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It was basically a huge fight that broke out with US soldiers. What are your views on this? I honestly find this embarrassing as a black person and as an American. I feel like this gives people even more evidence to judge. We already have problems in the US with crimes(such as the black lives matters) now it's happening in other countries. 


While we're on this topic, why do we need US soldiers in South Korea during 2016? When my father lived in Korea and Japan he nor his partners caused any disturbances so I don't see how it is difficult it is not too. 

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As far as I know, the US soldiers are in South-Korea to show their alliance to the people of South-Korea and to show North-Korea the South is being protected by other countries.

Though I'll admit that the US also have troops stationed in other countries (like Germany) for training purposes and... I really have no clue what other reasons. Might be because of the past. Germany wasn't the good guy in WW2 so to keep them in check, the US sent troops permanently I guess.

About the fight: I have no idea what happened. Haven't read up on it so far. Any fight is stupid though. It only creates more problems instead of solving it.

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I don't know about that one specifically, but I've always been against the idea of having American soldiers stationed in Korea. There's a lot of talk about soldiers going into town and raping women. When you hear it once or twice, I can see how people can be dismissive of it. It could just be to get rid of soldiers, but it's still a concern when people go that far. When you hear it multiple times, you know there's a problem. When you put certain people in situations of power and authority with no real sense of responsibility, some of these people will show what they really are. A few of these soldiers will go into town and start fights. A few of these soldiers will terrorize the people. When soldiers who are sent to make people feel safe have an opposite effect, it's time to remove them. Instead, it's been years of the same kinds of incidents. Brawls, rapes, and general violence coming from an unnecessary source could be prevented. The South Korean military is actually formidable. If North Korea ever tries to invade, the South Korean army could easily push them back enough for any army to mobilize from any other part of the world. Most South Korean male citizens know how to fight because most of them go to military service. In short, the civilians near the border don't want or need American soldiers stationed there.

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I'm not aware of this incident and I haven't seen the news mention it either. When did it happen? I don't see any articles about it even after searching online. I assumed that these fights don't happen in Itaewon because a lot of the US soldiers were moved to another city. There used to be a lot of them in Itaewon several years ago.

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1 hour ago, singlebilingual said:

I'm not aware of this incident and I haven't seen the news mention it either. When did it happen? I don't see any articles about it even after searching online. I assumed that these fights don't happen in Itaewon because a lot of the US soldiers were moved to another city. There used to be a lot of them in Itaewon several years ago.

It's on youtube, just type in "fight in itaewon" maybe it did happen years ago. 

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