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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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I salute the actress JHS for donning the fat suit in summer weather.....plus hanbok....

Remember the pictures I post of her with big sweat drops on her forehead?   I think she needs industrial size fan to cool her down.

Also, I think they have chosen a very suitable face like hers to make it chubby...which matches the size of her big eyes to look so cute...

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40 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Almost time everyone!  Anyone else think  today's episode title refers to Ra On?  Like she's accepting Yeong/ heart.  Part of me is hoping she'll initiate a kiss as a episode ended.

Yes..I hope for another kiss, or a hug, the longing kind, before the wedding

29 minutes ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

:blush: All Bosses must be very delighted to see MOONLIGHTERS

so MOTIVATED on Mondays and Tuesdays to work EXTREMELY FAST

 and yet never ask for a raise.....only leave for home ON TIME!!  :grin:

That's me! I've been so busy at work today, I hardly have time post, so I can go home early.:D

14 minutes ago, katalinababby said:

I don't know about anyone else but all this talk about HY marrying CP makes my heart hurt for RO :tears:. Sighhhhhh. What has to happen must happen, I suppose. 


Anyways, on the bright side I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED FOR MONDAYSSSSSS, to see our favorite faces no matter what the future holds! I thank all the actors and actresses for being so true to their characters and making me fall in love with each and every single one of them.


The title of this episode is, "The moment I opened my heart" ? 

You are not alone. I didn't know about the wedding before I watched this drama. I've been hurt since then, but will endure because I know the ending will be worth waiting for.

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Preparation Schedule for my Routine Monday MDBC :

1. Drag the sofa and replace computer chair, Checked

2. Box of Tissue, Checked

3. Empty Bladder, as no liquid allow to go In or Out, Checked

4. The Hell with snacks, I’m ‘just’ going to stare at FOOD PARADE during advertising.  That will be sufficient I promise! Checked

5. Open 3 bookmark KBS2 stream live ready, in case something goes wrong with one of them. Always good to prepare beforehand! Roger that, Checked!

6. Close the curtain, turn off the light, full screen HD mode, checked, checked , checked

7. Huge Pillow for Maximum Screaming & Concussion Protection in case HoT Engagement Kiss occurred , Checked

8. Secure the room, Lock door & window , make sure no husband or kids can come in, then swallow the key, check, check & CHECKED! (almost DIED choking)


Final step, 2nd Prayer to DramaGod

Dear DramaLord first of all, I want to say that I've put this prayer at the TOP of Soompi Hill Thread so I can be as close as possible while praying at you. This is as close as I can get to Drama Heaven in order to get my wish fulfill. As you can remember from last week episode there was some sort of proposal going on between CP & Raon, complete with a pair of Ancient Joseon Bvlgari Engagement Bracelets as token of their love.  Now if it’s not too much to ask DramaLord, we would want A HAWD FRENCH KISS to seal the deal! Fine, we will take a more modest kiss if Censor Heaven does not permit it, just do  both hugging each other with !--! this much of distant, lips to lips as go further than just a peck and continue down that road about 5 minutes or so, no commercial breaks allow!   Reason being because plenty of adult ajuma that are watching need more STIMULATING performance from both CP/Raon to make us young again. Don’t ruin this momentum by just giving us a one way trip kiss ONLY. Meaning, a kiss at episode 7 then follow by another Kiss at episode 18 or 20 whatever, basically the one  you usually put at the END of the drama.  None of that bullcrap plan ok, pinky promise!  Again your Lordship, I expect full blown skinship-ness to celebrate this memorable engagement moment.



I'm indeed grateful on how this MDBC turns out to be so far, but I would like to add that there is NO EXCUSE to refuse my humble request due to these following circumstances:

1. This is practically one of the most important moment of their Love Story, so celebration Kiss is definitely in Order to preserve the romance!

2. They are ALONE.  No followers also conveniently situated in a dark room, no dangling batman on the ceiling, NO ONE except both of them.  Raon's bed readily at any given moment if I may add!

3. My last one Your DramaHolliness, I saw a spoiler picture from last week......that BABY gotta come from SOMEWHERE! No skinship = No Baby!

I rest my case...

I shall be READY to watch this drama now....

*cry* I missed the Top spot! Sniff.. I hope this is not a BLOODY NO KISS omen..


@Bambiina I see Monday has bring cheerful back in you

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2 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


That is correct in meaning Jillia....

