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@ss2016 Okay, please stop now. We're trying to maintain an air of positivity here. If you need to debate with someone, please do it so through PM. It is unseemly to be talking c r a p about someone in front of everyone, especially as they're not here to defend themselves. 

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@Chewy Hoe

Hi chingu.

What I actually meant was that they brought more than mere acting into their characters, which is the reason why the outcome is magical and many loved their characters, not just SHK and SJK per se.

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49 minutes ago, giegie said:

Congrats for DotS's nomination at Baeksang Award and especially for SJK and SHK (I'm not quite familiar with the award but it look like a Golden Globe which consist of movie and television category). After all the hard work during 6 months, DotS team totally deserved the nomination.

I hope the best for the team, especially for SHK. I just visited her soompi's forum and all Kyonatics feel so blessed with her 3rd nomination at Baeksang. They said she totally deserved it and I totally agree with that. I never bored to write this, I love KMY character more than I love YSJ because her character grew up more than YSJ during 16 episodes just like melissala wrote. We laughed, smiled and even cried together with KMY. I hope the jury panel could see that and be objective because it's very rare to an actress to show all those emotions only in 16 episodes and SHK totally nailed it as KMY.

If Di Caprio finally won his best actor after all this time, SHK could do the same thing. And if she didn't win, in my heart, she already be the best Korean actress.


This. Thank you for conveying my thought. I was not a fan of SHK since her first days and with the KMY of DOTS, she officially becomes my one and only favorite Korean actress. To me, there hasn't been any female character who left huge impression on me like KMY does and I even can't imagine how it would be if it was not SHK who took the role. It is not the actress who delivers the character responsibly but SHK lives with the character, she portrays the KMY in her own ways with diverse emotions from the fist episode to the very end, I am not impressed only by the special colors of KMY, but her progress of greatly transforming from an imperfect person to a perfect imperfect person that does. The moments when she realizes what the true compass of the doctor is, when she leaves all material values behind and pursuit her own direction,when she's struggling with her heart and mind, when she cries her heart out because of thinking that YSJ was dead..., these moments were delivered emotionally and genuinely by SHK and with the character, she truly touches my heart. And there're many many moments that make me gonna watch DOTS over and over again, smile, anxious, puzzled, burst into happiness, cry the sorrow out, to understand deeper and deeper about KMY.

What we see on the screen is simply the outcome of a long-term process with many unspoken ups and downs of the actress. So I think it's always good to have some backread at least in order to have deeper understanding of the situation as well as the character/actress. Thank you unnie @Chewy Hoe, please send huge hugs to @joongkyo for us.

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7 minutes ago, jl08 said:

@Chewy Hoe

Hi chingu.

What I actually meant was that they brought more than mere acting into their characters, which is the reason why the outcome is magical and many loved their characters, not just SHK and SJK per se.


was referring to this : If Baeksang Awards do not recognise the difference, it'll make a mockery of itself, in the eyes of the world. In deciding an award, shouldn't we look beyond acting? 

Of course and I agreed with you! My post was directed at bakseang only looking at the acting and not the feelings they exude. Nothing to do with what you said chingu 


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Backread to great news that our SS are nominated for Baeksang! Win or not, it's definitely an honour to be nominated! And I read too that Baeksang has snubbed SHK before previously so I'm more than happy that she has been nominated, her portrayal of KMY was too stellar not to be included in the nominations for Best Actress! We're all enamoured by SS portrayals of their respective characters and each with our own deep profound thoughts of how KMY and YSJ have been represented, that makes us rewatch this phenomenal drama many many times and cry and laugh and feel every emotion with them. Anyhoo since we can't vote for that, may all the luck and hopes and prayers be with both SJK and SHK! 

Agreed with posters here too that it helps immensely to backread, no matter how many pages it has to be, to find the answers our heads are questioning cos I'd like to think that most of us here are on the same frequency therefore we inevitably ask similar questions but really, it'll have already been answered by the time you get to a few pages down the thread. And reading everyone's posts and replies, it's what we're all here for in the first place, to celebrate and be happy bout news of SS. 

