with her own difficulties maybe some part of her also afraid what look will CP gave for her if he knew her family background. I'm not worry if CP is the one who figured it first because he's a rice sack:P and a rice sack is always steady unless you rip it :bawling:. Oh gosh I've been sad with my own words. Before I'm continuing my cry here hope you do well for your final & have good results dear chingu escape_zpsmb7c5bee.gif 

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구르미 그린 달빛: finally the return of gurumi day

the ⭐️episode 14 previoew⭐️ will be revealed
through sns at midnight when it changes from today to tomorrow(4th)

See you in 6 hours
while you look at the eye-contact between
the YoungOn couple who you don’t get sick of no matter how many times you see them
눈 맞춤을 보시면서 (feat. holding the back…of her…neck..)



구르미 그린 달빛: Young, who has come to realize once again that
"You have to become stronger in order to protect those who are precious to you” while being together with RaOn❗️

Rising against Kim Heon’s party
Young who is growing step by step,
in order to create “a world where children can live as children,
and your woman can become your lover”

just what decision will he make when he finds out RaOn’s identity⁉️

tonight(3rd) 10pm is
'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ as well make sure to come watch


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8 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Cute. Thanks for posting the pic @parmma. Caption to this instagram reads:

The story after parting contained within this script is being read with a visage showing much feeling. Having to lose their first love because of fate, curiosity is rising about what happens to Young-On Couple’s epic romance! Today (4th) night 10 pm ‘Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’ Lee Young (hearts) Must! Watch :)


Thank you so much for being in this thread @stroppyse. You definitely are a gem here for being able to translate for us here... :D We are priviledge to have the other translators here too. Please stay put here...till we finish the drama...hehe.

@Grace1003 Thanks for the info. Great to see that MDBC is gaining popularity in Malaysia. That's so nice!


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구르미 그린 달빛: According to ByeongYeon-fficial,
Young, who has lived his who~le life up until now with no interest in dating,
has changed after meeting RaOn

Butterflies are a given when standing in front of RaOn
from making our cheek bones go up and down
to eagerness for his age

(turns out) he’s Joseon’s dating genius
Just what actions will Young take amongst his sad fate⁉️

Tonight(3rd) 10pm of National Foundation Day,
is 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' make sure to come watch


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Are you guys okay?  for im certainly not :bawling:




he looks so lonely, i just can't.....................................................................................................



miss them already :tears:



smile YeongOn smileeeeeeeee.... 






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구르미 그린 달빛: before anyone knew it, with 6 episodes remaining, 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ that has entered the later half (of the drama) 

Will the Palace couple Young♥RaOn be able to be happy❓
Will Young be able to protect his position as Crown Prince❓
Will RaOn be safe after having her identity exposed⁉️

Tonight(3rd) 10pm is
'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ as well make sure to come watch



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8 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Cute. Thanks for posting the pic @parmma. Caption to this instagram reads:

The story after parting contained within this script is being read with a visage showing much feeling. Having to lose their first love because of fate, curiosity is rising about what happens to Young-On Couple’s epic romance! Today (4th) night 10 pm ‘Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’ Lee Young (hearts) Must! Watch :)


 you're welcome and thanks for the trans. on the IG:)


‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ viewership drops



  KBS 2TV’s period drama “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” saw a drop in viewership Monday, but still managed to maintain its spot as the most watched drama.

According to Nielsen Korea, “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” drew in 18.5 percent of viewers for its time slot for Monday’s episode, marking a 1.6 percentage point drop from a week earlier. 

“Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” previously managed to draw a 20.1 percent viewership share on Sept. 27 and 20.6 percent on Sept. 26. 

Meanwhile, “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” and “Woman with a Suitcase” both scored 7.9 percent shares, ending the lead that “Woman with a Suitcase” had from the week before.

Lee Sang-won (sangdoze@heraldcorp.com)



‘구르미 그린 달빛’ 김유정 / 블리스 미디어

‘구르미 그린 달빛’ 김유정 / 블리스 미디어




‘구르미 그린 달빛’ 박보검-채수빈 / Toin ENT



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Just read the recap at Dramabeans

"Sometimes, though, a story finds the poignancy in the perfect last day and uses it well. I don’t actually know how this drama managed to make me like it, except maybe I appreciated having an episode’s worth of time to anticipate the eventuality, like easing into the mourning. Or maybe it’s because it I loved that it gave Ra-on a chance to be freer with her emotions in a way she couldn’t be before, prodding her into pouring all of her love out into every possible moment. As a result, not only does the episode show Ra-on really feeling the preciousness of every last moment, it also accomplishes that on a meta level, because it got me emotionally right there with her at every step, feeling the finality and momentousness of each interaction. 


I’m extra sad that Ra-on left behind her bracelet, because it makes their separation feel extra final; Yeong reminds her of the superstition associated with the bracelets, that as long as the two lovers keep wearing it, they are fated to reunite. So it’s a rejection of that promise to reunite, indicating that she doesn’t expect to ever see him again. I suppose in that sense it’s an effective way to set the prince free to marry; historically speaking it makes every kind of sense for him to marry Ha-yeon no matter what Ra-on’s status, but given that this is a fusion sageuk meant to satisfy modern sensibilities, it gives narrative permission for him to marry someone else."

I agree 100%... Eagerly counting the hours for tonight's episode


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1 hour ago, limitedsin25 said:

despite i also love the death glare he had, but it's also got me angry, HOW DARE MINISTER KIM GLARE AT OUR CP AND MAKE HIM ANGRY !!! HOW DARE HEEEEEEEE:angry: *breath lol*


PM Kim is way too strong and he treats the king and CP like stupid. How can he did such thing in front of the CP? and sadly CP can't kill him!!!

Kim Clan must be destroyed!!! He has no respect to the royal family anymore!!! i was so angry watching this scenes!!!!!

CP, please crash Kim Clan soonest possible. You have to get married to gain more power!!! I approve!!!!!

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2 hours ago, in00022 said:

 @moodypie sorry to cut your post .... 

I agree with you ... after moonlight success .... he is for sure has a lot of offers on his hand now .. he has very bright career for future ! And ofcourse he has my 10000% support as well as his fans :heart:

I think not only bogum ... but yoojung , jinyoung and other moonlight cast also on spotlight now .. let's all of them be more success in future :)

he has my infinite support...hehe. The rest of the cast are great. Without them, there won't be MDBC! Casting is very important in every drama. I also hope JY and Kwak DY will get a lot of recognition for their role in MDBC too. I would certainly like to  see how they perform outside their saguek costume. As for KYJ...needless to say...she's already a very bright shininng star.:lol:


12 minutes ago, lalunaaa said:

Are you guys okay?  for im certainly not :bawling:


he looks so lonely, i just can't.....................................................................................................

miss them already :tears:

smile YeongOn smileeeeeeeee.... 

love this pic....indeed uri CP looks lonely..with everything else turns grey. Sigh.....I hope tonight's ep can cheer me up a bit. If not, I am not sure how I am going to stay alive till next week. (reposting the pic)


cr to the owner

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