To her, he is a flower/plant groom in the greenhouse so not so street-wise like her but has an air of high and mighty.

Some say it's silver spoon. It's not wrong as well, but flower scholar seemed a better translation because hwa is actually flower. :D

2 hours ago, MinLyn said:

Hihi, it's been a really busy day at work for me today. Gotta take a power nap when I get home later. Hehe...must remember to set my alarm clock to catch the live streaming tonight. Like you guys, I can't wait to watch the upcoming episode. Catch up with you all later!:lol:

Please get your super power nap. Waiting for your super translation! 


2 hours ago, Jillia said:

She called and calls him 화초 서생 / hwa cho seosaeng aka flower scholar. I think she called him that because to her he seemed like a bratty yangban born with a silver spoon in his mouth. :lol:

I must have added"boy" into his nickname. He could be manly in kissing, holding her hands, rescuing her in that daebak horse scene and underwater scene.....But sometimes I see him as a flower boy:D

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Dear God, 

In order not to be to farr from the top of soompi hill.. I reserve a post for this prayer. I know I am a bit tad late compare to pyoyong but my prayer are as important as hers if not more....

I know you have a lot on your list ... fan of other dramas are also making request, I know and because of this I will not waste your time ..

My wish is that .. for you to grant whatever @pyoyong wished for... I will be satisfied to see she's happy  . 

Her happiness is mine tio.. though her request is a bit too much... (french kiss is not for the minor)

I know KYJ is a minor .. I know .. please consider this as her learning ground .. she need to prepare herself for more major role .. and it's only right the man should be none other than PBG ...

PBG is a nice guy and know his 'art' I witness he applied his art on hyeri.. I am glad to say I am VERY satisfied with the result.

I will not take much of you time anymore ... and THANK YOU in advance   

Your faithfully


PS I would also like to include one more request (aside from granting pyoying wishes). Can we have a bath scene .. if you can't get them both in the bath tub .. I would be satisfied if just PBG alone in the bath tub .. fully clothes also okay but let it be transparent sheer cloth .. white please. And again.. Thank you in advance

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2 hours ago, moodypie said:

I have not seen korean surname "Ma". There's always PArk, Kim, Eun, Lee. 

You mentioned Flower grass scholar...I recognise, she called him Hwa (Hwa is flower in Chinese). I actually thought she call him Flower boy scholar. :) 


Well, historically, there is a very well known (internationally in fact) Chinese eunuch with the surname Ma, although most people know him by his other surname...


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10 minutes ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

@moodypie  Yes, both translations are fine.  flower/plant scholar is a direct language connection to the Korean language and at the same time has the same meaning as silver spoon.  So the silver spoon translation is based on comprehension of the term for non-Chinese language users to understand better.  

1 more hour! I shall go take a nice hot shower while thinking of the bracelet scene.  And what will these two do after that scene. They better not cut and go to another scene, like how they did the kiss scene. I've wondered did raon left CP after the kiss feeling embarrassedt, or did they stare into each other for the next couple of minutes.I was actually hoping to see, after the kiss, they would slowly part their lips and stare into each other. :wub:

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14 minutes ago, chubbz said:


Well, historically, there is a very well known (internationally in fact) Chinese eunuch with the surname Ma, although most people know him by his other surname...


I know him. Lol. But he's Chinese. He's the Admiral. And I'm not related to him. Hehe.:D

Do you also watch kdrama with Chinese sub?

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3 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


Act coy and act cute?   :lol:  Yeah...it is her first love at first sight....I suppose it is her entitlement to behave like that as a teen plus her first love.  But I get what you mean.... I do not like the character to be so insistent in her pursuit of her love when she has been rejected twice out-rightly by CP.  If she puts her determined nature in other areas, I would have higher regards and respect for her.   But the truth is she is actually suicidal in pushing for a marriage without love.  In the end, she would be left alone most of the time and die miserable.  Actually I sympathise with people like that...they don't know they are digging a living grave for themselves, they imprison themselves for life in a marriage without love......I think it is the toughest way to pass time in the palace to live like that.


To be fair, at this point, she doesnt know that he is in love with another gal so she is just pursuing her happiness with sincerity, as encouraged by Raon. So lets give her character a chance for now, shall we? I re watched her scenes n actually l think on her own she s very likeable. Its unfortunate she has to come between our OTP eventually but hey, someone's got to be that gal, right? 

BUT I will come back to this post n rant if she turns nasty n under-handed later. ;p

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