No amount of thanks could be enough for our regular contributors (e.g. for me I've nothing to contribute but thoughts or occasionally share pictures to lighten the mood or to swoon over our SS) but the bulk of all SS news comes from 1 main contributor (@joongkyo) and it's just right to give her the appreciation she ought to get cos like what others have said too, she doesn't have to post news of them at all here but the least we could do is just appreciate whatever bits and pieces of news and clues we've been given that she has painstakingly taken the time to put effort in to translate. And we all like that she's objective in all her posts, sticking to facts when discovering something new to share with us and while some posters may have interpreted certain aspects wrongly, she and other posters here too constantly remind us to stick to the facts of what's been posted. 

Like I've mentioned, I have nothing to contribute but thoughts and occasional pictures so here's some pics of SJK I was swooning over! Not sure if it's already been shared, apologies if it already has! (but one can always swoon again heh) Cheers guys! Still my happy place to be at! :) 





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Good day peeps! :wub:

Well, I am relatively new here but I wouldn't consider myself a newbie in shipping "couples". As it is, it doesn't hurt if we just opt to co-exist. After all, we are here to root for a common ground which is the SS couple. Let us focus on that.

For newbies like me, I agree with Chewy, you would have to devote time on back reading and try to familiarize yourself first with how things work here. I have back read around 4k plus posts myself and I have nothing but praises to those who have tirelessly exhausted their efforts to keep this thread going. Let's not try to undermine that just because we do not agree on some things posted here. 

Anyways, let's just keep the happy vibes here.

A big congrats to our SS couple on their respective nominations. The same goes to the people behind DOTS. I have a good feeling we are going to win a trophy or two. Keeping my fingers crossed on that.



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@purplelike Welcome onboard!  :)

Yes, this post is dedicated to you! I like it when someone new joined in and post their feelings or opinions or perspective or anything about uri songsong couple. 

This "  I watched episode 15 raw so I don't understand the language hence I'm only relaying on the actors emotions and of course when that happens you don't experience any distractions whatsoever. " it goes the same to me! I watched it raw too cuz i cant help myself on watching it while waiting for sub and i cnt help myself on crying so hard that i hardly breathe. I understand abit of korean, but just abit. (When you watched too much korean show/drama, you kind of get it what they're talking about.) but but how can i cried so hard even though i understand not even half of the whole content?  

and here goes your comment:" It's like watching a film on mute and the actor's emotion is the only thing that speaks to you and you'll know if they have converted their emotions correctly if you feel the same way as them.  " You just speak wtever it is on my mind all this time. :rolleyes:


Im sorry for uri bigboss, i love you but this time i really hope the best to uri beauty for getting the award. BECAUSE HARD WORK SHOULD PAY OFF THIS TIME! 

Can't wait for Baeksang award ceremony already ! Let's pray that uri songsong couple will be joining and ofcourse, walking side by side, on the red carpet. 

I already have that picture in my mind right now. DELULU~ :wub:


@Chewy Hoe 姐,厚~我没看到啦。呵呵


And no, i dont like the 'negativity' atmosphere here in this thread. 

This thread's atmosphere is all about the happiness, the sweetness, the cheesiness.

Alright, here goes the happiness from uri songsong couple ! 

Issit just me, or anyone think that they really do look alike? 夫妻相! GOSH! :P


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35 minutes ago, ss2016 said:

@msbae81 I didn't tell her to NOT post.. she said so, EVERY SINGLE TIME something / someone happened. You know, it's a forums, not your private  page.. there's always someone who doesn't quite get the rule, who's in doubt of something, of you, of your post, always something.. how can you threaten to not post every time..? i didn't tell her anything, i just said do what's right for her. If she's happy NOT posting, then do that.. of course she contributes so much, of course everyone appreciates her (like i said, people tell her EVERYDAY how much they appreciate her) but no, if someone acts differently, she threaten to leave EVERYONE behind, until we all gather and beg her not to do that (you know, i join in the first couple begging group, but now, it's like seriously? everytime?) Does it make me evil to say the truth like that? is it NOT what happened here? 



You are right! You didn't ask her not to post! 

Your real issue would be the begging. She never asked to be begged!!!

And you should blame the ones who started the begging in the first place because you too joined in the begging. 

She also never asked to be thanked and tagged or mentioned or pm EVERDAY either!! 

You may like to go through all the entire thread and PM those whom started begging and tell them off instead 

ALL she ever wanted was to have NO TROLL here!! 

Case solved? 

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@melissala @SusanC @angieknows @thepixies I know !! she's extremely sexy and gorgeous in that photo, i really hope it's a recent new photo!!!!  If it's new would it be something that we shall be anticipating from the Jeju shooting?? Pray pray pray!!

and @SusanC i literally laughed out loud when i saw that pair of carrots! HAHAHAHAAH 

Happy Shipping everyone! CHEER UP!!!

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of course she wouldn't ask for it, we do that because we truly appreciate her.. but that's the pattern been happening everytime.. and i'm sure will still happen. So i'm hoping by voicing it here once maybe it'll make sense to those who feel like me. And the original comment that ticks her off so much i think that person only say she intimidates her sometimes .. and said it in a very friendly way, much better than what i'm saying obviously, YET she still takes it very personal and say she won't post again. Hm..ok, so basically i'm voicing my opinion. you can like it or not, just back to my original point PLEASE chill out, it's a public forum, poeple have different of opinion. Maybe i'm hoping by voicing it publicly it won't happen again. if she's so unhappy with one person she can say that to their PM, as you all suggest PM is the way to go.

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2 minutes ago, ss2016 said:

of course she wouldn't ask for it, we do that because we truly appreciate her.. but that's the pattern been happening everytime.. and i'm sure will still happen. So i'm hoping by voicing it here once maybe it'll make sense to those who feel like me. And the original comment that ticks her off so much i think that person only say she intimidates her sometimes .. and said it in a very friendly way, much better than what i'm saying obviously, YET she still takes it very personal and say she won't post again. Hm..ok, so basically i'm voicing my opinion. you can like it or not, just back to my original point PLEASE chill out, it's a public forum, poeple have different of opinion. Maybe i'm hoping by voicing it publicly it won't happen again. if she's so unhappy with one person she can say that to their PM, as you all suggest PM is the way to go.


I already make a comment earlier to not do all these anymore. And no one has done it so much today have you noticed? As Long as trolls are not here, she will be back. 

You are right too. She could have PM but didn't because everything she says have power here so by doing it in the main she is actually addressing the issue for others to see so it doesn't happen again! 

But the sad truth is someone else would do the same thing over and over again and hence she would have to address the issue again and again. 

I hope you do realise that it's really weary? 

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@ss2016 Again, please stop. Stick to the topic of Song Song ...




And you haven't only voiced it here once. You've voiced your opinion loud and clear multiple times already. You're just repeating now. So, please, stop. The only thing you are contributing here is a hostile air. This ongoing harping on @joongkyo has nothing to do with the Song Songs. If you continue to do this, you are putting this thread in danger of being shut down.

And again, it is not fair to be talking s h i t about someone when they're not here to defend themselves. And @joongkyo's not even engaging you, so, stop! If you don't like what she's doing, that's fine, but there's no need to drag the rest of the thread in your tirade.


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1 minute ago, ludadeer said:

It will be funny to see .. who uri Beauty will support this time :P


This... Ha ha ha It'll be so fun to watch. A question though... I'd read that SHK had been snubbed numerous times before. Usually everybody nominated for an award will show up, right? Has she skipped an award when she was nominated before? I wish she will attend this one... Walking on the red carpet with uri captain. Hand in hand... :wub::wub::wub:

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first of all i didn't meant to offend @joongki that was stated on my response to her reply to my post. and there is no gangging up going on i am not that kind of person. Some people should breathe in and breathe out have some fresh air don't make things too complicated. i apologize to you @joongki if i offended you, again it is not my intention i was just trying to engage a civil convo with you i just expressed what i feel at that moment with your reply sorry for being honest with my feelings. I actually like all your post here and most of the time i agree on yourPOV..


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